OS X :: Finder Broken And Can't Enter My Installation Disc?

Jul 11, 2010

i am a Mac user for years and I have some experience with troubleshooting and fixing/reinstalling Mac systems unfortunately I feel rather hopeless at the moment since I wasted hours and hours on trying to fix my 4months old iMac (the 27" edition).

Ok so first of all, the problems appeared after some Apple updates, (it was a few months since my last update), I installed the updates and restarted my system and suddenly finder was broken, it just freezes all the time and I can't seem to open it and browse through my files and when I force quit it just crashes again.

The only thing I can is use spotlight to browse for something (note that applications like iTunes and Photoshop work perfectly).

Feeling desperate in this situation I tried to reinstall my Mac, so I inserted my Mac Install discs and pressed the ALT key while booting. The disc appeared but when I press enter my iMac just freezes and doesn't do anything. I tried a PRAM reset at this moment but that didn't do it either. I even tried different versions of Mac installs but with the same result. In the end I even tried to run my Discwarrior boot disc but it also crashes. So I can't seem to boot anything except my messed up Snow Leopard install.

Note that I also tried booting from an external hard drive but with the same result.

At last I tried booting in single user mode and I used the "fsck -y" commando but that gave me some Disc Errors.

Ok lets get things clear, I want to format my Macintosh HD and peform a clean install, what should I do ?

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MacBook Pro :: Dvd Drive Dead - Disc Won't Enter Slot

Sep 10, 2010

I have a macbook pro 2009. I've barely used the drive. Tried to pop in a disc today and nada ... zilch. The disc won't enter the slot. I don't think any disc is in there, tried ejecting in case.No activity at all. Is it rigor mortis and a trip to the Genius Pub ? Any way to check if my drive has silently passed away. I had to replace my white macbook's drive last year so I'm starting to think they're all a bit c**p.

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MacBook :: Broken Screen And Disc Drive?

Jun 13, 2009

So first my disc drive broke on it's own. This is a completely different story apart from the broken macbook. Note that it's the same macbook though. So it broke on it's own. Do guys think apple will fix that?

Moving onto the Broken Macbook LCD. Some guy decided it would be funny to kick my back with my macbook in it. And you can probably guess what happened there. I know my warranty does not cover it, but how much will the screen itself cost? I am going to be fixing it on my own.

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OS X :: OSX Installation Disc... Installing On Mbp?

Sep 22, 2009

I just bought a new MBP and was wondering if the osx installation disc and also iLife disc will be okay to use in my 2 year old MBP?

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OS X :: Can't Boot Installation Disc (retail)?

Oct 12, 2010

I have the latest MacBook Pro. I lost the CD that came with it. I'm attempting to reinstall Snow Leopard using a retail disc purchased from Apple. I've tried booting it by holding "C" and by holding "OPTION" and selecting the disc. I've also tried reseting the PRAM. It goes the the Apple screen and I can hear the disk spinning. Then it just hangs there.

Could this have anything to do with the fact that the computer came with 10.6.3 and I'm attempting to install 10.6 from the retail disc?

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OS X :: Installation From Old Disc Not Work On New Hardware

Dec 1, 2008

I am trying to reinstall Leopard on my MacBook Pro 15" 2ghz 667mhz but I don't have the discs for this model and I am using discs from a early 2008 MacBook pro 17" 2.6ghz 800mhz but it they don't work. I loaded the discs with the C button pressed and a pop up window says that they will not work on this hardware.

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OS X :: Using A Different Computer's (same Model, Though) Installation Disc?

Feb 18, 2009

Ok, here's the deal. I just bought a 2.4 15'' MacBook Pro Unibody. I tried to wipe the drive and do a clean install from the system software installation disc that came with the computer. Three tries, failed each time. "Faulty disc" is what it said.

Well, I had to get a project done, so I borrowed same system software installation disc from a friend who bought the exact same computer on the same day. The disc worked fine! Leopard up and runnin'!

