MacBook Pro :: Working Experience With The Corsair 256GB SSD On The Mid-09 UMBP?

Aug 11, 2009

From reviews, it looks like the Corsair 256GB SSD is not bad except the random write speed.

Anybody is using this SSD on the mid-09 uMBP? any issues? I'm considering a SSD for my mid-09 15" 2.53GHz uMBP, but it seems that several members have reported issues for using OCZ SSDs on mid-09 uMBP.

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MacBook Pro :: Using Corsair 256GB SSD?

Aug 25, 2009


How do the Corsair drives compare to the Intel ones? How does this drive compare to the 256GB SSD option (Toshiba?) from Apple?

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MacBook :: Using Corsair 4GB Kit?

Apr 10, 2009

I bought two sitcks of ram made by corsair (CM3X2GSD1066). I installed them in my macbook aluminiun 2.4 and I have some stability issues. All memory tests using even apple hardware test say that there is no problem but when watching videos or doing random taskes the computer hangs and the image gets distorted. Is there any way of making this memory work as I have seen that it works fine for other people in their macs.

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MacBook Pro :: Will The New Corsair SSD's Work In MBP?

Jul 16, 2009

The SSD I've been waiting for has just come out and I'm wondering if this will work in a 17" Unibody Macbook Pro?



Not a bad price for the 128GB one I though for these speeds.

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MacBook :: Best Way To Experience It On Hdtv With Sound?

Mar 31, 2012

Is it better to go for home theatre with in-built wifi so that it can play sound from mac or apple tv or simply cables and some speakers?Is there any home theatre which can browse files from mac drive?Or simply use hdmi cable of home theatre for hdtv and toslink for surround 5.1 sound from macbook 2008 white(has mini dvi)?

Does this method sound good or best is to not to play from mac but from external hard in NTSC format.I am thinking of buying new panasonic 3d home theatre as it will be good for 13x15 ft area.

Info:macbook4,1, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook Air :: Can Upgrade 256GB To 512 GB

Jun 12, 2012

Is ther any way i can upgrade my mack book air 256gb to 512 gb ?

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Using mac book air 2011

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MacBook Pro :: Experience With The Silicon Cover From KB Covers?

Jan 19, 2009

Does anyone have experience with the silicon cover from KB Covers? Do they interfere with the air flow or cause the computer to heat up?

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MacBook Air :: 2.13ghz, 4gb Ram, 256gb Ssd 13 Review?

Nov 4, 2010

When I read the weblogs about Apple's announcement about the new MacBook Airs and wanted one immediately.I've always been a Windows guy. Except from 2002-to late 2006ish, technically. I bought the new dual core quicksilver power g4 mac when it came out in 02.

I had my problems with the mac then. They released their first version of OSX and it could dual boot with OS 9.But I always kept a windows desktop handy just in case and back then not a lot of programs were compatible, I used it mainly for its photoshop/final cut prowess.I've been building my own computers since I tore one apart in my dads office when I was in..the 3rd grade.

Anyways, prior to this I used to have a Sony Vaio but before that I bought the Adamo 13 when it first came out. I went through 7 Adamos because the logic board they custom made was pretty ****ed up. I still have one sitting in its box that I have to send to Dell so they can repair it but after 7 I kind of lost the heart to send in another, and thats why I bought the Vaio in March of this year.

Here is a review if you would like to read but I just wanted to reiterate what most people have been saying that this is a beautiful computer that can handle its own share of programs. Especially the resolution on this computer makes it worth it than any other 13 inch computers.FYI, I use this machine mainly for Windows 7.hen I first bought it I wrestled with reinstalling mac osx and windows 7 like over 10 times to get it right.

Finally I settled on running Mac with only 15 gbs and using the rest for Windows. This avoids the long boot up into windows directly after completely deleting the Mac partition.I don't know if people were more successful than I am but I went through 5 usb sticks to make them bootable but the mac didnt read them so I used an SD card and made it bootable and it worked.The screenIs extremely bright compared to my Vaio and Adamo. The Adamo was bright but I believe this to be significantly brighter albeit the Vaio was a matte screen instead of a glossy one. The extra screen real estate is always welcomed, prior to this I was looking at the Envy but from what found out they removed the option of having a higher resolution screen so I stopped looking there. It's to the point where I can still use the computer on the lowest and I mean lowest like only one away from off and still use it and sometimes the screen is too bright for me. The whites make me squint my eyes. But the display is gorgeous overall.

