OS X :: How To Reformat Snow Leopard Harddrive

May 12, 2010

i have a MPB 5,3 and i have partitioned it to use windows (for gaming and other stuff) but then did it wrong and unpartitioned it now i know how to do it rpoperly but my comp wont let me partition it. it says i have unmovable files and it cannot partition it

NOTE: all i want to do is a clean wipe of my comp and put snow leopard back onto it

my buddy said the fact that i have windows in parallels could be the reason and to just delete it but im not sure

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: How To Reformat Entire Harddrive

Jun 23, 2012

I am trying to sell my laptop and recently did a 7-pass erase on the 128GB SSD in my MBA on Snow Leopard.

All went well, including the OS install. When I look at the disc size it shows it at just under 122GB.

What happened to the other 7GB?  How can I be sure I'm not leaving any personal information on it that may be retrieved?

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OS X :: Archive And Install Reformat - Not Possible Under Snow Leopard?

Jul 3, 2010

So here is my question, I have lots of stuff on my Mac that I really want to keep, so it would be backup first. I would then like to do an Archive and Install Reformat but I believe this is not possible under Snow Leopard. What is my best choice to do a completely clean reinstall of Snow Leopard ?

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Harddrive Icon On Start Won't Go Away

Mar 12, 2012

This morning when I turned on my Imac, it presented me with the Mac HD icon, I had to select this to continue with the boot. 

I've checked the startup options and the correct (and only) drive is selected, re selected it a few times just in case but this didnt have any effect. 

Checked that none of my keyboard keys are sticking by unpluging it during the boot so the keyboard couldn't interfere, still the same. 

I've tried a pram reset but don't seem to have any joy getting this to work. I hold the correct sequence of keys down just after the chimes ( cmd, option p and r) but that doesn't seem to get me the 2nd chime. Have no idea what I'm doing wrong. 

Is this a sign my HDD is going? I use the system for a lot of video editing and photo editing, could this amout of usuage cause any problems 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Deleting Harddrive To In Stall Snow Lepord?

Mar 31, 2010

I first tried to install from restarting but I said I didn't have enough raram to install or whatever I tried to delete my HD to make my comp faster as it's being slow but I lost the disk t came with so I bought lepord and don't have enought memory like I said but it's letingme now erase the HD now I chose the option pass 35 and it's saying estimated time 13 days... Is it really going to take that long and when it's done will it then let me install snow lepord??

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MacBook Pro :: Way To Reformat Mbp - Install The Leopard From CD?

Apr 16, 2010

As the title states, I plan on reformatting my mbp. I'm quite new to this so I really need your help. My mbp came with leopard but I later on upgraded to snow leopard. Knowing that I bought it as an upgrade, I should install the leopard cd that came with my mbp. This is where i'm getting confused, should i install all the updates before installing snow or can I immediately pop in snow and install it? And what else should I keep in mind when reformatting? Thanks in advance!

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Reformat The Hard Drive On MacBook Pro 10.5.8

Mar 27, 2012

how do i reformat the hard drive on my macBook Pro 10.5.8 - dvd player doesn't work - otherwise what is the best way to delete stuff off the hd  I want to keep the os on it.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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IMac PPC :: Upgrade And Reformat It From Leopard To Lion?

May 28, 2012

i have an iMac on 10.5.? something.. and i want to get it back to factory setting and upgrade it to lion, as im half way to selling it to a friend. It needs reformatting asap really as he already managed to get that flash trojan on in within his first 2 days of having it, and its already had some mileage that could do with being reset anyway. i also what what i wanted to know how to upgrade to lion without having to get snow leopard as well. i know i need to install some more ram which im in the process of getting from Crucial.com. i just need to know about how to bypass snow leopard.

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Reformat A Disk To Use For Time Machine?

Jun 5, 2012

How do I reformat a disk to use for Time Machine?

The disk is from Seagate, a GoFlex Home unit that was used originally by someone else with a PC.

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Not Recognizing DiskGo Edge External Harddrive

Apr 19, 2012

My father just sent me a DiskGo Edge external harddrive (used by him but only for some email files, no damage I know of) and it is not at all recognized by my computer, won't show up in disk utility or anything- it also won't show on my school's computers which are also macs. I've tried thier website troubleshooting page and no luck there. It did work on a PC before. There are two blue lights on it, and altough two are on when the power outlet is plugged in, only one is on when i plug the USB in my macbook. It's clearly the external itself since it hasnt shown on 2 computers-- but how do I get it to be recognized?

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Reformat Hard Drive If IMac Locks Frequently?

