OS X :: Macbook Pro Takes Ages Before EFI/rEFIt Comes On?
Jul 25, 2010
I have partitioned the harddrive on my Macbook Pro, one partition for OS X and one for Ubuntu, and then i use rEFIt to choose between the two. But some time in performing this process, the time between you turn on the mac, until the EFI(or now, rEFIt) is on, takes up til 15 seconds now. Before, it was about instant.
This is a huge problem for me, but I havent found any way to fix it.
Any ideas?
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Sep 1, 2014
When I'm using my Macbook air in meetings or in classes, and it's unplugged, and it goes black because i stop using it for a second, then when I want to come back sometimes it comes back quicly, but others it just shows the cursor, but nothing else, for a big seconds, staying black, taking ages to come backÂ
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jul 22, 2010
I have a small, well its not a problemm but anyway.
My macbook (late 2009) Is taking ages to start up. I just recently had my Logic Board fixed (headphone jack screwed up) and after picking it up from the shop it takes ages to start up... First there is a grey screen for about 30 sec. then the apple logo appears with the turning wheel thing for another 50 sec....
I do have over 40% harddisk space left... I only have BTT as a startup item and in /MacHD/Libary/startupitems i only have PACESupport....
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Sep 1, 2009
Installing the RC of Windows 7 on my Macbook and everything works perfectly fine however it takes ages to start up. The screen will stay at a black screen with a single blinking white cursor for around a minute when trying to start up the system. This is a windows download straight from MSDN so the windows operating system is clean and nothing fishy is going on.
Anyone else have this issue and/or found a way around it?
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Jul 8, 2009
I've got safari 4 on 3 different mac's all running leopard with latest updates.
When browsing the web randomly it decides to take ages loading a page even sites like google. To make it load I have to stop it then press refresh.
I've tried unticking the fraudulent sites box and repairing permissions in disk utility, but i still get the same problem on all 3 mac's.
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Aug 12, 2009
I have a REV A MBA running 10.5.8. Since i got the machine, it takes forever to show available software. After clicking "software update" from the apple menu it sometimes takes 6 minutes to check if there's anything new. Is this normal?
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Feb 21, 2012
I got a PowerMac 2.66 GHz Quad Core Intel Xenon with a 640GB HD. The system is 10.6.8. For some reason the Time Machine back up takes ages since a few weeks. I deleteted allready a few older ones and the free space on the back up disk is about 122GB. Today it copied about 700MB and it took over 30 minutes. I'm preatty sure this was a lot faster before. get it quicker again or what can be a reason that it is so slow.
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 27, 2012
I have a 2012 Macbook Pro running Lion (as you can probably guess!), with a 512Gb SSD and 8Gb Ram. Its a pretty fast machine and i'm really happy with the way it runs, however when I open a folder to view files, it opens and shows a blank folder and then I get the black pinwheel in the bottom left/right hand side and I have to wait for sometimes over 30 seconds before the files in that folder are shown!?Â
One thing to point out is that it doesn't always happen and its not restricted to particular folders. I can open a folder and it will show the files straight away, however I can re-open that folder and it will take up to 30 seconds to show the files...Â
I've tried rebooting and running nothing, but it still happens. And I have also tried the normal disk utilities to check permissions, etc and I think these are fine too..Â
Time Machine, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Jun 8, 2012
Safari takes AGES to load pages and play videos!!! It takes 40 seconds to load the page the first time Safari is open (quit and open Safari or open after Mac reboot or cold boot) and 20 seconds to reload pages afterwards. Frustrating!!!
Firefox takes about 2 seconds, Chrome takes one second and Opera is real time. Latest versions of all in Mac OS X 10.6.8.
Info:Mactel, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Booting from external FireWire disk
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May 21, 2012
Certain webistes like [URL], take ages to load after i login. I have cleaned my cache , deleted cookies,etc.... In the apple store everything works fine , but not at home. When using other PC's / notebooks it all works fine, except my own Macbook. Other browsers on my Mc , have the same problem.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Aug 15, 2010
just purchased a new 27" Quad core i5 and it takes about 5 seconds for it to go to sleep, and then makes a loud noise after.
My hard drive is also noisy, it whines and drums constantly.
I also have got yellow tint on all sides of the screen.
