I installed iwork 08 and everytime i type the letters come in white. I tried changing the color font and everytime i try putting black it always comes up white but when i do it dark blue for example it shows dark blue, it shows every color except for black.
I'll start off with a screenshot.I'm specifically talking about the bar on the right hand side, that slides from the red I chose to black.Is there anyway I could have that same sliding-type bar, only sliding from red to white? Is there anyway I could have them both up at the same time? (So I'd have two different sliding bars, one going to the black and one going to the white) (Or actually, even if they could be combined... that would be sweet too. So the sliding bar looks like ms paints sliding bar, basically white, color you have, black)If I'm a little bit too confusing please respond with your question and I'll try to explain it a little bit more.
Recently my event clips and timeline clips have turned grey and no video imagery shows unless I pass the cursor over the individual clip. I was close to finishing this project and it plays in the viewer but making adjustments etc seems impossible. FCP is updated and I have restart the computer several times. I have used FCP for 3 years and have never had this problem.
Info: Final Cut Pro X, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
When I export my project in Motion 5.1 using the default setting for Render: Color + Alpha, Premultiply alpha checked, and the rest of the setting set for "Use canvas setting" and the co-dec Pro Res 422 (HQ), the colors I see on the canvas come out as wash out looking in the exported video. Deep reds come out as light pink. I tried setting the project background (black) as solid instead of transparent thinking that that was the issue but there was no difference. I tried different co-decs and settings in the options before export without any luck.
I was editing in FCPX and all of a sudden a few clips in my timeline went black. What I mean by that is when I played them back, they were completely black. It was like the footage had gone missing. You name it, I tried all of the obvious things to do from here on in; I replaced and re-timed the footage with a fresh I/O grab from the clips panel. I tried reimporting the clip. I tried re-linking to the source file. I tried re-creating optimised media. Nothing worked. The only thing that worked was transcoding the footage in a different problem with a different filename and then reimporting and then replacing that with the black clip.
The problem is that it seems like Motion overrides the matte video filter, so that when I zoom into the photo, the photo expands but so does the Matte filter, which I don't want.I want the matte filter to stay put over the moving imageÂ
Info: Mac Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5), FCP(6)
This may be of interest of more of you. I want to be able to read easier when the background is white, especially pdf files, or webpages.
I did not find a solution for certain documents, to change a background without breaking the style. I'm using the lowest brightness but I found its easier to read when I make the background gray, for example in textEdit.
I've got an early 2008 Mac Pro, and when I now run at the native resolution on my monitor, the color seems almost too white. Lettering gets washed out a bit (like writing text on this forum post). The white bleeds over everything. If I take a screen shot and look at it on a different mac, it looks fine - so there's something wrong with my video drivers. I can boot the machine into a Snow Leopard build and everything looks fine, but back in my main Leopard build, it doesn't. Is there any way to re-apply video drivers?
Getting error in mail.app. When writing new message try to change text color to red and then to black. My text becomes white. And there is no way to change it back to black.
When composing Mail and using the Photo Browser to insert a photo, iPhoto no longer has any folders or events listed under it. It is just a listing of every photo in my library. I tried repairing permissions in disk utility, and reinstalled iPhoto and updates, but the folders do not appear.
I got an old G4 and cleaned it up and hooked it up to a monitor, but when I start it- it shows the white startup screen and then just goes to black and i can't get an image on the monitor again. The computer is running and responding to the keyboard though
My MBP was working fine and then froze while I was on the internet. I turned it off and on again by holding down the power button. It powered on and froze on the white/gray screen with the Apple logo with the spinning wheel underneath it. I restarted it again by holding down the power button. Now it freezes on an all white/gray screen. I've tried starting it with the disk in it and holding down the "C" key and starting it and holding down the shift key after I hear the start up tone. Neither have worked.
I am trying to find this [URL] stand in black, I got a white/black style on my room and really want something like that in black, does anybody knows where I can find that?
i just a macbook (used from a friend) and I decided to record in photo booth a 2 minute video of me and my son (i have done two before and worked fine) and I thought it went well but when I decided to play it the only thing that worked on it was the video but had no audio playback. What happen and is their a program that can maybe retreat the sound it maybe its still in the file?
before switching to Mac, I used an "X-Rite Eye One Display 2" color meter device with software. You can find them most places like Amazon for about $150. The device should still work, but I can't find any software for it for the Mac. After going to the X-Rite web site, I could find no software at all for the Mac as it is only windows based.
