MacBook Pro :: Changing/copying Music Libraries?
Apr 29, 2012I just bought a MacBook Pro how do I get my music from my iMac to the pro
View 9 RepliesI just bought a MacBook Pro how do I get my music from my iMac to the pro
View 9 RepliesI have two drives open. I've created different Libraries, one for each drive. I want to move a 'project' or a 'clip' from one Library/drive to another. I drag and drop. Will the project/clip moving from one Library/drive to another bring in the relevant original media? (And I believe I have to recreate any Proxy files, is that right?) And will the original media (copied) now be found in the importing Library? Or in the folders I've set up for THAT Library. I've been trying to keep my media in separate folders so my Libraries open fast.Â
That would be a related question perhaps? I'm trying to keep my Libraries small, so they open and close fast; and can be backed up on another 'small' drive; and my assumption has been that if I put my original media, project backups etc., assigned to designated folders (NOT in the Library file) that this will be the case - faster working with the Libraries, smaller Library files I can back up on other drives.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Glossy), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
How do I copy my music files from my PC to my new Mac without using the Migration feature that crashes.Â
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011)
I've created two music libraries on my MacBook but I don't know how to move between the two.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I recently switched to Macs and purchased a Macbook Pro(which I love!). I'm still getting used to the OS, but I ran into a problem.
I was using a Windows computer before for my iPod (classic, not sure if that matters). I would like to transfer the songs I have from my windows iPod, onto my new Mac, but I'm not sure if that's possible(I think I may have read on Apple's website you can't switch from Mac to Windows but I'm not sure, but thats besides the point).
I don't really want to download a program to move my songs from the iPod onto the Mac.
I have my music folder on a timecapsule. Two computers have access 1 pc and one mac.
Is there a way I can have each computer use the same folder but have their own itunes playlists and ratings?
I have ordered a new Retina MBP to replace my early 2008 MBP, and have been contemplating how to manage my music libraries between both computers. My music library is about 60GB, and I don't want to keep it all on my rMBP (to save space with only 256GB available). My 2008 MBP will serve as a repository for all of my music, and regular Time Machine backups will be carried out. I also have a small, portable external drive which will also have all of my music (copied iTunes folder). The goal here is to have the music libraries on my old MBP and this external drive to be identical, for backup reasons as well as to be able to transfer music to my new rMBP when necessary. To do this, I reasoned out the following method:Â
-Obtain new music on rMBP
-Transfer folder of respective album(s) to copied iTunes folder in external HD
-Connect external HD to old MBP
-Open music files from external HD (they'll copy into both the iTunes library and the iTunes media folder on the old MBP)
-Verify that the music files are in both placesÂ
I can also obrain new music on the old MBP and then transfer it to the external HD. This seems like somewhat of a cumbersome manner to go about this (first world problems, I know). Does anybody have any suggestions as to how to streamline, or perhaps even automate this process? I was trying to think of a way I could utilize the "Automatically Add to iTunes" folder, but to no avail. Again, my primary goals are as follows:Â
-To have identical music libraries on my old MBP and the external HD
-To have only a small, can't-do-without-it music library on my rMBP; I could tranfer music over as necessary or play it using the library on the external HD.Â
MacBook Pro with Retina display, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 2.3GHz quad-core Intel Core i7
Can 2 different iPhones use the same computer and iTunes and still have different libraries of music?
MacBook Pro
I'd really like to split my music (all from CD's) into separate libraries. One for my popular music, and one for my classical music.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a friend who plans to put an HP Mediasmart server in his house to automatically backup his MacBook and PowerBook as well as centralize his pictures and songs. He currently has the two notebooks mentioned above, 2 iPhones, and 4 or 5 iPods.
Once all of the local libraries are emptied out onto the server I'm a little stuck for what to do. I know iTunes 9.0 will stream music to all of the devices in the house. But when he leaves the house with one of his devices he's got to take the music or pictures with him.
This presents me with a few concerns:
1. Is there a way to reset the license on each song downloaded from iTunes - kinda starting fresh - so that he can sync his music with any one of his devices without getting an error about the file not being licensed to use on a particular device?
2. Building off the question above - is there a way to legitimately remove the license restriction so he (and his family) can all have the same copy of a song on their personal device without having to fuss with the license restriction?
3. When they are going on vacation (for example) and they want to take music and pictures with them on one of the notebooks how do they do it?
4. On that same vacation when they take a bunch of pictures and download music while they're out how do they get the music or pictures off the notebook and onto the server where the master library is going to be?
5. Should iTunes and iPhoto be "pointed" to a "Photos" or "Music" folder on the server, is that the best way to centralize all of the music and photos?
Is it possible to play music from multiple libraries over a single device, with control over the playlist possible from multiple devices/computers? Baiscally, in one of my smaller offices, everyone has a Mac or PC with iTunes, along with various iPads, iPhones etc etc. They randomly pick some tunes to play from each of their individual machines.
I would like to setup a system where there is a single device (Mac/PC/Airplay/Apple TV etc) with decent speakers, where anyone can submit a track(s) to play from their library, be it on their Mac, iPad iPhone etc. to stream through the central system.I would then imagine using the Remote app to control it.
They should all be able to submit tracks simultanously, rather that one device connecting with a Airplay at a time. This would also work in a party senario. Guest rock up, pair their device with the system, and they can all submit track(s) from their device and it goes into the playlist...
I have osx tiger - how on earth do i copy a music CD to a blank? am i being dumb? i can't see anywhere how to do it. i donloaded simplyBurns, but the option is greyed out, and disk utility can't seem to help me. I dont have toast, but surely it should be easier than that?
atm im importing to itunes, then burning. VERY long winded.
