MacBook Air :: Delete All The Files And Go Back To Factory Settings
Dec 6, 2014
How could I delete all the files and go back to factory settings on my mac? I want all the files to be deleted. But when i hold on power and option buttons, on screen only appears 1 disk -MacintoshHD and says to choose a network... How can i reset my computer factory settings? Besides, when I did a cleanup I deleted, probably, some important files so I can't login into my computer..
I'm new to owning a macbook still don't know how everything works with it I just pretty much know the basics and what I need to know to get by, but I had downloaded some programs that I plain just want and would just like to wipe the computer out and start on a fresh new start. I bought this computer out of the apple store on my mall I have two CDs and am just really confused on how to put this laptop back to it's factory settings
I have recently purchased a refurbished macbook (2010). I don't have any software but I need to restore my macbook back to factory settings. I watched a couple videos on how to but there are steps they do that I can't . Like when you shut off your macbook and turn it back on holding the "options" button well I don't have that choice of "recovery hd" There is only 1 icon on my screen when pushing the options button and the only choice I have is the"macintosh hd".There aren't two choices like all the videos show ,the videos show "macintosh hd" and "recovery hd".
I changed the username, passwords, background, settings, name of the harddrive and all that, but left her music and photos on for the time being. Then I turned it off for the night. I remember something popping off before it turned off, and I think it was just saying changes had been made or something like that. And I THOUGHT I had pressed okay to save those was late. But I turn it on this morning and it's practically gone back to basics. EVERYTHING is music, no photos. The settings and background are factory status. iTunes, iPhoto, and iChat are responding like I'd never used them. The only thing that stayed was my user name, the photo, and the name of the hard drive. I've looked through the computer and havent found anything. I couldnt have restored it, could I?
Ok, so, I got given an emac 2002 the other day, its been used at my local college for the last seven years and so it has all these student restrictions on it and so I want to hard restore to it's factory settings.
I have the osx discs and i've tried running them by holdig "C" on power up but it doesn't respond.
I just want it to go back to factory settings.
It would be awesome if you could keep the language basic because I'm not very good with computer talk!
I've purchased my Mac book from a friend. It still has his name and password on which he cannot remember. Am i correct in assuming that if I restore it to the origianl factory settings then it will erase his settings. Also will i need anything erlse with the start up like serial numbers, auth codes etc?
I have just bought a new MacBook Pro. When I got it I connected my time machine to remove my photos and music. My question is how do I restore my mac to its original settings, because there is too many things I don't want on it from my time machine? And my laptop did not come with the Lion installer disc. What should i do?
I want to restore my macbook to factory settings. I have both install discs (1 and 2) but when I insert disc 1 nothing happens and the machine spits it back out again.
Info: MacBook (13-inch Late 2007), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
Im trying to restore my MBP to factory settings but when I restart the language setting wont appear, and when i hold option the install disk shows up but i click the install disk and still nothing, it boots normally how can i fix this?
I have an original (2007) MacBook Pro that I want to sell.Before I sell it, I'd like to erase everything that I have in the MBP and restore it to factory settings. I don't have my Leopard discs, they are in storage.Â
Info: MacBook Pro 15, Mac OS X (10.6), 2.16GHz, 2G Ram, 120GB Serial ATA Drive, 2-GRaids FW800s, FCP6
I am working on restoring my Macbook to its factory settings. I am planning to "wipe" my computer clean before i install 10.6 (snow lepord) and then later install mac lion.
i know that i need the installation discs to accomplish such a task. do the disks have to come from my specific operating system? can i use a disk from an older operating system (such as 10.4)
How to reset my macbook pro 2011. I don't have a disk or anything like that. My computer will not go back the start screen with the apple and just shows it loading.
I have a macbook pro which I would like to set back to how it was when I bought it, however when I got to Disk Utility then erase the options to errase are blocked? How to get past this?
Im setting out to my hometown for 5 days and all of my stuff are on my iMac. I dont know, how to copy all settings ,etc from iMac straight to the Macbook Pro. As far as I think, the only way is first to reset the Macbook Pro. Take a Time Machine backup from the iMac. And then restore the copy to the Macbook Pro. Is that the only way left for me? And how do we factory reset the macbook pro, so everything gets deleted and becomes new and ready for a new Tim Machine restore.
I just bought a used MacBook. I have a IMac desktop. I have all the disk that came with that. I want to completely restore the MacBook to factory settings. I have done a format many times on a PC but never a Mac.
When I try to reset my Macbook Pro 13" to factory default setting, using the original Mac OS X install DVD, system did not allow me and prompted "You can't use this version of the application install Mac OS X with this version of Mac OS X.". What does it mean? What should I do to rest my Macbook Pro?
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Using the original Mac OS X Install