MacBook Pro :: Game Performance Of The I5 500gb Mbp
May 28, 2010
bought the i5 500gb mbp, but I wonder whether it is any good for gaming since the 330m seems a little weak. Does anybody have any gaming experience (game performance) with it or can point me to a review somewhere?
I just switched out my 160GB hard drive on my 13" MBP for a 500GB. I do notice that things are a little slower now as far as opening up apps and such. Would upgrading to the 4GB of RAM instead of the 2 I have make a difference or is that the trade i get for running a 5200 500GB HD.
How can I test my MBP i7 GPU performance while playing a game (Red Alert 3)? Is there a tool I can use to measure FPS etc? How about GPU temperature? I'm new the GPU performance world, so I would appreciate some education on this.
I needed to upgrade this unit in order to increase performance with VMWARE Fusion as I needed to use a few Windows 7 features and Applications... and although Mac OS is OK... I have to recognize that some features of Windows 7 are better and I need some only windows applications.
So I researched online the option of upgrading memory and HD. I read mixed opinions and experiences with non Apple Memory. But took the chance and during a recent trip to the US I purchased the Kingston upgrade kit... installed it... and so far no problems. I got a very noticeable increase in startup and working performance with Windows 7 and Fusion. Unfortunately I lost my notes regarding performance readings... sorry.
I was very intrigued with the Hybrid Seagate 500GB Momentus XT. Also read a lot of mixed experiences. I also picked up a unit during my trip to the US but waited to install it when I got back to Spain. I just installed it and made some simple timings to check the performance......................
just got my air 11.6 cheapest version. I was playing tf2 under Os X and the performance is just a tiny bit too low for good playing, i feel like a tiny overclock of the 1.4 ghz cpu would greatly help. Considering the core 2 duo is a very mature cpu, and that the laptop doesnt seem to heat that much, it might just work. Of course Im talking about even just a lil oc to 1.6ghz.
I currently use a macbook pro, but it's getting on at 3 years old now, I never use it as a portable device and I'm desperate for a more powerful iMac.
In terms of performance I need something that can play the latest games - WoW and CoD specifically - as smoothly as possible. At the moment I'm drawn between the better 21.5" mac, or the 27" with the same settings.
1st Question: I'm fairly sure the 21.5" would play the games well, but if I upgraded to a 27" screen, would the games play slower as a result?
2nd Question: The 21.5" iMac comes with an i3 processor. Is there a big difference between the i3 and i5 in terms of performance (specifically, again, for gaming). Would it be worth getting the i5?
Will I notice much difference if I upgrade to the seagate m xt 500 gb with 32cache?
Baring in mind I havnt got my 17" i7 2.8 in the post yet..
I'm thinking I can install the new drive as soon as I get the Mbp and do a fresh install as I'm assuming I'll get the iLife disks with the laptop so I can install it? Aswell as the OS cd's too?
i just bought the game Spore and i am having troubles with it. 1st after i download the cd an update pops up for the game back to back to back to etc. and its the same update. Then when i run the game everything works fine (the begining cut scenes) but when the game is about to start it cuts off and an error popup comes up.
I've searched the web for a couple of hours and found pretty conflicting answers. In short: I have a 2.53 GHz 15" Unibody late-2009 MBP and I need to upgrade my internal HD. What's the best one? It looks like the main choices are Seagate and Western Digital, but even within those, there are different model names (Momentus, Barracuda, etc...). Is one quieter than the others?
Also, what's the practical difference between 5400 and 7200 RPM? Does it depend on how heavy your usage is? I do run Parallels pretty frequently, so my computer does tend to get close to maximum CPU use.
Im looking to upgrade my stock 160GB harddrive in my uMBP and i wanted some feedback on which would be best. I have done some research and have decided on two different models a
WD Scorpio Blue:
and Hitachi Travelstar 5k500 :
Both drives are 500Gb and 5400rpm so i don't really know which to pick.
I bought a MBP13 with a 250 GB. I noticed that the HD is a Seagate 250 GB 5400 rpm.
So i thought I would upgrade it to a Seagate 500 Gb 5400 rpm(Momentus).
Now the noise is noticeable. Not much, but you can hear it.
Should a 500GB harddisk be more noisy than a 250 Gb? I thought it would be the same. The only difference I saw between the two harddisk is that the old HD had a Apple logo on it.
