OS X :: Last Opened Date Seems Inaccurate

Jul 26, 2008

Whenever I'm searching for a file and I use 'last opened date' as one of the options, it presents files that I know I didn't open within that timeframe (and I'm the only user here) as well as not including files I know I opened.

Any ideas? I don't know if something indexing my files is causing this, I do use Launchbar, but I can't imagine that's it?

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Mac Pro :: Can't See Date And Time When Safari Is Opened?

May 17, 2012

Ok so if I have everything closed I can see the date and time on the upper right and everything else like normal.  If I open up any other program like itunes I can see the date and time like normal.  However as soon as I open up safari the date and time disapears.  If I switch between safari and any open program like itunes the time reappears.  Same thing if I have safari open and click on the desktop it brings up finder and the time shows again.  Not sure if this has anything to do with it but when Im in safari I cant open any of the menus on top (file, edit, view, history, etc.).  Ive tried clicking on them and using the shortcut keys and nothing works.  I can still use safari fine other than that.  This all started after the last system update I had a few days ago.  Ive triend resetting my computer and shutting it down but nothing seems to help.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: Purple - Inaccurate Printing Colors?

May 23, 2009

I have a shared HP F2230 all-in-one attached to my mac running leopard 10.5.5. I have been printing regular MS Word black and white documents fine from my other Windoze vista / 7 Beta computers. Tried to print a colored photo but the colors are inaccurate and all the blacks turn into purple! This happens regardless of the application in windows (Paint, MS publisher, and even printer test page!) I tried to print the same photo in the mac and had no problem. I attached a photo of the print out from my windows 7 beta machine.
Tried to reinstall drivers, restart printer, restart mac, but it didn't work.

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OS X :: Sort By The Date A File Is Placed Into A Folder (Date Modified/Created Not Working)

Jun 3, 2010

I have a folder where I place an ever growing collection of my favorite songs. Before I switched to Mac, on Windows, when I wanted to revisit songs I most recently added to the folder, I would sort the songs by the Date Modified and it would order the files I placed in the folder by date.

In OSX, however, there must be a slightly different meaning to "Date Modified," as it does not quite sort my songs by the order they were added. It gets some of it right, but there's plenty of files that are out of order--tune "x", which I know was placed in the folder a week ago is actually listed further down the list with songs placed in the folder months ago.

Is there a way to have OSX sort files in order of the date it was placed in a folder? Neither "Date Modified" nor "Date Created" works 100% as I thought it would. Or is the OSX definition of Date Modified/Created slightly different than Windows?

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Applications :: Weather Widget Inaccurate Information

Aug 29, 2005

I haven't seen the sun all day. Not only that, but I can hear thunder, see lightning and judging by the very dark shade of the clouds around my house, I can pretty much say it's damn sure about to start pouring. What I'm getting at is that this widget has shown nothing but sunshine all day and all night tonight. The temperatures seem to be close, but that's about it. Just curious if anyone else noticed any inaccuracy with this Accuweather widget.

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OS X :: Can't Screen Share - System Says Details Are Inaccurate?

Mar 7, 2009

screen share with another Mac on the network that I've recently setup to be a server. When I try logging in, with 'iMac' as the name and 'password' as the password, it says that the details are inaccurate, yet I'm fine to login to view folders. The Mac I'm using to login runs Leopard (lates updates) and the other uses Tiger (latst updates), but still, I'm fine to connect to another Mac using Tiger to share the screen.

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MacBook Pro :: Balance On Internal Speakers Is Inaccurate?

May 21, 2010

Both my 15" MacBook Pro (i5) and my mum's last year 15" C2D ones have what seems to be an inaccurate balance with the internal speakers. The right hand speakers appear to be stronger.

Anyone else noticed this? It's not the end of the world, as the balance can be changed, but you'd think at 50% left 50% right that the volume would be the same per speaker...

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Hardware :: Display On Macbook Very Dark And Inaccurate?

Feb 16, 2008

My macbook has had this problem for a while but I have lived with it so far, but now it is really annoying me. Images and video are displayed very darkly, often loosing a lot of detail and maing the image un-seeable. I have tried fiddling with the gamma settings and all other settings that I can find on the control pannel, but so far I have had no luck.

Just as an example, this is a frame from some video I shot:
click for pic

On any other monitor, the bulb appears bright and white and the ball bearing is visible. On my monitor the bulb is very dark, most of the fragments are invisible and the ball bearing is just a small crescent of light.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: File Size Calculation Is Inaccurate?

Apr 19, 2012

Anyone else noticed that file size calculation in Lion is inaccurate? I noticed when trying to burn cds or dvds with Toast, Toast would calculate the exact size, but Lion would give different results, either larger or smaller, but never accurate.I know for a fact Toast is right and Lion is wrong because I tested the same files in PCs, and in Leopard, and Lion's results are off the mark.Incidentally, I've been using Lion for a month now, and I have to say that in my 18 years as a Mac user I had never encountered so many annoying bugs when switching to a new OS. And don't get me started on the no-color sidebar!

Mac mini (Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Inaccurate Mouse Movement And Lag?

