MacBook :: Handbrake - Take More Than 25 Hours To Rip
Apr 13, 2010
I have a MacBook. It's 4 or 5 years old. I downloaded an older version of Handbrake so I could transfer some of my dvds to my Ipod Touch. The newest version didn't work. The first step didn't take too long, but the second step (I think it was Rip) is another story. When I clicked the Rip button, it said that it would take more than 25 hours to Rip. I left it running for 5 hours and it was not even one quarter done. Am I doing something wrong? The dvd is only an hour long.
I recently purchased my Macbook and I noticed that the battery power is jumping at least an hour every time I check how much battery power it has left. I wanted to know if this was normal.
I have a BluRay rip in an MPG format.. Whenever I load it into Handbrake, Handbrake crashes. Is there any other application I can use to convert it to MP4?
has anyone tested out handbrake on their i7? I'm still waiting on my i7 but was curious just how fast a 2 hour DVD would take on handbrake for a mp4 appleTV format...
I noticed that while encoding Hancock (not a great movie) that my CPU was being totally used up by Handbrake. I am on a new MacBook (Late 08" 2.4Ghz). Have any of you had this experience/ is it normal?
My late 2008 15" MBP 2.8Ghz typically shows a CPU temp above 100 degrees Celsius ~ 216 F when using Handbrake. What is considered a normal operating temperature range? Also Activity Monitor show that Handbrake is using more than 100% of the CPU how is this possible? What does it mean? How can you use more than 100% of the CPU?
What kind of fps should I expect for video conversion on a 2010 macbook pro with an i7. I'm converting a 640x480 res video at 70% constant quality to .mp4 and I'm getting around 50-55 fps. Is that alright?
Should I be concerned about my temps. With light use (browsing, Pages, iTunes, etc), my computer hovers around 35 to 45 deg but with very very intensive work (Handbrake for example) which runs the CPU at near 100%, I hit temps upwards to 95* Normally hovers around 88 to 95* I did see it hit 99*, but the fans brought it down. All the above temps are "Pre-SMCFanControl" But with SMC... With the "Higher RPM" setting, I can hold 85* while running Handbrake.
Im currently doing some video converting using handbrake and I was just wondering if its ok to do this for a prolonged period of time? I have 7 movies to do, and am currently on the 3rd one. They take about 30 minutes each to complete and my cpu is currently at 84C. It fluctuates anywhere from 80C to 87C. Im just wondering if I should maybe give the cpu a break or if I can just do them all in one sitting?
when running handbrake it maxes out the cpu in my sig and uses over 300% of the processor. I'm interested in the CPU usage and speed of ripping compared to the faster i5's and I'd like to see how the i7's compare as well. I don't think the speed of the hard drive really comes into play but I have the stock 5400rpm drive. Do people with SSD's notice any difference in ripping/encoding? If so, it might be time to get an SSD
I've just bought this brand new macbook pro 2 weeks ago and it only lasts this long. I'm not doing anything besides firefox and microsoft word. Why is it so short? Can I get a replacement since it obviously is a manufacturing defect?
I bought the new macbook pro 3 days ago--not the one with the retina display; I dont need that--and was hoping to get close to 7 hours of battery life. After 3 days of use, my battery now has an average life of less than 4 hours.
Should I contact Apple about it? I know that the add says battery time may vary, but by 3 hours?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
i recently noticed that my MacBoo Pro was with low performance after some hours of use.I try to monitor what might be causing it. What i note was:After restart (or fresh start), my computer was ok;I use applications like adobe Lightroom and VMWare Fusion;Then I star feeling like Safari was too slow to open pages - I thought it was the internet link first, but even local webpages are slow. I notice that when a click to close a tab, it take almost 2 sec to do it. The same when click to open any link on that page.I start the activity monitor, but my proc usage are low. Then, I notice the (weird) memory usage: Take a look at "memory used". I closed all applications before take this screenshot. i've trying to identify what is consuming this memory, but.. no success.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
I just got a mac book pro and I transferred all my applications from my old g4 but handbrake doesn't work the same or doesn't at all. It takes very long to scan and it doesn't let me rip. I tried the same dvd on my old g4 and it worked just fine so it's not the dvd.
