MacBook :: Monitor Screen On It Keeps Shutting Off?

Mar 25, 2012

my monitor screen on my macbook keeps shutting off?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: Its Monitor Keeps Shutting Off Every Couple Of Minutes

May 13, 2012

Lately my iMac monitor keeps shutting off every couple of minutes.  It seems like its in sleep mode but if i move the mouse or press a button on the key board it doesn't go back on. I have to press the power button 2 times to get it to turn back on.  When the monitor turns on everything is still there right before it shut off.

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6)

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Went Green Before Shutting Down?

May 18, 2012

My screen went green before shutting down... Is this common? It didn't warn me that I had a low battery. We I restarted it I got a screen saying ' The date on my computer was set to before 1/1/2008 and it would cause problems. I checked the time & date and it's  got the correct time. it anyone has experienced this I would like to know.

Mac Pro, iOS 5.1.1

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MacBook Pro :: Shutting It Off When Screen Is Closed?

May 27, 2012

Is there any way to set my macbook pro to shut off rather than going to sleep?  My problem stems around my family not shutting off the computer after they are done using it.  They will simply shut the lid, putting it to sleep.  Normally, this isn't a problem, but the computer then may go unused for days which then leaves the battery depleted.  I cannot get them to shut off the computer, I could set the computer to shut off when the lid is closed rather than go to sleep. 

MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1.1

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MacBook Pro :: Locks Up Shutting Down On Blue Screen?

Jun 28, 2012

My 4 year old Powerbook Pro locks up intermittenly when shutting down. Could this have something to do with Malware or adding an antiVirus program? Using 10.6 OS.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), model identifier 4, 1

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MacBook Pro :: Why Does Screen Keeps Shutting Off When Open It More Than Halfway

Jun 22, 2014

I Have a very new Mac, and for some reason, the screen goes black when I open it more than halfway. It happens to all the users, and even if it is or isn't charging. The brightening keys also doesn't do anything for it. I don't know if this is connected, but I also have half of the lights on at the dock, it kind of looks like lights on a stage..

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MacBook :: Computer Randomly Shutting Down / Screen Goes Blank Instantaneously

Nov 1, 2009

I have a ibook G4 that's been randomly shutting down. It started doing this maybe about a month ago but it's started getting really bad lately. At first it would shut down if I unplugged the adapter. Not every time I unplugged it, but probably about 50% of the time. When I press the battery button all of the green lights would light up. About half of the time it will start up again if I just hit the power button but the half of the time I have to reset the pRAM. Lately this same thing has been happening except when the computer is still plugged in. And when in say shutting down I mean essentially instantaneously. One second it's on and then the screen goes black and it makes that turning off noise. Not a chime, but like all the fans and hardware are coming to a stop.

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MacBook Pro :: When Open 15" 2011 Version The Screen Keeps On Shutting Off

Jun 6, 2012

The screen keeps shutting down. Sometimes the screen just goes black randomly. It keeps on going black and taking me to the sign in. What is this? My mac isn't overheating or anything.

MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook :: Shutting Down Randomly - How To Prevent From Shutting Down

Mar 23, 2010

I have a MacBook which has recently been shutting down when it feels like :/ this all started a week or two ago (well not the shut downs but other issues that I'll get too), basically the fan I think has been knocked as it is bumping the top or something as the whirring is getting loud and it sounds like every now and again it hits something

Also CPU usage seems to be averaging out at 20% for Safari and 100% for HD Video where as it used to be very small amount for Safari and 30 - 40% for HD.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Screen Randomly Shutting Off?

Jun 17, 2012

So frustrated with this situation. It appears this is only happening since upgrading to Lion so that's why I've chose to post it in this forum. My screen has been shutting off randomly. And I've only been able to get it to happen when I use gestures on the trackpad. (I.E.: "App Expose, "Show desktop" or "Show all windows.) I say my screen because the HD is still spinning, the keyboard backlights are still on and the status light is still lit. I can't do anything but hard shutdown. I've tried adjusting the brightness, clicking, keyboard commands (force quit) and nothing does anything. I've been sending the crash report to Apple but I feel like that is pointless so I'm turning to the forum for a possible answer. I've inluded my specs below as well as a copy of the log that got sent to apple (in blue). I don't know if it will say anything to anyone but it's worth a shot. I don't think it's a screen cable issue cause I'm not moving or adjusting the screen when this is happening.