May 31, 2012

I am using a Mac Book Pro with boot camp. When using windows there is no laggy feeling. This is not a skipping movement just a slight lag that makes it barely noticable but inaccurate, very annoying. I have tried many many mice and different softwares but that FLOATING feeling is always there on the Mac side but not the Windows 7. I have been an avid fan of Mac since way back. Classic never did this. I do not remember early versions of OSX doing it but I may not been aware of it.

MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X Mavericks :: Hard Disk Space Is Inaccurate

Jun 5, 2014

I have an external hard disk.  Trying to copy a large file to the disk, the system retuned a message telling that I was missing space.  To me, that was impossible. 

The hard disk folders added to 371GB of data but the info displayed that I was using 445GB.  I emptied the trash, but that didn't do any difference.  After trying to understand, I was left with the idea that there may be invisible files using that space.   

With the Onyx utility, I discovered that the «.Trashes» folder was hidding ±75GB of data.  At first I didn't see it, because the «.Trashes» folder gave me only a write permission (???).  Changing this permission, I then discovered that it was holding the missing 75GB.  Because I now have the read permission, I can see the content ... but can I deleted them ?  Can I delete hidden files in the «.Trashes» folder ? 

How can I clean/empty this «.Trashes» file ? 

iMac Intel - 3,06 GHZ - 21" - 12.0 Go

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OS X :: Weird Date Settings / Showing Wrong Modification Date?

Feb 7, 2007

I've noticed recently that when in Finder, all folders/files have a Modified Date of somewhere in January 2009 or January 2008, regardless of when it was actually modified/created. My clock at the top left-hand corner says Oct 20 though. Any thoughts?

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OS X :: Water Spilled On Trackpad - Cursor Delayed / Inaccurate

Jul 25, 2010

I've spilled a tiny amount of water on my trackpad (drops of sweat from a glass, so not much at all) and now the trackpad isn't working. The cursor is delayed and inaccurate and reminds me of windshield wipers on a dry windshield in that it bounces across the screen. Also, the menu of a right click keeps popping up but I haven't right clicked. Is there any way that I can dry under the trackpad? Can I take the trackpad off? I have a 13" unibody. I did fold paper towels in half and stuck them in the cracks between the trackpad and the wrist rest and that did get some water up, but there is either still water under there or permanent damage. I'm not very tech-savy, so I'd rather not take the whole thing apart on my own, but it is work issued and I'd have to take it to them before I can take it to an Apple store.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: IMac When Opened Safari It Opened To A Nice Size Screen Size?

Apr 16, 2012

When I opened safari my homepage was apple and it opened using the middle of the display with the desktop screensaver visable on both sides of the page now it opens adn takes up the whole screen I don't know how to resize it and save it where it will open to the same all the time. I'm a very new owner of an IMAC and to apple so I'm completely in the dark to mac systems and just stumbling around. I'm a 70 year old guy that's ben drug into the 21 century and trying to keep up (not very good )

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac
OS X (10.5)

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OS X :: External Hard Drive Showing Inaccurate Free Space

Jul 18, 2010

I have a 1TB external LaCie hard drive. Presently, it is loaded with about 300GBs of space so I should have around 650GBs left. However, it is only showing about 240GBs left. I think the problem is that I used to use this hard drive for Time Machine backups, I deleted them via the recycle bin. I checked the recycle bin, nothing there. I verified the disk, everything ok, I repaired it as well. I even erased the empty space.

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Software :: Unable To Change Date And Time Settings / Date And Time Preferences Freezes

May 22, 2008

I am on Tiger 10.4.11 on Mac Book Pro Intel duo. All updates except for Parallels installed. Have run permissions repairs and preferential treatment. Tried to delete preferences for system ... Every time I try to uncheck the box marked or open the Date and Time preferences, it freezes and have to force quit.

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OS X :: Unable To Set Time And Date / Time Date Settings Wrong

Sep 30, 2008

So I shut down my computer earlier today for the first time in weeks. I restarted it and then left for a few hours for dinner.

I come home and I look at the last time MobileMe Sync and Time Machine did their things. They say they did them at 7:45. I look at the clock on my cable box and on my iPhone, both say 6:45.

Weird that the MacBook's time is wrong. I go into Time Date settings. I see that when the MacBook does the "Auto locate where you are so that we can set the appropriate time zone, etc. the MacBook things I'm in Rexford, Idaho.

I haven't been to Idaho in about 25 years, and my MacBook has been sitting in Southern Kalifornia for the last one year since I bought it.I've tried to have the MacBook auto-locate again, and it keeps finding me us in Rexford, idaho.

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Software :: Time And Date Gets Corrupted / Unable To Set Date And Time

May 8, 2009

I'm running OSX 10.5.8 on a G4 iBook. Somehow my Time & Date files got corrupted which prevented me from getting on to the internet. When I discovered the problem, I threw them away, thinking a restart would create them again. I was wrong.

Now my computer doesn't know what time or year it is, causing various problems. I don't have back-up 10.5 disks to extract the time & date package.Can I download a replacement anywhere?

