MacBook Pro :: Upgrading To A 7200RPM / Data Access?
Jun 26, 2009
I'm going to swap in a 7200RPM 500GB drive tonight. I have all my stuff backed up to an external drive. However, is it possible to take my old hard drive, place it in an external case, and then access/transfer my files from that as well? I want to keep the drive as is for now until I know everything is working fine on my new drive, then convert it for use as a Time Machine drive.
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Jul 6, 2010
Thinking of doing an inexpensive upgrade on my mid-2009 MBP. It's got the 5400rpm 500gb drive in it. I was thinking of upgrading to a 7200rpm drive. Strictly speaking math, the rpm's are 33% higher. Will this upgrade result in a noticeable decrease in time to boot or decrease in time to load programs (bounces)?
Also, what brand/model hard drives do Apple put in MBP's?
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Sep 11, 2009
I have another user on our network with an administrator account on my MBP, who normally logs on remotely. After upgrading to 10.6 there's no remote access to their account. When I tried to access the account from the machine, I get into the account but everything is unresponsive and the only way out is to turn the computer off using the on/off button.
Things are getting a bit desperate!
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Dec 2, 2009
Since upgrading to Mac OS x 10.6, I have lost access to Device Manager for my HP printer. HP talked me through uninstalling software and re-installing new software, but the Device manager is missing. HP says it must be problem with my operating system.
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Aug 29, 2009
Is there anybody that has gone from Tiger to Snow Leopard and did this as an upgrade? Did all your music and pictures remain on your HD? Is it even possible to do it this way?
When I put my snow leopard disc in my computer, it has 1 option which says: Install Mac OSX and if I press that it says, press continue to restart your computer and installation will begin (or something like that). It's not clear to me if it's gonna erase my harddrive or not.
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Oct 11, 2009
ive got a .bin and .cue file. How do i access the data within these files? do i need to burn a cd or dvd? if so, can leopard do this? or need a third party app?
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Mar 5, 2009
The video card in my iMac died a while back, so now I'm only left with my Windows XP laptop. 95% of my data was in the iMac, but fortunately I had Time Machine (TM) backing up on an external HDD. I recently wanted to retrieve some of the MP3s stored in the TM backup, so after installing MacDrive 7 on my PC, I went into the drive to retrieve the music, but I couldn't find it! I see lots of folders with dates on them but no music anywhere.
I tried searching the entire backup volume for *.mp3 and nothing. I tried making hidden and protected operating system files visible and nothing. The TM backup seems fine. I'm sure if I connect it to a Mac I'll be able to access the data. But only having a PC at the moment, how can I retrieve my data backed up by Time Machine and copy it into my PC in a way that Windows can use it?
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Aug 17, 2009
So I'm switching over to a Mac and I'm thinking about data backup and recovery. I've got a new MacBook Pro and I'll be connecting a 1Tb external drive for Time Machine. I will also use either Carbon Copy Cloner or SuperDuper to do a clone backup once a week to a separate external drive that I will leave locked up at work (offsite). But...
If my laptop were to die and I have to get Apple to repair it, I understand that I could be without my computer for possibly weeks. How can I get to my data if I don't have another Mac at my house? Are the clone backups of CCC or SuperDuper accessible through Windows, at least to pull out individual files?
In my Windows world, I always have a couple of computers laying around and if I lost a computer (or drive) it was no big deal to just access a backup image I created with Acronis from another computer and pull out files I needed to work on.
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Aug 26, 2009
i have all my data backed up on a 1 TB ext drive as a time machine set up.
if i do a clean instal of os X i can access all my data via time machine?
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Mar 24, 2012
Is it possible to access an external USB HDD's data, that is used for Apple Mac OS X 10.5.8's Time Machine backups, on non-Apple Mac machines (Windows and Linux)? Or can it be only be accessed with a Mac? I use multiple computers and OSes.
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 2.4 Ghz; A1260 model; 15" size.
