OS X :: Lost All Data On External Hard Disk

Jun 17, 2010

I had a WD external hard disk which I was using on my pc but not any more since I'm not a PC user any more. However, I'm a mac user now but when I connected my WD external hard disk I found out that I have lost everything on it. I thought may be because of my mac so I connected on my PC again and i have not seen any file which means I lost everything. Give me any software on mac that will get everything that I have lost.

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OS X :: Lost Everything From External Hard Disk / Recover Using Software?

Feb 15, 2011

I had a WD external hard disk which I was using on my pc but not any more since I'm not a pc user any more. However, I'm a mac user now but when I connected my WD external hard disk I found out that i have lost everything on it. I thought may be because of my mac so I connected on my pc again and i have not seen any file which means I lost everything. Give me any software on mac that will get everything that I have lost. It's really important to me.

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OS X Leopard :: Copy Data From System To External Hard Disk?

Feb 15, 2011

i need to copy data from MAc to my external hard disk, con'n can copy but iam administrator on the computer

Mac OS X (10.5.6)

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MacBook Pro :: Cannot Transfer Data To External Hard Disk - Forbidden

Feb 19, 2012

Each time I want to transfer any data from my laptop to an external hard drive disc, I can't do it, I just move the file to the destination but it don't accept it, it show me the sign "forbidden".

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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OS X Mavericks :: Time Machine Failed To Save Certain Data To External Hard Disk

Jun 26, 2014

What can be done if Time Machine failed to save certain data to external hard disk, but I do have the old hard drive? I have a new IMac 10.9.2. The old IMac was hit by lightning/surge. Restored data from external LaCie disk but some information is missing. Apparently Time Machine did not save it to the external disk, or we just can't locate it. We do haves the old hard disk and will put it in a box to be able to access it.

Is partitioning the answer?

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Remove Password Without Losing Data Of Encrypted External Hard Disk

Jun 24, 2014

I forgot the password when i encrypt my external hard disk .

Is there any method i can do to remove my password without lose the data .

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MacBook Pro :: Lost Data From Broken Hard Drive / How To Retrieve Data

Dec 10, 2014

I have lost all my data from my harts drive. The laptop is under warranty. I have been told that they have replaced my hard drive but could not get any data off the old one. I have now lost all my data, photos, files, music etc. NO backups, only simply because i did not know how to do them. Is there any way of getting the files back? All my work spreadsheets and accounts were also lost.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012)

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Windows On Mac :: Get Back Lost Data/lost All Hard Drive Partitions After Windows Update?

Jun 26, 2010

I just booted into Windows and saw that there were some Windows Updates available and it asked me to reboot the computer however it failed to boot into Windows. So I restarted and tried to boot into OS X instead, but that didn't work either.

So I put in the OS X install DVD and checked out Disk Utility. Turned out that all my partitions where screwed up. There were 3 partitions listed as Windows_ldm, with incorrect sizes (I had 4 partitions before).

Long story short: I'm now reinstalling OS X and I lost everything I had on the drive, I think. I'll try some restore software once I've gotten OS X installed.

A little pissed right now... How the heck can Windows F up the entire drive?

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OS X Mavericks :: Lost Data After Time Machine Formatted Disk

Aug 22, 2014

I lost all data off my disk after OS X asked me if I would like to use my disk for TimeMachine.The disk was previously used on Windows, and contained data I thought I had a backup of. 

The disk was a NTFS partioned IOMEGA 1tb disk. After it got formatted by TimeMachine it is HFS+. TimeMachine made a first backup to the disk, about 100gb of data. De disk contained movies from a camera which I don't have a backup of. How do I get these movies back?  I've tried multiple software:

- Data Rescue 3 - Quick Scan: only files from the HFS+ partition
- Data Rescue 3 - Deep Scan: only files from the HFS+ partition
- StellarPhoenixMacDataRecovery: only files from the HFS+ partition
- TestDisk: no results

MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: External Drive Reformatting / Lost Data?

