I have a network shared folder added to "Places" in Finder. I have also dragged a shortcut into the dock. The problem is that when I click the shortcut in the dock, the "stacks" doesn't pop up. Instead, it only pops up when I click a second time. After that, it works fine. It stops working after I restart the machine, so I have to click again for it to work.
So basically, it looks like when I click it the first time, it "makes a network" connection to my windows PC where the network folder is located. This looks like probable because the fact that under "Shared" in finder, the PC isn't listed UNTIL I click the mounted network folder in the "Places" in Finder.
I love the new stacks in snow leopard but sometimes I find myself wanting to space bar to preview etc and I can't so I want to quickly launch the finder into that folder. Is there a way? ie a hotkey and a click etc.
I've just followed the "archive and install" procedure from my OS X Discs ( had a problem with the run preflight script that won't let me install a Midi driver) and have a "previous systems" folder with 14 Gb of space: can I safe delete this folder or files on it are recalled / referenced from the new OS install?
I love the new stacks in snow leopard but sometimes I find myself wanting to space bar to preview etc and I can't so I want to quickly launch the finder into that folder. Is there a way? ie a hotkey and a click etc.
I downloaded a folder icon so I can use it on my dock. I used one that looks different from the usual blue folder. When I shut down the computer or restart it goes back to the bland blue folder. My questions is how can I keep the folder that I downloaded?
I recently replaced my white MacBook (OS X 10.5) with a new MacBook.
In the old dock: I had created a folder within the HD called "launcher"--so it would appear at the top of the list. I created a custom icon for the folder, created an alias on the desktop. I then put the alias in the dock. When I would click on the folder it would open like stacks.
New dock: If I do the above process, the folder opens as a finder window--no more stacks. If I pull the folder directly to the dock, without creating the alias, the folder opens as a stack, but the icon is gone and replaced with the generic folder icon.
Is there a way to have a custom icon and have the stack/folder open as stacks? I don't like the option of putting a image file as the first item in the folder because then the "icon" that appears is smaller and in front of the folder I hate.
When I open up any of my folders from my desktop (Macintosh HD, My Documents) the folder is on the far right of the screen with about a quarter of it off the screen. It gets annoying to have to drag it onto the screen every time, then as soon as I quit and open it back up, it's back in that spot.
Strange thing here. As far as I can remember, CMD+N always openend a new finder window. Since a few days, when I use the combination CMD+N the finder jumps to my "username". Only then will CMD+N open a new window.
This is kinda annoying. How do I make CMD+N just open a new window, no matter in what folder I am?
As far as I can see, someone on my work mac right clicked on the 'Downloads' folder and set the 'Open With' option to 'Preview'.
As such, when the icon is clicked every item in the Downloads folder opens in preview (massive pain) and there are issues with the folder working on the dock. I tried changing the 'open with' option on the Downloads folder myself but there isn't anything appropriate to change it back to. I assumed finder but that isnt an option.
Does anyone know of an application, utility, etc. that will allow one to �open� a folder in the dock with a single click instead of clicking on the folder and selecting open from the menu?
I have a MacBook Air and when go to double click a folder on my desktop nothing hsappens.I can select it but double clicking does not open it. This also happens in some of my applications as well.
Info: MacBook Air, IMac Intel, G4,G3, iPod5G, iPodTouch4., Mac OS X (10.6.7)
Every time I open a new folder, instead of showing the content of that new folder within the same window, another one is opened.I even went to the preferences and the option "Always open folders in new windows" was not selected.Relaunching finder didn't help either, and so did restarting my laptop.Also, the bar that reguarly appears at the bottom of the finder window containing information about disk space and number of files is at the top of the finder window.
how to change the preferences on the Downloads folder? Since upgrading to Yosemite, some of the files I download (.mp3 and .jpg primarily) automatically open once downloaded. How can I revert this back to not opening (the way it was in Mavericks)?
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10)
Finder crashes when using any option from the Go menu (or key combo) except Airdrop.
Once Finder window is open on Airdrop any navigation to home folder or any other folder using side bar causes Finder to crash.
Using Go To Folder causes crash, even on hidden folder like /var
Finder is OK when opening files on desktop
All other apps can browse file system and open/save OK
Google Drive is not present on system (this used to be an issue a long time a go that caused similar symptoms in other threads)
Drop Box is installed. But issue occurs even when dropbox is not running
Using spotlight to open applications still works normally.
Clicking the Finder icon in the Dock results in a non-functional blank window entitled "Window", all tool buttons are disabled.
Repeatedly opening the same folder over and over results in the message "The last time you open Finder, it unexpectedly quite while reopening windows. Do you want to try to reopen its windows again? If you choose not to reopen windows, you may have to open and position the windows yourself" Two options "Don't Reopen" and "Reopen". Both buttons have no effect except to dismiss the dialog.
