Applications :: Displaying Two Pages Across Screen In Word
Nov 8, 2009I'm trying to get Word for Mac to display two pages across the screen.
View 6 RepliesI'm trying to get Word for Mac to display two pages across the screen.
View 6 RepliesUsually, when you type a word on the search bar, it will display many words that are related to your search, like when I am searching for the word "lamb"...
And it will display the definition when you click on the word.
However, when I use it on my Mac (MacBook Pro 13"), it display nothing, just a blank, like this when I looked at the word "lame"...
My safari browser on my iMac hasn't been displaying pages right since yesterday and I cannot figure out whats going on.
I've reseted Safari (cleared cookies, cache) and also tried turning my internet on and off and restarted my mac several times. I've even tried repairing permissions in disk utility.
Firefox and Chrome seem to be working perfectly but Safari will not format the pages the right way, all i mainly get is text unless a picture is linked to another page.
I have the latest version of Safari and am running Snow Leopard 10.6.6
I have attatched screen shots
I used a standard resume template in Word 2008 Mac that is not displaying properly in Windows. Here is a brief description: On my Mac: The document is perfectly formatted and displayed on 2 pages. On my PC: With ".doc" format, my name doesn't appear. In its place, I have yellow text that reads "address blocked". Additionally, the text spills onto a third page, even though the font, font size, spacing, etc. is all the same.
I then tried saving the document in ".rtf" format, and while my name did appear, the text still spills onto a third page. I cannot fit all the text (in a Windows environment) without cutting out important content. I'm so thoroughly pissed off with this. There should be no compatibility issues in this case because I'm using a STANDARD resume template that came with Word '08. When I saved the document, I made sure to select the "windows friendly" option.
Apparently my friend has pages 08 on her MB and it doesn't offer an option to save in Word 97 format.
View 7 Replies View RelatedWhat version of word does Pages save to? Is it 03, 07, 2010?
I have both pages and word 08 for mac on my computer. All of my professors and the university use office 2007 for windows. My question is, should I save my documents in pages and export them as word docs to be compatible with word 07 for windows, or should i save them as word docs in word 08 for mac?
My Word 2008 (Mac) shows two pages side by side instead of one on print layout view. The default is one page and you have to scroll down to go to the second page, but mine is side by side. I don't know what settings I have changed, but I have been searching to get this fixed, but was unsuccessful.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI know I have seen others offer to convert .pages files to .doc files here; can anyone help a brother out? I used the trial version of Pages to write my resume and now cannot open it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have recently started using iWork more and more often. It works very well for me and opens word files very well. But on some files which are made using a new office 08 font, i get font errors.
Is there a way to import the Office 08 fonts into Pages? I looked in /Library/Fonts/Microsoft/ but there weren't any font's there.
How do I copy the text of email (I am using apple mail) into a word processing document (Word or Pages)? I want to also include the subject and date. Is there software to facilitate this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a font on Pages or something I can download (preferable for free) that is similar to Word Art from MS?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI would like to set up a template for a letter so that when I write letters the layout is the same and I just fill in the details. What I don't understand is how does this differ from just using a letter I have written before and then just changing the information. What is so special about using template? Am I missing something? I would like to know if I missing something that would make it easier
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy wife's MacBook (10.5.8) has been acting really funny lately, and I used it recently and tried to get on Safari. I can't get any pages to come up, and any pages I do try come up blank, and at the top the display normally says what page I'm on, it instead says, "(page URL), 1x1 pixels. I checked SW update, installed all updates, and restarted, and that didn't fix anything. Anyone ever seen this? Anyone know what might cause the problem? I should note that Firefox works fine FWIW.
View 4 Replies View RelatedUp until yesterday I was solely a Windows/PC-based computer user. I am now running Mac OS X with my new Mac Pro. Before turning off my PC system, hopefully forever, I downloaded all my MS Word files to a USB stick. I'm a writer and only worked in MS Word for my work.I just purchased iWork '09 and am very impressed with the Pages App and I'm very excited to start working in Pages '09. when I insert my USB stick with all my Word Docs on it into my Mac Pro, is it a case like under Windows/XP where you just open up each file with the Pages '09 program or is there something more to do to get Pages '09 to open the file up and save it within Pages '09? I understand Pages '09 works with MS Word files (as well as formatting to Word docs to send to colleagues).
View 7 Replies View RelatedI was wondering if there was a quick and easy way of converting a .pages or .doc or .docx to a html page. I cant seem to find anything in pages, although i may have just overlooked it. or if there is another program capable of doing something like that.
View 2 Replies View RelatedOne of my editors had starting using OpenOffice and when he sends files to me they arrive in a zip that, when opened has some games and other things and one png file that is a thumbnail of the document, very tiny.
Is there a converter for OpenOffice docs that will open them in Pages (my preference) or Word ?
Any familiar with OpenOffice? Is it necessary to receive a zip file every time from him? He's technically inept and perhaps I can just tell him how to export the proper file.
how I can stop Pages '08 from hyphenating a word that runs over to the next line?
For example, in a body of text the word 'hyphenate' would appear as
................................... hyp-
henate ................................
