I cannot import .avi files into iMovie. I'm not sure what codecs were being used and I'm not sure how to find out, but I know I can open the files in QuickTime (after installing Perian and Flip4Mac), so why wouldn't it work in iMovie either?
My parents bought this camcorder a few years ago, and I bought my Macbook 2 days ago. I have been very busy the past 2 days, transferring pictures, documents, etc. from my pc to my mac. I have now gotten to begin transferring videos. I had several videos on my old pc that transferred just fine, but I also had several videos on the camcorder from a recent trip to Chicago. When I connect the camcorder to my Macbook via USB cable, the files are not transferable. I can't even play them. They all end in either MOI or MOD. Can anyone give me advice on what to do? I have already tried transferring them to my old pc, and then from there to my macbook, but that isn't working for some reason.
I have a video that I am trying to import into iMovie '09. Its it a .MOV file. The file shows up in iPhoto, but when I go to iPhoto movies in iMovie, the file does not show up. What type of formats does iMovie let you import? Perhaps I can't import because its the wrong type of file? If so, is there a (free) way to convert the .MOV file into a file that can be imported into iMovie?
I love AirPlay. I use it on my iPod Touch the moment I get home to play music to my speakers connected via AirPort Express. I use it on my iPad too when i'm watching a movie..
Even on my MBP when listening to music from iTunes. But Movies in iTunes don't work. The AirPlay icon in a movie playing in iTunes only shows "computer" and doesn't show any other options.
When importing songs into iTunes, the software by default is set to copy the music files to the iTunes media folder and convert them to .m4a format. This, of course, results in having two copies of each song after the import is done. Before I disable this option I'd like to know what you think are the pros and cons of having this option enabled/disabled.
Is it possible to have all my playlist, ratings and play counts completely intact? I've transferred my library across different Windows computers. Does it work the same way by just copying the data base and xml files?
my library has some issues in that it does not register all of my songs in itunes
I know this as when I copied my entire folder to my macbook (minus the library and .xml files) I have a few hundred more songs than I do on my desktop
However, since I did not have the .xml and library folder carry over, I lost all my playcounts, playlists, dates, etc that I like to have.
Is there any way I can reimport my entire library and only add the songs that are not "seen" by itunes at the moment? FWIW, I have thousands of song files and I do not want to manually search for which ones show up in my mb library but not my desktops
I have a MacBook Pro that I had four multi-user accounts on. One of them got corrupted, so that one was deleted and another account was opened. I want to get all the old iTunes songs out of the corrupted user folder and put them in the new account iTunes folder.Do I just drag the whole old iTunes folder into the Music folder of new user?letting it overwrite the existing iTunes folder? If I overwrite the new iTunes folder with the old iTunes folder, will it delete whatever I downloaded in the new iTunes since, or meld the old and new together? How do I keep from deleting newer songs and still keep the iTunes library or directories, or whatever, intact?Â
Info: Mac Pro 2 x 2.26 Quad-Core Intel Xeon, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 16Gb Ram
Occasionally when I import a CD to my iTunes library via the File menu/Import CD on Snow Leopard; iTunes 10, iTunes appears to skip a song and no information appears when I enter the search terms in the search box. This happens even though all title information appears before I click "Import CD" and all the boxes are checked. I've found that if the CD is still inserted, I can import the songs to a single playlist by dragging the titles to it. So apparently the song did import, but for some reason doesn't appear in the library list. This isn't usually a problem, but I'd like to know why it happens and how to prevent it, since I'd rather have the complete information in my library.
Info: 15, Mac OS X (10.5.5), OS 10.3.9; OS 10.4.11; OS 10.6.8
Always been able to 'join cd tracks' when importing an audio book. Half way through a book today the choice of joining greyed out and I can't figure out what happened. I have imported literally dozens of books doing this with no problem. I have also tried the solutions recommended on the discussion panel for Windows (got there accidentally) and none of them work. What's happening?
Looking for an OS X app that will add lyrics to my iTunes songs. I've tried the "Sing that iTune" widget, which will do it as you listen to a song, but you have to listen to each song individually.
After a bit of searching I'm getting the idea this isn't possible but I thought I'd double check here. All I want to do is play music files in folders without the damn thing importing it every time. Can this be done? I can see how it can be done for CD's, but not files on HD.
I have imported my DVD collection into my hard drive so I can have the entire TV series on my Mac without swapping DVDs all the time (I want to access them via Front Row). Currently the format is AVI and cannot be imported into iTunes. I can however open the movie in quicktime, save as a reference file, then import into iTunes. However, this would take me hours and hours with my video library. If I convert them to *.mov format, it would also take hours and hours. I know there's a program called videodrive that will import them all, but I'd like to buy it only as a last resort. Surely there must be a way to do it via Automator or something?
