OS X :: How To Find Large Files In Time Machine Backup
Mar 12, 2010
Is there any way to find and delete large "unwanted" files from a Time Machine backup on a Time Capsule? Lets say you have some big ISO-files you want to remove but don't know at what date they were backed up.I tried to mount the Time Machine backup image and locate big files with GrandPerspective but it didn't really work.
I am getting the following error from Time Machine when doing my first backup. The startup disk being backed up, and the TM disk are both the same size.
Macintosh HD: 465.44 (total); 393.99 (free); 71.45 (free) Time Machine: 465.44 (total); 465.29 (free)
The Time Machine error is: Quote:
"This backup is too large for the backup volume. The backup requires 472.7 GB but only 465.3 GB are available." why would this be? Other disks are excluded from the backup, and Time Machine is telling me that it needs more space than it actually needs. What should I do?
Well TM is acting up. I get an error that reads: "This backup is too large for the backup volume."
Both the internal boot disk and the external baclup drive are 1TB. The internal one has a two partitions, the OSX one that is 900GBs and a 32GB NTFS one for Boot Camp. The external drive is a single OSX Extended part. that is 932GBs.
Both the Time Machine disk, and the Boot Camp disk are excluded from the backup along with a "Crap" folder for temporary large files.
Time Machine says it needs 938GBs to backup only the OSX disk, which has 806GBs in use with the rest free. WTFFF?
This happened after moving a large folder (128GB in total) from the root of the OSX disk over to my Home Folder.
I have reformated the Time Machine drive and have no backups at all of my data and it refuses to backup!!
Why would it need 938GBs of space to backup if the disk has "only" 806 GBs in use??? Is there anyway to reset Time Machine completely???
my TM wil not back up! It states that this backup is too large for the backup disk. The back up disk requires 573.50 GB but only 225.23 GB are available. The TM needs work space on the backup disk, in addition to the space required to store backups. Upen TM perferences to select a LARGER backup disk or make the backup smaller by excluding file.Â
Okay I;m sorry but obvioulsy I dont get this. I've never called Apple for help! I have every product they sell practically including Protection Plans I never used and no one will help me with this. My MAC is starting to have black or white screens and i can hear it running but it will not do anything so i have to reboot it, it screws up Enturage and then I have to rebuild that ( 5 times this year) anyway... I would like to back everything up- can I delete everything on the Time Capsule or Time Machine; god I dont even know what it is called Im so MAD... help if you can please. I'm going to have to take this to the genius people at the store and probably buy another computer but like before they will not save my files.
I've been having a problem with Time Machine lately (OS 10.5.1). My computer is set up as follows:
Internal iMac HD Firewire external HD (music) USB external HD (Time Machine)
I have Time Machine back up the internal and firewire (music) drives. The initial backup takes up appx. 290GB of my 500GB TM drive. Subsequent backups function as normal, until a restart.
I am using Time Machine with my external drive. And since my external hard disk does not have too much capacity, from the time machine options I excluded some folders like movies, music etc. So in time machine preferences it seems it needs 42gb for backup. And it was working like this, backing up 42gb and everyday just backing up changes like 100mb. So in hard drive more or less 50gb was used..70gb free. Until last week.
Suddenly it appeared an error like this "This backup is too large for the backup disk. The backup requires 128 GB but only 97 GB are available". I do not have any idea how this can happen since my backup size seems like 42gb still in options. How it can require 128GB suddenly? Also how can I have 97GB available? I had 70GB last week? I tried to include everything in backup options and exclude again but it does not work. Still I see there 42gb needed for backup but when I connect the drive I am still getting the same error!
What if a Time Machine backup was created on a Mac with a large hard disk, e.g. 500GB iMac - and I buy a new MacBook Air with a small SSD hard disk e.g 128GB. What happens when I need to use the larger Time Machine file to set up the new MacBook Air? What happens to all those files that can't fit on the smaller SSD drive?
