it shut down on about 75% charge left, the white light down on the bottom right of the macbook pro was flashing slowly. i held down the power button and turned it off, then i turned it on and then it went to the start up screen then went back into the same state as it was before, then i plugged it in and it worked
I am using my macbook it gets hot pretty fast and shuts down. Then when I start it up it shutsdown right away. If i leave it for a while it will work for 5-10 mins then shutdown. What to do? Specs: OSX 10.5.8 2gb ram nvidia 9400m
First of all, let me give you a rundown on everything I have done:
I have reset SMC.I have reset PRAM.I have disabled Java in all browsers, and I have deleted Java.I have erased disk completely, taken it to the Apple store and have OS reinstalled.I have repaired the disk.I have repaired disk permissions, and I discovered Java had a value of 80, should be 0. ( This caused me to disable most Java programs. )I have verified the disk.I have verified disk permissions. After the restore, I have only reinstalled a few programs: ( Upon reaching this problem AGAIN, I deleted some programs ) Opera Browser - Deleted, did not allow me to disable Java.Caffeine - Deleted, not well known.
We have a Mac Pro Tower Quad-Core Intel Xeon 2.8 Mhz. with Apple HD 30 inch Display. OS X 10.5.8 with no Raid card. 4 GB ram, 300 GB hard drive, with only 30 GB left to use. A random message comes up asking me: Are you sure you want to shut down your computer? Restart, Sleep, Cancel or Shutdown. I ran Disk Utility off the CD, repaired permissions. Rebooted computer and the message re-appeared after it loaded the OS X. I removed all startup process from 3rd party software. Turned off Bluetooth settings, as I have a wired keyboard and Mouse. What could be happening? No new hardware or software has been installed for 1 year. All OS X updates are current. I attempted to look in the console logs but some of the information is foreign to me.
I was using my eMac today (700MHz, 40GB HD, OS 10.4 Tiger) and it just shut down. It was unplugged for over an hour and nothing happens when I press the power button at all. I just got a Mac mini today so I have a nice new Mac to work on now . But is the eMac done or is it just like the PRAM just locked up?
I installed Snow Leopard about a week ago on my MacBook Pro (purchased in early 2006). Since then I randomly get a blue screen and all the open applications shut down. I then have to re-open them. I can't see a pattern but I mostly use Microsoft Office for Mac and it occurs when I am in the middle of a word or excel document. I have found no reference online to this sort of problem. I have not installed any other new software or hardware during this time.
just came home from Apple Store today with new computer and superdrive, which is not showing up when plugged in. When I put a CD in it reads it for a few seconds then spits it out. I am on the road so getting to an Apple Store will not be easy for the next week.
Info: MacBook Air (11-inch, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
My mid-2014 15" Macbook Pro randomly "loses" its retina display at the top menu (becomes pixel-y), where the battery, sound, and wifi logos are (on the top right side of the screen). A restart fixes the issue, but I want to know if this is an issue that can be fixed?Â
I bought a Mac Book Pro last night. I follwed the set up, completed a migration from my Dell, finished the set up this morning. Now I cannot login to the Mac Book Pro and the log in page has both an apple, and a Dell icon on it. I've tried every password associated with both the Dell PC and my Itunes account.
So I got a MacBook on Tuesday and am already noticing something screwy with my battery. On Tuesday I replaced the RAM and HD before even plugging the MAcBook in. I then hooked up the AC adapter and reloaded Leopard. Once Leopard was loaded (hour or so later) I noticed my battery was just sitting at 99%. Finally about 30-45 minutes later it git 100%, so I was happy and brushed it off as an initial charge. So last night when I plugged the MacBook in to use it I was back at 99%! I used the laptop for about 2 hours and never went back to 100% on the battery. So what gives? Did I do something wrong with the initial use/charge? Should I try draining my battery and recharging it?
Now that they have cheaper refurbished Macbooks up, I think I'm going to buy one today.
I have bought many refurbished products before, but never one this expensive. I just wanted to make sure that there is NO difference in warranty, quality or anything when buying refurbished. Simply just a computer that has been refurbished but includes everything as if it were being bought brand new.
Also I am definitely going to buy a new Hard drive for it immediately. I was reading around about the western digital 5400 rpm and 7200 rpm. Is it worth waiting for the 7200rpm or just go for the 5400? And is 500GB the biggest hard drive that I can put in my macbook? I want the biggest possible.
What is the exact drive that is compatible with the macbook?
I just bought a brand new charger and it stopped working after about the third charging cycle. The light just simply doesn't go on and the computer doesn't read anything.