Apr 1, 2012

I am running an early 08 MBP w/os10.7.3.I really screwed up this morning with a backup disk. my backup system consists of several external, stand alone drives and a HD dock and several internal HDs that plug into that dock.I had a stand alone Iomega/200G/USB that i wiped to give my son who doesn't "get" backups yet. I simultaneously had the USB dock plugged in w/ a Samsung 1.5TB HD powered on. I had moved the Iomega data to the Samsung prior to erasing the Iomega w/ Disk Utility. I had chosen the 7pass wipe on the iomega last night following the data transfer. it had completed 2 passes this morning w/ fourteen hours still showing til completion. i decided that three was plenty and disconnected the iomega to reconnect and select the 3 pass option to expedite. USB dock w/Samsung still powered on and plugged into MBP. disk utility defaulted to the samsung when iomega was ejected. I hit the three pass option and started the wipe without seeing Disk Utility default to the samsung. I did immediately see the flashing red data transfer light on the dock come on and realized my mistake. Immediately disconnected the USB HD dock. Disk Utility was showing "preparing disk" in its status bar. It appears that the formatting has been wiped as reconnecting the dock gives me a "the disk is not readable by this computer". I'm sure the data is still there, but the disk needs to be reformatted. The disk appears in the disk utility sidebar. all disk repair options are greyed out.

I am considering using partition in Disk Utility as that would reformat the samsung disk. However, the data on the disk would normally appear as a blue segment on the rectangular disk setup diagram. there is no blue. According to partition docs, you can partition a disk w/out the data being wiped. However, if the disk is unreadable when the partition process starts, will it wipe all the data as it partitions and reformats? Very reluctant to initiate this process w/out knowing more.

macbook pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Hardware :: Unable To Mount Hard Drives / Cannot Recover Lost Data

Jan 6, 2010

I have a dead La Cie Big disk terabyte external drive. It won't mount and it isn't recoverable the way it is. So I looked inside, it's 2 x 500 gig Seagate drives. So, I took the 2 drives out and installed one of them in a Mac Pro to see if it would mount on it's own. I figured probably not, since there were two drives mounted in this La Cie external case, they must have been RAID-ed together. I don't really know much about RAID, obviously.

Disk utility saw the disk, but it wouldn't mount and gave the unreadable message. Tried to disk utility it, and it gave file system errors, not surprised. It looks like you can't separate them, the RAID must split the files onto the two disks.

Is there any point to trying the utility Data Recovery on it? Or should I just tell my boss the only way to get the data back is to send it out to a data recovery place? I don't want to try and reformat them if there is still any possible way to get the data off them. I think the drives are fine and would work as a terabyte drive in the Fantom case if reformatted, but then we lose all these important projects.We seem to have the worst luck with external hard drives.

The odd thing is that I have another dead terabyte drive, a Fantom drive in which one of the 500 gig drives started clicking. I took both 500 gig WD drives out of the Fantom case and installed the two Seagate 500s from the dead La Cie case. It shows up in Disk Utility as an unformatted 1T drive. I was hoping it might just reconstitute itself in another case, but no go. If worse comes to worse, I will reformat it and it will probably be useable.

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OS X :: Erased Hard Disk... Weeks Of Work Lost?

Sep 16, 2009

I have just erased all of my architecture honours year et all off my computer.

I have two laptops at the moment as one is faulty. Needed to free up some data from time machine as it was nearly full before back up my computer to transfer to the new one. This is going to sound like madness but i deleted all of the time machine backups, because I also have old backups for a previous laptop and there is only enough room for both. Then to free up even more space i downloaded Back-in-Time to remove some rubbish from the old mac back ups, found a file I had been looking for and tried to restore that to the desktop. HOwever i clicked the wrong button and it started restoring my whole computer. It wiped my desktop and everything. I managed to stop it after only 66 KB were written. I have removed the time capsule. Is there any way to get my stuff back ? I really need it because it has all the work from my honours year, and i have deleted all back ups...