Otherwise its the same brand and model, just with a higher capacity.
If I had upgraded at apple would I have been rid of the noise or is this just something that follows along with the higher capacity?
A. Macbook pro 15" high res glossy, 8gb ram, and 256gb ssd, 2.4ghz i5B. Macbook pro 15" High res AG, 4GB ram, 500GB HDD, i7 2.8 C. Macbook air 13" 4GB/2.13ghz/256gb ssd
I'm looking to replace my stock 160gb 5400rpm drive with a 500gb drive 7200rpm. SSDs are just a bit too expensive at the moment. Looking around the Seagate Momentus XT seems to come top of all the reviews until you research a little more and find that there seem to have been loads of issues with them, esp on macs.
So Im looking to get a new 13" macbook pro to replaces my old macbook pro, but I really l like having the 500GB hard drive in it. When talking to an online apple sales lady she said I can not upgrade the hard drive in there my self.
I purchased a Seagate Momentus 2.5" Internal SATA 500 GB 7200 RPM hard drive. I put it into an external USB enclosure to clone my existing MacbookPro 160GB hard drive and then planned to swap them and install the new 500 GB HD. But when I plug in the external drive case, I do not see the Seagate drive mounted and cannot see it in Disk Utility either.
The external enclosure comes with a USB cable with two USB connectors to provide data transfer and power. Any suggestions how I can mount this drive so I can clone the internal drive?
Like the title says, what are your guy's suggestions for 500GB Internal HDD? I don't mind having 5,400 or 7,200rpm and the cache size (16MB would be enough for me). I read from other people's posts that some HDDs have slower boot time, more power consumption, drive failure, not booting, etc etc.
What is the perfect internal HDD 500GB for Mac? The only one I know is WD Blue Scorpio [URL] but I don't know if it's available around where I live.I am planning to partition 400GB for Mac & 100GB for Windows XP.
I am looking into getting a SSD but i am unsure if I want the same space as my 500GB hard drive. I am currently using only 35GB of space. I am thinking about only getting the 25GB instead of the 512GB and save about $200. I do have an external 1TB hard drive attached to my AEB to use as "cloud" when i am away from home. anyone skip on the same size or did they step down to the 256GB SSD insted? I also have a 16GB Flash drive and an iPad if that matters.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I've used PCs for awhile, but lately I was toying with some of my computers info and found under the "About This Mac" my computer has 130 GB worth of "Backups". I have 18GB audio which I though was a lot, and 48 GB of movies, 22GB of photos, 27 GB of apps, and 74 GB of other. Overall I have 177 GB free out of 500 GB total.
I want to clear my hard drive, what's a good way to do this? And why do I have so many "Backups"? What do these do? I use Time Machine--I don't know if that's relevant.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
I do a lot of traveling and have a lot of video files that I like to take on the road with me. I saw a 500gb Western Digital 2.5 hard drive on and want to replace my 160gb hard drive with it. I have an external hard drive with time machine. Is there anyway to do this so that I do no have to re-install everything?
I have a Early 2008 White Macbook with a 160GB 5400RPM Fujitsu drive that is driving me mad. it is far too small and i have nowhere to store my RSS feeds and podcasts from iTunes anymore. also, it boots really slowly because of all the applications and HD podcasts on the drive. I am considering getting the Seagate Momentus ST9500420AS ( the one without G-Force Protection ) because it is a 7400RPM drive with a 500GB capacity. Has anybody had any problems with this drive in their macbooks or in general? Would the vibration/noise be an issue? I'm also considering the Scorpio Blue and Toshiba MK5055GSX because they're very power efficient, but at 5400RPM, they are slower. I'd love to see boot times in particular improve. There is already 2GB of RAM in the machine, so that isn't the problem.
I purchased my mac just after the release of the MacBookPro June 2009 with 500GB hard drive, 2.8GHZ Intel C2D and 4GB Ram. Looking at version histories to see what the processor model was I saw that it should be a MacBookPro 5,3 or 5,5 based on the date. However in my system information it says MacBookPro 5,2. Has anybody else that purchased their rig after the release noticed this?
Newegg has a deal for the Seagate Momentus XT 500GB 7200 Hybrid SSD drive for $99.00 The reviews on their site are kind of mix on this drive, but all other sources I have found are positive I did order it, and wanted to pass it along to the group