MacBook Pro :: Install Any Antivirus Software On It?

Mar 19, 2012

Do I need to install any anti virus software? I have installed office on the MacBook but not sure if that makes a difference.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Is It Necessary To Install A Antivirus On Mac OS

Jun 27, 2012

I don't know if it`s necessary to install a anti-virus on Mac.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Windows On Mac :: Need To Install Antivirus Software?

Jul 13, 2009

I just got a MBP couple days ago and running windows XP pro through fusion on it. My wireless connection is always on and connected to the internet. I use windows xp pro to do accounting and office work only and no browsing internet under windows XP OS. Do I still need to install anti-virus software in windows OS?

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Windows On Mac :: Need To Install Antivirus On My Parallels XP?

Jul 25, 2009

I'm only going to be using Windows XP through Parallels for 2 applications - Quicken and SportTracks. I will NEVER browse the web through XP on my Mac. Do I need to install antivirus software on my Windows installation? I'm going to be running the applications in coherence mode, so I'm afraid of the system interrupting me asking or notifying about firus definition updates.

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Windows On Mac :: Parallels Desktop (XP) - Need To Install Antivirus?

Jun 11, 2009

Finally, I installed parallels desktop .4.0 ( windows xp), and I also installed antivirus (symantec) for my xp. Is it necessary to install anti-virus on Mac system as well, with windows xp as my guest system?

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OS X :: Saving Norton Antivirus ... Install Snow Leopard

Aug 31, 2009

I received my copy of Snow Leopard and I would like to do a fresh install. However, in doing this, I will lose my copy of Norton Antivirus that I downloaded from my college. I cannot get another copy of this until January as I am not currently a student. Is there a way I can save this program so that I can do a fresh install versus simply upgrading?

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IMac :: Need To Install Antivirus / Spyware Removal Software?

Apr 18, 2010

First time owner of Mac and never thinking about switching back to PC. I bought the IMAC 2l inch a couple of days ago. I am wondering if I need to install any antivirus software, ccleaner, ad aware, spybot or spywareblaster like I have on my PCS.

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MacBook Pro :: What Is Best Antivirus

Mar 6, 2012

I have Trend Micro Titanium right now and it seems to be doing a good job, like the guy at the store reccomended but I want ultimate security...Any imput on what is the best software for cleaning and keeping my mac clean?

Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: What Is The Best Antivirus For It

Jul 2, 2012

I would like to know what is the current best FREE and PAID antivirus out there the MacBook Pro

MacBook Pro with Retina display

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MacBook Pro :: Do I Need Antivirus While Using Parallels On My Mac

Jan 3, 2011

I got Parallels for Christmas and loaded Windows on the virtual machine. Should I worry about Anti-Virus software on it? Will anything that Windows gets affect the Mac's OS? (I wouldn't think so)

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MacBook Pro :: Which Antivirus Program Is Best For It

May 24, 2012

I ewould like to get antivirus protection for my MacBook Pro and was wondering what is available.

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Do I Need AntiVirus Software

Jun 23, 2012

We are new to MAC's and wondering do I need AntiVirus software for our MacBook Pro?

MacBook Pro with Retina display

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MacBook Pro :: Best Antivirus Software Package For OS X?

Apr 19, 2010

I have just switched to my very first MBP after being a PC user for many years. Could someone please recommend a decent anti virus software package for the Mac?

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MacBook Pro :: Does Mac Need Any Antivirus Software / Or Is This Already Built In

Apr 18, 2012

I've heard completely different things, saying I don't need antivirus software and I do. I sometimes use websites with a risk of viruses to watch TV programmes and films online or to download music etc, so perhaps it is safer to download some software?

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MacBook Pro :: Getting Free Antivirus Software For It?

Apr 21, 2012

I was wondering is there any free antivirus software for the mac pro

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MacBook :: Frozen While Trying To Uninstall Antivirus

Apr 23, 2012

MacBook frozen while trying to uninstall antivirus software.

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: Is It Necessary To Have Antivirus Software Installed On It Using 10.7.3

May 9, 2012

Is it necessary to have antivirus software installed on the Mac using 10.7.3? 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Best AntiVirus To Detect / Catch Flashback?