Well TM is acting up. I get an error that reads: "This backup is too large for the backup volume." Both the internal boot disk and the external baclup drive are 1TB. The internal one has a two partitions, the OSX one that is 900GBs and a 32GB NTFS one for Boot Camp. The external drive is a single OSX Extended part. that is 932GBs. Both the Time Machine disk, and the Boot Camp disk are excluded from the backup along with a "Crap" folder for temporary large files.
Time Machine says it needs 938GBs to backup only the OSX disk, which has 806GBs in use with the rest free. WTFFF? This happened after moving a large folder (128GB in total) from the root of the OSX disk over to my Home Folder. I have reformated the Time Machine drive and have no backups at all of my data and it refuses to backup!! Why would it need 938GBs of space to backup if the disk has "only" 806 GBs in use??? Is there anyway to reset Time Machine completely?
I'm using 10.5.8 and Time Machine on a time capsule which should have enough space. I've unchecked the "ask before deleting" option in Time Machine but no dice. I suspect that the problem stems from when I copied my iTunes folder into my public folder so that I can share among user accounts. It's not a copy of the folder but rather I moved it. Still, I think that time machine is trying to hold onto two copies.
Info: iMac (24-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I just got my Mac back from a repair at the Apple Store. I was very excited to have everything back. However, Time Machine cannot back up! The error given is that the backup volume "cannot be found."
I've tried rebooting, remounting the drive and doing checks on it. Everything checks out. I can even write and read to and from the backup volume just fine via Finder. The only issue is that Time Machine can't. What's the problem? How do I fix it?
Attached is a screenshot of my Finder window next to the Time Machine Sys Prefs window.
mac online did a complete resetting and reinstallation on my iMac.
in this process they lost my mails, fortunatly there is a backup in Time Machine but i can not find the mails that i left on the left column in mail under "in my mac" where do i find them and how can they be restored again?
I need to do a complete restore of my MacBook from a previous time. Now, I back up my wife's MacBook and mine to the same external hard drive using Time Machine on a regular basis and if I open TM on my MacBook I can see all my backups in the 'time travel' view. As well, if I do a Finder search in my external hard drive, all the backup files are there, both my wife's and mine in two separate folders.
The problem comes when I try to restore, using my Install DVD. At the point that it asks me where the backup is stored, I click on my external hard drive and it shows my wife's and my backups as options. All my wife's backups appear when I select hers. But only my original backup appears when I select mine. It doesn't recognise all my subsequent backups. I've tried deleting my wife's backup folder but still only see my original backup.
I have an external hard drive where I backup my Macbook Pro. I recently upgraded to Mavericks and now I can't find old files on time machine. I am looking for a file around a certain date, but no matter what date I look at in time machine - the files and data seem to be the same.Â
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
So my Mac Pro just had a bunch of hardware replaced by Apple geniuses. But all my preferences are all screwy, so I made a new admin account, but that just made even more preference issues when I transferred files from my old admin account. However, while my Mac Pro was being fixed, I bought a new MacBook Pro and got it all up and running with all my software and files. It would take me a whole day to reinstall OSX and each program individually all over again on my Mac Pro, but I have a Time Machine back up from my MacBook Pro which I could install right off the bat on my Mac Pro. Is that possible? What issues would there be? Anyone else done it?
I have recently ran the latest update 10.7.4 (11E53) for my iMac OSX Lion and using Safari browser 5.1.7 and since then I am experiencing intermittent problems with my Time Machine not backing up. The light on the front is on and it looks like it is working however it remains static and will not strobe as previously. The Time Machine is a WD MB Studio 1034. When I select the time machine symbol I get a message to say that the Time Machine is not set up and I cannot get to my backed up files. My last back up was done on 11th June 2012. Since then the back up drive has not automatically backed up.
I recently did a clean install and to my horror i can see that Time Machine does NOT back up all my files.It seems to be worst in my music library which fortunately is pretty easy to rebuild do to itunes index.Â
But is there any way to make sure that Time Machine does in fact back up all files?