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OS X :: Lost Hard Disk Driver Icons After Snow Leopard Upgrade

Nov 1, 2009

I recently just upgraded to Snow Leopard two days ago. Since then, I have lost the Hard Disk drive icons and I don't know how to get it back. In fact, I have no icons on my desktop at all except for the external hard drive that I have plugged in. How do I get my icons back? Especially the main hard disk one.

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OS X :: Hard Disk Drive Data Recovery

Jul 18, 2009

first off, long time MacRumors reader, finally joined the forum now in search of some aid.There are some other threads on a similar topic I know, but I was hoping for some So, the Hard drive in question is a Western Digital 5400rpm 320gig purchased from Amazon about 8 months ago, now the Hard drive has decided to die. I saw some early signs, but did not realise that the drive was in that bad of a condition at the time. Now, when attempting to boot into Mac OS X I get stuck at the Apple logo, with the little wheel spinning infinitely. I had a boot camp partition which worked, but could not help me and is no longer an option either. I tried using the Leopard boot disk, but Disk utility didnt do anything for me in terms of recovery or repair, I attempted to use the terminal to make an Image of the drive on an external, but it fails about 10% through, I'm assuming from corrupted data.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Disk Utility Can't Repair Disk (1 Partition) On External Hard Drive

Apr 24, 2012

I have a 2TB Western Digital My Book Studio FW800 external that has 5 partitions, connected to my 2011 iMac. I had help doing the partitions and don't really remember the reasoning, but one is just for my SuperDuper! backup, one is Miscellaneous, one for movie clips off my camcorder, one for misc scanned photo's and one for my genealogy research. I back up using Time Machine to a Time Capsule and also to this WD hard drive with SuperDuper! 

Recently I'm getting a pop up message that "Mac OS X can't repair the disk "Genealogy"'.  And it needs to be reformatted.  It's become a read only disk.  When I look in Disk Utility it shows all the partitions as "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)" EXCEPT for the one in question.  I also noticed that there are a lot of files with "date created" being the same date in 1969!  These files may be letters I've written or photo's I added to that partition within the last few years. 

I think I have to completely reformat the entire external hard drive to repair this, but I want to make sure.  Because it's going to be a major hassle backing it all up to another external (having to get one first) and then figuring out how to make the files that have turned "read only" in that one partition, back to their original state!  Does this sound right, that I have to reformat the entire external hard drive?  And how do I get the read-only files back to their original state.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X Leopard :: Disk Write Cache Corruption On External Hard Disk?

Feb 15, 2011

Recently I purchased an external hard disk, to put all of my pictures of my baby due to space limitations on my internal laptop drive. Since my Canon camera 10 megapixel pictures take up a ton of space this was occurring at an alarming rate. My intention was also to back up to DVD but never got to it. This is both a comment and a question.

Now said baby, is getting really good at pulling cords etc. He managed to do this on the external drive firewire cable. As far as i know the drive was not in the process of actually writing. However, after a few minutes and trying to re-plug the drive the OS crashed with a Grey Screen of Death hardware error that tells you that you need to push the power button..

This apparently corrupted the drive's directory. Upon reboot the drive would not mount. Since there were time machine backups on the drive too Diskwarrior was not able to reconstruct the drive in the built in memory available on the computer. Time machine stores millions of files and Diskwarrior apparently wants to keep it all in memory at once. Since my computer has 2GB you would hope that would be enough but apparently not. So that failed. Other utilities seemed to be able to find the files but not restore the directory. I also took it to the apple store they were not able to recover it.

I have to say this is extremely distressing, and hard to believe that a simple accident like this could cost the loss of thousands of pictures. I did send it to a rescue company but that was expensive but I think apple needs to do something about this situation.

