OS X :: How To Protect DVD's From Copying Imaging In Mac
Sep 28, 2009
im new to Mac and stick in a problem that cant solve it,and i need consulti work for a company that try to create a package that consist most popular Mac Application such as ILife,IWork,etc.This package is for Internal use and must have security layers on it that protect the DVD's from copying,Imaging and some thing like this.i want to do it by software and software locks but i dont know what can i do coz i dont know how to do it in Mac.
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Aug 24, 2009
I am using Power Book G4, 1,67MHz, 2G RAM.
1. The light at the connector of power supply to my comp has gone off. I was in yellow color.
2. I need to reset the time every time I on my comp. It starts with 12.00 am 01.01.1970
3. I need to wait for about an hour or two after my last shut down (5 hours of operation in previous session) .
4. When I am watching youtube, seems like the image always come after the voice, and lagging.
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Sep 11, 2009
I've been lurking for a while reading posts trying to get as much info as I can. There are still some questions that I hope people can help me with.
I want to get a Mac Pro for medical imaging. I'll primarily be using Osirix which is a program for DICOM viewing / 3D image processing. I have a plugin that will do advance 3D volume rendering using CPU cores, so fastest CPU speed will be best. Don't know if the GPU will be critical, but I figure it couldn't hurt.
I will also need windows to access my work network and PACS system. I don't think I'll use bootcamp much, will probably go with Parallel.
Here are my thoughts for configuration.
MP 2.93 Octo
Memory 36 gig (OWC)
2 x NEC MultiSync 3090WQXi 30'
GTX 285
Those are the easy parts. Now I have question about the HD. In general, I want the fastest performance, but DICOM images can be large and I can easily have over 1 TB of data.
I'm thinking Intel SSD 160 x 2 RAID 0 for boot and apps. Then a RAID 0 for data. But am having trouble figuring out the best configuration.
I know I can use the 4 drives + 1 optical bay. That gives me 5 drives. So here are some thoughts.
160 Intel SSD x 2 RAID 0 for apps + short term data
640 gb (from apple) for Windows
2 or 1 TB x 2 in RAID 0 for data
From what I read, windows can't be on a mac RAID 0 array, that's why I'm keeping the 640 gb drive for it.
For best of both worlds (boot + apps + storage) I like the idea of 1TB OCZ Colossus, but the cost is high and it's not out yet.
If 2 SSD is an overkill, then perhaps a Intel SSD 160 for boot/app and a 3 drive RAID 0 for data?
Backup will be external since I've run out of internal SATA ports. I figure I can go with slow Firewire or USB, but an eSATA card (Sonnet E4P PCI-Express card) will probably work better. There should be enough PCI space with both GTX 285 and GT120 installed right?
I have been reading the postings on RAID cards (Areca 1210?), but I'm getting lost and don't know if that will help in my situation
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Jan 28, 2010
I am going to upgrade about 70 MBP's running leopard to Snow Leopard. We image with a Mac OS server, but these upgrades will not be fresh wipes/installs. we will just be upgrading their OS's. Can I use the mac server to do this? I have ARD software as well. Can I somehow place the image of software on the mac os Server (running Snow) and push out to the MBP's? Any tips or hints would be great. Upgrading machines from tiger to snow
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Apr 21, 2006
I am using Disk Utility on a mac vr. 10.3.5 and when Im trying to mount the image on another computer by using restore I receive the error 16 and I dont know what is wrong. I am using OSX and on a e-mac if that helps.
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Oct 7, 2010
Can you guys recommend some imaging software that works with the mbp i.e I could boot off a cd to restore an image to a hard drive.
I'm only using win7 for games and I want to take an image of my base install w/ windows update before installing anything
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Oct 11, 2010
I have the latest Acronis Backup and Recovery v10 boot cd.. i was hoping to use this to backup the out of the box macbook pro we just received..
It did show 2 partitions, one with about 239GB and 0 bytes free.. i had not gone through the setup wizard as of yet.
It is moving along as far as taking the image, but i'm not sure if this is safe to revert to or not..
Does anyone know?
(new to macbooks)..
Secondly, we will have bootcamp installed soon, with windows on that partition.. ideally we need to be able to backup via image the entire harddrive and revert to previous images as needed..
Hoping the bootable Acrnois is the answer..
However, i did read that Carbon Copy can be used.. does this backup bootcamp/windows partitions too.. will it create a bootable cd option or bootmenu option to restore?
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Feb 17, 2008
Anyone know of any good document imaging software? I am looking for something that can scan a document and then use a database to retrieve the information. I really don't want to store scans and then use spot light to retrieve them.
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Jul 18, 2010
what's the best image editing software around for under $100?