While using handbrake to rip a dvd. My screen suddenly turn black. i can only see the mouse pointer and can see my desktop. if i close the lid and open again. it back to normal. is this thing normal??? why is it happen??? Is this safe?????
I am not so sure. I only know that this happen during handbrake. After encoding for awhile. I leave it encode while away to eat something. 30 min later, i check. the screen is black. The only thing i see is the mouse pointer and nothing else. I try to move the mouse pointer and press dashboard but dashboard does not show. it still black. after i close the lid then it return to normal.
i'm trying to rip my dvd's onto my harddrive using handbrake but its not working. it says: "This version of HandBrake is 64 bit, VLC found but not 64 bit!" i cant find where to download the new vlc and its not working at all! i really want to start ripping and converting but i cant.
I've got a 4 month old Macbook Aluminum 2.4 ghz. I was getting great battery life for the first couple of months. But I'm now getting 3:10 with screen half light, and wifi on, bt off, doing a bit of downloading, etc. I've recalibrated the battery a number of times. According to activity monitor my cpu is hovering under 10% when I'm doing my battery test. This is at least 2 hours less than I was originally getting. Coconut Battery tells me that the original capacity was 4100, but its currently at 4052. Battery load-cycles are at 97 and it says the Mac is 5 months old. Should I take it in to the Apple store under AppleCare?
I own the newest (see my sig) macbook pro 17". i am doing nothing but web browsing with half brightness and no keyboard illumination and nothing else running with the 9400m graphic. i am only get 3 hours 25 minutes from a full charge
My four and a half pound MacBook, even with wonderful battery life is too much to bear. So is the thought of using Windows 98. Otherwise I'd buy a Netbook.
How many hours of word processing can I expect from the latest version of the MBA?
my Macbook that is in my signature is currently saying that it will take ten hours to charge (See Pic) after charging for the first time in two weeks after coming back from a camp and I'm not sure what to do.
I have the 13" MacBook Pro with the beefiest processor and a 500GB HDD. When I bought the machine, I quizzed the guy at the store about a couple of things. In particular I asked about the battery life. He told me apple claims that this machine should have 7 hours of battery life when doing light tasks, but that he personally was able to squeeze out over 8 hours of battery life with simple web browsing.
My problem is that I can barely get 3,5 hours worth of batterylife out of the machine before it gives up the ghost. And this is with the backlight on the display turned down to 1/3 of full brightness. And all I'm doing is browsing text webpages with no flash. Is this normal? Or have I simply overlooked some basic power option that I need to toggle?
I turned my computer on at 4:05pm. I made sure it was charged to 100% before I unplugged the power supply. It is now 5:15pm and my battery is already at 14%.The ONLY programs I have had running are:- iTunes - Safari - Firefox (not being used, just on)Other things to note:- Energy Saver set to: "Better battery life" instead of "Higher Performance". - Display brightness set at 13/16I'm getting less than 1.5 hours of battery life while just searching the internet and listing to music.
During startup, my Macbook Air 2011 sits at the grey screen with Apple logo and spinning gear for at least an hour before prompting me to log in.In the last few weeks, the time it took to get past the grey screen increase to roughly 10 min, but in the last couple of days its grown even longer. My Macbook Air has also often failed to resume from sleep and required a reboot.
I've purchased my first MacBook air. This is the second crash it had in two days. The first one occured when I was watching a youtube video and the second one happened while closing Chrome (while watching a youtube video). Should I go back to the store or can I fix this myself? [code]
I just bought a new 13" MacBook Pro, and the first time I charged it the battery lasted 7 hours. For my second and third charges, the battery at full charge says it will only last 2.5 hours. My screen is at a low brightness level, and I don't have anything strenuous running--only Safari or Mail...
I have my first ever Mac in the form of a 13" MBP! I am trying to rip some DVDs using handbrake. However, when Handbrake has finished scanning the source DVD (commercial DVDs), it only shows 1 title in the drop down title box. I have tried restarting, taking the DVD out and popping it back in again, but with no luck. Has anyone got any ideas what I'm doing wrong? How do I get all titles to show in the drop down title selection box?