OS X :: Mac Pro Is Slowing Down As Its Swapping?

Jun 6, 2010

I don't understand this thing. Mac Pro is slowing down as its swapping etc. but I have plenty of inactive memory. What is wrong here? I'm on 10.6.3here are pic. First is just normal and second is after about 30 mins

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MacBook Pro :: Swapping Off SSD?

Sep 28, 2010

I have a 15 i7 with 4gb of ram. I can't seem to make it through my normal day which is nothing intensive except maybe 1 or 2 compressions in handbrake without running out of RAM and swapping off my SSD.

I switched off safari and went to chrome which has helped a bit. Currently i have 713mb free but for some reason my computer is still swapping 9mb off the sdd, why does it insist on using my SSD. I don't see any speed difference when it starts to swap which is great but its going to kill the SSD overtime with all these writes.

Programs running for a day:
Chrome - 5 to 10 tabs
Safari - sometimes but only 1 or 2 tabs
Itunes - open but not always playing
Pandora - through chrome
handbrake - once and a while compressing something

I'm I being unreasonable to think that 4gb of ram would be alright for this many programs. I used to have a g4 with 2gb running leopard and never had an issue like this.

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MacBook Pro :: Seriously Slowing Down?

Feb 6, 2010

I bought a MBP mainly for its "reliability", totally aware that all computers have their fair share of problems but that Macs were better for long term. Well, it's already slowing down considerably. I bought this in July 2009, and a lot of times I'll get to the point where the beachball comes up frequently (sometimes every 10 seconds) when I'm moving through webpages or loading up powerpoints and documents. I mean seriously my MBP was messing up on me 30 minutes before a lab report was due (which I did manage to get an A on), as in the beachball kept coming up when I had to copy and paste graphs from Excel to Word and I was scared that I would lose my work.

Where can I go to see if my RAM is being eaten up, or to do a cleanout of the system? Now I really wish I had waited for Windows 7 (a laptop built with it). It's ironic to say that though b/c I have Windows 7 on this MBP via Bootcamp but the Mac OSX is more convenient b/c of battery. But that Windows 7 rarely freezes

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OS X :: Started Slowing Down

Jul 28, 2010

I've had this computer since 2006. It started slowing down, and so I put more ram into it... a few years later, Applecare told me my hard drive was failing because it took so long to boot up. I wiped the computer, which got rid of many of the start up items, and sped it up... I upgraded the OS to Snow Leopard (which I immediately downgraded). Then I got the mouse fixed.

By this time, the computer was slow, hot, the mouse was erratic, and programs took a long time to upgrade. My Windows 7 netbook would run better.

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PowerPC :: Swapping Processors - 2.0 Into 1.8?

Jan 5, 2011

I was recently given 2 Powermac G5's,one of them works but the case itself looks like it was dropped out of a window,it is a 2.0DP and the second is a 1.8DP that isn't working but the case is nearly perfect.Would there be an issue with swapping the 2.0 into the 1.8?

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OS X :: Swapping Hard Drives Between Two Mac's

Aug 23, 2009

I have a 15" MBP with 256ssd installed and a 13" MBP with a 250gb 5400 drive. I prefer to use the 13" as my main computer and want to take the 256ssd drive from the 15" and put it in the 13". Then take the 250gb drive from the 13" and put it in the 15" How hard is this to do? I've not done something like this before. Since I'm swapping an ssd with a regular hd is it as easy as following the instructions on this forum, remove the screws and swap the drives? After that's done I'll need to overwrite the 15" software and load the OS and drivers for the 13" on to the ssd drive. Is that as simple as taking the restore disk for the 13" put it in the drive and reinstall the OS? Or, should I just take it to the local authorized Apple Dealer and have them do it? (We don't have an Apple store nearby.

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MacBook Pro :: Swapping Out DVD Drives

Oct 12, 2009

I'm thinking about purchasing a used MacBook Pro that has a bad DVD drive. I have a PowerBook G4 that the logic board went out on and I was thinking I could put my PowerBook drive in the MacBook. Does anyone know if this will work? The look so similar, but I'm not sure.

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Hardware :: Swapping HD From Old Machine To New?

Feb 10, 2008

My wife and I have been using one for several years now, but seeing that we are the only ones in our circle of friends and family, we are hardly experts.We decided to upgrade, and this led me to a question.