Feb 19, 2012

My Mac OS X Version 10.5.8 is 3 years old. I am having major problems with it. For the past 3 weeks now, everytime I try to use the Creative Suite 4 applications, the computer locks up...spins and spins and spins. I force quit when I can and oftentimes I cannot. I ran the disk utility from the Installation Disk and ran disk repair. The message that I received was a minor one but the problem continues....Vol Bit Map has minor problems. Does reformatting the hard drive is a good idea? It seems that I can get online with no problems. I have backed up all important files and am ready to reformat but want to make sure first that this option is the only one I have.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Initial Time Machine Backup Larger Than Actual Computer Harddrive

May 24, 2012

I've got an iMac with a 1TB harddrive and am trying to use a time machine set up to back up my harddrive. The external harddrive I'm using for my back up is also 1TB. I currently have about 135GB of free space on my iMac's harddrive and my external drive is completely empty. When I try to back up using time machine it tells me that the back up is 1.2TB and cannot fit on my 1TB external harddrive. What would cause the initial back up to be larger than the actual computers harddrive? Is there anything I can do to rectify this issue without me needing to purchase a larger external harddrive for back up?

iMac Intel Core 2 Duo, Mac OS X (10.6)

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OS X :: Leopard Upgrade To Snow Leopard ... The Same As The Full Version Of Snow Leopard?

Jun 13, 2009

... long time reader, first time poster!! So I'm doing it. I'm switching from PC to Mac. I've been waiting for a while now and the new MacBook Pro's have convinced me. I'm buying the 13 inch this week.

However I'm slightly worried about the upgrade to Snow Leopard in September.

My question is if I buy a new MacBook Pro this week and upgrade from the current version of Leopard to Snow Leopard will it be the EXACT same as the version of Snow Leopard that ships with new MacBooks after September?

Is the upgrade just the same as the full software version available post September? Does the upgrade it just detect if you have the previous software and installs as if it were the full? Or does it just "patch" things depending on what's different from previous versions?

I can wait till after Snow Leopard is released in September 09 if it is different to Leopard upgraded to Snow Leopard.

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OS X :: Snow Leopard And HP Color Laserjet 3505n - Snow Leopard Work With This Printer?

Aug 25, 2009

I am using an HP Color Laserjet 3505n. Will snow leopard work with this printer?

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Snow Leopard Install Disk Works In IMac But Not In MacBook Pro?

Mar 31, 2012

I have a Snow Leopard Install Disk for the 13-inch Macbook Pro model.I also have a 21-inch iMac. I have OS X Lion installed on both. I have Snow Leopard installed as a partition on my Macbook Pro, which I installed via the install disk. I want to do the same thing for my iMac but I am unable due to (seemingly) my install disk is for a Macbook Pro and not for an iMac.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Photoshop CS And Acrobat 6.0 Stopped Working In Snow Leopard?

Mar 25, 2012

"Photoshop CS" and "Acrobat 6.0 Standard" suddenly stopped working in my iMac, apparently after I upgraded it to MacOS 10.6.8 (the latest version of Snow Leopard).  Both programs had worked normally until that OS upgrade.  I deleted Photoshop CS and tried to re-install it from the original CD, but the installation never proceeds because I get an error message entitled:  "Install Adobe Photoshop CS quit unexpectedly".  This is the full error message: 

Process:         LaunchCFMApp [1516]
Path:            /Volumes/Adobe(R) Photoshop(R) CS/Adobe(R) Photoshop(R) CS/Install Adobe Photoshop CS.app/Contents/MacOS/Install Adobe Photoshop CS
Identifier:      com.MindVision.InstallerVISE


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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Software Update After Snow Leopard Clean Install

Jul 3, 2012

Today I performed a clean install of Snow Leopard on my late 2009 Mac Mini. After completing the installation, I began running software update to bring everything up-to-date.While software update did find and install a number of updates (10.6.8v1.1 Combo update, Security Update 2012-002, Apple Software Installer Update, iLife Support 9.0.4, Remote Desktop Client Update 3.5.3, Airport Utility, Java, Safari) it did not find an update for iTunes (which starts at version 9.x, I believe, in a SL clean install).I assumed that this was some sort of random glitch and manually downloaded and installed iTunes 10.6.3.After that, I re-installed iLife '11 (from a retail DVD, not the App Store).When I ran Software Update again, it found updates for Garage Band, iDVD, and iWeb, but it did not show the updates for iPhoto and iMovie.I found this to be unnerving, as I performed a clean install when I first obtained this Mini a few months ago and didn't experience any of these problems - all of my Apple software updated automatically through Software Update without a hitch. 

