OS X :: BT Home Hubv2 Wired To Apple Time Capsule?
Sep 9, 2009
Im attempting to extend the wireless network within a clients house and have the following scenario. BT Home Hubv2 downstairs offering wireless connection and internet .CAT5 cable laid from downstairs up to the loft where i now have an Apple Time Capsule
Id now like to extend the BT Wireless Network using the Apple Time Capsule so all users can roam on the same wireless network without having to join a new one?
Can anyone advise on whether this is possible and if so how? Ive found this site which talks about wiring a BT Home Hub v2 with a Home Hub v1 and was going to follow the same procedure?
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May 21, 2009
Now i use the macbook with XP
i got the new apple non numpad wired keyboard today i found i can't use Fn + <- for Home Key like my macbook.
i must config something before use ? how i can config it?
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Aug 13, 2009
Is it possible to physically connect your Time Capsule to your wired ethernet network and then have your backups occur over the wire like this? MacBook Pro wireless -> Linksys WRT54G router -> physically connected Time Capsule..Can you turn off all wireless functions of the Time Capsule and just backup in this manner?
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May 29, 2009
So here's how it is set up at home: my parents have an AirPort Extreme Base Station by our upstairs computers, which is connected to a modem and we use that to get our wi-fi throughout the house. I want to buy an AirPort Express to use to stream music in my room. But I also have a Time Capsule, which I need so I can back up my Macbook. I know that an AirPort Express can be used to extend an existing network. So would it be possible to plug in the Express in my room, use it to extend our upstairs network, and then hard-wire the Time Capsule to the Express through the ethernet port and use that to connect the Time Capsule? On paper that seems like it would work, because the Express would be receiving a signal from the base station upstairs, and then sending it to the Time Capsule, giving them both access to the network. But I just want to make sure it would work before I drop $99 on an Express.
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Jun 1, 2009
I need some advice with my wireless set-up. I have:
Airport Extreme (master network)
Airport Express (slave)
Time Capsule (slave)
Right now I have my XBox 360 hooked up to my Express through a wired connection (works fine). I have a Mac Mini hooked up to my Time Capsule through a wired connection (doesn't work at all). When I look at the settings, it isn't even an option to bridge the TC, so as it stands in its slave capacity I cannot use any of the three wired ethernet ports. Is it possible in its current network configuration to get the TC to recognize the Mac Mini I have connected through a wired connection?
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Mar 2, 2010
Is it possible to create a network where the broadband router is wireless to a time capsule which in turn is hard wired to a 360 thus allowing the 360 to access the internet?
broadband router <---[wireless]--->time capsule <---[wired]--->XBOX360
If so can anyone give me any pointers?
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Feb 10, 2009
I have a Time Capsule wirelessly connected to my iMac. Since I've encountered some problems with backups because of intermittent wifi connection failures, I want to switch to a wired connection with an ethernet cable. I know I could fiddle with the wifi channels etc. but since the TC is just sitting next to my iMac anyway, I could profit from the higher bandwidth of a wired connection as well.Two questions:
1. What exactly do I have to do to make the switch? Are there any new settings I have to apply? Create a new network?
2. Will I still be able to use the wifi connection to get on the internet using my smartphone?
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Apr 24, 2009
Is it possible to access my time capsule / airport extreme hard drive away from home? Like when Im at work? I do have a mobileme account, but cannot figure this out.
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Mar 16, 2010
My time capsule is on my home, but I am at my parents place. And I want to access my time capsule on my parents pc. How do I access it?
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Aug 26, 2010
I'm considering purchasing the last-gen time capsule from amazon and have a question about it.
At the moment, I have a netgear router running my home network. My ISP is Aol. Will I need to do anything specific to get the time capsule to work in place of the netgear router? Would the time capsule work on it's own or would it have to be plugged into the router?
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Jan 18, 2009
I have a 1 TB Time Capsule and am looking to get an TV. Is it possible to have the TV sync to the Time Capsule (or attached External HD to the Time Capsule) and grab Video's and Music from that as opposed to storing them on the TV HD. If I can avoid spending 100 bucks for the 160GB TV it would be a great help.
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Jan 18, 2010
Was thinking about purchasing a time capsule, but Its a lot more expensive than alternative external hard drives. is it worth the extra money? What do people think?
