MacBook Pro :: Frozen On Grey Screen During Most Recent Update?
Apr 9, 2012
we have a 2 month old macbook pro. We have just done a system update, and the screen has been stuck on grey for more than 45 mins now. I did this update a few days ago on my own MBP and there was no grey screen issue. Is it safe to restart the mac, or does this update just take a while on some computers?Â
Ran Software Update on mother's iMac (20"/2.0GHZ/1GB/250GB - at least 200GB free, running 10.4). Many updates (Safari, Flash, Security Update, whose number I did not get...). Message that one update could not be installed, did not say which one. Computer will no start up (grey screen).
Started up from Disk 1, repaired Permissions, ran Disk Repair, which indicated no repairs needed. Removed only peripheral (ADSL modem) & ran Safe Boot; it stalls. Last four lines are.
just ran a recent update for my macbook pro/mid 2010, and the computer just woke up with a plain blue screen & spinning beach ball - I had to do a hard shut down.I am also having the problem of having my screen going black for a couple of seconds, I read up on it in Support. But I was wondering if there is something else going on.
I have a weird problem going on currently. My 13 inch macbook pro (2009) works PERFECT but I've tried 3 times to update to the OSX to 10.6.3 or 10.6.4 and everytime the update works but after it reboots I get the grey screen of death.
When I have a time capable backup which I restore from when this happens so its not a big deal however whenever I restore I no longer have access to the old history. It's like the drive cannot go back in time. Is this normal?
I have installed the latest update that Apple posted a few days ago on multipl computers. It seems that after the update, screen sharing still works, but instead of bringing up the shared screen in about 5 seconds as it used to, it now takes almost 30 seconds. This has happened for me on two seperate networks so I believe it is not network related. Something in the Lion update seems to be culpret. My 10.6 server machines still can be shared fine.
My iMac ran a software update last night, but the program kicked out before it completed. When I went to reboot this morning, I had the Mac icon on a grey screen, with a little line rolling around in a circle below it. It's been hung up there all day.
I've read in other posts that I should do a clean install of the system software. Problem is, my hard drive is absolutely packed and the computer is telling me that I don't have enough space to do even a baisc installation without all the bells and whistles. Because the machine won't boot, I can't get into the drive to transfer or delete any files in order to create the necessary space for the installation.
I did the latest firmware update few days ago and went through that series of boots. It's a shame on me that I didn't jog down the ROM revision info before the update. According to the this link:
The FM Rev should be MBA31.0061.B01 after the update.
My MBA 13 is still read MBA31.0061.B00 after I thought I did the update. Does that mean the update didn't go through?
I recently went to turn on my laptop, and it started up, I heard the hard drive cycle, and it automatically went to a grey apple as the typical startup...but it froze there & a pinwheel was spinning...but it wouldn't boot up! What can I do to check this out?
On my Macbook pro, it starts up, "optimizes movies" and then 5 seconds later crashes. It has never done this before which is why it must have something to do with the recent update (installed in the last week)
Formatted my MacBook Pro and clean installed Snow Leopard after I lost connectivity to any external monitor I plug in to my MBP. I noticed that as soon as I restarted with the Snow Leopard DVD, I regained the connection with my external monitor.
After format all was well until I updated all to the way it was. No problems showed until I loaded the recent update of Snow Leopard.Does anyone suffer from this? Does anyone know a solution?
I recently attempted to install the most recent firmware and security updates for mac os x 10.5.8 on my macbook pro 17 inch (purchased about 14 months ago). Computer asked me to reboot, i did, it then gave me instructions for firmware updates.
The screen went dark, and it did its thing, and I returned 10 minutes later. The computer had not rebooted.I pressed the startup key and it gave a long beep. Screen remained dark. Some minutes later it ran the boot cycle, but booted into windows (i have dual boot set up). I can only get into windows now.
My macbook pro froze while trying to update today so i did a force shutdown of my mac (help power button down for 10 seconds) when i went to turn on my mac and log in it brought me to the screen with the mac icon in the center and the spinning icon under it and it sits there trying to load but nothing happens. i would simply just do a reinstall of the system but i do not have the install cd's.