Basically we are upgrading from a 600MHZ G3 iMac DV (or SE. I forget which) running OS 10.3.9 and OS 9.2.?, to a powermac G4 MDD 867 mhz dual processor supposedly running OS 10.3.8 (I don't have the machine yet.)So, I was wondering if it is possible to pull the hard drive out of the G3 iMac, and install it in the G4 powermac as a secondary drive slaved to the primary? This would be the easiest way I can think of to keep all of our files, music, etc.

I have done this many times with PC's and usually you just need to set the jumper on the older drive to "slave" and all is well. is it the same with Macs?

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Software :: Swapping Drives Between Mac's

May 4, 2010

I know the hard drives are swappable between computers (providing it has the same interface). My question though relates to formatted OS drives however. I have two Mac Pro's (MacPro1,1 and MacPro3,1). Can I swap the drives between them without losing software or reformatting? The reason I ask is with Windows, it seems to build the system around a specific motherboard configuration. Were you to replace the motherboard in that system, Windows will crash on bootup due to different kernel level drivers on the hard drive.

The reason I'm asking is because I like the way I have everything setup on my MacPro1,1, but want to get the speed boost from the MacPro3,1. Will this work or will I require a clean format of both drives when I swap them.

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Software :: Swapping Delays?

Oct 16, 2010

When running large keynote files (with some embedded videos) my Keynote pauses sometimes for 30 seconds or so to swap. I figured I'd just add memory, but now I have 2gig and the Activity Monitor shows that keynote is only using about 200 meg. The keynote data file is about one gig, so there is plenty of room to move it all in before I start my presentation. Any way I can make keynote run load all at once and run directly from memory? Obviously it works better for me if all the delay is at startup time when my audience is still out of the room .

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Intel Mac :: Swapping To A New Machine?

Jun 29, 2012

I'm about to have to give up my corporate macbook for an iMac.  I have an external hard drive that has kept up as my time machine.  Can I use this to move out and move in?

MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011)

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Software :: Safari Slowing Down?

Oct 19, 2010

The last few months my Safari's (5.0.2) start-up process takes longer and longer, and I get the impression that it's Flash that's causing the delay even though I have ClickFlash installed and running. By now it's a PITA!

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Software :: Downloads Slowing Down

Jan 8, 2011

I have a Macbook 13" running OS 10.5. In the past couple of months, I've noticed that my downloads (links, email, Websites and more) are getting slower and slower. I don't know whether it's my browser (Firefox 3), my ISP (Mindspring/Earthlink), my cable service provider (Time Warner) or what, but when I say, "slow," I mean anything from slow to glacial in pace. Today, especially. I wanted to play a video from a Web site, and there was a pause every second. When I went to a site at abc.com, it was even worse, with "loading" crossing the picture constantly and "transferring content" along the bottom of the window until I finally decided to give up, for now.

Can someone tell me where the problem lies? I have had some issues with Earthlink (mostly about other things, though); I believe that Firefox 3 hasn't worked as well for me as 2 (though I have no really firm evidence to that effect); and I don't know enough to judge whether the cable service (not always the greatest on the TV) could be at fault. I only know that by contrast, dialup was a sail through the park. And most are sites that behaved very well in the past.The question is where to start investigating. It makes no sense to make big changes unless I know where the problem lies.

I confess that I haven't yet gone to Disk Utility (or whatever Disk First Aid is called now), and I can't use my old (4.1) Disk Warrior and haven't yet bought a newer version. I don't know, therefore, whether something to do with the computer itself is at fault. I could try all this on my old desktop (OS 4, G4 Sawtooth), but I'm not sure that makes sense. On the other hand, if I found that Earthlink, Firefox and such worked OK with that computer, that would rule out some things. If you think it's wise, I can try that. It only just now occurred to me to do it.

Anyway, I may be able to do all that before anyone replies. If so, i'll get back to you then. Sorry to possibly be putting the cart before the horse, but I'm going a little crazy, including an unrelated series of oddities relating to Earthlink (including messages that take a long time to come or appear and then disappear and then appear again, sometime later). I'm a patient woman, but this slow, slow, slow loading is the last straw.

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MacBook :: Bootup Is Slowing Down?