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Jul 27, 2010
I know this is not exactly the place for this type of question, but here it goes anyways.
Everyday we keep getting new computers out of the earth it seems. I would like to get one setup, and then image the rest.
There will need to be 3 different sets of computers to image.
I need to get 20 Dell Latitudes imaged, 30 Dell Optiplex Desktops, and the 36 Windows 7 copies in the iMac lab.
So I have 1 Optiplex fully loaded and set to use as the mass image. Same with one copy of 7 on the iMac's. Notebooks are still in boxes.
What program will allow me to do this in the best way?? I was looking into Norton Ghost, but is there something else you guys know of or recommend?
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Apr 20, 2009
I work for a higher education institute and we are looking into getting new Macs this coming summer, we've recently purchased two 2009 Mac mini's and I imaged them with our stock Mac clone (10.5.6). Obviously due to recent hardware changes it didn't work perfectly (no gui boot) but it did function, I just wanted to know if there was a way of updating key components to make it work perfectly so that I can integrate it instead of having to create a complete new clone?
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Jun 10, 2010
I'm looking at getting a system that will fly through digital imaging, both stills and HD video. I don't do much gaming, and frankly, with the exception of my photo hobby/passion, a iPad would have enough processor power. I've looked at the MacPros as well as the Macbook Pros and Imacs. For my imaging needs, the laptop, while nice to have portable power, doesn't have the display I need/want.
I've been seriously considering an iMac 27" with the i7 processor, probably 8gb ram (considered 16, but might be overkill) and 2tb hd. I WISH I could get one with a large SSD, but I guess not an option yet.
My other consideration was MacPro, this gives me lots of bells and whistles, and I'm thinking probably overkill (I tend to do that sometimes), although speed is unmatched, for all practical purposes.
My question is, would the iMac as described be sufficient for my needs or be overkill. Budget is liberal (within reason) but I know that I'm upgrading from my photoshop CS4 (PC edition) to CS5 mac version, lightroom, as well as getting new network setup for house and 13"macbookpro for daughter.
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Aug 3, 2010
This is going to be a series of threads/polls with the main objective of finding out what applications the members of MacRumors use. These threads/polls are not meant for discussion on whether or not one application is better than another or to ask any questions about these particular applications. It's only purpose is to discuss what application you use (or don't use) as it pertains to the topic. The goal is to collect these series of threads in the end and compile a list of all the polls so that members can view what the members of MacRumors use most often. The applications listed in the poll are by no means definitive and/or complete. If you use another application, vote Other and post the name so others can look into it. Even if you don't use any of the applications listed, you can simply click None. I've tried to list as many applications as I could find for the particular topic. Some are paid, some are free. Some cover all versions of OS X, others only a few versions.
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Mar 12, 2009
Having received a fresh batch of NVidia MacBooks I've remade our default image and attempted to image the MacBooks. However once the imaging is completed they all boot in verbose mode. Other than this they operate perfectly. Our deployment script blesses the disk once the imaging is complete and I've tried blessing both the volume and the folder but it still boots in verbose mode. I've also tried disabling verbose boot in the NVRAM (it's not enabled anyway).
The only way that I've found to fix this is to manually select "Macintosh HD" in the Startup Disk Pref pane. So I guess the question is, what else is the pref pane doing all of a sudden?
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Mar 28, 2009
Say I have 80 pictures in a folder, all with the DCIM???? name. Say I want to change them all, to "Bar1", "Bar2", etc.
Is there a program I can download that will let me specify a name and such and have it rename each file automatically using the criteria set?
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Jan 20, 2008
As a full-time professional photographer, I use 20" iMac Intel 2GHz Core Duo machines (the original Intel iMacs), with the matte screens and maxed out with 2 gb of ram for Photoshop editing daily (CS3). I have found that the matte screens are awesome for imaging work... very accurate colors, no perceptible undesireable variation in color or brightness at different viewing angles. I've been verrry happy with these iMacs for production in my portrait photography studio.
NOW... recently I've considered upgrading one of my original 20" Intel iMacs to a current production 24" iMac for the larger screen area, 4 GB ram capability, and faster processor (filter processing!!!), but have been hesitant because of all the bad press I've read about using the glossy screens for professional color work. Complaints I've seen refer to distracting reflections of room/ambient lighting, a false, over-exagerated color saturation, un-even color/brightness across the full area of the display, light leaks, and dead pixels. What has happened to our beloved iMac?
If these criticisms are valid, I think Apple made a big mistake going from matte to glossy screens with the iMacs. I understand that Apple targets iMacs as just consumer machines... but the fact remains that a LOT of professional imaging people have chosen matte screen iMacs for professional work and the older matte screens were perfect for that.