I began researching this problem online and found that other people have been experiencing this same problem (or some variation of it), and it seems like it began appearing around the time Apple updated some of its security certificates in March.In particular, I've found several references to the missing iPhoto update.This one is especially noticeable because an iPhoto library created in iPhoto 9.2.3 will not open in iPhoto 9.0, and this generates an error upon opening the program (i.e., a user backs up their iPhoto library created in 9.2.3, performs a SL clean install, reinstalls iLife, goes through the Software Update process until it shows that no more updates are available, and are shocked to find that they are unable to open their backed up iPhoto library because they have an out of date version of iPhoto).The most common (and admittedly logical) solution proposed in the threads I've read is to download any necessary updates directly from the Apple website.  However, I am curious as to why this previously functional feature now appears to be broken.Has anyone else been struggling with this?  Does it indeed have something to do with the new security certificates? Is Apple aware of the problem?

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Applications :: Upgrade To Snow Leopard Or Install Snow Leopard?

Oct 4, 2010

I'm currently using a MBP 13 inch and am running Leopard on it.

I just bought a copy of snow leopard today but i don't know if I should do a direct upgrade from leopard to snow leopard, or wipe my MBP and do a fresh install so i have snow leopard on a clean slate.

Have any of you tried the second option before? Or do any of you have advice on which path I should take?

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Old Apps Unexpectedly Quit In Snow Leopard

Jun 3, 2012

I have my drive partitioned between Tiger and Snow Leopard. I am trying to move myself over to Snow Leopard so I don't have to keep switching. The problem is that my old apps that alledgedly will work in SL, give me an error box when I launch them. It happens with Appleworks 6 and Quicken 2007. I've installed Rosetta but don't know what else to do.When I launch either application, it says it unexpectedly quit and gives this info: Process: [code]

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: 'Snow Leopard Cannot Install To Computer'

Apr 11, 2012

iMac with 2Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4GB RAM, plenty of space available and currently operating 10.5.8. Now I want to upgrade to Snow Leopard and since my Mac Mini came with it, I attempted to use the OSX install disc from the Mini in the iMac. I don't see a reason why this shouldn't work. There's no DRM or anything as far as I know. I'm just trying to bridge the gap so I can download Lion. I've looked into some of the advice others have given on this subject but my computer doesn't have those issues. I've tried booting from disc but I get the same message.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), iPhone 4

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OS X :: Snow Leopard Installation / Unable To Do Clean Snow Leopard Installation

Oct 19, 2009

Question: I already have snow leopard installed on my iMac. But can I still do a CLEAN snow leopard installation onto my imac even though snow leopard is already installed?

I tried it just now like twice but I got the spinning wheel of death. It wouldn't go pass the apple sign and spinning wheel.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Upgrading From Leopard To Snow

Jun 13, 2012

I've been using Leopard since 2008 and everything has worked well.  Now that I have to have at least Snow Leopard to run some apps, I'd like to upgrade to Snow Leopard.  Are there any pitfalls I should be aware of?  I'm assuming I will still be able to run all my apps and access my files.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Hardware :: Wireless Mouse Software Update 1.0 For Leopard/Snow Leopard And Cosmetic Changes

Oct 29, 2009

Interesting... at the same time as Magic mouse comes into stock (well, in UK Apple stores, anyhow), Apple release the "Wireless Mouse Software Update 1.0 for Leopard" & "Wireless Mouse Software Update 1.0 for Snow Leopard".

Here are direct links to the installer disk images, to save you time - even if you don't yet have a Magic mouse, you can install the software now to save time later:



Snow Leopard:


I also found it interesting, how the mouse icon has changed into a Magic mouse in System Preferences:

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OS X :: Snow Leopard Login Wallpaper Stuck In Leopard's Aurora - CANT CHANGE

Dec 25, 2009

I don't know about you, but Snow Leopard's aurora is so much cooler. I used a program called "Desktop 2 Login" to change the default wallpaper for the login screen to a different wallpaper. Using this same program I changed it back to L's Aurora. (Still in 10.5). When I upgraded to snow leopard, the login wallpaper did not change. It is still stuck on L's aurora. I have used about every method besides Terminal, and it won't change.

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Intel Mac :: Re-download Snow Leopard After Reinstalling An Old Version Of Leopard From Disks?

May 5, 2012

how can i redownload snow leopard after reinstalling an old version of leopard from disks?I have a mobileme account and an icloud account?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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OS X :: Sleeping Version Of Leopard, Is Gonna Be Back For Snow Leopard?

Apr 23, 2009

Anyone have any idea of a feature that was originally going to be in Boot Camp, allowing it to switch very quickly between a hibernated version of Windows and a sleeping version of Leopard, is gonna be back for Snow Leopard?

