MacBook Pro :: Safari Not Displaying Texts On YouTube Pages Properly?

Mar 14, 2012

I've been having this weird problem with Safari for almost two months now even before the 5.1.4 update. I even went to Apple Genius with my macbook pro and they said the problem is minor and should be fixed with the new update (5.1.4), but the problem still persists! 

Basically, whenever I go on YouTube for EVERY/any video and click on the "more info" button to look at the information spread on videos, all the remaining texts and links are "invisible." I have to literally highlight everything in the information spread in order to permanently display the texts, links, etc after enlarging the information tab. I've tried updating everything (Safari--both 5.1.3 and 5.1.4, OSX, repairing disk permissions, etc) to NO AVAIL! It's so frustrating and annoying. I'm not that tech savvy, so I don't quite understand what kind of problem this applies to whether CSS, JAVA, Flash, or whatever else. A genius bar representative said it's not Flash (which I also updated and reinstalled a few times), since I can load and watch videos perfectly fine. He was able to reproduce the problem on one of the macbook airs at the store and that's when he said the problem should be fixed with the newest update. Obviously not. Please help me resolve this issue or at least, understand it. It's really frustrating. Chrome and other browsers work perfectly fine with YouTube on my MacBook as well.   

Here is a screenshot of what I am talking about: [URL]..

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8), Safari 5.1.4

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Safari :: Not Displaying Certain Texts On YouTube Pages Properly

Mar 15, 2012

I've been having this weird problem with Safari for almost two months now even before the 5.1.4 update. I even went to Apple Genius with my macbook pro and they said the problem is minor and should be fixed with the new update (5.1.4), but the problem still persists! 

Basically, whenever I go on YouTube for EVERY/any video and click on the "more info" button to look at the information spread on videos, all the remaining texts and links are "invisible." I have to literally highlight everything in the information spread in order to permanently display the texts, links, etc after enlarging the information tab. I've tried updating everything (Safari--both 5.1.3 and 5.1.4, OSX, repairing disk permissions, all settings are on in Safari, etc) to NO AVAIL! It's so frustrating and annoying. I'm not that tech savvy, so I don't quite understand what kind of problem this applies to whether CSS, JAVA, Flash, or whatever else. A genius bar representative said it's not Flash (which I also updated and reinstalled a few times), since I can load and watch videos perfectly fine. He was able to reproduce the problem on one of the macbook airs at the store and that's when he said the problem should be fixed with the newest update. Chrome and other browsers work perfectly fine with YouTube on my MacBook as well. 


MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8), Safari 5.1.4

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OS X :: Pages Not Displaying Properly On IMAC?

Jun 22, 2009

I have the latest versions of FF (3.5) and Safari, so it�s not a browser issue (at least i don�t THINK it is). Also, this problem started before i updated to these versions. I noticed 2-3 months ago that in websites such as YouTube, and several others, if there�s two lines of words below a thumbnail, the 2nd line of words is half-hidden, as if one could scroll down to see them. But of course there =is= nothing to scroll down *to*. IN addition, on some sites, words get superimposed on top of other words. I�ve tried doing some google research on this topic (including eliminating duplicate fonts), and have come up empty.

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Safari :: Its Not Displaying Facebook Properly

May 11, 2012

Since yesterday, Safari stopped displaying Facebook properly. I get a white page with no formatting, just a column of links. That is the only site I have problems with. All others seem to work fine and Facebook displays properly if I'm using Firefox. ?

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Applications :: Using Safari / Websites Not Displaying Properly?

Nov 21, 2009

The last 2 days my sites in safari haven't been displaying properly. Here's an example:

As you can see the page is displaying in half the window. Other users are having no problem in safari, just me. When I reset Safari the problem seems to go away, only to come back in a couple hours. This problem has only come about in the last couple days, anyone ever have this problem and know how to fix it?

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Safari :: Citibank Not Displaying Properly In Top Sites Feature

Mar 29, 2012

I have set [URL] as a top site.  However the Citibank page does not display correctly when viewing all of my top sites.  The error message for the Citibank page reads "Your browser is not accepting cookies."  When i click on the page, it does fully load.   

Citibank is the only page that does not display correctly within the top sites window display. I have attempted to changed the cookie settings with no success.  Is anyone else expierencing this problem with Citibank?

MacBook Pro 15", iOS 4

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Applications :: Websites Displaying Some Links And Texts Strangely

Nov 19, 2009

My friend's just got a new MacBook Pro, MacOS 10.6.2, latest version of Safari, and she's having problems with a lot of websites displaying some links and text strangely, as A's in boxes (pic attached). Oddly, the other 2 user accounts on her machine are fine with the same websites! She's cleared the cache, restarted Safari and her Mac (many times), changed the text encoding (and then back again), but nothing solves it.

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Safari :: YouTube Not Working Properly

May 11, 2012

YouTube not working properly with Safari. Flash Player and Safari are both up to date. When launching a video on YT the video loads slowly and is very jerky. Evertything works fine with Firefox.

