OS X :: Aluminium Macbook Battery Life - Gets Batteries Full Charged ?
Feb 17, 2009
finally got my new aluminium macbook and i was just wondering, how long does everybody else get out of their batteries when fully charged, out of a full charge it tells me im getting around 4 hours and but think this is a little short
When I bought the mac book pro I was impressed withthe 7 hours battery life, however I have found that when fully charged mine only has 3hours. Is this a fault or did I miss some kind of disclaimer?
I picked up a pair of the apple batteries/charger for use with my magic mouse and wireless keyboard. I still had some juice in my current batteries so charged each set of two batteries for 24 hours and then put them in a drawer. Fast forward two weeks and my magic mouse has reliably run out of juice and when I put in two of the batteries, my mac states the charge at 74%. I've read in some of the other posts that because of the way NiMH and alkaline batteries differ, it is normal to have slightly lower ratings, but 74%?????
Most people reporting stated they got 85%, has anyone else gotten 74% on first run?
Are these batteries defective or is there something about my charging routine that caused them to be so much lower?
I'm not sure if this is SL related, but I get the service battery warning when I click on the battery status. iStat reports it at 62% health. Rev B 1.6 just 6months old. Should I bring it to apple or is it just a bug of SL?
I have just completed rescuing a water damaged MB C2D which was originally a 2.16 and is now a 1.83. Fun project for a cold Sunday afternoon. 5 hrs I have one issue with the MB and that is the charging of the battery. The battery icon sometimes shows 'no battery' or if it shows a battery is recognized, it isn't charging. The LED on the mag-safe charger is always green. The battery is from the water damaged 2.16 and my thinking is that it may have suffered damage from being exposed to water. Original owner left the MB in the backyard and it started to rain!
I just got my macbook 2.4 a week ago and the battery will now only charge to 99%.
What is the best way to use it to keep the battery in good condition. I am normally near a power source but I read that apple do not advise to use the macbook plugged in so that what I have been doing.
been using my mba for a few weeks now and i noticed that even when fully charged and still pulled into the charged the battery percentage still says 99% i have yet to see it reach and stay at 100% while being plugged in. is this normal? i am on my 5th cycle if that matters.
My MacBook, "2 days old", from when I purchased it at the apple store says it is fully charged at 99% battery. I just re calibrated the battery last boot. Is this normal?
i'm sure there are many people who use spare batteries like me. but how do you manage them though? i find it very annoying having to charge them one by one. charging 1 battery takes a few hours, which is almost fine. but when you have a spare battery, it takes twice as much longer to charge them both. not fun. a separate battery charger will help greatly reducing charging time
i just ordered a late 2008 macbook pro 15 with the dual GPUs (9400m and 9600m GT) and I'm a little worried about the battery life.
-What can I expect if just doing normal every day stuff (web surfing mostly?)
-does watching a movie off of the hard disk use less battery than watching it off a DVD? Is there a big difference?
I'm not a big gamer but would like to have the horsepower to play a game should one come out that I want. I'm also not a big traveler so battery times are only of average importance.
Basically, I'm asking if I made a good purchase considering I have only average concerns for both battery and game performance. They had the new 7 hour battery 15" macbook pro for the same price but it doesn't have the dual GPUs.
I calibrated my MacBook Pro battery and then noticed that the battery life seemed slightly shorter after that. I calibrated it according to this: [URL]
Just wondering if I have done anything wrong...
One more question... What do they mean by "At this point, save your work. Continue to use your computer; when the battery gets very low, the computer will automatically go to sleep." Does it mean that I have to use the computer until it just shuts down or should I shut it down once the "Low Battery" warning pops up?
I have a 13" 2.4 GHZ white macbook that I bought in march of 2008. About 4 months ago I all of the sudden started having problems with battery life. It was very abrupt. I used to be able to take my macbook and sit through 3 classes or more with no trouble in regards to batter life. Then suddenly the battery would drain within a few hours. It has remained that way since.
I've spent the last month or so looking around forums and other places to try and find someone with a similar problem and possible solutions. As a result I've discovered that my situation seams to be somewhat unique.