I'm a new macbook pro i5 user (first mac). Got it last wednesday..I've gone by with figuring stuff out myself, and browsing for help articles etc. online
I have a Western Digital 500gb fw/usb external harddrive that I used with my pc laptop. It's formatted in NTFS, and filled up with my mp3's. I've tried to drag the whole folder over to itunes, it chokes up and shows the rainbow icon thing both on usb and on FW. Then I tried to choose like 10 folders and import, still chokes up but it did manage to import SOME of those folders. So you can see it'll be a big problem for me to import the whole thing if I have to live with this and do it manually.
Second thing is, the few GB's that it has imported, everytime I open itunes now, it tries to finish estimating pauses and whatever for those tracks, but keeps choking up and get unresponsive. So I have to hard-quit itunes, or quickly hit the X several times to make it stop figuring out the pauses etc.
Wondering what is up with this...brand ned MBP that otherwise runs well, newest itunes that otherwise runs well, no problem with the harddrive...You guys have a solution? Should I format the harddrive to another format, what?
I gave my daughter a DVD with a number of Albums on it in mp3 format. When she imported them into iTunes on her MacBook(Intel, 10.4.11, iTunes v8) some of the tracks were duplicated.
When her flatmate imported them into iTunes on her PC, every track was duplicated.
Any ideas as to why this should happen and how to stop it?
While importing a Classical Music CD I was given two choices to pick fromfor the name and playlist. I chose one and it was wrong. I did not import it but rather ejected it and them remounted it to choose the right name and playlist however it no longer gives me a choice, it goes right to the previously chosem incorrect name and list.Â
I tried ejecting, quiting iTunes, restarting iTunes and reinserting but it still goes right to the previously chosen incorrect name and list. How do I rectify this? there must be some info to delete on my HD so it will give me the choice again.
I was working with my brother import his cds into Itunes on his new Mac. I told him to import them as AAC files, but unfortunately he thought I said AIFF. He has imported his whole collection at CD quality, but now his computer is nearly full with his Itunes library. Is there a way to move the files to another hard drive, then create a new Itunes library, and have Itunes convert the AIFF files to AAC files when you drag and drop them into a new library? Or does he need to re-import his whole cd collection? The other option I thought of is to export as AAC from Itunes?
I am going to be reformatting my hard drive soon and I remember last time that I reformatted iTunes didn't export my ratings with my music. I have read other places about creating playlists with the song ratings so all songs of a specific rating are in that playlist and then export the playlist. I would like to know if this would be a good way to do this. Also I was wondering if there is any way to retain the dates the songs were added to the library, but I am mostly concerned with the ratings.
Are there any drawbacks to enabling iTunes' option to "Use error correction when reading Audio CDs" in the import settings (other than ripping will simply take longer)? What I would really like to know is whether or not enabling this feature will in any way adversely affect the quality of CD rips I get?
Had some library troubles with iTunes 9, and decided to do a clean install of not only the program, but of Snow Leopard itself. I was waiting on an iTunes update to come out before I decided to re-load my library in, since I didn't want to risk repeat problems (I've always been one of those bleeding edge-ers, and this is the 1st time I've ever had a problem/held back...guess I learned my lesson). 9.0.1 is out and seems to address the problems I'd been having, but I caught the "start fresh" bug and I want to start over with iTunes. No playlists, play counts, etc need to be saved.
I do have a full backup of my previous system and I'm wondering what the best way to get all of my music back into iTunes is. - Do I use the Finder to simply drag the contents of my old "iTunes Music" folder into the new "iTunes Media" folder? - Do I drag the whole folder and drop it onto the iTunes window? (I'm worried this method won't put iPhone apps, ringtones, audiobooks and podcasts in the right place). - Do I use the import function? Prior to making the backup, I did upgrade to/select iTunes Media Organization
If I have some MP3 files on my computer that have not been imported into iTunes and I import them by selecting them and opening them (thereby opening iTunes, copying the files to the Music folder, and adding it to the library), I noticed that the pause button becomes a stop button when it automatically starts playing a track. If I click the stop button, it stops playing the track, and when I click play again, it is not a pause button.
I am adding audio files to make a audiobook. I can get the files to the audiobook, but I have like 11 sections to a book. How can all I make the 11 chapter go under 1 icon or folder like other audiobooks?
I had all of my iTunes music files stored on an external HD, which I used whenever I used iTunes. Maybe 200GB worth of tunes.I now have a new MacBook Pro, and I would like to import all of those music files to the internal HD of this laptop.So, without fishing around in the ancient old system for the Library file... I'd like to start fresh. I have no interest in keeping any ratings or play counts of the tunes. Do I simply go to the Add To Library command under the File menu, and select the iTunes Music folder on the external HD? Will this copy over my entire collection, and build a new Library file? Will my music library appear the same as it was before, in the iTunes application window? I imagine that this operation will take a bit of time. I seem to recall doing something like this, years ago, and noticing that the copying process missed entire albums etc.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 2.6GHz, 8GB RAM