my mother's MacBook Pro doesn't automatically connect to our home's wireless network. It's encrypted with WPA2. My MBP and my sister's MacBook stay connected fine. My mother's, however, requires her to click on the AirPort icon at the top and select our network each time she wakes it or boots it up. This only started happening when I put WPA2 on the network. How do I fix this?
I use my laptop many times throughout the day, and due to classes, and studying at friends' houses, etc., I connect on average to 3 different networks a day. All of my music for iTunes is stored on a server at my house, and it easily auto connects at login when I am there. I was wondering if there was a script, or maybe even an application that would allow my laptop to only attempt to auto connect to the server when on my home network.
Obviously this isn't a dire issue, I just think it would add a little convenience to my life
I recently started having this problem, it just started out of nowhere. Whenever I turn on my iBook, it autoconects to my neighbors network, and not mine. I cannot use their network it's too slow. So now I have to go to the top right and specifically select my wireless network in order to connect to it. There's many networks found on my laptop, and it used to autoconnect to mine. Any way to make the apple automatically connect to my network? The keychain definitely has saved my wireless security password. It just annoying for me to go and click on the wireless icon and select the network everytime i turn my laptop on...
Since about 2 days ago, my wifi on my Macbook air running 10.7.3 Lion does not connect to any wireless network, whether it's naked, WEP encrypted, or WP2 encrypted. It fails on 'Network Settings' Network Status step (Wi-fi and Wi-fi settings are 'green'). In fact, I can use my other Macbook running 10.7.2 Lion as well as my Android phone to connect to the wireless networks my Macbook air cannot connect to.
What I find really weird is I tried re-installing Lion on my Macbook air using the 'command-R' key on bootup. I was able to successfully connect to my WEP encrypted router during the re-install. But once it was done and re-booted I once again cannot connect to any wifi.
So something really funny is going on while OS-X is fully booted on my Macbook air.
This is pretty crummy situation to be in because the Macbook airs don't have a default ethernet jack built into it, so the computer is somewhat useless.
My MacBook, circa 2007, refuses to connect to my home WiFi network, despite having added my MAC address, being WPA encrypted, updated firmware and the like. I haven't had a problem in the last year, until I started taking my laptop to work. It connects to my work wifi network, WPA encryption, and every other network. I have no idea why it wont connect at home. I'm running snow leopard, other macs and PCs at home can connect... It seems I'm missing some odd quirk, I've seen a few threads of similar complaints, but no working resolution. Any ideas? I've wiped out Safari, cleaned all network settings, and it all started once my use shifted predominantly from home to work. Hmpf.
I can see my neighbors network but it doesn't even show my home network. Both iPhones are connected and working fine, our blu ray player is linked and getting good signal.... One day it just happened to not be there and it won't find it anymore. I have the Medialink n-router. I haven't changed any router settings...
My 27" iMac will not connect to my network via WiFi. I am running Mavericks. I have 2 other computers connecting via wifi, my ipad and phone both connect and my wife's ipad connects as well. My computer can see the network but it simply WILL NOT let me connect. I can connect via ethernat cable.
I Am using my phone to post this because my computer won't connect to the internet. I am at school and to access the internet you have to connect and then open a browser to accept terms. With my phone the login auto pops up when I connect and same with my iPad but my new MacBook Pro retina doesn't pop anything up and when I go to the browser and try to get the login page to show up all I he is network error. Wifi symbol shows and ! With an alert no internet connection. Tried running diagnostics and that did nothing. Restarted to no avail.
Yesterday I got my new iMac 21,5'. After starting it up, the airport would not work. The open network (not password protected) was detected, but every attempt to connect to it ended with a "timed out" error message. I tried to deactivate and reactivate the airport a few times. With no luck. Both my iphone and a cheap netbook would get a valid connection in the meantime. So it's not a network issue.
