my Macbook that is in my signature is currently saying that it will take ten hours to charge (See Pic) after charging for the first time in two weeks after coming back from a camp and I'm not sure what to do.
I'm restoring my data (roughly 78GB) because, when trying to partition my disk, I got the annoying "large files cannot be moved blah blah" error. So I backed up (which took almost 5 hours), formatted, and am now currently restoring, at an estimated time of 18-21 hours (it fluctuates, even said 1 day 5 hours at one point). I'm using an old LaCie 120 External, a few years old, but at the least it should be 5400 RPM. Is there a problem that's causing it to take this long, or is this normal? Oh, I forgot to list specs. On the 2.4 ghz Core 2 Duo, 2GB ram, 8600m GT model.
Before i left my house there were 2 hours remaining on 2 movies i downloaded to rent. Now I am at the airport and they say 23 hours remaining I have a flight in 2 hours. What happened and what can i do to cut the time down if I want to watch at least one of the movies on the plane?
On a full charge at 99% while surfing on firefox using airport with the brightness turned down to the last light and the keypad light turned all the way down it says there's around 4 hours left and as of this typing im at 87% with 3:37 left. Ok this is no where near the battery life im expecting as a matter of fact this is an average battery life and a main reason why I bought the macbook pro was the "8 hours" of battery life. Is the time not consistent with the percentage or am i really running that low on battery life? What gives? Could it be that im splitting harddrives with boot camp? Im not running it right now but i have vista installed.
I just got this 13-inch MacBook Pro on Friday. Everything I've read absolutely raves about the battery life. However, I only get about 2 hours per charge; I got waaaaay longer on my year-old MacBook I just sold. I have Firefox and Pages running, but nothing else. Am I doing something wrong?
I've tried two brand new adapters and neither work after my MBP is unplugged for a few hours and then plugged back in. Eventually it'll work again, but occasionally it doesn't acknowledge the power source. Will AppleCare cover this?
I am thinking of using a solar panel setup to charge all of me and my family's MacBook's, iPhones, iPod, and iPads, and if anyone know the approximate number of watt-hours it takes to fully charge each of those you would make me very happy
I just ran my battery down last night and left it over night to re-calibrate. I plugged it back in at 11am and it's now 5pm and I'm still showing a half hour to finish the charge. That's nearly 7 hours to fully charge the battery. Madness. Is this normal or is this worthy of a visit to the Apple Store?
Late 2008 refurb Macbook Pro, 2.53ghz, Windows 7 RC (therefore forced to use the 9600 at all times). According to this report, the MBP got around 3&1/2hrs of run time with a dimmed screen and watching videos. From a full charge, I start browsing the internet (no videos at all), and my battery reading read as follows
Not only were the readings all over the place, but even from a full near charge I wasn't even getting an estimate of 2hrs, while Apple advertised 4 for the late 2008 model, and the review I linked to says they got 3&1/2. Do I have a bad battery, or does simply running the 9600 reduce the battery life by such a drastic amount? I have already calibrated my battery following the guide on the Apple website.
I took my macbook pro to get a new battery at the genius bar after it stopped holding charge, turned off unexpectedly, and would get really hot. After getting the battery, I calibrated it right away by draining the battery, letting it sit for five hours, and then charging it. The new battery only holds 2 hours at 100% charge. Is the replacement a dud or something else wrong?
Set of a video burning with roxio toast 10, its been going 3hours and at this right and does anyone know of a good dvd video burning software, with menus, apparently idvd is called at 60min with video
On my mac in windows 7, I did a deep system scan. The scan for the windows drive took about maybe 50 minutes, but when it got to the mac drive, it's taking 4+ hours. The scan is still on for about 5 hours right now. I just got my mac so I didn't really install or have a lot of files. I'm looking at the "current operation" of BitDefender and it's been at E:Applications (whatever is under application) for the majority of the time. My question is what the hell do they put in the mac(stock mac) for it to take over 5 hours?
I have tried to download the newest version of itunes onto my MacBook several times and it keeps showing the download to take 24 to 30 hours to download and before it has told me after trying to download for an hour or two that the session has timed out and then just stops. I need to update my iphone 4 to the newest version but can not get the itunes up to date first.
