Applications :: Add Music To ITunes From External HD / Without Copying To Internal HD?

Feb 8, 2008

All of my music is now on my external HD. When I add the music to iTunes it automatically copies everything to my internal HD. I don't want that. How do I add to iTunes without copying to my internal HD?

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Applications :: ITunes Not Allowing Copying Music?

Oct 26, 2010

Trying to copy some songs from a USB Stick an iMac, they'll copy to the computer however when i try and add them to the iTunes library an error message comes up and says something along the lines of ' you cannot copy these files to 'HDD' due to insufficient Privileges' How can I get it to work

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Applications :: Copying Music From ITunes To USB Device?

Jan 11, 2010

My new Jeep came with a stereo with a built in hard drive and USB port. Unfortunately music cannot be played directly from the USB port and music be copied directly to the hard drive.

As such I am wondering if it's possible to copy of selection of music from iTunes to an attached USB device/drive on a Mac. I'm thinking that I am going to have to go through Finder and copy it that way but I'm not sure.

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Applications :: Way To Keep My ITunes Music On My Internal Harddrive?

Mar 24, 2009

Is there a way to keep my iTunes music on my internal harddrive and have TV shows/movies automatically download to my external harddrive?

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Applications :: Copying ITunes Library From One External Drive To Another?

Dec 18, 2006

I want to copy my iTunes library from one external drive (currently connected to an iBook) to a 2nd external drive (connected to an eMac). The library is almost 60GB and so can not fit on either machine's hard drive.

The music currently plays through the iBook from the first external drive.

I want to be able to play the same music on the eMac (through the 2nd external drive).

Which is the best way to go about this?

Should I:

a) Connect the 1st external drive to the eMac and manually drag and drop the music from there to the 2nd external drive, or

b)Use Silverkeeper Basckup and do a backup of the Music folder in the 1st drive to the 2nd drive, after connecting the 1st to the eMac?

or is there not much difference in doing either? Or is there a more efficient option using iTunes?

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Desktops :: Copying Disk From Internal To External Optical Drive

Jan 5, 2010

I'm trying to copy my DVDs. I would like to find the best solution for copying the disk from my internal optical drive to an external optical drive.

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Applications :: Transfer Music To External Hard Drive / Syncing Music With Itunes?

Oct 23, 2009

At the moment most of my music is either stored on my Macbook or on an external hard drive. Is it possible to transfer all my music and videos to an external hard drive and then sync it with Itune so that every time I plug it in I can access them?

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ITunes :: Keeps Copying The Same Music Every Sync?

Mar 15, 2012

As of iTunes 10.6, iTunes has been having strange syncing issues with my iPhone. I had to delete all my backups (it said that they were corrupted), and every time I sync, I have to wait for it to re-copy the same 54 songs. The songs are weirdly chosen: some of the Halo soundtracks, plus one Glee song. As far as I can tell, the songs share nothing in common (no playlist, I haven't been listening to them, etc). They remain on the iPhone after a sync, they're there, but whenever I try to sync, they re-copy.

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Applications :: Installing ITunes On External Hard Drive / Playing Music From External Hdd?

Aug 19, 2007

In other words... I have moved my music library to the external hard drive, as per an earlier thread I read here on the forums. It worked like quite well. Now that it is working perfectly, I am having a hard time leaving well enough alone. It is never a good idea for me to think too much...Can itunes be installed and run on/from an external hard drive? If so, how?

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Applications :: Moving ITunes Files From External To Internal HD?

Sep 3, 2010

I recently upgraded my internal HD from the factory 120 gig to a 500. Because my itunes library is so large (250 gigs) I had been keeping most everything on an external WD drive. Now I'm trying to figure out how to move all these files from the external to my new internal drive without having to reset all my playlists and such (I have two iphones and an ipad pulling from certain playlists. It would be a huge undertaking to redo all this).

Does anyone know of an easy way to accomplish this? I thought about just copying and pasting all the music directly to the itunes folder. But then when I go to play the song in itunes it says the file cant be located (the external HD is disconnected) and asks if I want it to search for the song. For a few songs this would be fine. But with 46,000 its out of the question.

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ITunes :: Add Music Folder To Library Without Copying?

Feb 1, 2012

I have an itunes music folder with songs and movies. I want to create a new library using those files. How do i add them without copying them to the new library? When i do the"add to library" it starts copying the flies causing an error because there's not enough disk space.

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ITunes :: Copying Music From Cassette Tapes To Library?

May 17, 2012

I want to copy music from Cassette Tapes to my iTunes library. I have white/yellow RCA sockets on the back of the tape player, and cable with white/yellow RCA jacks to 1/8 RCA jack. Can I connect the 1/8 RCA jack to the 'input' on my Mac Book Pro. Will this copy the music to the iTunes library?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Cable as described in question

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OS X :: Copying Music Into ITunes From A Windows Based IPod Onto A Macbook?