ALSO I love that they TOOK OUT the BLACK BEZEL. I would have gotten the macbook pro 15s maybe a year ago if they didnt have the black bezels but finally it is not black. I thought the black bezels were ugly as with the keys on a SILVER computer, would be find if the whole computer was dark but yeah. I can manage just black keys and the silver bezel.The keyboardis slightly disappointing because of the lack of backlight on the keys.Also since I am using it as a Windows computer the change in the keys are hard to get used to but I used SharpKeys to change the registry on the keys for options and alt and have added page up/down, home and delete keys by using the f8-f10 keys and have worked for me.

People might flame me for buying a mac and installing windows but I am willing to make a compromise for a better built (in my opinion), thinner and cooler looking computer.So for the most part, the keyboard is ok but loses points on the backlight and I am not marking points off for the orientation because it was my decision to use Windows on it.The fanis loud, when youre running windows 7. But to be fair it is not as loud when youre running Mac. It's loud enough to hear and notice on windows boot. For the most part the computer doesnt get too hot or anywhere near as hot as the macbook pros I have used that my friends have. Not a big deal.The graphicsseem to be ok. The bench marks are up there so you can read those. All I do is play Starcraft 2, pokerstars and watch movies.Most movies are fine but mine had trouble playing the mkv versions of 1080p movies. Anything below that runs well without a hiccup and you can do multiple things at once. The fan will kick in though.The speakersI love. On ultraportable computers the speakers literally suck @$$ and I know because I've used the Adamo and heard some others while shopping. While the BASS is not that great, the macbook air is EXTREMELY loud. For some reason though, the maximum seems louder on windows that in mac. And the most important of all it doesnt sound TINY. Its hard to explain this but its loud and decently full sounding. Most of the time I use my ultrasone or sennheiser headphones but when I get tired and just want to use the computer, its still adequate and fufillingly(?) loud. I never knew that the sound was coming out of the speakers. I think its truly genius.The touchpadworks well in mac. Too well to the point I am jealous because on the Windows it's a bit stuttery. I do not know why because it is not a hardware issue. I guess its the windows drivers that Apple gives us. But thankfully there is a right click there. To be honest though it is too far to the right and too far on the bottom given the size of the trackpad. But I am still thankful there is a right click at the very least. I found it when I have to drag something using two fingers makes it work the best. If I wanted to drag an icon across the screen, I would click on the icon with my index finger and use my third finger to drag it and it works like a charm. The scrolling gestures work (using two fingers to scroll webpages etc). No problems there. ETC
The computer itself is nicely built. It is sturdy and does not scratch that much yet. I am waiting for Speck to release a new case for the mba 13. The webcam works nicely, I use it mostly for GMAIL video chats and skype.The microphone is on the side, I dont know how well that works but friends on the other end can hear me well. he ports are slightly disappointing. Would have liked more usb ports, hdmi and such without the need for a display adapter from apple. I am looking to buy it cause I have the 21 inch studio display but wont fit the adapter display port.
The hinge seems sturdy too. No problems there.
I think this is a very portable cool laptop I have seen in awhile. It has enough oopmh to give you what you need if hardcore multimedia projects are not your thing.
I know most people use it for light photoshop, web, mail, movies, music and other light things. Games seem to work on light settings. It's not so bad but it's getting there, depends on what you play.

Also the battery is amazing. One of the more reasons that brought me over the edge was the battery. The screen resolution and battery were big +s. Never tested it running OSX but on the Windows 7 I went as far as 5 hours but I had some juice left over but always plugged it in. That is a big win for me. During those 6 hours I did a mix of video chat, watching movies while surfing the net, or a combination of those 3 and on the rare occasion a little poker added to it.

You can get better spec'd computers for half the price I paid but sometimes plastic just sucks. The thing I loved about the Adamo was that it was metal. I still love the Adamo design but their logic board failed me too many times. Also my MBA does not have the logic board issues that other people are facing.

Anyways, I hoped that gave you an insight into a person who uses the MBA 13 as a Windows 7 machine.hanks for reading as this is my first and only post.

I just felt it was necessary because it is a great machine and people who are able should know that they can buy a mac to run windows now. The experience is good enough to have as a primary machine or secondary.

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MacBook Pro :: Can Use G-Raid Mini SSD 256GB

Nov 1, 2009

can use G-Raid Mini SSD 256GB

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MacBook Pro :: SSD Step Down From 500GB To 256GB?

