here's my problem, I recently purchased a universal drive adapter to plug in my old macbook pro's old internal hd, (have some itunes content I need to get off of it).
Everything works fine until I get to my old account folder on the external hd, the folder is completely empty. I am guessing this is due to the account being password protected.
Is there any way to access this folder (I know the old password)? some command enter the password and get file permissions?
Logging In To The Account Failed Because An Error Occurred Log In To Account.
this is the error i get when i try to login with ad login on an imac running 10.5.8 binded to ad and od, this is once i have logged in with one account logged out and try to login with another, dns is resolving fine on both the client and the server, the server is running os x 10.5.8
After enabling the root user and logging into that account I tried to log back into my regular user and found that everything was set back to default. No files, pictures, anything...
Going into the Users folder I can see my account and it has all of the files on the desktop and such.
How do I log back into my regular user account with all of my settings?
I have a Mid-2007 Mac Mini and I've noticed every couple days, when I log out of the secondary account, it takes a relatively long time to return to the login screen. The blue screen sits there for maybe 30 - 40 seconds, but then when it returns to the main screen the whole machine freezes. The only thing I can move is the mouse, I can't click any of the buttons such as restart, sleep or get back into my account. I always have to do a hard shutdown.
I just had Apple replace the hard drive on my iMac due to a hard drive failure. I restored my data from my WD back-up drive and that seemed to go fine, but when I try to log onto my computer for the first time since the drive change, I get this error message: "you can't log into the FileVault user account 'my account name' at this time. Logging into the account failed because an error occurred." This comes at the screen where you enter your password for password protected login. Note that I've always used the password protected login and I have not forgetten my password. I shut down and restarted a couple of more times, but I keep on getting the same message.
After I logged out of my account, I logged back in to see nothing on my desktop except for "Macintosh HD." I click on it and noticed that my home folder is mounted as a disk image under "Places." By "home folder" I meant the folder found at MacintoshHDusers ame-of-folder. I did not shutdown and login again, I logged out back to the main login screen, then logged in again under the same account. Shutting down the computer before logging in to the same account prevents this from happening, but logging out then logging back in causes it to happen.
I'm running an iMac with Mac OS X 10.6.4 . It is used mainly as a database server. The database lives on an external hard drive. The problem is that Mac OS X does not mount the external drive until I log in locally. Logging in via SSH is not enough. Does anyone know how I can make OS X mount the external hard drive even if no one logs in?
Invitations for external (not users on the server) is not working.All mails are handled by ISP, including the iCal servers account.The "Allow invitations using email addresses" is checked, and setup with a working mail account at the ISP. By looking in the logs for iCal Server I get this:[URL]This is leading me to think that the server must be trying to log in at the ISP with it's own credentials (given in the "Allow invitations..." setup) but trying to send with a users mailaddress as sender.This is of course not allowed by my ISP, since everyone could potentially send mails from each other, but how do I change iCal to send the invitations from iCals account?
I upgraded to 10.1 this weekend and really like the changes. I'm using a G4 Tower with dual 450s / 512 MB RAM.The one nagging issue I have is that the system keeps logging me out. I have the screen saver set for 5 minutes (basic black) and the energy saver set to turn off the monitor after 10 minutes and never sleep the computer nor the hard drive.If I go away and come back in under 30 minutes, the system seems fine. It wakes up and asks me for the password (I have the screen saver set to require password). Unfortunately, after 30 minutes or so, when I wake up the computer, its at the login screen. When I log in, all my programs have to restart (ie, I was definitely logged out and not asleep). Very, very annoying. Once it even cost me a download.
I have a white MacBook running OSX 10.5.6, and I have trouble connecting to wireless networks that require you to login.Example: I'm in my school's library, I open up my macbook, connect to the wireless network, open up firefox, attempt to go to a web page, and get a message that says that I am offline instead of being directed to the wireless log-in page. This happens at every wireless location that requires you to login/buy a pass to access the internet. The only work around that I've found is to reboot my computer. I think the issue involves my computer retrieving the wireless network's DNS address. Is there a way I can force my computer to pull down the DNS address? I've tried manually entering the school's DNS IPs, but it doesn't seem to work all the time.
noticed over the last few weeks that when I log into this site the page flashes quickly 3 or 4 times , then I'm logged in, it does happen on other sites too, occasionally but not all the time , running a up to dat MB 10.5.7 with all available updates. Weird thing is it doesn't happen everytime, quite sporadic , I cant seem to replicate it just curious as to what this flashing is and why it's happening.
i just bought a new NAS (Dlink 323). After hardware set up, i'm suppose to configure the system by accessing the configuration on WEB UI. Therefore i figure out the NAS ip address from the DHCP client list on my router settings. Hence i type in (1.35 being the address of NAS) and it keeps on loading and loading, yet nothing comes out. I'm not sure how should i set this up.