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Nov 27, 2010
Does anyone know of a good software for cloning (not imaging) a Windows partition? Easeus wont' let me becuase the source drive is active or something....
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Jan 4, 2011
Is there a way to define a password on any USB key, so the computer asks for a password each time the key is mounted on the desktop ? Will it also work on any PC (not just Macs) ?
I suspect it isn't currently possible.
If it isn't possible, how do you protect the files on a USB key ? I don't want to compress the files and encrypt them...
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Apr 7, 2009
I have had my blackbook for a while now. I have bought a cheap ebay cover that covers the keyboard as well as the palm part and it works good (I think) except it is starting to rip and does place keymarks on my screen. I have some dirt on the bottom of my screen under the plastic and in the hindge I see.
I need to find a way to clean it all and keep my keyboard and palm rest clean. I am a college student and on the go all the time so keeping a cloth and such in the middle is kind of hard.
But is there any other way of keeping my macbook in nice shape. I do have scratches on the outside but that is a different story.
Thanks in advance.
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Oct 24, 2010
I've just purchased a MacBook Pro a few months ago. There are sometimes I lend my MBP to my friends. However, there is a few applications I don't want them to open without my permission (such as iPhoto, iTunes). I can simply hide it away, but there are some know how to find it. I really wanna create a password for those apps. Is there any way?
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Oct 28, 2010
using a zagg or bodyguardz for the 11.6 inch or just some sort of soft sleeve ?
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Oct 30, 2010
I've had my 2010 Macbook since it launched and this thing just attracts grime and scratches. I literally left my Macbook on my desk for a day and all of a sudden it has two jagged scratches near the apple just by sitting on desk!
Now after that happened, I bought a Caselogic sleeve to protect it when not in use but now I have a green stain near the power indicator on the side of the palm rest. I tried cleaning it off with soap and water, it didn't work.
Then I googled it and I heard toothpaste might take out stains, so I tried that and it came off now but then it returned a couple of days later when I wasn't using the sleeve, so I figured it's not the problem. Cleaned it again with toothpaste and now there's a just a faint green stain I just can't get rid of.
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Feb 10, 2008
What are you guys using to protect your MBAs? Do you feel its necessary to protect it? I was thinking about getting the invisible shield to protect the MBA without adding bulk.
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Feb 2, 2009
I know this has been asked before, but I can't seem to find an adequate answer. In both Lotus Notes and MS Outlook, one is prompted for a password on opening (not just mail synching) that prevents access to your downloaded emails. Apple Mail doesn't seem to allow that...the password synchs only to the POP server, thus making your local email readable to anyone.
I've heard the point about users and accounts, but that creates even more headache for me. I've got a Mac Pro, which is my system, but also the primary "home media center" for the family household. So I want iTunes, movies, iPhoto, etc, always available. Setting up different "accounts" and users for everyone creates a nightmare to share and organize the "public" apps and files. I also don't want to "password" protect the account and system, as that still limits the access to "public" apps. And having a separate account for me, still means I have the headache of synching these "public apps" to my account.
This would all be much simpler if I could have Mail require a password upon opening. I do still want my email private. I don't think this is such an extravagant use case...seems like a lot of folks are looking for something similar. It's the only thing I'm missing from Windows XP.
So has anyone sorted a means of doing this?
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Feb 11, 2009
I recently synced my hotmail to my mac mail, which is all great apart from one thing. My macbook is shared with my housemates and anyone of them can boot up mail and read all my emails etc. Is there a way of password protecting the app on startup?
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Jun 15, 2009
I am just curious but is there a way to Password Protect an entire External HD. Like once you hook it into your computer via USB or Firewire it then asks for a password to gain access to the drive.
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Jul 3, 2009
any other recommendations?
it's a shame that zagg doesn't make one.
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Aug 11, 2009
Bit new to mac os x as i only picked up my first mac on saturday. Must say im extremely impressed with it so far.
1.) Can i stop spotlight searching certain folders?
2.) Can i password project certain folders or make them inaccessible to certain users? Im from a ux background so i presume i could just 700 the folder(s)?
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Jan 10, 2010
I've been searching here and on google to no avail. Here's my dilemma:
I'm a teacher. I use OS X at home and Win XP at work. I have a USB drive that contains all my materials. I want to password protect it, so that if i forget it somewhere, students will not be able to see final exams/tests etc. I am not an admin at work and the IT dept will not install any programs on my work PC. I want to be able to access these files at home also.
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Feb 4, 2010
Basically I use an external drive for my time machine backups, the problem is that the backups aren't password protected so anyone with physical possession of the external drive can get at my data.
Is there a way to PW protect the external backups?
Assuming I can... consider that if my mac ever crashed and my data was lost, could I still use my PW protected backups to restore? Or put on a new machine?
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