Or is it just broken and should be avoided?Â
I have 1,5 year old Macbook Pro Retina 15 inches 500 GB SSD
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), January 2013 - 15''
We are a PC to Mac convert and still trying to understand some basics. We have an iMac 21.5 and expecting delivery of a external 1.5 TD drive. More than we'll even need, but dirt cheap. We also run Windows 7 64 bit through VMware Fusion. The only reason for that is the Windows version of Quicken is a better product the the Mac version.
We will back up pics, Videos, etc., on the iMac under MacOs with Time Machine. Can Time Machine also backup the quicken data files from the Windows 7 VM machine? I hoping we do not need to maintain separate backup drives to manage the different type of file formats between Windows and Mac. I hoping this can be managed through one place...Time Machine.
I have a Seagate External HD which I used to backup my windows PC. I just brought a Mac and want to use the same External HD for time machine, but its asking me to reformat it? Is there a way I can keep my files on the HD as well as use it for Time Machine?
(Using Snow Leopard 10.6.2). Over the last 12 months or so, I've managed to fill up the "Backups.backupdb" file on the external HD to about 400GB. I'm pretty confident that I have all these files safely backed-up (in other other files) on the same external HD. So, I thought I'd have a clear-out and get rid of the contents of this "Backups.backupdb" file on the external HD. I followed the instructions on this page: [URL]
So, I could see (after I did it), that when I entered into Time Machine (with the timeline and universe landscape backdrop) all the files had gone. But when I looked into the "Backups.backupdb" file on the external HD, the files were still there, so I highlighted them all, and placed them into the Trash. I've not emptied the trash yet, but before I do, I just wanted to ask, was is this ok to do, or can it cause problems to just delete the files from the "Backups.backupdb" file on the external HD?
My macbook pro was stolen a few days ago. I plan on getting a replacement in the near future, but I don't think the current macbook pros are worth it at their prices... I don't know when an update is coming (like everyone else). I may have jumped the gun and bought a windows laptop if all my files weren't saved via time machine.
Is there anyway to get my stuff off time machine and onto windows short of buying a second mac and restoring to and then transfering off to windows laptop?
After I backup my computer onto a Hard drive using time machine, I delete certain folders off my computer, then assuming my files are on the HDD, I go back to the HDD to see the files, but the files on the Time machine back up are gone! What is happening? and how do i prevent this from happening?
I am just wondering how to efficiently and safely remove the old backup files from time machine? I tried once with command, but it damaged my extra-disk... Does Lion OSx have fixed that?
I inherited an old external hard drive that I would like to use with Time Machine on a computer. However, the drive was used as a backup with Time Machine on another computer that has since been wiped clean and is no longer available. Unfortunately, the external drive still has the old TM backup files from the old computer. I've found that I cannot simply delete the backup files from the external drive. Â
How can I delete the TM backup files from the external drive? Will erasing via Disk Utility handles this?
I have a MBP, backup to Time Capsule by Time Machine.Â
I will have a new MBA, I will would like to transfer Photos / Music from MBP to that MBA. MBA will have a different account as MBP has.Â
I understand it could be as easy as copying whole iPhoto library / Music folder to an external drive or NAS and then copy to MBA. But since I already have everything on Time Capsule, am I able to copy selected files from Time Capsule to MBA directly?Â
I know Migration Assistant could be able to do that but I also heard Migration Assistant could cause some unexpected issues such as permission conflicts, a new created migration account etc... I cenrtainly don't want to mess up MBA. Â
So my question, am I able to directly access Time Capsule just like a NAS via Finder from MBA, and drag and drop selected files from MBP's backups? Are MBP's backups visibile to MBA?Â
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
I currently back up onto a 250gb external hard drive using Time Machine. This is now full, so today I purchased a new 1TB drive. I would like to keep all my backups in one place, so would it be possible to copy all my past Time machine backup data/files to my new disk and then start backing up to this in the future. How to do I get Time Machine to see that I have swapped disks when I come to restore files? Will doing this confuse Time Machine?
I've just started using time machine and actually surprised how well it works go apple. One question I want my time machine drive bootable just in case. Right now I am excluding the system library and user library cache folders from backup at the moment. Thats ok right? It doesn't affect boot ability or anything else serious right?