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Jun 22, 2012
I want to setup a home network around a Mac Mini Server. I want to access this server via a 27" Apple Thunderbolt Display w. mouse+keyboard combo.I also want to be able to connect my macbook to this Display however (using thunderbolt).I would like to be able to connect this MBP (thinking about the new 15" rMBP) such that it will retrieve my data (mainly photos) from the central server vault (on the Mac Mini server) and in the same time output the video to the Display.
Motivation: I have a huge photo database which I want to store on the storage disk(s) attached to the server (for now the MM's internal disks) and not on the MacBook .... I more or less only use the (powerfull) MBP as the workstation and want to have the possibility to have the output also displayed on a large display (the 27" ATD).Maybe it is a stupid & trivial question I am asking here but I am a bit confused about the possibilities of connecting devices via Thunderbolt.
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Dec 7, 2014
How do I get access to my backed up data on the cloud?
MacBook Pro, iOS 8, Hard drive died unexpectedly
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Nov 5, 2010
I was partitioning an external storage drive with iPartition and ipartition stopped and said it couldn't complete its task and now I am stuck with a drive I cannot access, or rather I cannot access the data that is on it. Drive is greyed out in disk utility. It was not written over however, which I am hoping is a good thing.I have little to no experience with data recovery so some advice on what app to use would be swell.
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Jul 3, 2010
I have a Macbook operating on 10.5.8. I have MS Office 2008 for Mac version 12.0.0 which includes Entourage. I have used Entourage for about 2 year with no problems but have accumulated a large amount of data.
A couple of days ago I got the message "Entourage cannot access your data..."...I have attempted several time to rebuild the database but at page 4/5 I get an error message.
It was suggested that I should upgrade so have successfully installed 12.1.0 but 12.2.0 won't install as "I don't have a software version....."
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Jul 12, 2010
So I tried to install XP on my MacBook Pro via Boot Camp and it didn't go so well. To make a long story short, my OSX partition and Windows partition were both deleted so I re-installed OSX. When I went to re-intall OSX I could not choose a HDD to install it on, so thinking it was the right idea I created a new partition and continued the installation. After installation everything seemed fine so I went to restore from time machine, which I did. The only problem is I now have 100 GB of data on my computer, but it apparently doesn't exist as I can't see, or access any of it.
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Mar 14, 2009
I can no longer access the data on my zip disc. When I put it into the zip drive, nothing happens. The drive is able to read other zip discs that I have but the one I want. I need the information on it.
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Dec 25, 2009
Having a bit more time, i stuffed up my iTunes library and can't fix it and would really appreciate any kind of advice.
A few things reg my mac and myself before I come to the core of the problem:
I have a macbook air, no 'extras' inside (normal 1.6GHz) and it's running at home with an airport and an external HDD of a few gig to store my data and backups. OS is Mac OS X 10.6.2 (10C540).
I am not a mac specialist and just started using mac roughly over a year ago and never got the real 'cores' but bit by bit I get there (I thought ).
And just btw I am not an english native speaker so I may phrase things 'funny' from time to time
I have my music, videos etc on my ext HDD and a copy of music on my mac as I like to have it with me 'on the road'.
As I was the only user it was just in my 'Music' folder
My bf just moved in and is wrapped by the mac anyway and had a user for a while. With his new iphone I *wanted* to copy the music to Users/Shared so we both can have it in our iTunes
This proofed to be not that easy as I couldn't give him access rights even though the music was in this 'shared' folder. With the 'information' of each folder I tried to give him access rights (rea & write) but even by doing so for some folders and their sub-folders, I still can't import these files into his library.
So there are my first (hopefully quite basic questions)
How can I give him access to all these music folders so he can load them into his iTunes? As I would like to prevent to click each folder and sub-folder - is there a way to speed this up?
Standing for this problems and having messed up my music a bit as the links of my itunes weren't updated to the new music location, I somehow (stupid stupid stupid) tried to make it work without making any backups of my library files and without having any in-dept knowledge about iTunes and how it actually works/ stores its information etc.
To cut a long story short: my whole iTunes it totally 'empty' : no movies, music, even iphone apps are there anymore and even when I connect my iphone nothing happens. I have no backup what-so-ever and unfortunately can't give you the steps I went to mess it up that way because I just panicked along the way and didn't trace my steps or stopped at the right moment to look up some handy and useful manuals/ guides. Would love to explain an interesting and maybe challenging error for you guys but that's the boring truth.