Aug 25, 2010

I recently switched to Macs and purchased a Macbook Pro(which I love!). I'm still getting used to the OS, but I ran into a problem.

I was using a Windows computer before for my iPod (classic, not sure if that matters). I would like to transfer the songs I have from my windows iPod, onto my new Mac, but I'm not sure if that's possible(I think I may have read on Apple's website you can't switch from Mac to Windows but I'm not sure, but thats besides the point).

I don't really want to download a program to move my songs from the iPod onto the Mac.

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ITunes :: Using Itunes To Play Music From External Drive / Playlists Show No Music File

Aug 6, 2010 I don't have the same functionality with iTunes. Basically, I can't use iTunes at all anymore as the interface for my music and videos. Once the external drive is mounted, I can navigate through it and play individual songs, but I can't use iTunes to do that. All my previous Playlists show up down the left side of iTunes, but there isn't any music in them.

I downloaded 2 songs yesterday, made a Playlist out of them, and because the path in the Advanced tab of the iTunes Preferences is correct, it automatically added the songs to the external hard drive. I synced my iPod and it was completely erased except for the 2 new songs. Is there a way to use iTunes to navigate my music like I used to when I stored the information on the internal hard drive but keep the information on the external drive? I have a Mac running Snow Leopard and the latest version of iTunes.

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OS X :: Storing Music On External To Free Up Internal Space

Apr 25, 2009

I have a lot of music on my macbook and want to download more. I just bought a 520 GB hard drive. How would you recommend storing this music so that it would be easily accessible from the external and backed up yet cleared from my computer? there has to be an easier way than what I had with my pc......(everytime I wanted to hear a song from my external or put one on a cd I had to go through all these folders - transfer the song from the external to the computer and wait)

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Applications :: Listen To Music With Itunes Located On External HDD Using A PC

Jan 5, 2010

I am having trouble routing my itunes to my external hard drive using a PC. I have a large number of music files on my external hard drive and do not want to move the files to my internal hard drive. I have tried going to preferences and selecting the external drive, but itunes does not display my music.

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Applications :: Using Itunes For Listening To Music Off External Hard Drive On MBP?

Jan 14, 2011

So I checked the threads on here and tried multiple ways and cant figure this out.

I have a MBP, itunes 10.1.1, and a western digital passport essential.

I loaded pictures and my old itunes library off a HP pavilion desktop.

On my Mac, when I try and open my external hard drive off the desktop and click my itunes library file I stored from my old HP it simply wont open. I right click it and click open with itunes and the file icon fades off my screen very quickly like its trying to import it but wont. I have tried dragging it and holding option when opening itunes, which actually does display the playlist but only with explanation points because the files cannot be found.

I just want to be able to plug my external in and listen to my playlist I have stored on the western digital, on my mac book without erasing my current itunes playlist on my MBP.

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Applications :: Storing Itunes Music Library On External HDD (not Backing Up)

Feb 14, 2009

All of my music has been stored on an external HDD in a folder: itunes/itunesmusic/. I've gone into Edit, Preferences, Advanced and told it that my I Tunes Music Location is: f:/itunes/itunesmusic But when I open Itunes, I still don't see my songs. I don't want copies of my songs stored on my computer (which is what I think will happen if I "consolidate")

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Applications :: ITunes Reconnecting Music Files That Were Moved To New External HDD?

Feb 22, 2010

i had my entire iTunes library, about 150GB of music files, stored on an external hard drive that was starting act wonky. so i bought a new hard drive and copied all the music folders onto that new hard drive. but now iTunes doesn't recognize all those files in the new location. how do i reconnect my iTunes library to this new hard drive?

unfortunately, i've already deleted the old music files from the old hard drive so hopefully i don't need to do something with that.

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OS X :: Add Music To External Drive While Keep Existing Music In Internal Drive

Apr 23, 2009

I have about 100gb of music in the internal drive of my Mac Mini. Now that is full, I like to fill an external drive. I know how to move everything to an external, but I don't want that. I just want to store future music in the external drive.

Do I just change the music folder location under preference/advance? Is it really that easy?

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Applications :: Can I Move Itunes Music Library To External Hard Drive?

Jan 28, 2008

I recently moved my music library to an external library by changing the pathway in Edit/Preferences/Advanced and then consolidating the library. Everything worked for a while but now when I open itunes it is not able to find all the files. Bizarrely for a lot of albums it can find one or two of the songs but the rest all get the "Unable to locate original music file" error message. The music is all there on the hard drive but I don't want to have to manually locate each one. Does anyone know what is causing this or have a script to locate the rest of the music automatically?

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Applications :: Backing Up Purchased ITunes Music Onto A External Hard Drive?