Jul 2, 2012

I am looking into getting a SSD but i am unsure if I want the same space as my 500GB hard drive. I am currently using only 35GB of space. I am thinking about only getting the 25GB instead of the 512GB and save about $200. I do have an external 1TB hard drive attached to my AEB to use as "cloud" when i am away from home. anyone skip on the same size or did they step down to the 256GB SSD insted? I also have a 16GB Flash drive and an iPad if that matters.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook :: Corsair RAM Doesn't Boot My Computer?

Jan 16, 2009

I just installed the Corsair VSA4GSDSKIT667C4 G 4GB into my MacBook MB403LL/A and it will not boot! I tried to install and re-install 3 times and I can't get it to work!

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MacBook Pro :: Using With Corsair P128 And 13" MBP's With 1.7 Firmware?

Oct 3, 2009

I just found out about people having issues when using ssd drives (corsair p128 is the one I want) after upgrading to firmware 1.7

Can anyone confirm/deny that this is still a known issue. I was just about to order a mbp and a corsair ssd drive to go in it.

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MacBook Air :: It Works - Bootcamp Resizing - Sharing Experience

Jan 23, 2010

Just tried Camp Tune - Paragon's software for on the fly resizing of bootcamp partition. I just did it and it worked like a charm.... no backup this and that and reinstall... nothing. Downloaded the file, burned the disk, boot with the disk and press resize (see instructions on the site).

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MacBook Air :: Performance Of 2010 13'' 1.86GHz 4GB RAM 256GB

Nov 3, 2010

Just bought this recently and installed Windows 7. The following screen shot under WEI Macbook Air 2010 13'' 1.86GHz 4GB RAM 256GB. The performance is quite amazing consider its 1.86GHz CPU, I bet 2.13GHz CPU would score bit higher.

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MacBook Air :: 256gb Photofast SSD For Review A Installed

Jun 30, 2010

I would like to thank everyone who posts on this forum. The problems and solutions discussed here made this upgrade a breeze.I have a 2 year old 1.8 Rev A with 64Gb SSD that I love. I am very aware of all it's limitations but it suits all my needs except the storage capacity. Like many others on this site, I was hoping for an update on the MBA. Unfortunately nothing seems to be on the horizon, so I decided to take things into my own hands.

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MacBook Air :: Upgrading To 256GB And I7 Worth The Price?

Mar 24, 2012

Im looking forward to buying the MacBook air soon. But I need some help from you guys! I'm going for the 13" model but is it worth upgrading to 256GB and i7?I'm probably going to be surfing the web (about 6 hours/day), a little but of music, maybe 200 photos, and some apps

MacBook Air

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MacBook Pro :: Should Corsair Memory [CMS016GX3M2A1333C9] Compatible For 2011

Apr 20, 2012

Should Corsair Memory [CMS016GX3M2A1333C9] compatible for macbookpro 2011? SetsValueSelectSKU#CMS016GX3M2A1333C9Memory TypeDDR3Size16GB (2*8GB)Package - Memory PinDDR 1333 (PC3 10600)SPD Latency&Tested Latency9-9-9-24SPD Voltage&Tested Voltage1.5V Is it compatible for macbookpro 2011?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Air :: USB 3.0 And 256GB SSD Sandforce Controller Upgrade Kit On The New 11" MBA?

Oct 27, 2010 this becomes available for a reasonable price, I'm in

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MacBook Pro :: How Much Data Can 256GB Flash Storage Hold

Jun 12, 2012

How much data can a 256GB Flash storage hold?  The only reason I haven't gone ahead with my purchase is that I'm worried that 256GB is too little.  I wish it were possible to upgrade to 512GB on the base model.

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: How To Setup Trim For 256GB SSD For Yosemite OS 10.10.1 On Mid 2010

Dec 4, 2014

What is the best way to setup effective TRIM for a newly installed SanDisk Ultra Plus 256 GB  (old version) drive on a mid 2010 MacBook Pro 6,2 with 8 GB RAM and running just installed Yosemite OSs 10.10.1?  The new operating system is not referenced by SanDisk. 

MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), SanDisk Ultra Plus GB (old version

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MacBook Pro :: OCZ Vertex 2 50GB Versus Corsair Performance 64GB

Jun 30, 2010

Can anyone suggest which SSD to choose :-

OCZ Vertex 2 50GB vs Corsair Performance 64GB ?