But I still called Apple to get a replacement disc. They said they did not recommend using another computer's disc to install. Well I'm thinking "dude, it's the same exact computer! So it must be the same disc?"

Anyone have experience with this? Should I wipe and reinstall AGAIN (NOOO!) after I get my disc. After a few days, it's been working just fine as is.

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OS X :: Using Mac Snow Leopard Installation Disc?

Mar 14, 2010

So I had an aluminum 2008 unibody macbook. I replaced the hard drive with a 320gb and it has leopard on it. I damaged it and had to get a new mac. I now have a white unibody mac. To copy every thing would be a pain. I'd rather use snow leopard. What I want to know is if I can use the reinstallation disc 10.6 that came with the white macbook to upgrade my 320gb leopard hdd to snow leopard?

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OS X :: Installation Of Onto Blackbook With No Disc Drive?

Jul 3, 2010

I've got a blackbook which I've replaced the super drive with an hard drive (giving me two hard drives in total).

The primary hard drive is blank and I want to install Snow Leopard. My first thought was to use Remote Disc from my Windows 7 machine, but I'm not sure if this will work? I presume I need to connect to my windows 7 via ethernet cable, turn on the blackbook and hold control which gives me access to the remote disc?

Will this work or am I better copying OS X onto a bootable usb stick?

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OS X :: Mac Won't Open Installation Disc On Boot?

Jul 18, 2010

I had some problems regarding my Hard Disk in a previous topic, I managed to fix the errors and format the drive. The disc seems ok but there is no OS on it.

And when I boot (in verbose or single user mode) it keeps freezing on:

"Loading SystemLibraryCachescom.apple.kext.cachesStartupExtensions.mkext........................"

Now this makes sense to me since the drive is empty but when I enter my Installation disc press ALT or C while booting it just freezes and does nothing.

I see the CD next to my hard drive and nothing happens, anybody had this problem before? What should I do, it's just a 5 months old iMac from the latest generation :/.

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Software :: Cannot Boot From DVD Installation Disc

Nov 25, 2008

I got a problem booting from my DVD installation disc. I got a PowerBook G4 (1GB/133mhz) on which I currently run OS X 10.4. However, my mac has started to lag so I want to erase the hard disc and reinstall from scratch, starting with OS X 10.3. Now the problem is this: When I insert the installation disc, it first seems like it reads from the discs (saying: "preparing installation") but then this little device on the screen starts spinning. And this is as far as I ever get. The device doesn't stop spinning.

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Software :: Using Defective Installation Disc?

Jul 28, 2010

I tried to archive and install 10.4 Retail copy on my 17" iMac G5 which has 10.3.9. The installer checked the disc and said it had scratches or fingerprints so to restart. I did, cleaned the disc and tried again. I got the same message but chose to ignore it and proceed and the disc got 36% of the way and said it is damaged and to restart. But it's gone far enough that I have not got 10.3 any more and the ONLY way I can restart the computer is with this defective disc! Or a network but my other Mac, connected with ethernet that worked well, now doesn't see the iMAc any more. I also have an external CD drive , doesn't read DVDs.
Right now I am stuck in the Startup Disk with a choice of endlessly restarting or shutting down. I shut down and it restarted from the disc OK.I checked the system profiler and under applications it shows only Disk utility,Installer,Network Ut, Open Firmware Password, Reset Password,Startup Disk, System Profiler. Under USB, it didn't recognize my external CD drive. Under Disk Utility I tried to repair permissions but it says it has no valid packages.

The person I bought the computer from sent me the Tiger copy discs and included 2 copies of Disc 1. I checked the second but it needs minor repair that couldn't be done with Disk Utility on my other Mac. But if I can somehow eject the disc that is in the 17" iMac (don't know how) will I ever be able to restart?

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Power Mac :: G5 Won't Install From Installation Disc

Apr 6, 2012

The power mac g5 starts up with the question mark folder thing. When I put in the installion disc in and hold down c, It has the apple logo and it gets stuck there forever.


