OS X :: Macbook Doesn't Boot - Blank Grey Screen, CDs Not Recognised
Nov 24, 2008
My Macbook will not boot up. I am now faced with a plain grey screen with no apple logo, chime sound or activity wheel appearing.
Like most Macbook users I know, I rarely go through the booting up process from day to day use unless the System Updater requires a restart, but this time there was a different reason for me restarting the system.
When I was expanding an archive with Stuffit Expander, the app froze up. I went and deleted the archive file knowing that it was corrupt, but I did this too soon before the app had a chance to close down properly. It became stuck as a process that couldn't be closed down. Its dock icon didn't have a 'Force Quit' menu option so, I chose to perform a restart.
The Macbook went through the startup process but took a very long time. (I guess after reading around the forums this was fsck attempting to scan and repair the potentially damaged hard drive). I mistakenly performed a hard reboot thinking the system had hung.
The second time, it displayed the apple logo and wheel for about 2 minutes before showing a circle with a line through it and no further activity. When I rebooted again the apple logo and wheel were displayed with the hard drive activity audibly in a repetitive on and off state. I left this for about 15 minutes before deciding to turn it off. At the present moment it starts up to a plain grey screen as mentioned at the beginning. I tried experimenting with removing the extra 2gb memory module but there was no difference with or without it. I tried resting the NVRAM with Option-Command-P-R but all I got back was the startup chime (i.e. the muted volume I had it at has now reset to the default level).
When Option is held down on booting, the mouse cursor is visible over the same blank grey screen. No volumes show up. I have selected the Finder Preferences option to hide all volumes from showing up on the desktop, but I doubt this would affect volumes from showing up on the boot up screen.
I have tried booting from the 10.4 CD that came with the Macbook and the 10.5 (retail) DVD. The 'C' or 'D' keys do not have any effect either.
I think my options now are either to try and obtain a firmware reset CD which might make it possible to recognise volumes again, or there's the possibility that I'll have to get a new hard drive. Can you suggest anything else I might be able to try?
On the subject of hard drives, if it turns out that the Macbook's hard drive is beyond repair and I need a new drive I only have a caddy for 3.5" PATA drives which I use for Time Machine. With an appropriate 2.5" SATA caddy is there any way I could access the filesystem in Windows? How else could I format the drive to the correct FS?
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Mar 20, 2012
My macbook pro doesn't boot beyond the grey screen with apple icon and spinning wheel. I used the "Option" button to access the Disk Utility function and run Repair Disk and Repair Disk Permissions. Should I restart my computer?
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1
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Dec 11, 2014
At start up, my computer shows grey apple screen and then goes blank. Why?
MacBook Pro, iOS 8.1.2
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Nov 1, 2007
So my quicksilver has been working great up until this afternoon. i had to restart and now whenever i turn it on all i get is a blank grey screen and nothing else. i dont hear a startup chime or anything.
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Jul 2, 2012
Ever since I downloaded 10.7.4, a blank grey screen appears at startup. If I click on the mouse, a white square cursor appears which I can drag around and `uncover` a place to input password. Then the galaxy image appears, and I have to input password again.
Info:imac, Mac OS X (10.5.1)
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Mar 4, 2012
My iMAC is stuck on blank grey screen at startup. Keyboard is not active, won't function at all.
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Aug 29, 2009
When my son's computer is turned on it just goes to grey screen.. I've tried a number of troubleshooting things...starting while holding "c" to boot with install disk...starting holding "shift" for safe boot. I did the PRM (?) reset thing holding Apple-option-p-r keys while starting and that did add the start up chime...before it would just go to the grey screen, no chime no spinning wheel...but still no boot.The computer is still under warranty but soonest appointment at Apple Store is 3 days from now!!!
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Jun 4, 2009
My macbook wont boot up for some reason. When trying to turn it on it goes to a grey screen and nothing pops up, eventually a little picture pops up that has what looks like a folder with a question mark in the middle. I then tried booting from the CD and when trying to do that a picture of the world pops up and then also the folder with the question mark in the middle. I thought i may have been the harddrive so i bought a new one and it still has the same problem.