Right now I can get both for the same price.

I know the Corsair has the 128MB cache but could not dig up the cache for the OCZ.

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MacBook Air :: 13" 256GB Built To Order - 4GBram 2.1GHz C2D Capable Of Running Virtual Machine?

Nov 17, 2010

I am an IT student who is studying Vmware, Oracle11g, MCITP, Linux ,CCNA, and etc.. Is it good to have a "Built To Order MacBook Air 13"" (256GB SSD 4GBram 2.1GHz C2D ) to run a windows server 2008 virtual machine with oracle 11gR1 installed on it? Or is it better to run that VM on a mac book pro 17" (Core i7 2.66CPU, 4GB ram ,500GB 5400rpm harddrive)? or 7200rpm HD? Air got a faster Storage drive (SSD) but slower CPU. Pro got a faster Cpu but slower storage drive (HD drive). I am so confused>< Pro or air which one has a better performance for running that vm? which one's battery life last longer for running that vm?

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Mac Mini :: Getting Out Of Box Experience Without Reinstall?

Jun 28, 2010

Can I get the out of box experience without doing a complete reinstall? I know windows os's can do this with a command. Any ideas if SL server can do this? I don't need to save any setup info.

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Mac Pro :: Windows 7 Experience Index For Parallels 6

Sep 23, 2010

I have a mid 2010 MacPro 12 2.66 Ghz cpu system with 48 GB of ram. I was running Windows 7 32 bit on my Apple SSD drive, but thought that it would be interesting to see the performance difference if I installed Windows 7 64 bit. Due to SSD space limitations Windows 7 64 bit was installed on an internal hard disk rather than the SSD drive. Here are the results:

Windows 7 32 bit on Apple SSD TS512B configured with
2 GB of RAM
8 CPUs
Enable Adaptive Hypervisor checked

Processor 7.7
Memory 4.5
Graphics 6.0
Gaming 6.0
Hard disk 6.9

overall 4.5 (lowest score).

Windows 7 64 bit on Hitachi 2 TB drive HDS722020ALA330 configured with
8 GB of RAM
8 CPUs
Enable Adaptive Hypervisor checked

Processor 7.8
Memory 7.9
Graphics 6.0
Gaming 6.0
Hard disk 7.9

overall 6.0

I was surprised by the increase in memory speed, and even more so by the hard disk improvement - even though on a physical disk rather than an SSD. In two cases (memory and hard disk) it hits the maximum performance number possible of 7.9.

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IMac :: PowerPC 10.5.7 Update Experience?

May 13, 2009

How is the new update working with your PPC macs? Did your update go smoothly and are you seeing any performance gains? I am very curious because I hear intel mac users are having a slew of problems but I would like to hear from the PPC side of the fence.

I am too nervous to update right now as I have too much critical data I need to back up first and wont be able to update today.

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Windows On Mac :: Where To Find Experience Rating

Dec 3, 2009

Can you post your Windows Experience Rating here along with the specs of your Mac?

I'm hoping to see results from the Macbook 13" (2009) and Macbook Pro 13" and 15" (2009)

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IMac :: Corsair Versus Crucial RAM

Feb 28, 2008

I'd like to upgrade my 2.8ghz iMac from the standard 2gbs to 4gbs. I can get crucial ram for �65.79 and corsair for �55.90. I've heard that corsair has a very good reputation for desktop ram but don't know if this transfers over to laptop ram. Is there any reason why I would go for the crucial memory? Also, does anyone else know of any other brands I should look out for in the UK?

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OS X :: Will Corsair CMX512-3200XLPRO RAM Work In A MAC G5 1.6 GHz?

Feb 17, 2009

definitively tell me if this RAM will work in a Mac G5 1.6 GHz? I've gotten conflicting information thus far.

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PowerPC :: Powerbook Titanium/using Leopard Experience?

Oct 26, 2007

Anyone out there install Leopard on a Powerbook Titanium? Results... good, bad, ugly? I have a Powerbook 'Ti' 1GHZ with 1gig, i imagine it'll choke on any of the niffty core animations. what say you?

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Windows On Mac :: Experience Index In Vista Or Win7

Oct 25, 2009

I'm interested in the 'Windows Experience Index' on your Macs in either Vista or Windows7? I'd especially be interested in the index results for a Macbook Pro 13" 2.53GHz as I have just ordered one!?

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