Using cocoanut battery I tested my battery's capacity and it remains at a solid 98%. How can my battery still be at 98% capacity and have such a short battery life? I also seam to be losing charge while my macbook is closed. How and why does that happen? If I leave my macbook closed for a day or two it can lose up to 25% charge just sitting there!
I've tried loads of things including turning off unnecessary things such as sharing and bluetooth and calibrating my battery, all with no avail.
What is going on?? My battery is too old to be eligable for a recal and I'm not paying $30 just to have a phone conversation with a "Genius". If anyone has any idea what's going on and any possible advice, I would greatly appreciate it.
I am getting a very short battery life out of my "New" A1261 battery - we're talking 2.5 hours tops. I've recycled it a few times, but this is no where near the "7" hours that is quoted.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I just want to say thanks apple for being a piece of **** machine. I have the first macbook 1.83 ghZ 2gb (that I bought from crucial) intel core duo. The problems I have had:-Battery not charging (70? replacement because I had no more warranty)-Burnt and melted charger (also expensive)-And now the problem is unknown all I know it will not start.-Faulty Macbook Air -After the second Macbook Air the charger would not work.I mean you would think that so much money for slow computers would get you reliabilit
I've heard that if I don't disconnect the charger after my macbook is fully charged then the battery life and performance will get reduced and will be weaker.
I have a macbook pro. My machine won't wake up at all. Battery is being charged on regular basis. I have tired to hard boot but all i hear is sound of machine booting up and shutting down. Is there ant possible way I can get my display back on my machine? When i close the lid, the indictor light is blinking slowly but as soon as i open the lid cover screen is always black. For last 5 days I have tired to discharge the battery and charge again, attached a wired mouse to see if it might wake up my machine but with no luck.
It was working OK. I have put it aside for about 1 month during the holiday. Now, it can not be charged. It works on power adaper, the plug has bright green LED on, but always 0% battery. Looks like the power adapter is still working OK, battery issue?
"Does it harm the battery or reduce battery life, to use the AC adaptor for extended periods while the battery is fully charged?"Someone answered, "I would have to disagree with the others who say that it hurts your battery & reduces battery life by keeping your AC adapter plugged in with a full battery.I have done extensive research and asked many apple employees and have always come to the same conclusion. They all say to keep your laptop plugged into an power supply whenever possible. Only use your battery if you have to, in those times when you are not near a power supply.
Ever since owning the uMBP, I have kept the battery charged and monthly calibrate it to maintain a 100% battery health. But through this, the laptop limits its portability and it is sometimes extremely tedious to find a plug in order to use it. My question is: Is it really worth it to keep a good battery that will last overtime, or would you prefer simply purchasing a new battery when your old one dies? Also, how big of a difference does a healthy battery compare to a battery put through regular use?
So I charged my battery to 100% and then unplugged it from the charger. Thats when the battery dipped to 97% instantaneously. It was very odd and somewhat scary. I just bought this MBP 2 days ago! Anything i might be missing? Is it supposed to do that?
This morning, my macbook pro laptop won't turn on even though the battery is charged and power cord is working. it worked fine last night. what can i do?
I've had this MBP for just over 8 months now, I'd intially purchased one in november, but the audio out used to give a crackle sound so they replaced the laptop. Moving on to the point - in the last week or so, I've noticed the MBP suddenly seems to get very hot and the fans turn on and thus suddenly becomes very noisy. I was using it on the bed so could appreciate that I may have been blocking the vents, but I've had it on a stand the past couple of days and it still seems to do it for no particular reason. The charger usually always gets ridiculously hot, but the MBP used to stay relatively cool, now the MBP gets hot independently of whether its being charged or not. Moreover, my battery life has gone from what used to last 4 hours, to around 2.25.
Cocunut battery gave the following stats: Current Battery capacity: 4483mAh Load Cycles: 222 Age: 8 months
My battery for my 12" Powerbook G4 is munted and i need a new one. There are a few around for about $90AUD from 3rd party re-sellers which is less than half the $200AUD apple want for a genuine battery.
So i'm just wondering, has anyone got any recommendations about 3rd party batteries? i know it will probably vary a bit depending on where they're from, but i spose i'm just wondering if its worth the extra $100?