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Sep 20, 2010
Anyone got any idea if and when the Time capsule will be refreshed?
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Aug 21, 2010
I am switching living situations where there is already wireless internet set up for FiOS TV/Internet/Phone. Unfortunately that modem is in a different room than my iMac/Playstation/TiVo, and need to connect accordingly.
I have a 500gb Apple Time Capsule and wanted to know if there was a way for the Time Capsule to connect to the existing WiFi, pull the signal down, and pump it out through its ethernet ports to my various devices.
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Mar 3, 2009
500$ for new Time Capsule 1 TB is "screwing the buyers".
Airport Extreme & usb-attached external 1 TB HardDrive cost 250 $, and have exactly the same functionality.
so i ask - why does anyone pay 250 $ more for just having two devices in one enclosure? i don't get it !
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Jun 23, 2009
Iit's a very nice all in one option, but in practicality it offers nothing over a sepetate airport and external HDD, how can I possibly justify a time capsule right now, considering the 500Gb version costs �229, when I can also buy these for a combined price of �238 1.5Tb external disk, �99, Airport Extreme �140.
When apple first released time capsule, 500Gb was more than enough to backup a full laptop HDD and have space for extra backups on all its laptop range, now they are selling laptops with 500GB HDD's it's time for them to bump the spec. It's been about 2 years since they introduced the 500Gb TC, it was expensive then, it's extortionate now.
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Dec 4, 2009
My NETGEAR WNR854T died and I am looking for a replacement.
I do a lot of online gaming and HD video streaming, and have several wired and wireless devices in the home network. I also have been thinking of getting a shared backup hard drive.
I started looking at the NETGEAR WNDR3700 unit, but there are a lot of people complaining about dropped connections. So, I am now looking for an Apple Airport Extreme.
During my research, I found also the Apple Time Capsule. Is there any advantage to getting the Time Capsule? Or should the Airport Extreme be better by adding any external hard drive to the USB port?
Also, is model number MC340LL/A the correct one for the Apple Airport Extreme?
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Jan 24, 2010
I basically know someone that is selling the 500GB Time Capsule which has Dual Band Wi-Fi etc, this is the link for it on the Apple refurb website
All I want to know is, apart from the obvious 1 or 2TB of space available in the new versions is there any other differences? Both are 802.11n and are dual band. What I have noticed thought is that there are refinements which allow it to be backed up 75% faster than the previous generation and it says there is a 50% better performance over Wifi with 25% greater range?
How is this possible if they are both 802.11n? Also Is this true even when connecting via Ethernet? In terms of when I backup over Ethernet will it be 75% more faster? It'll be on my desk so I don't really care about the wireless capabilities. Lastly, will it work with my network, please click on this link as it explains my setup.
So just to reiterate, will I notice a difference in back up speeds when connected via Ethernet between the two versions. I'm getting it quite cheap, for about $50 Brand New sealed.
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Oct 15, 2010
I just bought a terabyte Time Capsule to take care of backups and files with my new Macbook pro, without me thinking about this stuff at all anymore, that is the Time Capsule concept, right?
When I try to set up Time Machine it asks wether I want Time Capsule to work as wireless internet router. Where Im living at the moment, I am connected to a wireless internet system, but I dont have access to the router, or access to use Time Capsule as internet router either, I want to maintain using the wireless internet, and Time Capsule as wireless hard drive only.
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May 11, 2010
I'm looking to find a new power cord for my TC. On Amazon they have this: [URL] but the fact that it's a black cable would really bother me. It looks like a pretty basic 2-pin power adapter, but I'm not really sure where I could fine a while one at online.
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Mar 3, 2009
Apple on Tuesday refreshed its AirPort Extreme and Time Capsule wireless products by adding a new Guest Network feature and support for simultaneous 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz dual-band networking. Time Capsule drives are now also accessible over the Internet for MobileMe subscribers.
The new Guest Network feature, available on the new AirPort Extreme and Time Capsule, allows you to set up a secondary network for friends and visitors with Internet-only access so you don't have to hand out your WiFi password.