I live in NZ so if i will not get a new replacement, instead it will be sent away to apple which will take forever
by the way it is the older 27" (late 2009) version.
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Jan 11, 2011
I've followed the Cnet guide on installing Windows 7 from a USB drive, installed refit, but I can't boot into it? All I see is Macintosh HD, I have my USB drive plugged in, how can I boot from it, REFIT wont show up?
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Sep 4, 2010
i forgot boot password , which comes when we press down option [alt] after powering on
please help me to reset boot password
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Feb 6, 2008
First made an image of the x64 Vista and copied it over the network to my Macbook Air folder. Second installed bootcamp and created a partition without installing Vista.Third I copied the files from the ISO onto the new partition.Fourth I installed rEFIt and shut down and re-powered on the MBA.Fifth I chose from rEFIt the second windows icon, "Boot bootcdboot.efi from BOOTCAMP". (I skip over "Boot bootmgr.efi from BOOTCAMP" which doesn't work.)Sixth see the "Press any key to boot from CD or DVD" screen. I press a key.Seventh I see the "Windows is loading files..." completion bar progress all the way to the end. It gets to the last character and the machine stops.
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Aug 2, 2009
I was just about to order Snow Leopard, but then it hit me. Could it screw up rEFIt and my triple booting-ness? I asked my friend who is also using rEFIt and they think it could mess things up. What's your opinion, will it do no harm, or will it? And if it does, should I still get Snow Leopard? It was a bit of a pain installing everything, and I've just finished installing 80GB of games onto my Windows partition, so obviously I don't want that getting wiped or unable to boot!
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Jun 13, 2010
My macbook pro i7 has started to take a while to boot up for some reason and this appears which hasn't happened before.
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Mar 29, 2012
I've had my Macbook Pro just 6 weeks, why do my aol emails take an age to load?
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Oct 20, 2010
I do not have ubuntu, but I have seen people talking about booting with and customizing rEFIt here, and this seems like a knowledgeable place to seek advice. So here's my problem: I have a macbook pro on which I have OSX 10.5.8 and Windows7 x64 (installed through bootcamp 3.1). I downloaded rEFIt and tried to modify the rEFIt interface following the instructions here: [URL] After trying to change the background (hostname.bmg) to a different image rEFIt opened to show the new background (.bmg file) but nothing else (no mac or windows logos like previously) so I can't select an OS to boot to!!
I can still hold down the option key during startup to bring up the regular bootcamp menu which allows me to choose between my bootcamp partition (with windows 7) and what is now called the rEFIt partition (previously called Macintosh HD before I installed rEFIt) So I CAN boot to windows, but cannot boot into OSX without going through rEFIt, which is not showing me any options to choose from. The modifications I made to rEFIt were through the rEFIt.const file in the rEFIt folder in the efi folder on my Mac partition. This const file now reads:
timeout 20
banner hostname.bmp
selection_big selection-big-ring.bmp
hideui tools shell funcs hdbadges label
I can see and read my mac partition in windows, but cannot save to it to reverse these changes I made to the .const file. I was also hoping that the timeout in rEFIt would automatically talk me into OSX even though I cannot see any icons, but after 5+ minutes waiting on rEFIt nothing happens. Also, I made sure not to list badges under hideui so they should still be shown...........
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Aug 20, 2009
Long story short, I wanted my Mini to dual boot Ubuntu 9.04 and OSX, and the guides I was finding said to use rEFIt. This worked fine until I allowed Ubuntu to install a bunch of updates, which must have done something to my partition table, as now I can no longer boot OSX or Ubuntu, and the CD I stuck in there won't eject either (so I can't get my OSX install disc to even load). Is there a rEFIt command from the shell I can run to eject the disc and try getting my OSX install disc in there?
Really stuck - When I cold boot, rEFIt gives me choices of OSX or Ubuntu, both just spin and die during boot. Tried holding space bar, c key, option key, left mouse, all on cold boot and upon selecting OSX option from rEFIt menu, no luck getting disc to eject. I followed the guide here: [URL] Did I do something wrong when I let Ubuntu 9.04 self-update? It REALLY seems to have screwed up my partition setup.
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Oct 7, 2010
My HDD is split to 3 partitions at the moment:
-Mac OS X (primary, OS does not boot)
-Storage (formatted for Mac)
-Windows (NTFS)
Is it possible to reinstall Mac OS X without formatting storage nor Windows partitions?