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Applications :: Safari Not Displaying Pages Correctly?

Jan 9, 2011

My safari browser on my iMac hasn't been displaying pages right since yesterday and I cannot figure out whats going on.

I've reseted Safari (cleared cookies, cache) and also tried turning my internet on and off and restarted my mac several times. I've even tried repairing permissions in disk utility.

Firefox and Chrome seem to be working perfectly but Safari will not format the pages the right way, all i mainly get is text unless a picture is linked to another page.

I have the latest version of Safari and am running Snow Leopard 10.6.6

I have attatched screen shots

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Safari :: Won't Play Youtube Videos Properly

Jul 2, 2012

It's like 80% of the time, I would open a video on youtube and the video would seem to play normally. The buffering bar (gray bar) would move before the red one and the video plays normally. But around 20seconds to a minute after that, the video would stop playing and both the gray and red bars would be at the beginning of the video and the spinning thingamajig would be there and the video cannot be played at all. This started about 2 months ago. It progressed from only a few videos but now I can't even watch a trailer properly.

I have the latest safari version and everything in my mac is up to date.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Safari :: PDF Pages Displaying Blank - Adobe Acrobat X Pro Installed

Apr 7, 2012

Using Safari, when I go to a webpage with a .pdf URL the page is blank. I recently upgraded to Lion and purchased/installed Adobe Acrobat X Pro (I was using Acrobat 7.0 with Snow Leopard). The only way to access these types of pages is by trying to download linked file (which sometimes doesn't work).

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Safari :: Pages Not Loading Properly?

Jan 31, 2012

I updated my osx to 10.7.2 yesterday, everything works fine except some pages in safari wont load up.

For example, facebook loads in this way (image attached).

I have flash player installed and updated. Do i need to reinstall flash ? or put some other extensions to make pages load properly ?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Pages Not Loading Properly In Safari (or Any Other Browser)

Jun 15, 2012

My wife just got a new iMac and it's worked perfectly until today.Suddenly web pages aren't loading correctly.  No images load--only text and links down the left-hand side.This happens in Safair, Firefox, Chrome.

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Safari :: 5.1.5 Not Loading Pages Properly After Java Install

Apr 3, 2012

Safari kept telling me I need to install a java runtime, so I finally let it, and now certain pages (like accuweather) take forever to load unless I turn off Java in preferences. The page background will appear but the "loading whatever # of #" hangs on the last number and just sits there until the page finally appears.

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OS X :: Youtube And Godaddy Pages Not Load In Firefox Or Safari?

Apr 16, 2009

I'm having major problems with certain pages loading in Firefox and the same pages will not load in safari.

In fact they load some days and then not the next. I'm fine on my other mac and on my PC but when on my MacBook Pro I have problems.

The main site tends to be [URL] and [URL]

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Applications :: Safari Displaying Pages - Title Bar Says "1 X 1 Pixels"

Jan 20, 2010

My wife's MacBook (10.5.8) has been acting really funny lately, and I used it recently and tried to get on Safari. I can't get any pages to come up, and any pages I do try come up blank, and at the top the display normally says what page I'm on, it instead says, "(page URL), 1x1 pixels. I checked SW update, installed all updates, and restarted, and that didn't fix anything. Anyone ever seen this? Anyone know what might cause the problem? I should note that Firefox works fine FWIW.

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MacBook Pro :: YouTube Page Won't Load Properly

Jun 29, 2014

my youtube age won't load properly, it takes forever to load the page but when it does it doesn't load to the end it's just stops at a bunch of writing and that's it? i have tried everything from clearing the cache,history and cookies to uninstalling the adobe player and installing it again. Nothing works. However funny enough if i connect to another wifi it works just fine. But i know that the router/wifi isn't the problem because my sister has an sony laptop and her youtube is just fine. Also on my phone youtube doesn't work neither it just says playback error, but then again on my sister's galaxy phone it works.

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Applications :: IWeb Site Not Displaying Properly On IE?

Apr 20, 2010

In the process of making an iweb site, still alot to do though. Uploaded what i have done so far and have run into a problem when viewing it on my sisters windows computer at work. The page in question is: [URL] The flash window on the left that displays the panoramic looks fine on my laptop with Safari and Firefox, though on my sisters Windows (whom most of my audience will be viewing with) the flash box only comes down to 3/4s of its propper size, exposing the shape i have placed behind it to act as a border. Does anyone have any idea on what may be causing this and maybe a solution? Could it actually be a problem with my sisters work computer?!

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Apple Mail Not Displaying Properly

Apr 20, 2012

Some e-mails from the same sender appear fine with images and links properly displayed, yet other times I only see text with underlined links.  For example, I receive promotional e-mails from Land's End (a retailer in the U.S.) with images of the items. Some e-mails display perfectly and others are as below in the cut and paste. (I have noticed the problem frequently with Google news alerts.) 


Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook :: Does Mac Operating System Not Work Properly With YouTube

Aug 21, 2014

I noticed that my Messages on youtube are instantly deleted when I comment on some peoples Youtube channels. I don't think its the person that owns the youtube channels doing it because it is deleted almost instantly after I log out. It's very odd and I don't think its youtube censoring my comment because I'm not cursing in the comment and I don't believe cursing is against the TOS on Youtube anyways.

Another thing I notice is that when I'm on a flash based chatroom that when someone I am talking to has left the chatroom it will still say they are in the chatroom until I click on my friendlist and than they turn red as if they are gone. It is very odd that I am noticing these strange bugs. However the chatroom thing could be a chatroom problem because it might do that on my Windows side which I never checked because I'm usually on that chatroom on my Mac side.

MacBook, OS X Mavericks (10.9)

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Applications :: Entourage Not Displaying HTML Properly While Reply

Apr 28, 2009

We have developed an application which sends HTML email to all users. Users will have either Microsoft outlook for windows or Entourage 2008 in MAC. Our HTML template contains <table> tags and <div> tags with Cascading Style sheets. We also use a div text with a unique id and styles with border to look as if it is a text box and allow users to enter values into the div tag and when they reply, we have an application which reads the html file from outlook and searches for the div tag and inserts the value to the db. Both the users can able to view the email properly. But, when the Entourage users click on Reply to enter values, they do not see any styles and could not able to identify the div tag to input their values.

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Applications :: Microsoft Word 2008 Mac Not Displaying Properly

Apr 28, 2009

I used a standard resume template in Word 2008 Mac that is not displaying properly in Windows. Here is a brief description: On my Mac: The document is perfectly formatted and displayed on 2 pages. On my PC: With ".doc" format, my name doesn't appear. In its place, I have yellow text that reads "address blocked". Additionally, the text spills onto a third page, even though the font, font size, spacing, etc. is all the same.

I then tried saving the document in ".rtf" format, and while my name did appear, the text still spills onto a third page. I cannot fit all the text (in a Windows environment) without cutting out important content. I'm so thoroughly pissed off with this. There should be no compatibility issues in this case because I'm using a STANDARD resume template that came with Word '08. When I saved the document, I made sure to select the "windows friendly" option.

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OS X :: Firefox Not Displaying Pages Correctly

Oct 23, 2007

I'm new to Mac (as of Oct. 3rd), but I'm a long-time user of Firefox. I notice that when I have FF running for long periods of time, and I go to, for example, to check out my friends list on the computer, often times the page shows up as plain text, no graphics or images or anything. Then I come here to create a post, and all of the buttons and formatting tools appear as plain text as well, instead of the images/buttons. I don't regularly visit a wide variety of web-sites, but the one I mentioned earlier seems to consistently trigger it. Usually the only way I can get pages to display correctly again (no matter where I try to go) is to completely quit Firefox and reopen it. I included a screen shot so you can see what it's coming up as, vs what it's supposed to look like. I've never had this problem with any websites as long as I've been using Firefox until just recently. [URL]

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Applications :: Displaying Two Pages Across Screen In Word

Nov 8, 2009

I'm trying to get Word for Mac to display two pages across the screen.

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OS X :: Web Pages Not Loading Properly?

May 14, 2009

most of my webpages are not loading properly on my imac g5 everything seems to be on the left side of the web page.

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OS X :: Date And Time Not Displaying Properly / Unable To Set Eastren Time

Jun 30, 2010

We got a refurbished Alu MB for an intern and the time is not displaying properly. If I check the "Set date & time automatically", the digital and analog clock is showing different times. See picture. Also, when I go in Time Zone, I set Eastern time, it will set it, but when I go back to preference, it sets back to GMT.

It's running 10.5.6 if that helps.

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Mac Pro :: Monitor - Scrolling Safari Firefox Or Pages Doc Pages

Mar 31, 2008

i have a early 2008 octo mac pro, with it im using a philips 220ws, the problem i'm having is that scrolling a page be it safari, firefox or a pages doc. it seems to jutter along and doesnt move as smooth as my mac book,and when typing into either msn messenger, pages or even text edit letters seem to lag behind what im typing, ok it may only be for a secon and about 2 letters behind burt it gets annoying worse when back spacing. does anyone else have the problem or possible fix? im not using anything more than than the word processor, safari and msn at a time

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IMac :: Losing Connection - Pages And Youtube Videos Load Slowly

Dec 30, 2009

I have no idea what's wrong. I tried reinstalling os x with no luck. 21.5" 3.06GHz 4GB ram 500GB hd iChat keeps disconnecting, pages and youtube vids load extremely slow(about 1min to load this post page).

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OS X :: Displaying Active X Plug In On Safari

Feb 9, 2010

I am new to mac and i know c,c++ i want to develope an application for safari browser.

I want to display activex component on mac safari browser as we can see in IE.

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Safari :: Not Capable Of Displaying Frames?

Feb 3, 2012

I work with remote equipment using web gui for management, When I try to acces them with safari I get the message "Viewing this page requires a browser capable of displaying frames". I need to be able to use safari as I have an Ipad and I get the same message. How can I do this?

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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