MacBook Pro :: Doesn't Show On Macbook Pro Mail Inbox?
Dec 2, 2010
1)If I check my mail on my ipod touch before my macbook pro then it doesn't show on macbook pro Mail inbox.
2)Mail takes forever to send.
3)Mail keeps recovering the same email over and over.
There is a message marked as unread (the little blue ball) in an IMAP account's inbox.So why doesn't the Inbox show a (1) next to it to indicate there are unread messages?
Info:iMac (21.5-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3), 12 GB RAM, also MBP late 2006 +....
i added all these feeds to my mail and i want them to show in my inbox. checked them all. but most of them will add all the posts to my inbox. I want it to be only the most recent posts that show up in my inbox. how can i do that.
My AOL mail will not load in my mail box but it will show up on my Iphone? I have all updates and restarted the computer. Nothing seems to work to get the mail to show up it just loads and loads. I went through all the supports and non have worked. the doctor menue says everyinthg is running fine i have tried to stop the incoming messages and restart it ... still nothing. This wasnt a prob until today didnt do anything new or download anything new.
In an effort to make Mail more gmail-like, I selected the "View>Organize by thread" option. However, this only seems to group messages in my inbox and doesn't include my sent messages within the same conversation.
Is this how threaded messages are supposed to work? Just one side of a conversation? Or is there a setting to get my sent messages to show up in the threaded conversation?
I am using Mac Mail to check my gmail acct via IMAP. I am using the settings specified by google. I have selected the appropriate folders and mapped them using the "Use this folder for..." menu item. My sent messages are both in the Sent folder (for a while, then they disappear) and below in my Gmail>Sent Mail folder (always current). I have the option selected to store them on the server.
I use Apple's Mail program and also my school's webmail ( in conjuction to check my school email. However, for some strange reason, my inbox on will only hold up to 2 weeks of mail. My inbox in Mail will still be intact, yet for the life of me, I can't figure out why my webmail inbox is disappearing. I've checked every possible setting on to no avail. I've also checked Mail's settings, but haven't seen anything as far as deleting older mail. BTW, we're allowed 25 gigs on so they shouldn't be deleting them automatically.
The problem is that Mail version 5.2 (1257) doesn't show html content or attachments. Even Apple's own templates from the application itself doesn't show correctly.Â
I've made sure that the "show remote html content in the Preferences is checked. Â
I've also tried to rebuild the mailboxes without any changes. Html-content and pictures stil doesn't show. Is there a command for the Terminal that can fix this? MBP 15" 2.2 GHz (10.7.2) 4GB RAM
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I just bought and set up a Mac mini (mid 2011) and using Lion 10.7.3 Mail does not show its main window. all Preference tabs show but I can not see any mail messages. No mailboxes, nothing. Mail and its menu items show on the menu bar but no window to see mail.Mail 5.2 according to the application icon when viewed in the Finder. I downloaded the Combo update for Lion 10.7.3 but made no change to Mail misbehavior.
I am using Apple Mail on my Mid 2010 iMac (27", 3.6 GHz i5, 12 Gig RAM, 10.8.5)Â and have recently run into a bit of strangeness. I shut down the iMac every evening, without shutting down Mail. Mail opens on startup, as expected. However, my list of emails is not current, with the latest email from about 1AM that morning. I know this is the case because I see many more recent emails on my iPhone. When I quit Mail and restart it, all the emails show up. How I can get Mail back to its old behavior, namely showing me all emails in my inbox on startup? Â
I've noticed over the last few days that whatever i save, (word doc, iphoto, e-mail, iweb, final draft scripts) or create a new folder... it doesn't show on the desktop unitl i either restart the machine or log out and then log back in... and then all the files that haven't been appeared at the time show up.Any ideas on how to stop this without giving my machine a clean instal?
How do you enlarge the text in your inbox. Now just to be clear, not the text in the emails (command & +) but the text in the list of emails in your inbox. Hope that is clear.
There's an email whose attachments Outlook is unable to download from the server and the attachments in question are small text files. I went to and deleted the email there but the outlook still shows up that email in inbox and then get stuck in the "Downloading attachments" loop which I'd shown below. I tried to delete it on outlook but it still stays there. It is causing High CPU as well.
i own a mid 2010 i5 MacbookPro was purchased with applecare. When i checked warranty status a month ago it said apple extended coverage until august 6th 2013. Logged in today and it doesn't show applecare anymore :S anyone care to explain? now showing august 3rd 2010 coverage. I didn't even buy/register machine till 6th:S
I bought a WD 2TB external HD to upgrade my home network. It goes with a Belkin DB N600 (f9k1102) router, a MB, a PC laptop, 2 iphones, 2 ipods, and a new ipad. I created partition for 1.5TB formatted as mac os x (to match the HD on my MB) and .5TB as ms-dos fat (to allow some windows programs and games). I got that set up and when plug the USB in to my mac I see both formatted drives, but when I plug it into my router to access wirelessly it only shows the windows portion of the HD. I went to WD and then to Belkin where I found were it says that the router only supports FAT 16, FAT32, and NTFS. I'm I missing something? It sounds like Belkin products don't support mac os?
I'm trying to use iCloud and the instructions tell me to go to the Apple icon>system preferences>iCloud. This does not appear in my preferences. MobileMe does but says it's no longer available and to use iCloud. This is one big circle that gets me nowhere.
I have macbook pro And my mail has stopped working now. It worked fine a week ago . It doesn't check for new mails , even when I click on get new mail , there is no new mail. I tried to sign out and sign in again but that didn't work . I read few articles on the internet but they all said use the Mac OS X DVD and reinstall but I didn't get any DVD , all I got with my computer was a Manual.
I was sent this MSGÂ your email is still coming through malformed, with no email address in the From:Â There is no reply address appearing in mail I send.
Instead of showing white screen with an apple logo it became black screen instead but still can be log on to the desktop but ican't press alt to use bootcamp because the screen is all black TT?
I'm having trouble with my late 2013 13" MBPr display, it's displaying low colour spectrum, something like 16 bit colours. I took a photo of my screen right now, and it display something like this. As you can see the cat colour look really washed out and the spectrum doesn't look smooth at all.
Compare to this screen capture that I took (using ctrl-cmd-shift-4), you can see the cat colour is more "life" and the colour spectrum is smooth (I send the screenshot to my iPhone to make sure the screen capture have correct colours).
It's happen after I do an airplay mirroring using Apple TV that connected to HDMI to VGA adapter to my projector. I never do that before, as my apple tv usually connected to my TV.Â
This are what I already did after that thing happens: reset the NVRAM, try to reconfigure colour profile, restart my MBPr, and nothing happens. But when I try to mirroring either using airplay or direct hdmi connection, the display in other screen are perfectly normal while the display in my MBPr still washed out.Â
My macbook is from 2009 and now a piece from his screen doesnt show any pictures anymore. I went to a shop from Apple and they told me that its a contact problem and to solve this it will cost about U$700, thats almost the price from a new mac!
I have an HP printer and I can't use the scan option because it doesn't show up on my computer. ANd when I try it from the printer it gives me an error window.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)