Mar 26, 2009

I have noticed that my white macbook bootup time is taking about a minute to boot. My Macbook now has 4gb or ram. I did run the memtest to check that the memory I installed is ok. It passed. Now I am bootup up with an external monitor plugged in. I am not sure if that is causing an issue. Is there an app I can get to test to make sure my mac is ok?

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MacBook :: Slowing Down And Hanging Up

Apr 11, 2009

Randomly i turned my computer on today and my macbook did some funny things and is slowing downing and hanging up on simple things. What are some things i could do to make sure everything is in working order and i'm running as fast as possible?

ps, i have 117 gb's free so that's definitely not the problem!

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Windows On Mac :: Installed XP And Slowing Down

May 21, 2009

I wanna install via Boot Camp an XP, but would it slow my MB? I mean working on Mac OSX, start up/shut down time etc...? If yes, how much it'll slow it? I've got MB Alu, 2GHz, late 2008. Generally is it worth to install XP on MB for gaming, I mean, not for real gaming, for that I've got consoles, but sometimes I wanna play with friends CoD:WaW, Crysis etc...

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OS X :: Snow Leopard Slowing Down CPU

Jul 4, 2010

People, recently Snow Leopard started to "reserve" CPU cycles capping CPU intensive applications rendering the App unusable. I don't know why this is happening and don't know how to debug this. I've attached a screenshot of this problem while I'm playing WoW. You can see CPU cycles going down. The game reached a point of unplayability.

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Email Slowing Everything Down

Apr 10, 2012

Mail has been trying to send an email for about a week. The Sent folder is constantly refreshing and none of my emails will send. Every time I open the Mail application, all of the other applications and internet slow down. I also can't close the Mail application without force quitting it..

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Air :: It Slowing Down And Heating Up

May 8, 2012

My Air has been running slower than it used to and the fan comes on more often. I've been using Activity Monitor to see what's going on and it looks as though Safari is the most likely culprit as resource hog. Now I'm running Firefox and I'm not having the same problem (so far). Does anyone have any experience with this? I've only been noticing the problem for the past few months and I've always used Safari.

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MacBook Pro :: Is There A Way To Clean Up Whatever Is Slowing It Down

Jun 3, 2012

My MacBook Pro seems to be getting "clunkier" lately.The beach ball spins for a while before changing from one program to another.Is there a way to clean up whatever is slowing it down?

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4), Processor-2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo; Memory-2GB 1067 MHz DDR3

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OS X Mavericks :: MacBook Air With V10.9.3 Is Slowing Down

Jun 26, 2014

I have had a MacBook Air since Jan 1, 2014.  It's running OS X 10.9.3 with 1.3GHz i5 and 4GB and 250GB SSD that is about only about 40% full.

In the past few weeks, performance has slowed.  Even when typing in simple text, I'll type 3-4 words before the display catches up.  Often, a simple click to switch to a new application results in a spinning beach ball.  During the last week, I've noticed that the system is getting hot, something I never noticed before.  Today, I heard the fan running for the first time.  Until now, I didn't even know it had a fan.  I switched from Windows to a Mac primarily because I was sick of the continually declining performance of a Windows system.  Now the Mac seems to have the same problem.  Clearly something is wrong. 

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Mac Mini :: Swapping The HDD In A Brand For A 1/1.5/2TB Model?

Mar 22, 2009

I'm need to upgrade my existing Mac, and although if I was wealthy I'd go for a used Mac Pro, or if I was extremely wealthy, a new one, it occurred to me that the new Mac Mini might be an option.

Presumably its 2GHz Core 2 Duo would be significantly faster than my existing Dual 1.25GHz G4 processors, I could spec it either to come with 2 or 4 GB of RAM, and according to this page it can support my existing 23" Cinema Display (1920x1200) with an adaptor, and even a 30" Cinema Display at some point in the future (2560x1600).

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MacBook :: Swapping HDD From Aluminum To New Whitebook?

May 28, 2009

I currently have a 320gb Hard Drive in the New Aluminum Macbook and Will be switching to a New Whitebook. My question is can I just take out the 320gb and swap it into the New Whitebook?

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MacBook Pro :: Swapping HDD From Older To New Unibody?