On Windows there is a way to disable the write cache for external drives. This is not available for Mac OS X. This would prevent this rather common occurrence of a plug accidentally becoming disengaged when the drive is not in the process of writing. This reduces the odds but I still think apple, in order to become clearly superior, needs a better solution.

I know Apple has experimented with ZFS would this not eliminate this possibility of this kind of disaster? Is this in Snow Leopard desktop? I know they are thinking this is a business customer focused technology but clearly if it can eliminate this kind of thing then I think it is extremely useful to their non server customers. Perhaps there are other ways of dealing with this issue but ZFS is designed to deal with these issues. HFS+ is extremely fragile to disk corruption.

I know my situation is not that uncommon and this is not the first time this has happened to me with an external drive. You would think I had learned. I hate to think of how many other people have had the same thing happen to them.

MacBook Pro
Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Check External Hard Disk / Cannot Find The Disk

Feb 15, 2011

I've download a Seagate Diagnostics programme to check whether my external Seagate FreeAgent Desk is working properly or not. However, when I run the programme, it indicates that cannot find the disk.

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MacBook Pro :: External Hard Drive - Disk Utility Can't Repair Disk

Jun 27, 2014

I have a Seagate 1 TB Backup Plus Drive which was working perfectly fine until I plugged it into a USB hub. It detected it while in the hub and I was able to get files off of it, but when I ejected it from the hub and put it back into the USB slot on the computer it was not detected by finder. It shows up in the disk utility and I clicked verify and repair and it says:

Verify and Repair volume “Seagate Backup Plus Drive”
Checking file system
Volume repair complete.
Updating boot support partitions for the volume as required.

Disk Utility can’t repair this disk. Back up as many of your files as possible, reformat the disk, and restore your backed-up files. 

Is there any way to get this to work properly again? Or if not is there a way for me to recover my files on the external hard drive? 

I have a Macbook PRO late 2011 running OS X Mavericks.

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Hardware :: Recover Data From Crashed Mac Hard Disk

Dec 9, 2010

is it possible to recover data from a crashed Mac hard disk on a windows platform.

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OS X :: Transfering Data Or Use Old Hard Drive? - Cloning The Disk

Jul 15, 2009

I have today received my shiny new macbook pro - very excited!I currently have a macbook, and I previously upgraded the hard drive to 320 GB (same as the new Macbook Pro). What I wanted to do was just swap the hard drives - however when I put the macbook hard drive in the macbook pro it didnt boot. Pressing ALT on startup it sees the hard drive but just hangs (doesnt even show the apple sign).I dont have all the application disks so dont really want to start from a fresh install - I was thinking of cloning the disk with super duper, but that probably will have the same effect of swapping the disk!

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OS X :: Resizing Hard Disk Partition Without Losing Data?

Feb 28, 2010

I would never opened a topic like this if I had not a similar experience with expanding 'dmg' in the past!
A truly bad experience! It is supposed that using 'disk utility' I can resize-expand-make bigger any dmg file. Every time I tried it, it was a totally fail process.The 'disk image' dmg did not resized at all.
I do not know why, it just happened to me many times.

Does anyone had similar experience? Any solution to this? So if I have a dmg that need to be bigger, I create a new one from scratch and I copy paste files from the old dmg.I need to do the same with hard disk partitions, using disk utility once again. I need to resize my hard disk partitions.Does this process works well as it should be, or it is a bad-implemented feature?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Get Data Back From An Extern Hard Disk?

Feb 8, 2012

How do I get data back from an extern hard disk?

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Copy Data To Windows/External Disk?