Apparently the feature was dropped before the final version...

This would've been awesome, would love to see it back...


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OS X :: EyeTV And Internet Not Working / Updated Leopard To Snow Leopard

Mar 23, 2010

Firstly I am sorry if this has been posted before, but I did have a look at the Snow Leopard FAQ & a browse through the current topics. And secondly, I am also sorry if I am not using appropriate computer language to describe certain things. I have a 17 inch Macbook Pro I bought in the middle of last year. Before Snow Leopard. So when Snow Leopard came along I went for the upgrade without looking around at compatibility issues with certain software.

So after the upgrade, my EyeTV didn't work, and neither did my internet (I use the ones with the USB stick). So I couldn't even go online to get my EyeTV update. So in my (brief) panick I re-installed Leopard, which wasn't a great idea I guess, because all of a sudden my HD space went down to 50GB from my 500GB of storage. Now I know I didn't have the full 500GB since I did have some photos, music & videos on board. But surely 50GB remaining is quite ridiculous. I think it probably performed a Time Machine backup for me.

Anyway... that was awhile ago. And I was happy to carry on with what I had. But now I think I would like to try what Snow Leopard has to offer. But with only 18GB of space remaining, I think the best option might be to reformat and start over. What do you guys think? My other option is to try to delete as much as I can spare to make room for Snow Leopard. Sorry if this question is a silly one, but I have done a lot of things with my iPhone & with this Mac without thinking & asking first & I have always regretted it. Thanks for any help or suggestions you all can offer.

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Software :: Installing Old Leopard Alternate Boot With Snow Leopard

Oct 17, 2009

I have a tower Mac Pro with Snow Leopard running on it.Unfortunately one of the software that I use doesn't have yet a Snow Leopard update. So I am thinking maybe I can install older version of Leopard on one of the internal drives (i have 3 additional internal drives), so I can boot my computer from either Leopard or Snow Leopard, depending on needs (i don't want to get rid of Snow Leopard).

I never installed OS X system before, so I am a bit scared.The internal drive is ready, I have the old Leopard on disks, what are the next steps to take?

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Upgrade To Snow Leopard Free For MobileMe Users?

May 27, 2012

I've recently acquired an iMac and wanted to upgrade to Lion, however I believe I need to upgrade from Leopard to Snow Leopard first - which could prove to end up costing a fortune! I've read recently that Apple are offering the upgrade to Snow Leopard free of charge for MobileMe users, however when I've followed a link to fill in a request form, this just takes me to the Find My Phone feature on iCloud. 


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OS X :: Apple Unleashes New Leopard Snow Leopard Betas?

Jul 13, 2009

Apple this weekend followed the release of its latest Snow Leopard beta with new pre-releases of both Mac OS X 10.5.8 Leopard and Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard Server.

Mac OS X 10.5.8 build 9L25

Since opening the Mac OS X 10.5.8 beta test to developers approximately one month ago, Apple has shown signs that the release may cap off development of Mac OS X 10.5.

For example, each new build has arrived with a focus area noticeably distinct from the last, with lower-level technologies and frameworks seeing greater attention than usual. As such, it's been speculated that the Mac maker may be giving its Leopard OS a final once-over.

This trend appears to have culminated with this past weekend's release of build 9L25, which no longer asks that developers focus their attention on a small subset of Leopard's components. Instead, it groups together the more than three dozen components that had been isolated into smaller focus groups in earlier betas.

The latest build also lists no known issues and addresses just two new bugs, one related to saving mail messages as individual message documents and another to URL localization.

Mac OS X 10.6 Server build 10A403

Separately, developers this weekend were also treated to a new build of Mac OS X 10.6 Server, labeled build 10A403. With it, Apple asked that they test upgrade installs of the server software itself, in addition to upgrade installs of Calendar server.

Developers were also reportedly asked to spend some time with the system's new Podcast Producer, evaluating as many third-party video and web cams as they possibly can. Included with the software is a new Web Podcast Capture which leverages a new Dual Source Video Capture feature for allowing users to create picture-in-picture format podcasts.

Mac OS X 10.6 build 10A402a

Mac OS X 10.6 Server build 10A403 arrived on the heels of Mac OS X 10.6 Client build 10A402a earlier in the week. That build introduced some widely-reported interface tweaks to the Dock's pop-up menus and Expose.

One AppleInsider reader has published a few more screenshots of these interface changes to his blog, including the Dock's new menus, Expos�'s new grid view, and changes to the Dock's grid view scroll bars. [ View this article at AppleInsider.com ]

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