How to - Creating and maintaining Lossless and Lossy music libraries in iTunes 9
A forum member has asked for information on how to create a new library for his music collection and below is my attempt to help. Having done this myself and never finding a complete step-by-step guide, I?ve attempted to make one of my own. Many others have helped me along the way so this is my way of giving back. Unfortunately, I don?t have my MBP right now and won?t have a Mac around for about two months. Please feel free to add feedback, tell me where I?m wrong, what?s missing or offer other ways of accomplishing these tasks. Once I get MR member input, I will update this post to reflect the best current practices for creating and maintaining two separate libraries for your lossless and lossy music collection. At the bottom of the post I list a couple of known issues and have a couple of questions so please chime in.
I'm trying to copy my music from a hard drive to my mac and it won't let me for certain files.
for example: You can�t copy �Muse� because it has the same name as another item on the destination volume, and that volume doesn�t distinguish between upper- and lowercase letters in filenames.
this pops up for only certain artists and i dont know why because i havent named anything on my hd muse.
As of iTunes 10.6, iTunes has been having strange syncing issues with my iPhone. I had to delete all my backups (it said that they were corrupted), and every time I sync, I have to wait for it to re-copy the same 54 songs. The songs are weirdly chosen: some of the Halo soundtracks, plus one Glee song. As far as I can tell, the songs share nothing in common (no playlist, I haven't been listening to them, etc). They remain on the iPhone after a sync, they're there, but whenever I try to sync, they re-copy.
View 12 Replies View RelatedI have a bootcamp partition with windows 7 but have a couple of issues:
1) How do i use my music from my os x partition without copying over all of the songs?
2) How do i save to my os x documents folder from my windows 7 partition? and vice versa
Trying to copy some songs from a USB Stick an iMac, they'll copy to the computer however when i try and add them to the iTunes library an error message comes up and says something along the lines of ' you cannot copy these files to 'HDD' due to insufficient Privileges' How can I get it to work
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy new Jeep came with a stereo with a built in hard drive and USB port. Unfortunately music cannot be played directly from the USB port and music be copied directly to the hard drive.
As such I am wondering if it's possible to copy of selection of music from iTunes to an attached USB device/drive on a Mac. I'm thinking that I am going to have to go through Finder and copy it that way but I'm not sure.
I have an itunes music folder with songs and movies. I want to create a new library using those files. How do i add them without copying them to the new library? When i do the"add to library" it starts copying the flies causing an error because there's not enough disk space.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAll of my music is now on my external HD. When I add the music to iTunes it automatically copies everything to my internal HD. I don't want that. How do I add to iTunes without copying to my internal HD?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI want to copy music from Cassette Tapes to my iTunes library. I have white/yellow RCA sockets on the back of the tape player, and cable with white/yellow RCA jacks to 1/8 RCA jack. Can I connect the 1/8 RCA jack to the 'input' on my Mac Book Pro. Will this copy the music to the iTunes library?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Cable as described in question
I used to be able to adjust the size the artwork is displayed in my Music library, now I can't in iTunes 9. Why?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a WD external hard drive that I got for the holiday's last year.Here lately I've been using it as my iTunes library. A great way to free up some space on my Powerbook g4. Question is, why does iTunes keep changing my library folder after I'd already changed it when I initially set up the hard drive as my iTunes library destination?
Another question is how do I make sure that all my music files automatically go to the folder on the external hard drive when I download music. For example I may snag a free song from a website and will double click it after downloading and it plays in itunes. I want that file to be saved on my external hard drive as well (yes it's plugged up and plugged in).
I only have an 8g ipod so I have to constantly check and uncheck songs that I want to hear, so I want to be sure they are all in the same locale. And one way I know that certain files are on my internal and not external is when i unplug my external those files still play when they shouldn't unless it's plugged up.
I am running out of space on my powerbook g4, and noticed that the libraries take up most of the space (other than my media). I have one library folder, Macintosh/Library, also one under Macintosh/System/Library, and lastly one under Macintosh/Users/(My user name)/Library. That seems like it's a little much, but I don't know, maybe I do need it. Is there a way to delete any of them, or maybe I can use an external hard drive along with my powerbook. I have a 500GB MyBook external hard drive, with a usb plug-in. Can I use that to use applications from and stuff like that? I don't know what I should do.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI recently got a used MBA and everything is great, although I am still adjusting to the 80gb hdd. So my question is how do you guys handle the storage of your itunes libraries. My options right now seem to be: Keeping the entire library on my server and using a script that allows me to download music on my MBA but have it moved to the server then deleted off the MBA.or Keeping all my music on the MBA and accepting a low amount of free space.
View 24 Replies View RelatedI just bought a MacBook Air and am looking to share the library in my iPhoto between my iMac and MacBook Air.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have two external hard drives with very similar iTunes libraries. The older one has some albums that the newer one does not, the new one has more albums from some of the artists as well as new artists. I have tried moving the files before and ended up loosing a lot of content. What is the best way to merge all of the music onto one hard drive while ensuring that a file with more information isn't being overwritten by a file with less information with the same name?
MacBook Pro with Retina display, iOS 7.1.2
Lost my playlists when I tried to share libraries with different accounts on the same MacBook computer ....
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I just recently bought a white macbook and it came with over 2000 music files is this normal?
View 22 Replies View RelatedI'm upgrading to a MacBook Pro soon from my current late 2007 Macbook. I just want to know what is the exact procedure on copying the hard drive on my current MacBook to the MacBook Pro I'm getting soon? I want it so it is exactly the way my Mac looks right now. I've got everything backed up on to an external hard drive ready to use.
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