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Mar 25, 2009
I've got rEFIt installed, and a semi-successful triple-boot system: Leopard, Vista 64-bit, and XP 32-bit (partition order; XP was installed before Vista). I've got only two issues with it, which might be related. First, rEFIt hasn't shown boot discs since XP was installed. Second, I can't boot into Vista directly; Vista installed BOOTMGR to the XP partition, and is using that; I can only chain-load, which is precisely what I was hoping to avoid by using rEFIt. If it's not possible to directly boot Vista, I'd just as soon uninstall rEFIt, but how do I know the XP partition will be the one that shows up when I press option at startup?
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Apr 26, 2012
1) I have a Macbook 2.2ghz (early 2008) running Leopard 10.5.8 which wont auto update (says it cant connect to internet even though it is - error says A networking error has occurred: timed out (-1001). Make sure you can connect to the Internet, then try again.) Network diagnostcs says that im connected to the intermet.
2) Also safari and chrome take ages to load pages when every time I open them (around 45 seconds) and then when they are running safari will randomly close and chrome will come up with the aw snap message for random pages (doesnt matter if its trying to loas flash or not).
Iv got Sophos anti virus which is saying theres no malware or viruses, also tried restartiing, re downloading chrome, deleteing my profile from chrome, exporting, deleting and then importing bookmarks and hardwiring the latop to the router.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jun 13, 2005
I've just turned a .mov file into DVD using iDVD for the first time. The actual asset encoding took about 3.5 hours for 120 minutes. is that good/bad/average. Is there a faster way?
I basically want to watch stuff on a DVD player and normal screen and not my Powerbook.
I know my DVD player will play mpegs, so could I just turn the .mov files into mpegs? I don't have QT 7 Pro unfortunately but I have d/l VLC.... What can be done?
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Feb 14, 2009
my mac is taking ages to load and making loud noises, i'm getting really scared! could be the hard drive dying??
it all happened yesterday i left it on its own and when i came back next morning it was off, it ran out of charge! thats all what happened
now is taking forever to load the os x, if its gonna brake down how can i make a backup? and start all over again?
should i buy a better hard drive? and which is the highest storage hdd i can get?
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Jul 9, 2010
I don't know really specific details of what it is but it's a MacBook pro and only a few months old with os snow loeoard. I've been sitting here for about an hour and it's still on that screen with the apple and the swirly loading thingy which usually only lasts a few seconds. Last night I did some kind of updates from apple (not sure what they were but I don't think it was anything major) but I restarted it between then and now and it worked fine so maybe it's not that... I don't know. I also downloaded a virus check thing from the apple website last night. I ran a scan and didn't get any viruses but a few warnings and put them in the vault or whatever they call it. After I finished it it wouldn't close or even force quit so I just shut down. it took ages to shut down and I wanted to go to bed and I probably did the wrong thing but I held down the power button to hurry it up like you do on pc and it shut down (that was my last shutdown).
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Mar 20, 2007
What solutions can be offered for iBook loading problem? It's stuck and I've some data I need to back up?
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Jul 2, 2012
When browsing the web, the iMac can sometimes take ages to bring up a page. Sometimes I disconnect from wireless internet and then reconnect again. iMac is new to me but before I had a windows laptop and that was fine with the wireless internet.
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Dec 11, 2014
is there a way to speed up my mac with three external hard drives attached,at the moment my mac is taking ages to boot up, they are all 2tb drives
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Sep 10, 2009
Since Genius Mixes we're announced yesterday, I wanted to try them. I downloaded iTunes 9, and saw that in the Genius section of the left-hand side toolbar, Mixes was not listed. So I turned Genius off and then on. I got the start-up dialogue, I was prompted for my password and I accepted the terms of service. Then it went onto the list of steps. It completed step 1 in less than a second but then it goes onto step 2 and that never ends! It gets stuck there.
PS: I've restarted my Mac and installed all the software upgrades. but still no success.
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May 1, 2012
I'm trying to confirm that the MacBook 3,1 takes up to 6mb of ram. Which means to max out, I can use a 4gb module, and a 2bg module. Its a little confusing, because I found this info into on 2 memory sites, but the apple site does not seem to indicate this usage. I always thought it needed to be in equal pairs.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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