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OS X :: Shutting Off IMac Screen (Keyboard Command)

Mar 29, 2009

I use "Ctrl+Shift+Eject" to shut off my iMac screen (not shutdown) usually before I go to sleep, but recently, I've had to hit it 5 or 6 times before it actually turns off the screen. It also happens when putting the computer to sleep pressing "Option+Command+Eject".

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MacBook Pro :: Using Laptop Screen As Second Monitor?

May 22, 2012

I have a Mac Pro and a MacBook Pro. With the Mac Pro I have just the one screen - used to have two, but now just the one as I rarely need it. However, for a job I'm doing at the moment, it would be handy to have the use of two screens. Do you know if it's possible to hook both computers up and use the LapTop screen as a second monitor for my Mac Pro?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.5)

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PowerPC :: Screen Resolution And Color Calibration / Grey Flickering Screen On Internal Monitor

Dec 5, 2007

Thing is I got hold of a 1ghz 17" iMac almost for free, it had a dead logicboard (I checked it with a voltage-meter), but I figured I could fix it and have a small hobby project-thingie going on. Well I just got a new logic board today, for a 1ghz 17" iMac g4.

Things is I only get a bright grey screen from my Mac when I boot. I've tried connecting it to a external display and that works fine. Everything is there.

I then reinstalled Tiger on it, with the computer connected to my external screen. And I still have the same problem. (I have now disconnected the ext. screen and is controlling the iMac from my MBP). So at least it isn't the installation.

So what is the problem? I can via an Apple Keyboard control the brightness on the blank screen, which would indicate that it does react to input of some degree.

I've read that if the inverter is dead or anything else is dead, you would get a rolling grey screen, flicker or something like that and not a steady bright grey. One thing I'm thinking is. What if somehow this logic board was for a 15" 1ghz imac g4? Can I check this?

I read that long thread about guys buying hi-res displays for their MBPs, and they had to replace some display profile? Could I maybe fix it with a different display profile-file?

I'm really confused by all this, and would appreciate any help I can get.

Model: PowerMac6,1
CPU-Type: PowerPC G4 (3.3)


the gfx chip is a GeforceMX4 with 32mb.

The display is a mode 9c27, manufacturer 610, serialnumber 00000, manufacture date: B84D7200.

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MacBook Pro :: Black Monitor Screen / Sleeping?

Dec 27, 2010

Yesterday I was watching a film from an external hdisk with VSL program.I had connected my Macbook pro to my LCd tv with a DVI/HDMI cable.When the film finished i went to another room to do something and when i came back the monitor and the tv were black . I pressed the esc key but nothing.I pressed the power button off and on again but nothing.The mac is sleeping.I disconnected the battery but nothing.

My Macbookpro is three years old and this is the first time that i have a problem.I tested a lot of combination of keys ,something like the ctrl+alt+del in PC but nothing.

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MacBook :: Calibrate Screen / External Monitor Or Both?

Apr 23, 2009

I work on the macbook between 90min-2 hours throughout the day. At home, I hook up to a twenty-four inch monitor that I had calibrated through a Windows based system and complete my work. Now the files that I am working on are being processed through the macbook but viewed on the external monitor. I don't really care about the calibration of the macbook because the work that I am doing on it without the external monitor is really not color related i.e. removing scabs off of children, removing hair off of the face ect, but I need the final image to be accurate before it is sent off to the lab.

So, what do I need to do? Calibrate the macbook and the monitor or just the monitor and if just the monitor can anyone walk me through this? I know I could "search" but switching over from windows has been an experience and honestly, I am tired of "searching". Speaking of searching, I am still trying to figure out a way to sync my Dell x50v to the macbook, anyone? I know the x50v is old but it is the most solid piece of windows hardware I have ever owned and it still "just works".