Feb 26, 2012

Any NTFC free drivers fo mac.? want to copy data from Mac to windows/External disk 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Disk Utility Screwed Up External USB Hard Disk

Aug 6, 2010

I have an external 500GB Freecom USB HDD with two Data partitions on it (FAT32 and NTFS). With a Windows tool, I made the two partitions smaller in order to free up some space (ca. 200GB) for an additional Mac OS Extended (Journaled) partition. This partition I wanted to create with the Mac OSX 10.6.4 Disk Utility. When I pluged in my USB HDD in my new iMac it mounted the two partitions, NTFS and EXT32 and the Disk Utility tool also showed the free (unpartitioned, almost 200GB) space on the HDD. Then, I chose to create a new Mac OS Extended (Journaled) partition and let the tool do it. ...which I probably shouldn't have done. Disk utility stopped and showed an error message saying that it cannot read the partitions anymore and that it needs to be closed. No partitions can be mounted anymore since then on this HDD. Here is the logfile entry of Disk Utility (unfortunately, it's in German):............

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Intel Mac :: External Hard Disks Not Visible On The Hard Disk

Jan 31, 2012

I've connected my new Iomega Minimax with a firewire cable directly to my iMAc but nothing appears on my desktop.


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OS X :: Unable To Recover Lost Data / Data Recovery Stucks At 33%

Sep 26, 2010

So, I'm trying to recover some lost files. I put it on Data recovery 3. Everything went fine until the power in my house went out, stopping the entire process. NOW when I try to run the process, it just stalls at 33,3%, with no indication of how much time left...

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OS X :: Data Rescue 3 Seems To Be Finding Lost Data But Doesn't Recover It?

Nov 1, 2010

Need some help here. My friend is a DJ and had an external drive with tens of thousands of songs on it. The plug broke on it and I think that corrupted it since Eject was not used. I pulled the 3.5in HDD out of the case and hooked up up with some other external plugs I have.

When I run Data Rescue 3 on it, it shows that it sees almost all of these and the only two formats it counts up are mpeg and mp3s. Data Rescue then finishes the scan and has a bunch of crap files that are not needed, but none of the songs show up. What is going on here? Did I miss something in Data Rescue 3.

The drive is a 1TB drive and the backup drive we are using is 640GB, but there was only about 250GB of music on the drive to begin with.

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OS X :: Partition Disappeared After Transferring Data / System Not Detecting Hard Disk

Sep 1, 2009

Ok so here it goes.

The situation I'm in is pretty akward and it's quite a long story but I'll try my best to explain everything.This afternoon I went to a friend's house to transfer some data to my external hard drive (MyBook Studio).Since my HD is formatted as HFS+ and my mate owns a Windows PC, I'd asked him to install MacDrive.

When we plugged in my HD, Windows just didn't detect it. We tried all sorts of things, including rebooting.. but nothing seemed to help. No matter what we did. The damn thing just didn't detect my hard drive. Not even with MacDrive.

I desperately wanted to transfer some data to my HD since I'd drove quite a while to get there. So after a bit of Google research we decided to create a partition. My HD has a capacity of 1 TB and only about half of it was being used.So we went on and created a NTFS partition of 400 GB. Now Windows could detect the partition we'd just made.

Everything went fine, we could now transfer some data to my HD.Nevertheless.. when I got home and connected my HD to my Macbook Pro, Finder could only see the partition which we formatted as NTFS. The other 600 GB, which we hadn't touched.. is nowhere to be found.

There's quite a lot of important data on there so I would really appreciate it if anyone could help me.

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MacBook :: Switching Hard Disk And Keeping Data Via Time Machine

Dec 27, 2009

I have a 2006 macbook 2 GHz, upgraded to 4 gb ram and 160 HDD. I don't feel like i have enough space so i decided to purchase a new harddrive and decided a 500 GB would do me just fine Though, i have all my data on this harddrive. I was thinking on making a full disk Time Machine copy of my disk and then restoring the new harddisk with that copy. But i don't know where to place that copy, since it is like 130 GB which is quite a big archive.

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MacBook Pro :: Hard Disk Died With Confidential Information / What Does Apple Do With Data

May 24, 2012

does Apple guarantee that the data from a dead hard disk will be destroyed? I'm in Chile and the authorized support stores don't handle that information. 

MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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