Apr 12, 2012

I just heard about Flashback and wonder if my computer (or possibly iPhone) is infected. My iTunes account was recently hacked and I received over $70 in charges for purchases I did not make. I was told that Flashback can and does hijack usernames and passwords. I installed and ran iAntiVirus but it didn't pick up anything. I also have an iPhone and an iPad that I access my iTunes store from quite frequently.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Finding Best Antivirus Software For 13"?

May 13, 2012

What is the best antivirus software for a Macbook Pro...I recently received a message from Google that someone made an attempt to hack into my mail account and I needed to change my PW and verify myself as the user.  The message suggested that I run a virus scan to check for sny malware or other types of viruses.  I do not have any software for this and up until now have not had a problem..

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook :: Will Not Boot - Antivirus Hung Up And Lock System

Aug 10, 2009

I have a macbook with OSX 10.5.7 and 4gb ram. Having fallen victim to the current scare tactics out on the web, I downloaded and installed PC Tools's iantivirus. All went well with install. About half way through the initial system scan, iantivirus hung up and locked my system. I had to do a hard power off with the power button. Now, my mac will not boot past the Apple logo. I don't even get the spinning wheel. I have booted to my install disk and ran disk utilities and everything checks out ok. I reset the pram and removed the battery and power supply and held the power button down for 10 or so seconds. Nothing. After several minutes, the system restarts and the cycle begins again. I cannot get into safe mode.

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MacBook Pro :: Antivirus Software - Utility To Keep Computer Clean?

Jun 24, 2010

What is the best anti virus software for the mac computer? I used CCleaner on my windows machine to keep it clean, whats the best program for this on mac?

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OS X :: How To Run Antivirus From Usb Key

Dec 25, 2010

I'm running Windows XP Pro on a Macbook Pro.

I need to run an antivirus from a usb key before Windows XP Pro loads, but since there's no BIOS I'm not sure how to do this. Can anyone provide the steps to tell the Macbook Pro to look for the usb key prior to initiating the boot sequence?

I tried holding down the option key while booting, but the key isn't recognized.

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OS X :: Using Antivirus With Mac?

Jul 30, 2009

New to mac, I have been a pc user for years and bought alot of anti-virus software to protect my pc's from virus's. Now that I have A mac what should I worry about as far as virus's go? what is the best anti-virus software out there for mac's and is it needed?

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MacBook Pro :: Antivirus Software For MacBook Pro?

Jun 5, 2012

Can someone please tell mewhich is the best antivirus program for macbook pro?


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OS X :: Finding Best Antivirus?

Feb 24, 2009

I'm new to Macs and was wondering about virus protection. I've heard I don't need any but sometimes when I'm logging into MySpace I get a warning about potential virus threats and some sort of scanning system starts up. I managed to get this url from it.

Is this something I need to worry about? Is it a virus and do I need virus protection?

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OS X :: Run Antivirus On T Mode?

Aug 10, 2009

I have 2 MBPs. One has Intego suite and other other will get Norton Internet Security for Mac in next 30 minutes.

The intego one has a suspect malware. Instead of uninstalling the Intego and installing the Norton, I was wondering if I could install Norton on the clean Machine and then boot Intego machine by pressing T like in transfer mode when you set up a new mac.

Once the HD of Intego Machine is visible, could I run the norton from the other machine on the HD of the intego by right clicking it and say scan for virus etc..

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OS X :: Antivirus Software Is Not Necessary On Mac - Why?

Oct 13, 2009

I'm new convert and LOVE my MacBook Air. There is something, however, that keeps me up at night. VIRUSES/SPYWARE/WORMS, etc. I've read some posts here and what I'm getting is that an Anti-Virus program is not necessary on my Mac. I do have Norton AntiVirus 10.2. Is that enough? What about firewalls, spyware, etc. After years on a PC, I'm addicted to these things. Should I upgrade to Norton Internet Security?

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Intel Mac :: Getting Best Antivirus For It?

May 25, 2012

What would be a good antivirus program that is reliable?

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Intel Mac :: Does It Come With Antivirus

Jun 21, 2012

Does my iMac — purchased within the last two months with Version 10.7.3 — come with antivirus? I can't find it on my system. If not, what's the best antivirus to get? Where do I find it?

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Software :: Finding Antivirus For Mac?

Jan 7, 2007

I am new to the macworld and realize that one of the perks to having a mac is much less risk to viruses, spyware, etc. I have heard, however, that this does not necessarily mean one shouldn't invest in an anti-virus application. I am wondering if mac users typically invest in one. It might help me make the decision whether i should.

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