Jan 11, 2009

Is there a easy way to transfer purchased iTunes music onto a external hard drive other then burning them to a cd/dvd?

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Applications :: ITunes Music Folder - External Drive Needs Power Source

Nov 11, 2009

I'm in the process of moving my iTunes folder to an external hard drive due to my computers hard drive being full. Now the external hard drive I'm using needs to be plugged in to a power source, now if I transfer all my music/movies to the external drive and also have my iTunes automatically download everything to the drive will I be able to copy my movie files back into my computers hard drive when I wan to be able to watch them on plane trips or would I be better off using a external hard drive that doesn't need a power source so I can just take it with me?

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OS X :: Playing Music From External HD / Music Files Not Showing In Itunes

Aug 21, 2009

I have transferred my itunes music on to my external HD. The music is there and that is fine. I then deleted the old itunes folder from my actual HD. I have now wanted to access the music on the external HD, and have attempted to select the new music file location on the external HD via the itunes/preferences/advanced window,selected the new file path and it will just not show in itunes!

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Applications :: Running Itunes On External Hard Drive / Internal Drive Space Not Enough

Jan 2, 2011

This is what im trying to do. I have a macbook with 120gb hard drive. thats not enough space from my music collection. So i was wondering how to make itunes run off a external hard drive. I looked around and found was for a PC.

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Applications :: ITunes Keeps Changing Library Folder / Saving Music Files To External Hard Drive?

Oct 2, 2010

I have a WD external hard drive that I got for the holiday's last year.Here lately I've been using it as my iTunes library. A great way to free up some space on my Powerbook g4. Question is, why does iTunes keep changing my library folder after I'd already changed it when I initially set up the hard drive as my iTunes library destination?

Another question is how do I make sure that all my music files automatically go to the folder on the external hard drive when I download music. For example I may snag a free song from a website and will double click it after downloading and it plays in itunes. I want that file to be saved on my external hard drive as well (yes it's plugged up and plugged in).

I only have an 8g ipod so I have to constantly check and uncheck songs that I want to hear, so I want to be sure they are all in the same locale. And one way I know that certain files are on my internal and not external is when i unplug my external those files still play when they shouldn't unless it's plugged up.

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OS X :: Transferring ITunes To Internal Hd / Itunes Present In External Hd

Dec 21, 2010

I currently host my iTunes library on an external HDD which I set up to use on my Mac Mini. I just successfully swapped in a WD Scorpio Blue 640GB HDD into my MBP A1211 and also fresh installed Snow Leopard so the laptop is clean and free of anything I don't want. Even ran Monolingual thanks to advice I read on here.

So basically since my MBP's HD is large enough to comfortably accommodate my iTunes library I'd like to copy it onto it's HD from my external.I did some searching but it was mostly how to transfer from PC to MAC with external blah blah. My situation seems easy enough since I already have my iTunes in an external...

I'd love to just drag it over to my BMP's HD but I want to do it right.Can someone give me the steps to get my iTunes into my MBP?

current iTunes already in external HD and being used by Mac Mini. need to transfer iTunes copy from external to MBP's HD. Want steps, thanks!

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Hardware :: Unable To Transfer Music From External Drive / Reformat The Internal Drive?

Jun 13, 2010

I recently bought a macbook pro and am making the transition from a pc to mac. It's all gone well so far, but I'm not sure what to do with my music. I currently have about 200 gb of music on my external hard drive (connected to my pc.) The internal hard drive on my pc does not have space to accomodate the files on my external.

I do not have the "Copy files to iTunes music folder" currently enabled because my internal doesn't have space. (And I like having the original music files in a separate location as I have over 30,000 songs). I don't know how to transfer my external and music to my macbook, since I will have to reformat the drive (which would erase everything on it, therefore I somehow have to make a backup either on my mac or on my pc. but what to do about the iTunes .xml file and iTunes folder on the internal pc drive??).

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ITunes :: Moving It From External To Internal?

May 9, 2012

I have an old library from an old computer using Tiger which is backed up in an external drive. I now have a new computer using Lion and I would like to move the contents from the external to the internal. Only thing is I have a few music in the new computer and want to make sure that the contentst does not get erase but rather merge with it.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)

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ITunes :: Errors When Transferring Music From External HD To External HD

Jun 15, 2012

I wasn't sure whether to put this post it iTunes (since all my music is played in iTunes) or in Mac Lion.I purchased a new external HD because my old one is about to fail. However, the old one is working fine right now. I have both HD's plugged in to my laptop. I am trying to transfer the music files from one to the other. But the copying gets stuck, and after several minutes, says one of the over 1,000 songs has an error and the copying is stopped. Without choosing a few songs at a time and copying that way, and then removing the file the error message shows, which will take a long time, is there any work around for this?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)

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