I don't understand why it takes so long, is this unusual? I have a great connection with my DSL, and I am only downloading one item. There is nothing special about this movie, it is 1 1/2 hr long.
With my new DSLR/RAW shots, I've bloated iPhoto to over 105GB for just over 20,000 photos. Was doing housecleaning, deleting files and the "aw *****" moment hit where I deleted some i wanted. Went into TimeMachine and did a Restore to my external 2TB HD (FW800) as temp place. Now, when I went to delete that 105GB file started last night 10:30 pm, here 7.5 hr later: still churning did I do wrong??
For the past three hours (during which I've been doing some light web surfing (no Flash), text editing, and FTPing, with the screen on low brightness -- definitely not energy-intensive stuff -- my battery indicator has been showing it charging with 22 min remaining. Why the heck would that happen?
I recently purchased my Macbook and I noticed that the battery power is jumping at least an hour every time I check how much battery power it has left. I wanted to know if this was normal.
Just bought a new 15 inch retina MBP. My question is...should I immediately charge the battery or let it run to zero first and then charge it? Does it even matter?
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, iOS 7.1.2, Retina, 15 Inch
I have a MacBook. It's 4 or 5 years old. I downloaded an older version of Handbrake so I could transfer some of my dvds to my Ipod Touch. The newest version didn't work. The first step didn't take too long, but the second step (I think it was Rip) is another story. When I clicked the Rip button, it said that it would take more than 25 hours to Rip. I left it running for 5 hours and it was not even one quarter done. Am I doing something wrong? The dvd is only an hour long.
I've just bought this brand new macbook pro 2 weeks ago and it only lasts this long. I'm not doing anything besides firefox and microsoft word. Why is it so short? Can I get a replacement since it obviously is a manufacturing defect?
I bought the new macbook pro 3 days ago--not the one with the retina display; I dont need that--and was hoping to get close to 7 hours of battery life. After 3 days of use, my battery now has an average life of less than 4 hours.
Should I contact Apple about it? I know that the add says battery time may vary, but by 3 hours?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
i recently noticed that my MacBoo Pro was with low performance after some hours of use.I try to monitor what might be causing it. What i note was:After restart (or fresh start), my computer was ok;I use applications like adobe Lightroom and VMWare Fusion;Then I star feeling like Safari was too slow to open pages - I thought it was the internet link first, but even local webpages are slow. I notice that when a click to close a tab, it take almost 2 sec to do it. The same when click to open any link on that page.I start the activity monitor, but my proc usage are low. Then, I notice the (weird) memory usage: Take a look at "memory used". I closed all applications before take this screenshot. i've trying to identify what is consuming this memory, but.. no success.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
I've got a 4 month old Macbook Aluminum 2.4 ghz. I was getting great battery life for the first couple of months. But I'm now getting 3:10 with screen half light, and wifi on, bt off, doing a bit of downloading, etc. I've recalibrated the battery a number of times. According to activity monitor my cpu is hovering under 10% when I'm doing my battery test. This is at least 2 hours less than I was originally getting. Coconut Battery tells me that the original capacity was 4100, but its currently at 4052. Battery load-cycles are at 97 and it says the Mac is 5 months old. Should I take it in to the Apple store under AppleCare?
I own the newest (see my sig) macbook pro 17". i am doing nothing but web browsing with half brightness and no keyboard illumination and nothing else running with the 9400m graphic. i am only get 3 hours 25 minutes from a full charge
My four and a half pound MacBook, even with wonderful battery life is too much to bear. So is the thought of using Windows 98. Otherwise I'd buy a Netbook.
How many hours of word processing can I expect from the latest version of the MBA?
I have the 13" MacBook Pro with the beefiest processor and a 500GB HDD. When I bought the machine, I quizzed the guy at the store about a couple of things. In particular I asked about the battery life. He told me apple claims that this machine should have 7 hours of battery life when doing light tasks, but that he personally was able to squeeze out over 8 hours of battery life with simple web browsing.
My problem is that I can barely get 3,5 hours worth of batterylife out of the machine before it gives up the ghost. And this is with the backlight on the display turned down to 1/3 of full brightness. And all I'm doing is browsing text webpages with no flash. Is this normal? Or have I simply overlooked some basic power option that I need to toggle?