Surely someone out there has used a color meter such as this one as they are quite popular especially for graphics artists that use professional graphic monitors. I am hoping someone can tell me how to use my color meter (USB), what software for Mac Leopard I need and how to save the color profile in the Mac OS.
Recently, the display of my MacBook Pro (unfortunately, out of warranty) often is black/greyish after wake-up/start-up with a thin white stripe in the middle of the screen, and the computer (obviously) cannot be used in this mode (you can hear it start up, but since the screen is completely dark, I can't actually do anything - restarting doesn't help either).
At first I thought it might be the graphic card (since there is a known problem with NVIDIA), but I've brought it in for repair where they have run multiple software-tests, and no error code was returned (when I brought it in it magically "fixed itself" and, once running, the problem can't be re-recreated), so nothing was fixed.
It seems to me that the MacBook for some reason cannot find or communicate with the display because I just discovered that if I hook up an external monitor, it manages to find that, and, after disconnecting the external monitor again, also "reconnects" to its own display. It then generally runs fine until I physically move it (ie. put it in my backpack and carry it somewhere) - after being moved, it tends to have the same problem again (not always, but more and more often).
Have you had any similar experience and/or what might cause this and how it could be fixed? I'd like to avoid replacing the display or something of the sort until I know for sure what's going on.
Is there (or will there ever be) any way to change the white default color of finder windows in column and list views? Or is there a 3rd party app? You can change them in icon view but that's the only view I never use. My eyes get so tired staring at white all day. If I could make all my windows dark grey I could work longer, better, happier. Would also love to make the Mail app dark.
What is happening to my computer. This is the 2nd time it does this: all of a sudden the screen becomes black with reverse fluo colors.
I have to force quite with the push button & restart it. I repaired the permissions & restarted it. It's working again, but I am wondering if I have an alien in it.
Specs details:
iMac, 3.06GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4Go 1067 MHz DDR3, running Os X 10.6.8
I don't get this. My mom's white MacBook (Intel IGP model) showed an X across the battery like it doesn't work, so I bought her a new battery for it. However, I installed the new battery and it still shows an X but it actually does work. I figured it out by accident. I thought maybe I bought a bad battery. I tripped over the magsafe and the MB stayed on... confused, I am now here. Not finding much about this.
What causes OS X to display an X across the battery icon? Doesn't this usually mean the battery is ruined? When pushing the button on the bottom of the battery, it shows five LEDs as it's fully charged and working. I unplugged it several times, and the MB stays on.
It also reduces the screen brightness and seems to go into battery power saving settings when unplugged. So how do I get OS X to see the battery? It must be charging properly as it's not hot or bulging or anything at all.
The problem is simply that it's not showing the battery information at all as though there were no battery plugged into the MacBook. But it works as though it's plugged in and all is normal?
When I boot up my MacBook Pro (Unibody 17" 2011 model), it maks the CD noise, chimes the apple chime, then shows a grey/white screen. normally, this would progress to a grey screen with the apple logo on it, followed by the login screen, however in my case, the computer seems to just shut down. the fans keep running, so i know it isn't powering down completely. i can't change the volume/etc. after the computer has done this, so i'm assuming it isn't a display issue (also the display flashes white). does anybody know what this sequence of events is a symptom of? i'd really like to get my computer working again.
The day after I installed the update(10.10.1) for Yosemite, regularly my iMac suddenly stops working by showing a white screen. After 10 seconds, the iMac reboots automatically and again shows a white screen. Than, it stops. No action. No noise. I'm always obliged to stop the iMac by pressing the start button and restarting by holding the 'shift' key otherwise I have to look at a white screen again! In the save modus, I can work(typing this story) and restart the iMac. After a while, the whole show starts again. What can I do? Installing Yosemite again and whiteout the update? Can I undo the update? This once, I made no backup before the update(Murphy's law).
Safari 5.1.5 shows .pdf web pages as black. The same thing happens with Firefox, at least with the few pages I've checked. Does this have something to do with an AdobePDF plug-in? I recently had to restore my system from Time Machine backup.