Weird thing though is that my old charger did the same thing at the end (although if you jiggled the connection it worked)? Could it be my computer? Although I tested the charger on another computer and it didn't work either. and a different charger on my computer worked.
Is this common for the new chargers that there are lemons once in a while?
Could it be because I left the plastic over the charger to prevent scratches?
Will apple exchange it for a new one or are they gonna give me a problem cause I really don't think this should have happened.
So I'm interested in building my arsenal of Macbook servicing tools and I'm interested in finding out what is the best brand. I would imagine that tools are rather generic and brand not being an area of consideration. I just want to make sure I buy high quality tools for a high quality machine.
I was looking at the "al a carte" tools from ifixit and powerbookmedic. Seem inexpensive, but I probably wouldn't ever imagine spending more than five dollars for a screw driver anyway... Oh and with a coupon code, I can place 4 or 5 consecutive orders and get each tool for free and only pay shipping/handling
My macbook battery broke 500 cycles, and the battery life was at about half what it used to be so I ordered what was described as a brand new battery from Westronics, through Amazon. I put the new battery in the machine and checked System Profiler, and it is telling me that the battery has 15 cycles on it already. iStat Nano says the same thing. Is this normal for a new battery to have cycles on it already? Or did I not get a new battery? I just want to make sure I got what I paid for.
I was reading in the manual that you can only get 2 4 and 8 GB RAM at a time which is true. I'm thinking about upgrading my MBP to 8 GIGS eventually or 6GB for the time being. Is there a specific brand you would recommed? Will brands effect how effective it will be when installed to a MBP?
I just bough a 13in MBP yesterday at bestbuy because they let me get my student discount and they gave me an ipod touch for free without the rebate. So When I got home and opened it I noticed a pretty deep scratch in it right above the power button about a half an inch long that wont come out if i try to clean it. My question is do you think that would be enough of a reason to exchange it? I know its only cosmetic but I really dont think that should be there when you buy a brand new computer. What do you think?
Will using my MBP on an airplane ruin it's hard drive if I lift it up too fast (because the reader/writer head thing will push through the semi-pressurised onto the actual HDD)?
Just got a i7 MBP and its great (a huge upgrade from my G4 iBook). I started to notice about a week ago that every once in a while my trackpad makes a little ting noise when I click it, or sometimes just when I'm leaning on the computer while typing. At first it was just every once in a while, but now its starting to happen pretty much all the time. I actually used to work at an Apple Store, so i know that they can be extremely lax about replacing little problems on new machines, but I was wondering if anyone else has noticed this problem on their unibody laptops and if anyone thinks i should do something about it. It sounds like something is tapping the glass very slightly from underneath the trackpad.
My two week old Mac Pro shut downs for no pparent reason. Using the wireless, not plug in to an outlet but battery fully charged. Both times happen within 15hrs. apart.
Bought a brand new MacBook Pro and transferred all my files from my PC to my Mac using Migration Assistant. When complete, log in says that my password has expired and asks me to put in my old password and a new one. I don't remember ever creating one. I tried using the password that is set up for my PC but doesn't work at all. I am completely lost on what I should do next.
i have tried apple earbuds and sony earbuds and neither will fit into the jack. they seem to be too thick for the plug, it looks like there is a gray plastic lining around the hole but i dont know if that needs to be removed.
Upon turning it on for the 1st time, the intro screen where it says "welcome" in different languages was laggy and running at low frames-per-second. The setup was laggy as well; there was a delay in typing and mouse curser response. Once setup was compleat and I installed all the newest updates, I notice some improvement, however it still seems to be underperforming. I ran an xbench 1.3 benchmark test and scored an 83. This seems low. The macbook is running 10.6.8...2.2 GHz Inten Core i7...4 G ram...Radeon HD 6750M video card.I installed a valve source engine first person shooter and average 30 frames per second. This seems low in my opinion.
I just received the 13" MBA last week, and it's crashed nearly every day since then (one kernel panic with that black dialogue window telling me I need to reboot; all the other times it just spontaneously freezes out of nowhere and my cursor / keyboard doesn't jog a response). I called Apple this morning and the guy said he knew nothing about it, took me through some tests, and said hopefully it won't happen again. It just did.
Info: MacBook Air (13-inch, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
This is my first ever Apple product, purchased it this afternoon and have been enjoying setting it up. Ran down the battery to about 3%, have plugged it in to the wall to charge and it simply won't. I will run on AC power, but refused to charge. Then for some reason it started to charge about 20mins later, then stopped. Â I have tried several wall outlets that are running other appliances with no issues and checked the adaptor, seems to be in fine condition.