Jul 29, 2009

I have a new 2.53 Macbook Pro coming in the mail this week and I want to swap my current 7200rpm drive from a Second Generation 2.16 Core Duo Macbook Pro into my new computer. My question is this:

Would it be a better idea to erase the drive before swapping it to the new Unibody MBP, or can I just throw it in and run off the current OS installed on it (10.5.7). The OS should be the same on the new computer since its the same most current version of Leopard. I dont really know if this is possible since its an entirely different computer.

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Mac Pro :: Swapping Around Drives & Time Machine

Sep 18, 2009

Been trying to figure this one out, but can't seem to find a clearcut answer. Here's the dilemma: My 2 1/2 year old MP got replaced under AppleCare by my local Apple store with a new Nehalem MP when they couldn't fix it. The 3 user installed drives in my old MP were good, so they moved them from my old MP to my new one. One of those was the boot drive in my old MP, so the Apple store tech made it the boot drive in my new one. I had the drives arranged in order on my old MP (being the anal engineer that I am), however now my old boot drive is in bay 4, the newer MP boot drive is in bay 2, etc., i.e. all mixed up. Being that the old drives were almost 3 years old I decided to clone my old boot drive to the newer one and make it the startup drive, assuming that it being newer it would be more reliable long term. That all went fine.

Now I know that the OS doesn't care in which bay what drive is but does Time Machine? If I swap around the bays to put my boot drive into bay 1 from bay 2 will that confuse Time Machine and make it backup everything again, i.e. wasting backup space??? I.e., does TM go off of physical name and location or does it go off of logical name?? I know it doesn't matter which drive is where, but I just like having things in a certain order to troubleshooting purposes just in case.

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MacBook Pro :: Swapping HDDs Between Different Models ?

Jan 20, 2010

I have a Mid-2007 MBP... I upgraded it to a 500gb HDD some time ago and I'm currently running 10.6.2.

If I were to buy a new MBP (hopefully a Core i5 one if/when they come out), would it be possible to simply swap the HDD from the old MBP into the new one?

I'm aware that Time Machine and/or imaging products like Carbon Copy Cloner and SuperDuper are ways of achieving the same thing, but I'm interested whether the physical hard drive swap would work in theory.

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Swapping Hard Drive On Mac Book Pro

Apr 28, 2012

Is there a way to safely loosen the screws on the bracket holding the hard drive in place on a mac book pro 17 inch? I've got one loose, but the other one simply won't budge and the head is starting to strip. the amount of downward force I'm having to exert to try to get it to move seems excessive to the point of dangerous to me. i'm using a Philips 00 screwdriver which is the correct tool, I believe, but I just  cannot shift it. given that Apple say this is a user replaceable part, there must be an easy wy to do it, but all I can see me doing is more damage and being stuck with a captive screw that no one can move.


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Power Mac :: Swapping Video Card In A G5?

May 28, 2012

I have a g5 which will not connect to my monitor as my monitor is adc and the g5 has 2 dvi connections its a 1.8ghz single processor g5 with 2gb memory. My friend has a dual processor mac with a dead hard drive and he says I can swap the video card as his has one dvi and one adc connection. He says its a nvidia card but he's not sure what one (came new on the g5 dual). Will this card work in my g5? Will save me getting an adaptor (expensive) or a new monitor.


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MacBook Pro :: Swapping Optical Drive For SSD - How To Set It Up?

Jun 14, 2012

I'm going to purchase a Crucial M4 128GB SSD for my Late 2011 13" i7 Macbook Pro. I don't use my optical drive at all, so I figure I may as well swap that out for my current 750GB HDD, and put the SSD in the main harddrive bay. I know full well how to physically install the respective drives, but my confusion comes when cloning the current HD onto the SSD, then moving all your media files (music, movies, documents etc) over to the HD, while keeping your system files and applications on the SSD. 

So what I really need, is a PROPER in depth guide from the start of the setup process (First boot after installation of physical drives) detailing how to copy my system files and applications over to the SSD so I can boot from it, while keeping my data & media files on the HD and being able to access them all as I normally would through finder. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Swapping MB Hard Drive With It, Both With SL?

Jun 24, 2012

Can I put my macbbook hard drive in a new to me used Macbook Pro, both running SL and have the Pro work like the MB?  Don't want to migrate, etc.

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