It's a d-link router and it's about half a meter from the imac. My previous macbook with tiger worked perfectly with this connection. I tried to change the wireless channel from 7 to 6 and this did not solve the issue. Or at least not right away. I tried again after say 15 minutes, and it worked. However, tried again in the morning, and got the "timed out" error message one more time. I have installed the airport software update
I've done a little digging and cannot find an answer to this problem.I have a Macbook circa November 2008 and a Netgear WNR854T Router.I try to connect to my wireless network but my Macbook won't do it. It will list my network in the network list and will connect to other unsecured networks but not to mine. I use WPA2 security on the network.Alternatively, my Macbook Air, Mac Mini, iPhone, iPod Touch, Blackberry, Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii have no problems connecting.
I have Mac Mini (mid 2011) and I didnt upgarde to recent Lion update, so am still on 10.7.2, but suddnelly everytime i restart my mini or wakes up from sleep mode, I have to re-choose my wi-fi network from a network list!!
I don't know how I can let my mini connect automatically to my wi-fi network?
Just replaced a 500 gb time capsule with a new dual band 1 tb time capsule (first one died). My iMac, ipods, ps3 and wii all can connect to the network and work great. My wife's HP laptop, which worked fine 3 days ago, isn't connecting well. It picks up the "excellent" signal to connect to the local network made by the time capsule, but can not connect to the bigger internet. In other words, no browsing, email...etc. the signal is "excellent, and all other devices in the house can "see" and use the internet
I've heard of apps that let you connect to any wireless network wep/wpa whatever, without knowing the password, just lets you connect. I can't seem to find one though. Does anyone here know of such an app?
I am trying to rent some movies in the iTunes store but regardless of what account I use it keeps popping up with the message of: "This item cannot be downloaded on this network, you must connect to a wifi network or download it on your computer". My computer is already online, I am able to access the iTunes store, just not download!
All of a sudden my macbook A1278 late 2008 doesn't connect to the WiFi network and displays the message Wi-Fi: No hardware installed. (it connects fine with a cable)
I've got a macbook pro which was working fine via wifi …. We had a power-cut last week and things have now gone rather mental. When trying to connect to the internet via wireless, it kept coming up with “Wi-Fi does not have an IP address and cannot connect to the Internet.”
So I ran a search on google on how to try and sort it. I followed the following instructions : Add a New Network Location & Renew DHCP LeaseLaunch “System Preferences” from the Apple menuSelect the “Network” panelClick on the “Location” pull down menu and choose “Edit Locations…”Click on the + plus icon to add a new network location, give it a unique name, and click “Done”Back at the Network panel with the newly created location selected, click on “Advanced” in the bottom right cornerClick on the “TCP/IP” tabClick on “Renew DHCP Lease” and wait for the numbers on the left to repopulate, then click “OK”
I was absolutely thrilled as it worked!!! … and continues to work ... The only problem now is that my Macbook is the only one in the house that can connect to the internet wirelessly. When I try and connect my iPhone 4 it asks me for the Password then says “Unable to join network” and also my mums laptop refuses to join wifi …. She’s not happy with me as she now has to run it via ethernet. I tried to set up my iPhone manually, but with no joy as I'm not sure what I'm doing
For wireless: [URL]. Click wireless basics. "For a WiFi network you need an apple Airport base station connected to your cable/dsl modem". Can't I just hook up a wireless router to my cable modem, and ta-da, WiFi.
I've just joined a Time Capsule to my existing wifi network and it's working fine. However, if I try to connect a computer to the LAN port, I can't ping the TC. Is this by design?
Can I connect my MacBook Pro to a BluRay DVD having a wireless bridge via our wifi network to view iPhoto slideshows on our HD TV via the BluRay DVD player?
I recently purchased a Time Capsule to use as a wireless hard drive. I connect to the internet both through wifi and ethernet to a educational network that does not allow extra routers, etc, to be added to the network, therefore I can not use the time capsule for this wifi.
I therefore want to connect to my early 2009 MBP17unibody to both the academic internet network for http/pop3/ftp/etc while simultaneously connecting to external hard drive to store data/itunes-library/etc.
I expect this has been asked before but I can't find any threads where it has. If anyone knows it would be highly helpful. I'd prefer to connect to both wirelessly but I could potentially put up with connecting to either or both with ethernet.
I am trying to figure out how to automatically connect a MacBook to a network drive after connecting to the wireless network that the drive is connected to.