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MacBook :: Just Want To Use External Monitor As Main Screen

Jul 20, 2009

I have a white MB (early 2008). I'm going to be getting an external monitor soon with a native resolution of 1920x1200 - the highest that the MB's Intel GMA X3100 will support. I know that I can open System Preferences > Display and then click the little menubar and drag it to the other monitor to make it the primary. Here is the thing: I want to just use my 24" monitor and not use the MB's screen with it (I have an external keyboard and mouse).

Should I...
1. Use the two displays as an extended desktop and then (leave the MacBook lid open) just turn the brightness on the MB all the way off so the screen is black (no back light)?
2. Just close the MacBook and use it in clam shell mode? I watch Hulu and YouTube a lot which causes the CPU load to increase and fans to spin up.... do I have to worry about over heating? I would be using the 24" monitor exclusively all the time and then take the MB when I go to class. Will this just ruin my MB pre-maturely?

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MacBook Pro :: Won't Detect Monitor - Screen Goes Blue For A Second?

Oct 9, 2009

I have a 13" MBP and it won't detect my external display. It works fine on my sister's whitebook using, but won't detect at all on the MBP. I've went to "detect displays" under system preferences, played around with the cable, and made sure the monitor is on. It work's flawlessly on my sisters. What's wrong? Any suggestion on what I should do? I'm losing my mind right now. The screen on the MBP goes blue for a sec when the external display is connected, but then just goes back to it's original desktop.

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MacBook :: Turning Screen Into External Monitor

Dec 19, 2009

My 2006 mMcBook is dead and parted out. I still have the case and screen, but no HD, RAM, battery, or working logic board. How can I take the screen and make myself an external monitor out of it? I am presuming it's possible. I can solder a little and I love messing with parts from radio shack. So, has anyone heard of this? I tried googling it but couldn't find any search terms that brought me what I wanted.

Basically, I want to convert the video cable to DVI or even better, Display Port, and then figure out how to solder in a power source to just plug into a wall (since I'm assuming it'd be too big of a job to have it powered off of the FW800 or USB from the macbook pro). Is this possible? Since the computer is dead and gone, it won't hurt to experiment. Anyone have any links or guides to this?

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MacBook Pro :: Keep Flash Full Screen On Second Monitor?

Jun 11, 2010

With Flash 10.1 out now is it possible to keep flash full screen on my second monitor while working on my macbook pro screen?

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MacBook Pro :: Connected To Vga Monitor - Screen Just Flickers

Aug 18, 2010

I bought a 22 inch monitor. its a pretty generic brand, but its very high resolution and works great on other computers. i got the vga adapter for my aluminum macbook (i posted in this section because its closer to the 13" mbp). i have an apple keyboard connected to it. i try to use it in clamshell mode and when i press a button on the keyboard to wake it up the screen just flickers as if its trying to adjust the resolution. strangely enough, it works perfect in mirror mode. anyone have an idea?

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OS X :: Monitor Wake Up With Screen Saver Image On Screen

Jul 15, 2010

I have a Quad Core Mac Pro running Snow Leopard 10.6.4. I've been having this issue for the past couple of weeks. Basically I have my monitor set to turn off after after 15 minutes of inactivity, my Mac Pro is always on. After 5 minutes of inactivity my screensaver comes on and stays on until my monitor turns off. When I move my mouse to wake my monitor, sometimes an image from the screensaver appears onscreen for a few seconds and then disappears when my desktop appears.

I have repaired Permissions, rebuilt my drive using Disk Warrior, installed the 10.6.4 Combo update but the issue remains. An image from the screensaver doesn't always appear when I turn on my monitor, this issue is sort of random. Usually my desktop appears right away with no static image from the screensaver.

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OS X :: How To Make Screen Size Bigger Than Macbook Pro's Monitor

Aug 29, 2010

i have a 13 inch macbook pro, and i want to set the screen size bigger than 1280 * 800, to maybe 1600 * 1200 or something. obviously i cant fit more than 1280 * 800 pixels in the 13 inch MBP screen, but I want it to function as kind of a 'cropped' screen - so i'd have to move my trackpad around the corners of the screen to see more of the desktop. i know it will look like crap and be a bit cumbersome, but i don't really care about that. is there any way to do this?

by the way, i don't NEED the ability to use my trackpad to move around the screen. i don't plan on using my MBP like this permanently, this is just for experimental purposes.