I recently upgraded my macbook from Leopard to Snow Leopard, and all seemed fine until i left my desk for a few minutes, only to come back to discover it had closed my open applications and was in the process of logging my account out.
Is this a common issue, and are there any ways to stop it? It's getting tiring having to reopen itunes/mail/safari everytime i need the toilet...
What is the best way to run a terminal command when logging in? And by �best� I mean �fastest.� I�ve been encapsulating my commands in an Applescript, but it�s terribly slow to load, and I�m hoping there�s some UNIX back-end I can use to speed things up.
Specifically, I want to run a shell script that I wrote. It decrypts some folders inside my Home directory so I can use them (this part works seamlessly, I just need it to auto-run itself).
For the past 2 weeks, my Macbook Pro has been acting very strange. For full disclosure, I am running 10.6.8 on a 2008 MacBook Pro that is hooked up to a 30 -inch Cinema display.
First off, windows have been acting strange. If I click on the top bar of my web browser or application to drag the window to a new place, the image stays still, and then reloads from top to bottom as if it is refreshing. It them jumps to the place where my mouse then lands. This occurs very often.
Second, at least 3-4 times during my workday the entire screen turns blue, and appears to log me out. It then logs me back in and attempts to reopen all the programs I had open. This cycle takes about 25 seconds and is getting very annoying.
Lastly, my interface is a bit screwy now. Normally when I adjust the sound, a white speaker appears is the middle of the screen and shows the new volume level. Now, the speaker is a splotchy purple color and has relocated to the very bottom of my screen. Also, all the colors in my dock are warped. I attached a screenshot to this post.
It never did this with Netscape or Firefox, and from what I've heard, it doesn't do it with my friend, who uses Safari all the time. I have Safari set up so it automatically fills in forms AND accepts cookies from any site, and it STILL logs me out suddenly in about a minute. How can I keep myself logged in all the time, like it's SUPPOSED to?
I know on windows allows you to run batch files without actually logging into the OS. This allows you to put an base image onto a PC and use batch files to change settings, place on active directory, and other things without having to log in.
How do I do this with a mac? I want to be able to run 2 command line commands, one after the other once the other is finished, and then add it to Active directory. Would I do this in perl? and how do I get it to run without logging in so I can start it and then move on to other stuff?
I trying to figure out why my macbook pro running tiger has started logging me out immediately after I log in, and what I can do to fix this.I am correctly entering the password (just in case you thought I didn't know the password) as it accepts it and logs in, starts to change the desktop background and then just as the Finder bar appears I am logged out and send straight back to the main login box. It does this for the main User (admin) account. I have tried booting in safe mode and this does the same thing. The Guest login does work however.
Basically I have a MacBook Pro which logs in fine when I'm at work but when I'm on my home network it takes like 5 minutes to authenticate. All appearances are that it's trying to reach my work network to authenticate. Short of disabling wireless or having it prompt for my home network password before joining wireless, is there any way that I can either shorten the timeout or have it bypass network authentication when I'm at home?
Its taking about 3-5 minutes to log out and I dont know why I have disconnected a usb without ejecting it before, and also declined an microsoft autoupdate from Word. when im logging out, the screen turns blue and theres a spinning circle at the bototm. after that, the log in screen is not able to be clicked on anything, and it will take about 5-10 minutes to be able to be clicked and log in.
I'm have an issue where when I login to my mac, it goes to a black/grey screen. It's definately on, but you just can't see anything. I'm think poss hard drive failure, but I'm not sure.
Earler this week, I noticed copying files from different devices and HDD, were particuarly slower that normal. Today the screen started to flicker quite eratically and I had to force a restart. It seem to be ok after that. However a few hours after, while I was doing some work, the screen just went a greyish black.
Each time I re-booted, it would either just go to a black screen as soon as it started up, or, get all the way the the desktop, then the black screen would appear.
I've reset the PRAM and SMC. I even got a Blue screen while halfway through performing a Hardware test. I've tried changing the memory modules and still no luck, safe mode fails too.
Could it be HD failure? Or something more servere like the logic board. I did the Java update today too, however, I'm sure the screen was flickering before that.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 750Gb HD, 4Gb Memory, 3.06Mhz CPU
I just had to change the batteries on my wireless keyboard. Now my computer is stuck on the password log-on page but I can't log in since my keyboard hasn't synched to sync the keyboard without logging in?
Everytime I open the icloud page I have to relog in with my username and password. Even if I click "keep me signed it." It is a royal pain.On a similar do I get my icloud mail account to open in imail like allof my other email accounts?