I've had the new macbook air just two days now. Turned it on this morning, used it for like 5 minutes and the screen just started flickering, and the whole machine just froze on me! Had to do a system reset, but I'm a little concerned after spending over a grand on this macbook! Has anyone else experienced this? I'm actually thinking about returning the machine..
After restarting my MacBook pro for updates, I clicked on my user icon which read 'update needed'. After entering my password it began to install the updates, but the progress bar just stopped halfway through, and 2 hours later it hadn't moved. I then switched off my mac and tried again and again but the same thing keeps happening.
After updating earlier this week with the EFL Processor update and the Superdrive update, each time I bring my MBP out of hibernate or log on the CD drive starts to run like it trying to load a disc.
But there is no disc inside to cause the drive to think its loaded. It will do this 3 or 4 times before giving up. The noise is annoying especially when at the library studying for finals.
I assume this must have to do with my recent software update (installed today)
Now, when I open my email and many web pages - notably google, it seems as if the default viewing font has changed.. even the text on the "submit" buttons and things like that has changed...
and whats worse is the new font is barely legible. I don't have any idea what has happened or how to fix it... can someone please help, this is really annoying!
I installed iTunes 10.6 a few days ago. Ever since then, iTunes will run until I try to sync any of my devices. I have tried sync'ing iPad, different generations/typs of iPod and iPhone. They all cause the app to quit "unexpectedly". I can play music from iTunes on my computer - it just fails when connecting to a device via the USB port or wi-fi. I reinstalled iTunes today.
I have a MacBook Pro running Tiger. After installing the most recent update, I find that Safari keeps crashing every time I open a new tab. I've tried cleaning out my plug ins and history.plist, but it hasn't helped.
Im having my first ever problem with a Mac, bummer! I have tried Googling an answer, but didn't find anything specific enough for my situation.Last night I installed the SL Graphics Update, hoping to be able to run Starcraft 2 on a higher setting.
Anyways, I installed it, and now the computer wont boot. It is stuck on the gray screen with the spinning symbol. It appears to be installing the software update, since it shows a gray progress bar, but then once that finishes, it just stays on the gray screen with the spinning symbol and goes nowhere after that.
I have a Macbook Pro available to use, if I need to target the disk. Not sure how to do that though, just found that idea in my google search.
I have no problem just being able to grab my important data off of it, and starting on a fresh install. I just dont want to lose my huge library of pictures and music.
I have an iMac with Lion. Most recent update from Apple had updates to Airport device. After update iMac can't find internet and i have to go through set up for interner each time.
Recent update was midweek of June 17-23. Have been having constant issue with connecting to the Internet. I have to stop the airport then restart airport and wait a minute then it's working fine for like 5 minutes. It is unbearable! I get an exclamation on the airport icon in the menu bar. I have to repeat steps again, over and over and over.
grey screen no apple followed by blue screen with vertical lines. Graphics and logic board replaced <6 months ago. What to do? I held down shift, it gets HOT HOT and makes noises. (for safety mode) followed by a blank grey screen and blue screen. Then tried the other way (I think it's command alt delete? I don't remember) and it turned from grey (no apple symbol) to blue blank. Then third time, grey followed by blue with vertical lines, not blocky clear lines that you can see if you are close to it.Â
I have a VGA monitor plugged in to my imac using the VGA adapter to the mini-DVI. All was working well. Since I updated over the weekend, the computer will not detect the monitor.Â
After recent update I can no longer open my iphoto. (Pop-up window states that it is trying to update, that older versions iphoto will no longer be readable with older versions)After 2 hours of waiting for it to upgrade still no response. What do I do to be able to view iphoto library?
Info: MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4), I have an older version of iphoto
The mail program froze and I forced quit and reset the pc. Now all it does is reboot on a blue screen and the mail keeps opening up. Im running the os x 10.6.8 software.