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MacBook :: Secondary Screen - Configure So Monitor Will Be Recognized

Apr 22, 2009

I have a late 2008 white MacBook, and will soon be expanding desktop space with a secondary monitor. However due to a small and cramped desk, the only place the monitor will sit is above the macbook on a shelf. When I've seen examples of external monitors for MacBook's, they have always been to the right or left of the notebook itself. Is it possible to configure so that the monitor will be recognised as above the MacBook?

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MacBook :: Use Screen As Secondary Monitor Wirelessly / Wired?

Jun 23, 2010

I know the iPad just got an App where it allows you to use it as a wireless secondary monitor. So I'm wondering, such technology should be available for the macbook too right? I know it's a bit sluggish, but here at work I only have 1 monitor and I do a lot of coding/multitasking work and if I could use my laptop as a secondary monitor (wirelessly/wired), that would be great. My work PC has Windows on it though, so that's something to note.

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Display On DVI External Monitor Does Not Match

Jul 15, 2010

I am attempting to use an external DVI monitor using the mini port port and the mini port DVI adapter sold by apple. However the screen display on the external monitor does not match the Mac book display. All I get is a color Mac opening screen with no icons.apparently there is more to getting an external monitor going then just plugging it in.

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MacBook Air :: Thunderbolt Monitor Black Screen Windows 7?

Jun 4, 2012

About half a year ago I got a Macbook Air, and a Thuderbolt monitor. Then I installed Windows 7 64-bit on it. Everything worked fine until recently the Thunderbolt monitor started to go black during Windows startup without any particular reason. Using OS/X the monitor works fine. I already scanned for malware and viruses but cannot fine any. Windows restore refuses to work? I also tried several different boot options, installed latest drivers, reinstalled bootcamp drivers but no luck so far.  

MacBook Air, Windows7, bootcamp dual boot

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MacBook Pro :: External Monitor Only Plays Full Screen Videos?

Oct 1, 2010

I just hooked up my macbook pro to an external monitor. Now, when I watch videos and what not, they will ONLY work in full screen. If I want to watch the video in a window, the sound will play but video does not. It may have something to do with Flash?

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MacBook Pro :: HDTV Monitor Not Full Screen When Connected To Powerbok?

May 1, 2007

I'm using a DVI->HDMI cable to connect my Powerbook to my Sony LCD TV. The Sony's native resolution is 1366x768. For some reason my Powerbook doesn't want to switch to this resolution. I can get 1280x720, but this leaves a black border around the images the whole time.

I've tried setting a custom resolution using the trial version of SwitchResX but to no avail. It won't do it.
Anybody have any similar experiences and possibly found a fix?

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MacBook Pro :: Cannot Change External Monitor Screen Resolution To 1920x1080

Mar 25, 2012

I have been having some problems with my Macbook Pro. I have a new BenQ screen connected to it via the Mini Display Port to VGA adapter from Apple. No matter what I do, I cant seem to be able to change the resolution to anything higher than 1280x1024, which is a pretty stupid resolution to have on a 27'' monitor. Sometimes when I plug it in, it gives me the option to change the resolution to 1920x1080.

But when I select it, the screen goes black and displays the message "No signal detected". Now, as it happens, I have a copy of windows installed on a partition of my hdd, and the screen works flawlessly on it. full HD with 75 Hertz. So that shows that it is not a hardware problem, it has to be a software problem. I tried everything, including reinstalling OS X, and deleting the "windowserver" files. no success.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Recognizes External Monitor But Only Display Black Screen

May 11, 2012

I have a early 2011 MacBook Pro 13" running the latest version of Lion. I have been using my MacBook with an external monitor since I brought it in 2011 and have had no problems with connecting it to my external monitor. Connected via mini display port DVI adapter and a DVI cable to a Philips monitor.

Two days ago when I plugged the MacBook back in to the monitor I connected and but now only displays a black screen, I can move the mouse off the MacBook screen and over to the external monitor and back but it is not displayed on the monitor. I have tried connecting other devices to the monitor and they work fine.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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