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Apr 1, 2012
My wife has a Macbook with an Intel Core 2 Duo processor (Macbook4,1). I am trying to replace the original SATA hard disk (160 GB) with an SSD. I have two SSDs here with me:Â
1) Intel 320 series, 160 GB
2) Crucial M4, 128 GBÂ
In both cases, after replacing the hard disk with the SSD, I am unable to get the Macbook to get any further than the "Mac sound" and grey screen.Â
In my first attempt, I cloned the original disk to the SSD on another computer, verified the data got on there OK, and installed the SSD into the Macbook. In subsequent attempts, I just formatted the SSD to see if the Mac would recognize it at all.Â
When the original hard disk is installed, and my Snow Leopard install DVD is in the DVD drive, during the boot, I can hold down the option key and get a boot choice of booting from the hard disk or the DVD. With either SSD installed, when holding down the option key I get no choices at all, it just sits there (it does access the DVD for a few seconds but then nothing).Â
I have another 160 GB "regular" hard disk here as well and when I install that I also get the choice to boot from the hard disk or the DVD (although booting from the hard disk does not work since it's a hard disk from a PC).Â
combination of Macbook and SSD, installing into the hard drive bay? I've seen many posts from people who have had success putting an SSD into their Macbook so I am assuiming it's possible.Â
Some more information about the Macbook:
Boot ROM Version: MB41.00C1.B00
SMC Version: 1.31f1Â
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 19, 2012
Mac book is stuck on the grey screen with the apple logo and the spinning timer?
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May 26, 2012
I was having trouble submitting an assignment on the American Military University website. After I finally submitted and verified my submission was successful, Finder popped open a window, without being prompted, with a specific part of my "private" folder showing. In the info window it showed that I had read only privleges, but that a user named "wheel" had permissions. Thing is, there is no such user. I am the sole user, and that is not my user name. I panicked, thinking I was being hacked, and moved the entire "private" folder to the trash. It was over 5 gigs. I had to input my admin password after dropping the folder in the trash. Then, my system froze. Now I can't get past the grey boot screen with apple logo and spinning wheel.
I've tried zapping PRAM. I ran disk utility from both the install disk and the startup disk for live verify. NO errors found. Still won't boot. I tried safe mode, and got a status bar below the apple logo but it vanished before filling completely and then the MacBook just continued to hang there spinning the wheel without a status bar. Tried rebooting while holding shift-command-v and got to watch as the computer tried to boot in safe mode, but I got the following messages before the darn thing just began to hang there again:Â
getaddrlinfo(): node name nor username provided, or not known
getaddrlinfo(): node name nor username provided, or not known
getaddrlinfo(): node name nor username provided, or not known
getaddrlinfo(): node name nor username provided, or not known
launch_msg(): Socket is not connected
launch_msg(): Socket is not connectedÂ
MacBook Pro 13.3", Mac OS X (10.6.6)
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May 28, 2012
Today I was using my MacBook 2008 aluminum, and I ran out of battery so the system shut down the computer to save the files. I plugged in my computer to start it up but the screen turned grey for a while. I shut down my computer and turned it on and it started up to the grey login screen but it won't let me boot passed it. I have tried to get passed it in safemode but it did not work. I have tried to repair my hard drive and my permissions and reinstall osx lion but it didnt work.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.1.x)
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Jun 29, 2012
So yesterday i turned my laptop on to find out it wasnt booting up past the grey screen. Later on i did some trouble shooting and finally got it past to the main desktop screen. Now, recently i had just uninstalled and deleted my Windows 7 Pro partition i had put onto my laptop a while back but when doing so, when i tried getting my hard drive back to full storage amount by deleting the partition,it gave me some error. I believe i figured out the error and was able to use my laptop from then. Once my computer was letting me get to the desktop screen, once i would click on an app it would often give me the pin wheel and stop me from clicking on anything else for a good minute.
Today,i had backed everything up and thought that i would just reformat and re install OSX to remedy the whole issue. This was not acheived. I had been able to get to the desktop screen a few times but still got the pin wheel situation going on. A couple tries later im stuck here at my grey boot screen. No Apple sign showing up, just stuck. Im usually a very computer savey person but this is kind of just making me wonder. I ordered a new hard drive (which i was going to upgrade anyways)but wanted to know if this even could possibly be the issue. I upgraded from my stock hard drive about 6 months after i had gotten my laptop (mid 2009 model). The last 3 years ive been traveling very often, flying frequently and using it often for playing my DJ gigs. Im wondering if alltitude and hot clubs could take a tole on a hard drive when its running hot?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.2 C2D,8GB RAM,320GB WD 7200RPM HD
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Mar 5, 2012
MacBook pro wont boot up. I followed steps posted on other threads:Â
1) command r
2) repaired hard disc (there were 3 errors, now all fixed)Â if I try to restart, computer still doesn't boot past the grey screen. Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 24, 2012
2007 MBP won't boot. Spinning on grey screen
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.5.1)
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Jan 30, 2009
I'm trying to fix my GF's Macbook Pro. This thing since day 1 has had so many little issues she's replacing it with a Dell. Anyhow, I want to try to fix the computer and I'm very good with computer hardware, just not familiar with troubleshooting Macs. The computer when turned on doesn't make a sound, it just sits at a blank screen with the power LED on the front lit solid. I have tried resetting the PRAM, resetting the SMC, and reseating the memory. I even swapped the memory.