Here is the situation:
I back-up my wife's MacBook via Time Machine to an external hard drive that is connected to my Apple desktop. It works great! I even have her system setup to automatically mount the drive upon log-in. Unfortunately, after leaving our wireless signal and then coming back the time machine drive isn't automatically mounted since she isn't "logging back-in". Is there an automator script that can be built to automatically connect to drive X after connecting to wireless network Z?
I have an unsecured wifi network at home and need to easily share photos between computers. I have an iMac and a couple window based computer.Is ther an easy way instead of using a thumb drive?
MacBook. 2Ghz Intel Core Duo. OS Snow Leopard 10.6.6. I'm running a 2006 MacBook with Snow Leopard. A few months back it started dropping wifi connection. Airport would show no connection but would list my network along with others in my building. If I tried to connect with my WPA password it would just time out. At this time I was running Leopard.
Since then I've done a few things.Tried running the Netgear router with no encryption at all (same thing happens). Will lose connection and then time out trying to connect I've tried the MacBook in a coffee shop with wifi access and at my parents (same NetGear router) and at my new apartment with a horrible Orange Livebox. Taken the MacBook in to see the genius bar at Glasgow Apple store. Worked fine for them, but I explained it was intermittent but we could not force it to fail. I'm sure if it ran for an hour it would. At present if I have the MacBook in the living room (where the Livebox router is situated) its fine and wont drop connection. If I walk some 5m to my bedroom it will work for approximately half and hour and then lose it. A few days ago I bought the Snow Leopard upgrade and installed it last night. MacBook runs a hell of a lot faster (yay!) but moving it away from the router and its dead as disco in half an hour.
So to clarify, the MacBook has been tested on 4 wifi networks/ locus with same issue. iPhone, Xbox 360 and PS3 all have no issues with dropping connection no matter where they are in the apartment.
Apartment is a new build and its walls are not made out of lead or kryptonite. Is this a hardware issue rather than software? When updating to Snow Leopard it was an update to the existing OS of Leopard not a clean install.
AIRPORT says the following in System Profiler.
Software Versions: Menu Extra:6.2.1 (621.1) configd plug-in:6.2.3 (623.2) System Profiler:6.0 (600.9) Network Preference:6.2.1 (621.1) AirPort Utility:5.5.2 (552.11)
I have a pretty old Titanium Mac Book that runs OS 10.3.9. It's a moderately slow machine, but still works- and although I realize that it won't be able to stream video or anything, I figure it would work for email, and basic web browsing- But I'm wondering if it's going to be compatible with any new products such as a USB wifi antenna - because the room where I want to use it won't alow for an ethernet connection- Also, will the old 10.3.9 OS allow me to connect wifi to the newer airport extreme base stations?
It's the strangest thing, my wife's MBA (v1) will randomly refuse to connect to our home wifi network (cast by a 500GB Time Capsule). What seems to be happening is that it will connect then disconnect at bootup, it will say no preferred networks are available (when the home network has been configured!) and refuse to assign an IP address to the MBA. If I manually select the home network from the wifi icon, it will diplay security password, and then say this is invalid (when it is perfectly valid and the one used by my own MBP and iPhone)... this seems to happen only on our home network, any other works fine...My own MBP is fine. This is driving me crazy and I haven't found anything on the web on this.
I don't know what's wrong with it.My ipod touch connects just fine and yet when i try to connect my new macbook it won't allow me to connect.I've never owned a macbook - so i have no idea how to fix this.
I currently have the network setup assistant running and configuring - but it's been about an hour and it hasn't done anything.Is there something else i need to do?
I have a home network running 3 PC's(with XP) and 2 Macs (with Tiger OS X 10.4.8). Mysteriously one of my Macs(MacMini) refuses to show a Network icon in the Finder sidebar? I have used the Go > Network menu to try to get a Network icon, but this does work. Yesterday I did a scheduled Mac OS system update, and it seems that since then I have not been able to see/get a Network icon in my Finder.
Has anyone else experienced this problem? PS - I am able to use the old 'GO > Connect to Computer' method, then type in the smb://myOfficePc, and access shared files on other PCs on the network. So networking is configured properly on this MacMini.