Meanwhile, the new combined 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz mode allows your AirPort base stations to simultaneously support iPhones and other 802.11b/g devices operating at 2.4 GHz, while also broadcasting 802.11n wide signals in the 5GHz band to maximize throughput for notebooks and devices such as Apple TV.
Previous-generation AirPort Extreme and Time Capsule models can only run in one mode or the other, providing either wide compatibility or the highest possible network performance, but not both.
Also new to Time Capsule -- and oddly omitted from any of Apple's press-releases -- is that MobileMe subscribers using Mac OS X 10.5.x Leopard can now now access all of their files on their Time Capsule drive over the Internet.
You need only to register their Time Capsule with your MobileMe account. The Time Capsule drive will then appear in the Finder sidebar of your Mac just like any other attached drive.
"It's like having your own personal file server wherever you go," Apple says.
The new Time Capsule, which combines an 802.11n router and server-grade hard disk for automatic wireless back-up with Time Machine, and is immediately available in two models: a 500GB model for $299 and a 1TB model for $499.
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Nov 29, 2010
I'm getting a new 13" MBA, upgrading from a 2006 macbook. I have it all backed up to time capsule. Can I just connect the MBA to my time capsule and restore the macbook image?
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Feb 18, 2009
I have a MediaSmart Server due on Friday. I have an iMac, MBP, MB, and two PC's using an Apple Airport, how should I connect the MediaSmart Server EX485 to my airport, wired or wireless? Is there a performance difference between the two setups?
If wired offers best speed then I can easily do that as they will be near each other.
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Apr 18, 2010
I've purchased a Mac mini with the Apple mouse (Mighty mouse) and Apple keyboard and I can tell a difference between how tracking speeds on Mac's compared to PC's, in that with a Mac the tracking speed is less linear and slower if the mouse is moved slower and accelerated if the mouse is moved faster. I'm starting to adjust to this change but can you guys tell me what mouse speeds you have set for your mighty mouse and what screen size you have. Just want to see what speeds other people are using on their Mac's.
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Jun 13, 2009
Question - if I have a 500GB hard drive in my MacBook, but 80GB are partitioned separately for Windows via boot camp, can I use a 500GB Time Capsule?
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Sep 1, 2009
I want to get the apple wired keyboard (not the wireless), but I'm undecided on which version. Is the shorter wired version a lot more cramped than the longer one, in respect to the majorily used keys, or is the spacing the same between the characters for both keyboards. I never use a num pad normally and would like to free up a little space on my desk, but I'm worried that the rest of the keys will be more cramped and uncomfortable to type on.
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Jan 31, 2012
A number of times now my Apple brand Wired Keyboard has droped out of control. The letter keys work fine, but things like enter, return, the volume keys and more everything in that line will not operate. OF course, then waking it up from sleep becomes a problem and to get that back or any of the usual control I need to restart.
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May 29, 2012
I have a Macpro 1.1 running Lion 10.7.4 and I the apple wired keyboard with numeric keypad that isn't working. I am looking for the updated drivers to reinstall.
Info:Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jul 31, 2010
Does anyone have any idea / images of how the magic trackpad sits next to the Wired keyboard from Apple. It looks by the images that the wireless keyboard is slightly more angled than the wired version. Just wondered if anyone has any pictures of how the trackpad sits next to the wired keyboard?
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Mar 13, 2012
Whilst working on my iMac as per normal, I get this little window that pops up declaring that a USB decice is drawing too much power from my computer and as as a result, one or more of my USB devices has been disabled.
This is not an alien dialogue box to me, I have seen it many times. The problem this time is that, when I removed all my devices to see which one was causing the message to pop up, I discovered that it was my keyboard that was misbehaving.
When the message pops up it states that the offending device has been disabled. This cannot be the case however, as I am able to press enter to close it, and if the keyboard truly is the problem then I shouldn't be able to close it with enter because it would have been disabled... right?
Wondering if anyone else has had this problem. My keyboard is the standard wired + number pad one shipped free with new iMacs. It's not a custom one, it's apple stock through and through.
The baffling thing is that this has only just occured. In the year or two since I bought my iMac it's never been a problem.
Yes I have tried using a different USB slot, and no that doesn't fix it.
This box keeps popping up unless I disconnect my keyboard which of course is no way to use the computer, and I don't have a spare keyboard handy.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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