MacBook Pro :: Use SWAP Memory When RAM Is Available
Dec 3, 2014
I am using the 13" MacBook Pro (Late 2011) with latest version of OSX Yosemite (10.10.1) 2.4 GHz Intel Core i5, 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3.Â
The Activity Monitor shows 7.2GB Physical Memory usedBut, it also shows virtual memory used 9GB and, SWAP memory used 38MBÂ
This usually happens towards the end of the day and during this time, I can also hear the processor sound as if there is too much of load / processing going on.Â
The system also responds very slowly. So far, I haven't experienced any system hang up issues but would like to know about the resolution before I start experiencing the system hang up and other issues.Â
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), OS X Yosemite (10.10), upgraded to 8GB RAM
My MacBook Pro (not shut down, only slept/awoken) for the past several months, is still running strong. That part is good. However, it seems that I noticed my swap file usage was already 997MB!
I have a mid 2010 Mac mini connected to my TV for use primarily for Internet radio and video and I also recently bought a mid 2011 Mac mini to replace my 2007 iMac after its LCD panel went south. The 2011 system report shows 1333 MHz DDR3 memory whereas the 2010 shows 1067 MHz DDR3 memory. I am thinking to upgrade the 2011 from 4 GB to 8 GB and swap out the 2 GB in the 2010 for the 4 GB from the 2011. Will the 1333 MHz DDR3 memory from the 2011 work in the 2010?
I'm getting messages stating "Your Mac OS X startup disk has no more space available for application memory." I've determined that my system memory is rapidly reducing after the MacBook Air is left on with only the Activity Monitor and Terminal open.
MacBook Air Stats: 11-Inch, Mid 2011 Processor: 1.8 Ghz Intel Core i7 Memory: 4GB 1333 Mhz DDR3 Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 3000 384MB Software: Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3
My SSD drive space is rapidly reduced after the "free memory" is almost completed used - the MacBook then starts using the SSD drive as virtual memory and almost uses that space (I have a 250GB drive with 60GB available when I start the mac).Everything works great for the first 5-10 minutes, then I see the "free memory" decrese until it's down to about 30MB or so and then the SWAP used increases until my hard drive is almost totally out of space and gives me the error above. During this time the MacBook Airs little fan turns on.I can only use my Mac for about 30 minutes or so until I have to restart due to the HD being filled up by the virtual memory SWAP. The Mac is also very slow during this time as you can imagine.
My Laptop runs slow and often spins when I open the browser or other apps sometimes and found the load average to be less than and also about 300MB free memory, till I notice swap as 40MB/256MB on iStat.
Questions: 1. How do I find out what process is causing the swap? The top does not show swap, and the vm_stat does not show swap either like vmstat does. 2. In the memory what does the wired, Active, Inactive memory mean? The only value that makes sense is Free.
I have a Black MacBook (Early 2008). I think that I still have the factory standard RAM sticks (I bought the Mac used from a friend). I noticed today that I am running on only one gig of RAM even though I have two gigs of memory.
I still have the older style 2008 LED MBPs where you have to remove the top of the laptop with jewelers screwdrivers and whip out the torx screwdrivers to replace the hard drive. Ram is easy on the older laptops.
A replacement to my girlfriend's pre-unibody 2.5Ghz (4,1 with the 8600GT) macbook pro is soon to arrive (thanks Applecare) and I'm really hoping I can just "hot-swap" the old (but newish) 500GB 7200 rpm HDD (bootcamp partitioned ) into the new unibody replacement. Does anybody think this will work? Will there be EFI/hardware issues?
FYI (this is due to 4 ongoing graphics/screen issues)
Anyone know of any 3rd party SSD (solid state drives) available that will fit the Air?? I was hoping to get a 32GB SSD for a good price & do the swap myself. I dont need much internal space & use my server for all my big files over 802.11n, so I cant justify paying Apple $1K just for the option of the SSD.
I just upgraded my 2GB ram to 4GB with Crucial sticks. I want to give my old 1GB(x2) sticks to my friend with another Macbook. He has a Macbook with 1GB installed from the factory, two 512 sticks.
I can't see that there would be a problem, I just wanted a second opinion from those who are sure or who have done it. I know he doesn't have Leopard, if that matters.
My new whitebook is on order and I'm getting ready for when it arrives. The plan is to swap out the hard drive from my old whitebook (late 2006), but I'm unsure on a couple of points. My current drive is a 250g SATA with a 170g boot partition and an 80g BootCamp partition.
