OS X :: Access Privileges For Copying Files?
May 27, 2009
I have just this evening noticed a problem on my computer. When I try to copy a file from one location to another it comes up with boxes telling me I don't have privileges. I have attached images. The boxes appear one after another in order: Picture 1, Picture 2, Picture 3. I don't have a password on the account. I am the one and only user on the mac. I do have administrate privileges.
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Nov 14, 2009
So prior to my snow leopard update everything was working fine. Than I installed SL and ever since than I cant down load anything at all from the store.
The message I get says the following:
"there was a problem downloading (insert name of movie or whatver here). You do not have enough access privleges for this operation
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Aug 17, 2006
I recently downloaded a music production program (FXpansion Guru) onto my desktop. Out of nowhere all the files on my desktop dissappeared. When I try to open it i get: "The folder "Desktop" could not be opened because you do not have sufficient access privileges." I tried to repair disk permissions but no luck... I have OS X 10.3.9.
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Jan 20, 2008
New user here as I am sure most posters are to this forum. I was given an old G5 by a customer of mine, I have had it into the local Mac Repairer who has looked it up and down and installed Leopard onto the system. I have been trying to get the DVD player to read multi regional DVD and had a forum member PM me instructions on how to do this, I am working on these instructions and while trying to perform on of the tasts I keep getting this error message. The document "SystemVersion.plist could not be saved. You do not have the appropriate access privileges? How do I get them? I am the owner of the computer so I should be able to get them?
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Oct 31, 2007
I am trying to change com.apple.backupd-auto.plist file, to set up TM back up interval and when I go to save it says "You do not have appropriate access privileges". I am using administrator account, also went into file info and changed permissions to read&write and still get that message. Am I missing something here or is ti something else? I used to be able to do that when used Tiger, with different files though.
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Jun 7, 2009
I am the administrator on this computer, and every time I try downloading something from Software Updates it tells me I don't have appropriate access privileges. It didn't used to happen, and I've gotten by fine this year because I haven't had to download anything urgently. Now, I really need to download Mac OS X Update Combined 10.5.7, but it says "you do not have appropriate access privileges".
Also, although it tells me that I can try again by finding the installer package in the finder, the package does not exist on my computer. I've gone to system preferences, the only user checked to administer is me, and I don't see any other option that could fix the problem..
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Sep 10, 2006
When I insert a blank CD and choose 'open Finder', I get an error message saying "The operation could not be completed because you do not have enough access privileges." If I choose 'open iTunes', the app opens, but nothing happens and the disk is not displayed. This has never happened before. I have tried repairing permissions.
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Nov 30, 2008
I have just bought a new macbook and am very pleased with it. I am having a problem with iTunes. I have two accounts on my computer (mine and the wifes). I have an iTunes folder in my public folder which is accessed by both accounts. My wife has subscribed to some podcasts which have been placed in the folder and are visible to her account, and download onto her iphone. When I subscribe to a podcast on my account it attempts to download and then states: 'You do not have enough access privileges for this operation.' I have amended the access privileges for the folder to shared and read / write for both accounts.
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Aug 8, 2009
When I try to drag music into iTunes to add to my library, I get the following message: And before you ask, I already tried both repairing permissions and restarting.
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Dec 27, 2008
Error message: "The folder 'Downloads' could not be opened because you do not have sufficient access privileges." I get this error message both on my computer and in time machine. I sent in my comp to apple they replaced the hard drive to my surprise; I created a brand new user account without reloading any info off time machine. Then once that account was created I opened the migration assistant utility and restored certain information off of time machine. I then deleted the 'new' account. Now I'm on the restored account and I do not have access to particular folders on the macintosh hd. in time machine I am blocked from accessing them as well. I googled a lot and some say its a MAC address, but I'm not so sure that's the case for my particular situation. Lot of important files are locked up that I need to access asap!
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Feb 13, 2009
I just recently bought a new macbook, and I transferred all of my files from Windows XP onto the new computer. Whenever I try to change the names of files that I transferred, it says that I have insufficient access privileges. I can rename files that I created on this Mac, but not the old files. I did the disk repair, and it didn't work. I also make sure that I had privileges for that particular folder.This is my first mac, so I don't really know what I am doing, but I did do the things that would usually be done to repair privileges.
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Feb 17, 2010
I am running snow leopard 10.6.2 on a imac G% and we work on a network from a PC external hard drive. We are suddenly having problems with folders, whereby if a new folder is made from the mac (on the external hard drive) then no one but that mac that made the folder has access privileges. Even our other mac can't seem to access the folder, so if any mac makes a folder no one can access it.
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May 22, 2009
I'm having trouble accessing files and moving folders on a shared drive. When I try to open or move a file, it says "The document "X" could not be opened. You do not have appropriate access privileges. To view or change access privileges, select the item in Finder and choose File > Get Info." and when I try to move a folder, it says "This folder cannot be moved as you do not have access to some or all of the items." The IT (who is not trained to deal with macs) says I have full permissions for our shared drive and that the problem is with my computer. So I followed the instructions in the warning box.
However, in the Get Info for the file, it says under Sharing & Permissions "You can read and write". In my System Preferences, both my user accounts have the administrator access box checked. In the Help section, it gives instructions along the lines of "in the Sharing & Permissions section, click the lock next to your name to change permissions" and also "in the action (gear) section, select the option for permissions that you want". Trouble is, there's no name and no lock in my Sharing & Permissions box. There's also no 'action (gear)' option anywhere. When I click on the triangle next to Sharing & Permissions, it literally just says 'You can read and write'. There's no other option or information.