I was wondering if it makes sense if I de-intall iTunes now completely and then re-install it and import the music/ movies into both users iTunes and make a clean set up. As it is Christmas time I have a bit of time and this wouldn't bother me too much. So the question is here: would you recommend this / agree? Are there any tipps you would give me/ things to do to make this work?
And this of course still leave me with my access rights problems as all the music folders are under "shared" and my bf's account somehow doesn't have access to it. I have still a backup of that data on my ext HDD so I could delete it on my notebook and re-copy it to somewhere if I know where/ how to make it work.
Hope this is not too messy for you all to read through! I would really appreciate if I would get some hints/ tipps/ advice from you.
Oh something I forgot: before I wrote here I searched this forum and some others as well the apple standard help and tried to 're-create' my library but as deleted my rubbish bin within my mess-up-process I think I deleted the original files.
I think part of the whole problem is the missing back up and of course my half-knowledge of mac/ iTunes.
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Dec 3, 2014
I recently upgraded to Yosemite on my iMac and now I can not access backed up data on my time machine. Time Machine will open normal, but does not allow me to click on different favorites to the left in Finder. I tried my other iMac which was also upgraded to Yosemite and even though this Mac is connected to the time machine via cable, I still can not access favorites in Finder. Seems like Time Machine is frozen.
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Oct 13, 2010
So to avoid buying new hard drives one after another I decided to do something about it. I had this annoying vibrations in the palm rest area that spread to the left side also. Of course I did not want to part with the speed of 7200rpm HDD so I decided to take a step forward. I have Unibody MBP 2010. What you will need: Phillips screwdriver, elastic eraser, some paper napkin or something like that. Also a small hex screwdriver, however I could never find such a small hex screwdriver to twist those HDD mounting screws.
1. Unscrew the back panel of your MBP (Make sure you switch it Off and unplug power cord before you proceed)!
2. Remove the back cover.
3. Locate the HDD in the lower left corner ( i suppose you have you MBP flipped).
4. If you want you can take our ur HDD and make sure that your mounting screws are well screwed on the sides of the HDD.
5. Put ur HDD back in place make sure it is secured with that special black piece of wood with 2 screws.
6. Now look closely on the gaps between HDD and MBP Case from UP bottom and RIGHT (close to the battery) this is where you need to stuff something into those gaps to makes sure that HDD is well secured in it's position.
Note: Do not put anything from side of SATA Jack
7. I found that eraser is the most suitable material to absorb vibrations. So I had to cut it in pieces in fit it around the HDD.
8. Now you will most likely notice that the gap on the right is very narrow so here you would need something like paper napkin or a tissue, this place in particular was causing vibrations on my MBP 13 2010. I used a small screwdriver to stuff that place with soft material as it is too narrow to be done with hands. Obviously the eraser has to be slightly wider than gaps otherwise ur HDD will keep vibrating.
9. Make sure you screw everything back.
10. Put the back panel in place and screw it firmly in place.
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Aug 28, 2009
i'd like to know which MBP is better in terms of perfomance and speed..
The 2.66 Ghz one with a 7200rpm hd or the 2.8 Ghz one with a 5400rpm hd?
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Apr 16, 2010
Will be using my new 500GB 5400 rpm as an external and wanted feedback on the best aftermarket 7200rpm drive. Price / Speed / Battery Impact. I would appreciate some info from all you techies.
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Apr 17, 2010
this is my first post here but i am reading you since the beginning of the "arrandale waiting!"
Since i am going to buy a new 17" Macbook pro i want to know what kind of 7200rpm drive Apple will put in my mbp. It is a seagate, a WD or a hitachi?
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Jan 17, 2008
does anyone know whether time capsule is able to serve as a file server, so that i can have access to my data when i'm away from home?
