I just got a new Macbook Pro a few days ago and I've put a few of my CDs on it, but today I tried to transfer albums from my external harddrive over to my Mac and got a little confused. My music has suddenly sorted itself differently and iTunes has separated songs from albums based on artist having other people featured in the songs and etc. I'm a very organized person and it's going to drive me crazy if I can't get everything to stay together, but I can't figure it all out.
Also, when transferring the songs onto my Mac I was just moving the files into the iTunes music folder. I don't know how to get them to actually go into iTunes though.
At the moment most of my music is either stored on my Macbook or on an external hard drive. Is it possible to transfer all my music and videos to an external hard drive and then sync it with Itune so that every time I plug it in I can access them?
I have an old OLD old pc that has lots of great music on it. I was wondering if there is any way that I can get that music off of the computer without having to install Boot Camp or anything to my Mac? Do I have to convert it, somehow, into another format? Is it possible to just put a flash drive into the hard drive, save the music to it, then put the flash drive into my Mac, have my music?
A friend of mine PC's hard drive fried recently. He's was thoroughly sick of his ageing PC anyway and I convinced him to buy his first Mac. Anyway, he hadn't backed anything up from his PC. He's not too worried about this bar the fact he's lost all of his music.
Fortunately, he's got his entire music library stored on his iPod. Now, I've don't know the first thing about iPods. Is there an easy way to transfer all of his music from his iPod into iTunes on his new iMac? He's worried about losing his music, unsurprisingly.
I have a HP Pavillion desktop where I download most of my music. I also have a MacbooK Pro Unibody (bought it in February 2010). I use my iPods and iPad with my Macbook Pro so I always use a USB thumbdrive to transfer my music from my PC to my MBP. I've heard of something called a DropBox that people use to transfer files from their iPad to their MBP. Can I do something like that to transfer my music and pictures from my PC to my MBP without having to use a thumbdrive?
We recently switched from a a PC to a Mac due to a crash. when we were trying to sync old info from our iPods and iphones onto the iTunes it does not allow us to do so. It restricts us from transferring info. How are we supposed to do so?
I just started a new account for my wife on our iMac. Before that all our music, photos, contacts, etc were on my account. My question is, how can I transfer the music over to her account and also how can I get her contacts on her phone over to itunes?
I got a new IPod. Now how can I transfer my playlists and music from my current iPod to my new one? I'd rather not have to copy them all to my HD and back as my old iPod contains 6.48 gigs of music and I don't have that much HD space. Anyone know of any good Apple Scripts or programs?
I bought an iPhone 4S about a month ago and used iTunes from my old pc to sync songs. More recently, I bought a Macbook Pro. When I try to sync songs into the iPhone through the Mac iTunes, nothing is transferred. The pictures are syncing correctly through iTunes, but songs on the iTunes library are not. What should I do to transfer songs?
Anybody know about a good program to transfer music from an iPod to iTunes? Just got a mac mini, and time machine didn't back up my library. I was able to recover purchased songs, but not the rest.
I want to transfer the music from my iPad, most of which is not purchased from iTunes, to the new computer (PC) but getting a message stating that the device is syched to another computer. Anyway to make my new computer the home computer and transfer the non-iTunes music without erasing the content of the iPad?
Can I transfer music photos from my old pc to my new Mac, plus I have a hard drive that is Mac compatible but all the stuff is from my pc will it transfer
My daughter bought a new Macbook Pro. When she took her old Gateway computer in to the Apple store for them to transfer her files they told her they were not able to transfer her music files due to corrupt files on the old computer. All of her music she has purchased since about 2005 are on her ipod and phone. Some of the original music she purchased was through an AOL account which she has since discontinued and the rest of her music has been purchased under her mobileme/icloud account. Since purchasing the new laptop, she has not synced her ipod or iphone with the laptop, as we have been told that she will potentially lose all those songs which were purchased under the old AOL account, which is probably better than 50% of her songs. What is going to happen to her music if she snycs the ipod or iphone with this laptop?
Over the last few years we have had laptops breaking down and have had to transfer music and I was wondering how many times can you transfer from computer to another computer?
I previously had a Macbook with all of my music from my iPhone stored on it. When getting a new computer I logged into my existing iTunes account but not all of the songs that I had on my old computer and phone showed up. I noticed that the songs that aren't on my new computer are ones that were not purchased on iTunes (ex: downloaded from a cd). Is there any way to directly transfer all of the songs that are currently on my phone to my iTunes account on my new computer?
Is it possible to drag and drop my iTunes music folder from an external drive directly to a windows laptop (if no, why exactly)? Or do I have to go threw a specific transfer process with the mac? I just want the music files, and album artwork. I have podcasts but I assume there associated with my account so they will just redownload.
Every time I put itunes music files into my shared folder from the administrator's account then try to drop it into my itunes library on my other account, it says I do not have write access and should check my music folders. Well, I gave every music folder and itunes write access privileges, but I still get the same message when I try to transfer the music.
I have a 1st generation ipod (10g) and a new macbook pro. I don't have firewire on the macbook pro and need a cable that will work so I can transfer music from my old ipod onto my macbook. I have a 400/800 firewire adapter which connect fine to my ipod, but doesn't connect to my macbook.
I just got my new 2010 15" core i5 MacBook Pro and i cant seem to transfer any of my music from my iphone to my new mac. Can anyone direct me to a FREE way to do this? I no there are a lot of sites out there which make you pay for it, but i really dont want to do that.
I am aware that when you purchase a new Mac you have to deauthorise your old mac and authorise your new one to play your iTunes library. When you can't do this Apple allow you to do this up to a maximum of 5 times. My question is that I suffered a catastrophic hard drive failure on my last two macs and therefore could not deauthorise those macs. I have now reached the maximum five times you can authorise your mac but find this unfair as at least two of those had to be used as a result of hardware failure. If my current mac fails I think I lose my library altogether as although it's backed up I can't authorise the music on any new macs. Am I right about this and is there any way I could get apple to take the hardware failures into consideration? I've paid for all of my content so why can't I continue to use it?
All my music is on an external hard drive created some while ago through a Sony Vaio PC. I now want to use that same hard drive to manage my music on my Mac, but it won't let me.
Secondly, I cannot get my bought music - while using my Mac - to be recognised and synched onto my iPod, although it plays fine on the computer itself.
I recently purchased a Macbook Pro, and now want to put all of my music from my iphone4 to my itunes library on the computer, I cannot do this, so I have made my iphone a device so that I used to be able to "grab and drop" downloaded music into my device of the iphone, however recently upgrading my itunes I cannot do this anymore!
I have an old Mac Book with all my music on it, but will not sync with my iPhone 3GS or let any of my music transfer over. It only allows my music on my phone to transfer to the Library. How can I transfer the music on my MacBook to my iPhone?