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Sep 3, 2014
I recently put all my itunes music on an external hard drive. Got it working ok and deleted the files on my computer thus freeing up 200Gb or so. I could still play my music ok and the playlists / covers there as expected. Then i tried to add another album and it said unable due to my access privileges? Now my itunes is taking forever to open. 30 mins and counting. How do I change the privileges settings on my external disk for me / and administrator and do I need to do it at the music folder, the itunes folder or on itunes on my computer?
iPhone 3G, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Aug 15, 2009
I have a new Mac book pro and decided i would like to transfer my photos music etc from my Imac. So i updated both computers ticked the sharing boxes and following the on screen instructions plugged in the the firewire lead and transfered the files etc. I then disconnected and had a look through the mac book i can find the files but it says i do not have sufficient access privileges what am i doing wrong ?
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Jun 27, 2012
I just install new boot disk SSD. And move home folder to HDD. Every thing is fine. But when I open itunes this warning pops up- do not have enough access privileges for this operation. My HDD can't verify disk permissions it greys out. Perhaps that hdd is not bootable disk anymore. my new SSD disk 120GB is system boot disk now.
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Jun 29, 2014
When trying to update applications or download music purchased i am getting the error message you may not have enough access privileges and check your network connection and try again.
I am not using itunes match. able to update and download from mobile devices.
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Aug 12, 2009
I have purchased two (from different places) 16Gb Flash drives. Ok they are "no name" but never had probs with the 4GB and 8Gb before like this. When I get to about 4GB of copied items they stop, saying I have "no user access priveledges. Then they won't empty.. or allow anything to trrash. The won't eject, I have to pull them out.. they then will empty. I can then start again.. same thing! I have tried Disk Utility, Formatting, Partitioning, Journaled and non Journald. Each time I get the same pattern. I have tried copying 4gb and more at one time and 1, 2, 3GB at a time. I have tried on two different iMacs 24in Intel and a 20in iMac G5 with the exact same results. Obviously it is the sticks but is there a way round it?
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Mar 17, 2012
How do I solve the issue of this message "you do not have enough access privileges for this operation" on my iTunes? I already went to the folder of iTunes inside the Finder and change all permissions to allow read and write... no improvement at all.
iPhone 3G, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Apr 13, 2009
Hope someone might be able to help. I am attempting to copy files from a USB attached to my iMac external hard drive to my new NAS drive system, which is connected through my Airport Extreme by gigabit ethernet.I know the NAS is using a file system that I do not recognize (its a WD ShareSpace, 4TB/3TB Raid 5 NAS), which could be causing the problem. Basically I am attempting to transfer all the files stored on the USB external to the NAS. When I copy all the files and paste them to the NAS through Finder, I get an error saying it could not be completed cause I have Insufficient Privileges to do so. There are thousands of files to go through, but I have pinpointed two folders that are causing the problem, which themselves have thousand of files.
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Dec 25, 2010
This only happens when she copies files between internal hard drives. After copying the files, she verifies that files exist in both locations. She then deletes the files in the old location. Then, newly copied files are missing from the new location.
I've never heard of this happening before, except for with improperly unmounted external drives. I have run disk utility and verified that there are no problems with either drive.
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Nov 29, 2009
Why does my mac stop downloading files, copying to clipboard, saving files to desktop, etc?
iMac g5 1.9 ghz 17" running 10.5.8. Had a hard drive crash and bought a new one. Loaded new OS leapord. Everything works fine at first, but after the computer has been on for a while, it will stop downlading files, disk verify doesn't work. I can't copy and paste stuff. It seems as if the hard drive is full, but I have only used 32GB of 300GB.
When I restart, it works again, then slowly not. Is it an overheating issue? How do I know if my fan is running? Is it a bad hard drive I put in it? Bought it new with three year waranty.
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Jul 2, 2009
On several separate occasions, one of our users has had trouble with files "disappearing."
This only happens when she copies files between internal hard drives. After copying the files, she verifies that files exist in both locations. She then deletes the files in the old location. Then, newly copied files are missing from the new location.
I've never heard of this happening before, except for with improperly unmounted external drives. I have run disk utility and verified that there are no problems with either drive.
Could anyone help explain why this is happening or how to prevent it?
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Sep 5, 2010
I get the above error when I try to copy my music folder (not the iTunes folder) to another hard drive. Both drives are formated Mac OS Extended (Journaled). Its about 130gb of data.
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Sep 17, 2010
... copy files from an external HDD ( journaled case-sensitive) to a different HDD (journaled)?
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Jul 25, 2008
It would seem intuitive to drag and drop files from one Mac to another via Share Screen under VNC but it doesn't work. Am I being dumb here?
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May 6, 2009
I am in the process of buying a new MacBook Pro. It will be my first Mac, though I use one everyday at work (typing from a new iMac now).
My question is, when I get the MacBook, how can I copy all my files from my current Windows-based external HDD, onto the MacBook?
I am mostly concerned in saving my pictures and songs if it makes a difference.
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Jul 7, 2009
I just got a MacBook and I'm wondering how to see transfer speeds when copying files. In vista you simply clicked more information and it showed it.
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Jun 4, 2010
When backing up files to an external drive, I end up overwriting the older versions of files that were previously backed up. Is there a way to copy files from one place to another, but just have files that have been changed to update?
Kind of like how Time Machine or Drop Box works. It just senses changed files and overwrites those, but doesn't recopy unchanged files.
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Jan 15, 2009
I am trying to move some files from an x86 machine to a ppc machine. Both are running Mac OS X 10.4 The files have some extended attributes set for them.
Hence, I used the tar utlity to create an archive and then moved the archive.
However, the file data is moved correctly but all the extended attributes are lost Why is this?
I learnt that all extended attributes are stored in the resource fork.
Both the machines have the HFS+ filesystem.
Hence, even the resource forks must get copied right?
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