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Nov 11, 2009
Been a Mac convert now for about a year and haven't really looked back. So far the only thing keeping me from going straight Mac is Quicken. Hopefully this spring Intuit will get the latest Quicken for Mac right, but I digress. I am currently running VM3 to boot into Windows 7 in order to use Quicken, and a few other things from time to time. But this new Modern Warfare 2 game kinda has me thinking I might need to install Windows 7 via Boot Camp in order to give it a try. With that said, if I install W7 via BC I'm I able to access the data on my Mac partition, and with full read/write access? Furthermore, do I understand correctly that VM will then allow me to access my BC install from within it, thereby having the best of both?
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Mar 19, 2009
I just bought a Macbook last week. I realized after i put alot of stuff on the macbook 120GB isn't enough space. I want some suggestions for a good HD up to probally 200-300GB with 7200RPM. I Prefer less noise, heat, and less suction of battery life.
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Jun 4, 2009
I've almost sold my MBP and I'm gonna order MB early next week, so I'll need a good 7200rpm HD (320Gb) for my new baby.
What brands/models do you consider most reliable? On this forum I've read good impression about Seagate Momentus line, what do you think?
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Jan 11, 2010
I've got a 5400rpm HDD in my MacBook Pro -- see specs below. I really didn't think much of the slower speed compared to a desktop being a big deal back in the day, but now I'm thinking it is. It seems that many things across the board take a little longer to launch or load. I probably ruined my perception of speed by using my dad's brand new iMac, but I don't think my computer should trail his that much on just opening iPhoto or Safari.
The lateral move on storage space -- keeping 320GB but bumping to 7200rpm -- would cost me about $90. I don't think a 500GB 7200rpm drive exists. I also don't want to drop $500+ on a SSD because I really can't and I might as well buy a Mac Mini at that point.
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Jan 17, 2010
I've seen a few of these threads but I need more information.
5400rpm HDD is a bit slower but uses less power.
Exactly how much power is lost to upgrading? I know its not much but its important. The 7200rpm upgrade is like an extra 40 GBP or if I downgrade the spec to a 320gb its cheaper than the 5200rpm 500gb.
If I get 4 hours of battery life on a 5400rpm, how long would a 7200rpm last? Is there a loss of an hour? or a mere 15 minutes?
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Apr 17, 2010
I've come to the conclusion that I will be opting for the 15" i7 MBP, after originally wanting to go for the 13' (due to lack of ix processor and such).
My dilemma is that I want to purchase the MBP through Bestbuy/Futureshop, mainly so I can go on a payment plan of around $100 per month, rather than dishing out $2000+ in one shot.
The issue with this is i am unable to BTO my MBP, so I will be stuck with the 5400RPM HD. Is it really that much of a difference from the 7200RPM HD? I'm used to a 7200RPM HD on my imac, so I don't want to feel any slowdowns.
Also, on my 20' early 2009 iMac, I notice that I need to turn my brightness down to about 3/16 (can't really explain it any other way. i guess this would be good with the MBP, as i'd get longer battery life, haha) or else i'll get a headache fairly easily after about 30-45 mins of use. Would the matte option help with the headaches?, as I assume the glossy screen is part of the cause for the headaches on my imac. I had originally returned the 24' imac i purchased and went for the 20' because the screen was too large.
So I am somewhat torn between going for the 15' i7 from a reseller, or just biting the bullet and ordering through the apple site.
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Jul 29, 2010
I am looking at buying a 15" MBP next weekend. I was nearly set on the i7 model with the high res AG screen, but now I am looking at other configurations and am wondering if that is the best choice.
I'll be doing a lot of coding but I do that fine on my 1st gen macbook, so I am not worried about performance in that regard.
The main thing I am thinking of is video editing with Premier Pro CS5. If I get the i5 I can upgrade the hard drive to the 7200 RPM version which I think will get me better performance on editing HD video than the i7 will as it will be accessing the hard drive a lot for the video. Will the performance boost of the 7200 RPM beat out the i7 in video production?
Also I am wondering about battery life, I have heard that the i7 gets around 4.5 hours in normal usage. That is fine but will the i5 + 7200 get more than that or about the same? (Not while editing video, just web browsing, email, maybe photoshop)
Anyone have any thoughts on this? or any experience editing video with the i5 or i7 mbp?
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