Steps Taken to fix:
Booted into recovery mode and performed repair disk and Permissions - Finder Still Crashes
Removed finder preference files using terminal~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.finder.plist ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.sidebarlists.plist
Recent changes to system:iTunes 11.4 Installed with normal Software Update.
Possible Cause of Problem
Found app in iTunes that has File Sharing enabled and has a shared folder. Curious as to what was in the folder i dragged it to my desktop and double clicked. Im not sure if iTunes would have had enough time to copy the contents of the folder before i tried to open the folder. Finder crashed. This was the first time it happened.
iPhone app in iTunes that I picked in was "Ubersense".
Cannot open iTunes. Get message "The folder “iTunes” is on a locked disk or you do not have write permissions for this folder." Happened after iMac crashed and was restored from Time Machine. I shut down the iMac for 4 days and when started up said I need to erase HD and restore from Time Machine. That seemed to work fine but just tried to open iTunes and keep getting the above message.
It seems that whenever you open a nested folder in the finder, it changes the modification date of the parent directory, this is a real pain, especially in the nested folders of the ~/Library folder. I often trawl through these folders in search of Application Support files etc and don't necessarily want the parent folder's modification date to change just 'cos I view its contents. This happens regardless of whether I have modified the contents or not!
I have a 2012 Macbook Pro running Lion (as you can probably guess!), with a 512Gb SSD and 8Gb Ram. Its a pretty fast machine and i'm really happy with the way it runs, however when I open a folder to view files, it opens and shows a blank folder and then I get the black pinwheel in the bottom left/right hand side and I have to wait for sometimes over 30 seconds before the files in that folder are shown!?
One thing to point out is that it doesn't always happen and its not restricted to particular folders. I can open a folder and it will show the files straight away, however I can re-open that folder and it will take up to 30 seconds to show the files...
I've tried rebooting and running nothing, but it still happens. And I have also tried the normal disk utilities to check permissions, etc and I think these are fine too..
My computer won't open a specific folder in my documents folder. It will let me open other folders but not his one.When I click to open it get a notice that Finder has unexpectedly quit.
I recently decieded to step into the adventure that is world of warcraft, and I have experienced kernel panics once every two hours or so of playing. I wonder if my ram is sliding out of place, or i should reinstall w.o.w. If it helps any, when I restart my macbook, it tells me a bunch of seemingly random coding as well as mentioning world of warcraft.
I am now having problems playing SD movies across all my applications, they look pixillated. I never had this problem until I updated to 10.6.4. I didn't update iTunes and was/am afraid to do any more updates.
I'm a PC user and have one laptop right now but am expecting to get more. I've just bought an airport extreme so that I can have a networked printer and a shared hard drive. The printer is working fine, and my HDD (Seagate FreeAgent) is showing up in Airport Utility/Disks but I can't see it anywhere in Windows Explorer, or in Airport Base Station Agent. I'm not sure what to enter the Workgroup and WINS Server fields on Airport Utility so perhaps this is part of the problem? I've never set up a workgroup because i've only got the one PC here so far. Otherwise i'm at a loss as to what to do. If I can't use the external HDD then the airport extreme is useless to me. I'm running XP on an HP laptop
I have my iMac 21.5" linked up to a projector and for some reason when linked through HDMI the projector resorts to its native aspect ratio of 4:3 and the option to change it to 16:9 is no longer available.
OK, so my projector is a bit basic and bit of a pain, but i thought it wouldn't matter as i could change the aspect ratio in VLC.
Well not really. Firstly it works for series such as The Office, by changing the ratio from 'default' to '16:9' which shows the picture on the 4:3 projector as it was meant to be, with no stretching, but when it comes to most movies (Matrix bluray for example) there is no way to stop the image from looking a little stretched on the vertical axis. I need a player which will let me manually input the ratio i want to watch the movie in, because if the source is 16:9, it looks stretched on the 4:3 projector, so i need to change it to something like 16:8 or 16:7.
Apparently you could do this with Quicktime Pro, you can stretch the image to any ratio you want, but the geniuses at Apple decided that if you bought a new iMac you had to have Quicktime X, which is s*@t, and apparently doesn't have that option.
I have a massive iTunes library. I also know that I have used many iTunes store accounts, is there a way to see what accounts my iMac is authorized to play?
I do not have access to some of them any more and I want to reset the password and update each one to a newer email and write everything down somewhere.
I don't like that conversations are linked together in mail. It always scares me that I sent something to someone who it wasn't intended for. Sometimes the conversations are relevant but most of the time one email has absolutely nothing to do with another email so I don't see why they are linked together. I have looked all through the mail preferences but I don't see any options to change it.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)