It's the same behavior each time, just sits there, nothing comes on the screen. No noises. It does get quite warm sitting there powered on, though not obscenely hot. I can power it off with the power button as well. I have heard of trying to boot off of the restore CD or something but I feel that won't work and the problem is most likely hardware related. Nothing strange happened before this computer stopped working. It was not dropped, no water, or anything like that.
Specs are the machine is as follows:
15" Macbook Pro 2.2 Ghz Core 2 Duo, 2GB, 128MB VRAM, 120GB 5400 RPM Drive
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May 13, 2012
All of a sudden my 13" MacBook pro (2011) takes a long time to shut down. And on boot up it remains on a blank white screen where all I can do is move the mouse around. It may or may not boot to the desktop. At the moment I'm leaving it on sleep and it performs fine, apps load like normal but I'm afraid to shut it down incase it won't boot up again. The shut down takes so long that I need to hold the power button to shut it down. I've read around that it could be hardware failure but like I said I have it on sleep and it performs fine when I wake it.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Dec 8, 2014
My MBP 13" Retina just stopped rendering the screen. On boot, it chimes and the back light comes on but that's it. At first I thought it was non responsive, but when I connect an external monitor I can see that it works fine. It's just the primary display that doesn't render anything (only backlight with blank, black screen).Â
A few details worth knowing:
1) Last time I saw my primary display work, I had 10% battery left, I shut the lid. Next time I opened the lid, around 2 days later, it was just blank and backlit. I did a forced restart and from then on it only gave me a blank backlit black screen.Â
2) Works well if i boot it with an external monitor connected. when the chime comes on, I immediately shut the lid and use only the external display with external keyboard and mouse.Â
3) Video gets laggy when I use it on dual monitor mode (not the case before this problem happened). I boot up the macbook with an external display connected. No video on both screens. I have to login blindly before the second monitor gets video. Primary display still doesn't render anything, albeit showing a lighted blank black screen.Â
4) I've already tried resetting the PRAM. didn't work.Â
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Jul 11, 2009
My MacBook Pro will not boot up any more. It just suddenly happened. It turns on and comes up to the gray screen with the apple logo and then the circle progress icon comes up and spins.
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Mar 27, 2012
After partitioning my hard drive, I was not able to boot up my computer. Currently it is stuck at the white screen when it boots up. I tried using the USB Recovery Disk to boot up however it does not seem like it is responding to anythingÂ
I pressed C while having the USB inserted I also tried pressing D to go in to the Apple Hardware Test nothing happened.
I also tried resetting the VRAM? It did beep and it reset however I still can't bootup
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Nov 30, 2014
My computer died last night with each application not responding. I couldn't shut down normally so I held the power button to turn it off.Â
Next morning, I tried to boot the MacBook Pro and the boot process stalled at the grey screen with the Apple Logo and spinning wheel. I let it go for an hour and there was no change on the screen. Based on Apple's desk I ran Hardware diagnostics (extended with looping disabled) and got the following errorÂ
4HDD/11/40000000: SATA (0,0) Â
The screen shot is belowÂ
I ran this again with standard testing (no looping) and standard with looping and all gave the same results.Â
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)
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Oct 1, 2010
The other day my 1st gen MBP functioned without any probs, until it suddenly powered down. After I removed the question marks from my eyes, I offcourse tried to reboot it.
But it never makes it beyond the grey screen, sometimes untill the apple logo, sometimes not even that far.
Offcours I googled around first to gather some info before I decided to put this problem down on this board. I found this could be a HDD failure, but in those cases, with other people, it could be powered holding apple + s, and doing some checks that way.
Mine doesn't even come that far
I have a second hand 1st gen MBP with upgraded HDD and RAM, snow leopard, and coincidently since last week no more battery... so i may have powered down a completely unprepared mac by tripping over the wire, once or twice...
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Sep 22, 2010
White MB about three years old. Was watching something on Hulu and HDD started making strange noises and screen froze. Forced reboot and only got white screen. Couldn't even get into single user mode. Got a new WD hard drive thinking it would fix the problem. Put in my backup of the Install Disk (lost the original like an idiot) but all it shows when I hold down the C key is a large blinking folder icon with a question mark on it. Still can't get into single user mode. I may have screwed up the backup of the Install Disk or am using the wrong DVD since I forgot to label it.