Or can someone email the files to me? I don't know what they're called but, if you search time and date, there are only two (and please tell me what folders they're in too)

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OS X :: Unable To Load Date And Time / Time & Date Crashes

Sep 20, 2009

Starting yesterday, I cannot load Time & Date (either from System Prefs or from the menu bar). I get the beachball and I have to Force Quit System Prefs.

I tried Repairing Permissions and rebooting but it didn't help.I tried deleting .plist entries (as per a related thread on the Internet) and rebooting and that didn't work either.I tried logging off and logging in with another account and the problem is still there.I hope I can get some help because it's driving me nuts. I travel a lot and need to change my time zone. If you need a crash report from me, please tell me how to get it from Console bc I don't know where to look for it!

P.S. I am using old OSX 10.4.11

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OS X :: Trash Is In Use / Cannot Be Opened

Feb 17, 2010

I was about to lose my mind.A couple of days ago I found that I couldn't empty my trash.I kept getting the error message in the title of this post.I have a program called "Smart Trash"...nope.I tried "Super Empty Trash"...nope.I ran some terminal commands followed by a Repair Disk Permissions.Option-Empty...nope.I booted VMWare Fusion / XP, and did a CHKDSK.I tried creating an empty folder and dragging the files (17 of them) into the empty folder, then deleting the empty folder, but my computer wouldn't let me pull the files out of the trash and move them to the new folder.I put the files into A Better Finder Rename and tried to rename them.Then, I did something that you'd never think would solve the problem, but for some reason it did.

I opened up the trash, did a Cmd-A to select all, then a Cmd-I to find out how (collectively) big all of these files were and when my Mac tried to access the files to see their size, they disappeared.
I have no idea why that was the thing that worked, but my Trash is empty and the paper in my trash icon is gone.Just thought I'd share this because I know there are others out there that have tried everything as well. I'm not promising this will work for you, but what have you got to lose, right?

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MacBook Air :: How To First Use MBA Battery When First Opened

Oct 30, 2010

When my MBA comes next week. How should I train the battery when open it?

Drain it first? Plug it in to get full charge? Whats the best thing to first train it?

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OS X :: Mail Not Responding When Opened

Jun 8, 2005

My mail all of a sudden won't respond upon opening. I have restarted and everything. I don't have the reinstall disks with me.

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OS X :: System Preferences Not Get Opened?

Feb 28, 2008

I can't get system preferences to open. I can click on it but nothing happens.

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PowerPC :: Warcraft - TFT Could Not Be Opened?

Mar 30, 2009

I sold my friends my eMac, and he is having a problem with Warcraft 3. Now, I own it too, and have reinstalled it and downloaded patch on the machine so many times over the years. Now, when he installs the latest patch, it says TFT could not be opened. Could using my discs fix the problem? Regular Warcraft 3 still works after patched.

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Mac Mini :: CD / DVD Not Recognized Or Opened

Dec 26, 2009

I cannot get my mini mac to recognize a cd or dvd which I created with my Vaio laptop (Windows Vista). The video was in the window maker and quicktime format. The disc utility tells me a disc is in the harddrive, but I cannot open ,repair etc. I am trying to add video from a Panasonic camera to an imovie project.

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MacBook Pro :: Just Opened MBP - Already Scratched?

Apr 21, 2010

I just opened my MBP and I found this black gunk on parts of it... it wiped off pretty easily but on the top of it there's one small scratch that isn't going away. Should I worry about this? I didn't even touch it and it had a scratch on it. It's very small but it still really bugs me. It just bugs me that I just turned it on and there's already a scratch.

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OS X :: Finder Cannot Be Opened -10810

May 8, 2010

Lately I've been getting this error more and more often.

The application Finder can't be opened.-10810

I did some searching, and the only info I could find was for other applications, but nothing on Finder.

I get it from a fresh restart, with only Safari and iStat Menus running. Whatever is causing it is also hammering the processor to 100%. It's taken me almost 5 minutes just to type out this thread.

I'm on a 1st gen. MacBook Air, running Snow Leopard, fully up to date.

Am I looking at a fresh install?

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Safari :: It Crashes When Opened

Jun 11, 2012

I'm new to MacBook Pro (life long PC user) and need help with Safari.

Problem Description:

Safari closes right after opening, error message states that thread 3 crashed. Below is the error message:



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Final Cut Pro X :: Cannot Be Opened While It Is Being Updated

Aug 25, 2014

I attempted to install the FCP update on August 20th. Since then I have not been able to open FCP.I click on the icon in my dock. The mac app store opens and this warning message pops up: Final Cut Pro can not be opened while it is being updated. 

FCP is not listed as a recently installed update on my list of updates (compressor worked fine). There are no other updates in my mac app store to be installed.  I have restarted my computer.

MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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Laptops :: Garage Band Opened By Itself?

Sep 25, 2010

I have new Macbook Pro 13" with 10.6.4 OS.

Anyway I let my battery calibrate this morning as I've read this is good for your computer and let the computer be for the whole day. However when I came back the application Garageband was open (I distinctly remember quitting) and even had edited a version of a song I made when I first used it (this music I never saved on my computer).

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