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Windows On Mac :: Using Macbook Pro Recovery/installation Disc?

Nov 21, 2010

My friend wants to install bootcamp on his 13" Macbook Pro but he doesn't have the discs that came with it. I was wondering if I could let him borrow my discs for my 15" Macbook Pro, or would that be a compatibility problem?

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OS X :: Windows Partition Not Recognizing Mac Installation Disc?

Jul 22, 2009

I have just installed a windows vista partition on my 17 inch macbook pro and when I insert the mac osx installation dvd in order to install the mac drivers the on the windows partition the d drive shows that something has been inserted but the cd has no name and whenever I try to click on it says nothing is on the cd. However when I insert the dvd in the mac osx partition it reads the dvd fine. Why is this? There is a scratch on the dvd but what difference would it make if the mac partition is reading it fine?

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MacBook :: Where Can Obtain A Genuine 10.5.8 Installation Disc

Apr 29, 2012

I bought a 2nd hand Apple MacBook about 18 months ago (via eBay).  It is my first Mac.  It did not come with its original OS X 10.5.8 Installation Disc/s and I now have one or more problems with my Hard Drive, so I need the Installation Disc/s.where I can buy the correct (genuine) version of Installation Disc/s for my MacBook?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook Air :: Finding Fast Mac OS X Remote Disc Installation?

Jan 25, 2009

I've read many reviews saying that the remote disc installation takes 5-6 hours, so after loading the installation, I thought that I would leave it working through the night...

However the "time left" only showed 1,2 hours

In total it took me no more than 1 hour to get a fresh Mac OSX using Wlan...it's simply amazing in my opinion, I even don't know whether the external drive would have done it better.

So don't be scarde to reinstall it with remote disc guys, or waste money on the drive unless you really need it.

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Applications :: Connect To IMac - Use Installation Disc / Download Anything?

Dec 9, 2009

Do I have to use an installation disc or download anything? Should I just plug in and record with garageband?

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Windows On Mac :: OE M XP Installation On Boot Camp -- Non System Disc Error?

Sep 6, 2008

I'm having problems with a Boot Camp partition and XP Professional SP2.

I setup a 20GB partition on my drive (I'm using a MacBook Pro, 3GB, 120GB hard drive). It's the only partition other than the one I use for OS X.

I didn't have full-install SP2 discs, only an upgrade. So I went to Fry's and bought a legal, new OEM disc and license for XP Professional SP2, full-install. I ran the installer and all went well...until I rebooted. At that point, Windows wouldn't load giving me a non-system disc error.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Updating To Lion - No Apps Installation Disc

Feb 21, 2012

I got an iMac with Snow Leopard factory installed. I now want to update to Lion, but I'm not sure if, when I update, all my apps will still be there. I do have the app installation disc from Snow Leopard, will it still work in case the apps won't be there?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: SSD In 2010 - Enter Time Machine And / Or Finder The Machine Freezes

Jan 1, 2011

Have installed an 120GB SSD in my Macbook Pro 2010 but have had a couple of problems. Sometimes when you try to enter time machine and or Finder the machine freezes. Also the only way out of this is to hold the power button down and reboot. I have been informed by Apple that there are slight differences between the 2009 and 2010 models. Another odd thing is Skype will not load up automatically on startup, despite making sure this option is ticked. Most other things seem to work. Reinstall original hard drive and all OK.I have tried this with OCZ and Crucial SSDs and get same result. I have also installed the SSDs by cloning and by direct original OS X disk.

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MacBook Air :: Selective Re-installation Using Utilities Disc / Repair Or Mend Malfunctioning ICal?