I had an Apple "Genius" swap a hard drive from a MacBook 13" to a MacBook Pro 13". When I got it back, the hard drive was unreadable. The "Genius" said that he did nothing wrong and the problem was that the Hitachi hard drive from the MacBook was incompatible with the new MacBook Pro. My original MacBook was purchased in May 2009 and exchanged for the MacBook Pro in July 2009. When I booted the MacBook Pro from the installer disk, and launched Disk Utilities, my internal hard drive was blank/unformatted. How could the Genius destroy my hard drive just by swapping from one MacBook to another?
I own a Macbook Pro 15' (early 2011) and my wife has a 17' MBP (Late 2011). She's about to go on an extended trip, and so we've talked about swapping laptops, as mine is a little more beat up already, is lighter and has a resolution that she prefers (1680 vs 1920). We've both got the high-end machines with upgraded GPUs (6750 and 6770).Â
To accomplish the swap, would it be possible and or advisable to simply swap harddrives between the machines? Are there any troubles that I might run into from doing this? We both have bootcamp partitions for gaming.
I have 2 1GB sticks left over after updating my 2.2GHZ Macbook's RAM to 4GB. My friend wants my old RAM modules, but his macbook is the black one from 2006. Will this RAM work in his blackbook?
Why would my computer page out if I have 400 mb of RAM free? My swap is 5mb/64mb, what does that number indicate? Also, my page in is 162,080 page out 25.
I tried to swap the preinstalled harddrive with my own 320GB Segate and that didn't go down well with the Macbook. I've changed back to 160GB and everything work fine now.
I have a year old 15' MBP, with a 2.66GHz C2D, 4GB of RAM, and a 320GB 5400RPM drive. I just purchased a 250GB Seagate 7200RPM drive which I use in an external enclosure for my Time Machine. I have no complaints for my computer being terribly slow, but I was wondering if I would get a significant boost from having the 7200RPM drive in my MBP. Before anyone recommends that I get a SSD, I do plan on buying one once prices keep dropping. Right now $1600 for a 480GB OWC SSD is a little steep for me.
I am trying to swap my computer with my mums as hers is newer and has more memory; and I have run out! Is it possible to do this without losing everything?
My old model A1150 has a very nice 750 MB hard drive (with all my files on it). I just bought a somewhat newer MBP with a 200 GB HD.Can I just swap the hard drives? Any trick to it? One has Snow Leopard, the other just Leopard.Â
Info: MacBook Pro A1150, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 2 GB Ram, using FCE 4
I think that the unibody Macbook Pro would look sweet if it had white keys. I already own a wireless Apple keyboard, so I was thinking, would it be possible to swap the keys? Has anyone ever done/tried this?
I have had my alum Macbook since its release, and have a personal preference issue about the black keys. Since 08 I have loved my slim IMac chicklet keyboard with the white keys, so much so that I purchased an apple bluetooth keyboard to type on for long typing excursions. I had the bluetooth keyboard right up against my Macbook and realized that the layout, size and shape of the keys were identical. I love the white keys simply for the contrast of the black letters on the white chicklets. I also hate how the keys are getting shiny black, just kinda feels cheap. I should try to swap the keys on these units? I would love the white keys on my macbook, but I am not sure if they attach the same. I don't have the backlit keys, so I wouldn't loose anything.
my Macbook has finally kicked the bucket, it's been only working on mains power for sometime now and now when I boot up the only thing that appears on screen is a grey screen with a ? in the middle. I'm out of warranty so Apples no use here. I'm pretty sure the HDD is gone as I've put in the reboot disk and the HDD doesn't appear in startup disk. Is it possible to swap out the Macbook HDD for say this [URL] and then reboot from my time machine?
I just got a unibody 17''. Can I swap the hard drive in it with a 15'' Santa Rosa MBP? Just to save time installing everything plus the 15'' has a newish 7200 rpm hard drive. I noticed the trackpad System Preference is different between MBPs so I'm wondering what else is different.
Suddenly my backspace button has stopped working. Restarting or running Windows XP doesn't help a thing. Is it possible to use the right shift button as a backspace-button, you know changing what the keys do. It's quite irritating not being able to delete stuff. What I'd like: To use my right shift key instead of the backspace.
thinking of relegating my mini to HTPC and buying a new base model 15" MacBook Pro. As both these systems have essentially the same hardware, including 9400M graphics, can I just swap the hard drives so my current 7200rpm mini drive goes into the new MacBook Pro, and the new, unused, 5400 rpm drive comes out of the Pro and into the mini?
Any reason this wouldn't work? I just think it would take a lot of time to back everything up to Time Capsule and then fresh install both hard drives.
I've never done this before, but I'm curious if I was to swap the hard drive from my macbook and my macbook pro if they would still boot and operate as normal?I'm plenty capable of taking them apart, I just would like to know if I can save myself the time of reinstalling the OS by just swapping the drives.