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Jun 5, 2012
My mac mini doesn't respond to anything, i try changing screens but they do the same thing?
Mac mini
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Nov 12, 2007
I have a 1.83 Ghz MBP with 512 mb of RAM (lame I know). The other day someone was using my computer to burn a CD on iTunes when all of my programs began failing. On instinct I rebooted my computer to solve the problem. Alas, now I cant boot past the grey apple screen, and the gear is spinning away. Saddest part of the story is that I had time set aside to back up my computer the day after this happened . Anyway what is the best thing to do from here? I haven't made any moves to fix it yet really, so what is the best thing that I can do to try and get my files back?
MacBook Pro
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
Grey Screen, Spinning Gear
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Mar 30, 2010
I just restarted my MacPro2,1 (8 core 3 GHz, snow leopard) and well... I saw this bar that I haven't seen before
I was wondering what the hell this is because it also took longer to restart (the progress bar thingy)
I took a picture of it with my phone: Picture!
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Mar 24, 2012
I have an imac from late 2008 with snow leopard. Late saturday evening 24 Mar I had powered down my imac then later turned it on. Now only a grey screen appears, nothing more. If I leave the imac on a folder with a question mark appears and blinks.I have tried the following to fix the problem and ALL HAVE FAILED:they are:
1. resetting the pram. it doesnt work.
2. booting from the installation cd. The imac doesn't even READ the cd, the screen remains grey and doesn't read the cd at all.
3. booting in the safe mode. nothing happens, the screen remains grey.
4. booting in apple hardware test mode: nothing happens screen remains grey.
5. boot with option key pressed, so as to choose mac HD or my windows partition. nothing happens, the screen remains grey.
When I power on my imac I heard the chord, a slight spin of the HHD I'm sure that's what it is,and then nothing.grey screen.I have tried unpluggling the power cord for 15 seconds, reconnecting it, waiting five secondsand then powering up the imac. it doesn't do any good.do you think it is a hard drive error or failure? why doesn't it read or boot from the instillation CD?? and yes I am using the correct disk.Â
imac 2.8 ghz int core 2 duo, Mac OS X (10.5.6)
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Nov 8, 2009
OSX 10.4.11 (Tiger) PPC G4 733 MHz
My Tiger volume gets stuck when starting up, it doesn't get further then the grey screen with the Apple logo. The clock with stripes keeps working but it doesn't get me to the blue screen.
For compatibility reasons concerning different softwares i use (Protools, Reason etc...) i keep changing the internal HD's for years now, thus changing the OS's (10.3.9, 10.4.11 etc). Never caused any problem.
When i boot from another 'master' volume (f.e. 10.3.9) OR from the OSX install CD, putting the Tiger volume as 'slave', in order to verify its disk permissions or the disk itself to be able to repair them, it's 'invisible', not 'seen' by the other volume.
So no 'verify disk permissions' nor Combo Update possible, maybe those things could solve my problem.
My cables are working perfectly: making the exact same connections and jumper settings with all my other volumes, is no problem at all: every volume is correctly seen by the others.
Also, there is no USB or external firewire device connected while trying to start up.
Remark: never had any problem with this Tiger volume, starting problem only occured yesterday AFTER installing Toast Titanium (which worked normally), shutting down and trying to start up again.
Nevertheless, some minor problems occured beforehand these last days: some apps didn't work anymore, like Safari, itunes, installer and UnrarX. But i don't know if it's linked.
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Sep 15, 2006
I have seen this talked about a fair bit, but i thought i'd start my own thread because it seems slightly different.
To start, when the computer was last running, the (what sounded like fan) started making a terrible noise, then stopped, and the computer turned off.
After that, when booting, it just goes to a grey/blue screen and sits there.
I have an iBook G4, 1064mhz, 256/30.
I dont know what model that makes it, but from the Mac website, I have tried to reset the PRAM to no avail. All of the methods listed do not seem to do anything on my ibook.
I tried using this link to reset the [URL]
I dont know which one is for my model, but i see no reset button under the keyboard, or on the case. There is a little tiny hole on the case beside the LCD???
I have tried the shift-ctrl-opt-power but it doesnt do anything.
As well, i did hold down the "option" button when booting, and it brings me to a screen which shows an image of a hard drive with a green "x"
I dont know if the green means good or the X means bad..
I have read that resetting PRAM and/or changing the resolution seem to help the problem, but I do not know how to do either.
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Jun 8, 2009
It makes the startup chime, and I've tried resetting the PRAM and PMU and none of it works. Apple store said they thought it was hard drive failure, but I doubt it because it won't boot from CD either. Do you think it's logic board failure?
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