Aug 1, 2008

I've been having problems with iCal and would like to reinstall it using Utilities Disc 1 with the Superdrive. However, there only appears to be an option to reinstall ALL the bundled software, at which point I've aborted the reinstallation process. Sledgehammer to crack a nut! It's only iCal I'm having trouble with (e.g searches not clearing down, "today" button greys out.) If it's not possible to reinstall just iCal from disc, does anyone know a way to "repair or mend" a malfunctioning iCal?

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OS X :: Failed Installation - Finder & Spotlight No Longer Working

Aug 6, 2009

I got a new Macbook today, and installed the Mac OS X 10.5.6. It stalled so I shut down, and when I logged in again Finder and Spotlight doesn't work. Though my hard drive says is labelled Mac HD: Mac OS X 10.5.6 , I am continuously prompted that Spotlight closed unexpectedly. And when I try to reinstall the Mac OS X, the DVD no longer appears on the desktop and Finder too, cannot be opened for me to locate the DVD.

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OS X :: Data Disc Not Show Up In Finder In MBP With 10.5?

Oct 28, 2009

Every time I burn a DVD (data disc) from the finder, it will show up fine in my two snow leopard Macs. When I try putting it in my MacBook Pro that has 10.5 (this is from my university), it will not show up in the finder. Then, it will spit the disc back out. I tried it in a few other MBPs with 10.5, and the same thing happens.

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MacBook :: Eject Disc That Does Not Appear In Finder?

Jun 14, 2012

I put a CD into my Mac that spun and spun but never registered in the Finder or anywhere else, but now I can't eject it.  Is there a physical way to do that like there is on a PC?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X Mountain Lion :: Disc Encryption Within Finder

Jun 30, 2014

When I try to use the disc encryption feature in Finder for a flash drive (from the sidebar), it asks for a password which I have done.

However, this encryption method for a flash drive is not working after I put in the password - a window informing me that a 'GUID Partition Table (GPT) partitioning scheme is required' appears. I don't know what this means.

I'm trying this on a MacBook Pro (OS 10.8.2) with a SanDisk flash drive (32 GB, MacOS Extended format).

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OS X :: Install Snow Leopard From Dead Finder Disc

Jul 29, 2010

After getting the message that Finder had an error -10801 (or something similar, i can't remember...) I forced my macbook pro to shut down. Afterwards I can log-in but non of the finder windows appear on the desktop. Also I cannot open any other application or shut down the Computer. when I put in my Leopard Install disc and turn on the Computer holding down the C I only get a grey screen. I have done that for 10 minutes. When I do the same with Snow Leopard "CPU Drop-in DVD" I get a menu: 'Choosing language' and then MAC OS X Installer asks 'To set up the installation of Snow Leopard, click continue". However, I am afraid of doing that if it erases all my documents. I have the possibility of choosing a UTILITY menu, but down know what to do with this (e.g. Go to Disk Utility or Terminal). Does anyone have a clue of how to help the Danish student?

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IMac (Intel) :: Disc Doesn't Run And Cannot Be Found In Finder

Jun 23, 2014

I have an iMac and am running OS X 10.8.5. I am trying to re-install my HP desk jet software but when I put the disc in, it doesn't pop up on the desktop and I can't find it in Finder. There's nothing in Devices. I've looked at all the settings and cannot understand why it's so difficult to run the disc. In System Preferences > CDs & DVDs, I have tried both all options including open in Finder and "Ask what to do". Nothing happens.

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OS X :: External Hard Drive Not Shown Under Disc Utilities / Finder

Jun 27, 2008

I recently purchased a 500gb LaCie hard drive to use as as extra storage for media, not necessarily for back up purposes. I cannot seem to find it either under disc utilities or in the finder window. Has anyone had this issue with a hard drive and if so any suggestions?

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Intel Mac :: Finder Doesn't Recognize An Empty Blu-ray Disc In An External Freecom Blu-Ray Rewriter

Jun 6, 2012

Finder doesn't recognize an empty blu-ray disc in an external Freecom Blu-Ray Rewriter. Finder always aks me to put a DVD or a CD in.

Burning blu-rays with finder, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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