This doesn't happen in MSOffice (as far as I have ever been aware) and I see no option in the preferences pane to prohibit it from happening?
Is anyone familiar with word processing in Pages? No matter what I do, every time I hit 'Enter' it will automatically number the lines.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've accidentally added a wrong spelled word to Pages (i.e. I right-clicked and then clicked on "Learn"). Now Pages obviously doesn't recognize as being spelled wrong. Is there any possibility to access the user dictionary and delete the mis-spelled word?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to automatically save "pages" files in word.doc format, or do you have to do it manually each time? I sure can't find a setting to do what I want.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have recently started using Pages in iwork over Office, I like the easy formatting and usability of Pages. But I have to send all these recently create pages doc in a word format to someone and so I did the Save as Word option.When I opened the Word file in Word all the text formatting went all over the place, it looked like it put extra tabs in there and there is a split down the middle of the text like it has put it in two columns.
Is there any way to ensure that when I create my pages document that the formatting is agreeable with word.
I have a MacBook. Last week I bought Microsoft Office for Mac. I would like to open documents sent in Word to be opened in Word. But my mac converts them to Pages.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Microsoft Office for Mac
At the moment I do not have Microsoft Office for my mac but I am looking into it as I will be going back to study soon and know I will encounter problems when it comes to transfering documents from my mac to a PC with Microsoft software. However I really love the mac application 'Pages' for personal projects so I am just wondering if I can still use it alongside Microsoft or I must give it up?
MacBook Air
I'm new to Mac (as of Oct. 3rd), but I'm a long-time user of Firefox. I notice that when I have FF running for long periods of time, and I go to, for example, to check out my friends list on the computer, often times the page shows up as plain text, no graphics or images or anything. Then I come here to create a post, and all of the buttons and formatting tools appear as plain text as well, instead of the images/buttons. I don't regularly visit a wide variety of web-sites, but the one I mentioned earlier seems to consistently trigger it. Usually the only way I can get pages to display correctly again (no matter where I try to go) is to completely quit Firefox and reopen it. I included a screen shot so you can see what it's coming up as, vs what it's supposed to look like. I've never had this problem with any websites as long as I've been using Firefox until just recently. [URL]
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have the latest versions of FF (3.5) and Safari, so it�s not a browser issue (at least i don�t THINK it is). Also, this problem started before i updated to these versions. I noticed 2-3 months ago that in websites such as YouTube, and several others, if there�s two lines of words below a thumbnail, the 2nd line of words is half-hidden, as if one could scroll down to see them. But of course there =is= nothing to scroll down *to*. IN addition, on some sites, words get superimposed on top of other words. I�ve tried doing some google research on this topic (including eliminating duplicate fonts), and have come up empty.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI've been having this weird problem with Safari for almost two months now even before the 5.1.4 update. I even went to Apple Genius with my macbook pro and they said the problem is minor and should be fixed with the new update (5.1.4), but the problem still persists!Â
Basically, whenever I go on YouTube for EVERY/any video and click on the "more info" button to look at the information spread on videos, all the remaining texts and links are "invisible." I have to literally highlight everything in the information spread in order to permanently display the texts, links, etc after enlarging the information tab. I've tried updating everything (Safari--both 5.1.3 and 5.1.4, OSX, repairing disk permissions, all settings are on in Safari, etc) to NO AVAIL! It's so frustrating and annoying. I'm not that tech savvy, so I don't quite understand what kind of problem this applies to whether CSS, JAVA, Flash, or whatever else. A genius bar representative said it's not Flash (which I also updated and reinstalled a few times), since I can load and watch videos perfectly fine. He was able to reproduce the problem on one of the macbook airs at the store and that's when he said the problem should be fixed with the newest update. Chrome and other browsers work perfectly fine with YouTube on my MacBook as well.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8), Safari 5.1.4
I've been having this weird problem with Safari for almost two months now even before the 5.1.4 update. I even went to Apple Genius with my macbook pro and they said the problem is minor and should be fixed with the new update (5.1.4), but the problem still persists!Â
Basically, whenever I go on YouTube for EVERY/any video and click on the "more info" button to look at the information spread on videos, all the remaining texts and links are "invisible." I have to literally highlight everything in the information spread in order to permanently display the texts, links, etc after enlarging the information tab. I've tried updating everything (Safari--both 5.1.3 and 5.1.4, OSX, repairing disk permissions, etc) to NO AVAIL! It's so frustrating and annoying. I'm not that tech savvy, so I don't quite understand what kind of problem this applies to whether CSS, JAVA, Flash, or whatever else. A genius bar representative said it's not Flash (which I also updated and reinstalled a few times), since I can load and watch videos perfectly fine. He was able to reproduce the problem on one of the macbook airs at the store and that's when he said the problem should be fixed with the newest update. Obviously not. Please help me resolve this issue or at least, understand it. It's really frustrating. Chrome and other browsers work perfectly fine with YouTube on my MacBook as well. Â Â
Here is a screenshot of what I am talking about:Â [URL]..
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8), Safari 5.1.4
Using Safari, when I go to a webpage with a .pdf URL the page is blank. I recently upgraded to Lion and purchased/installed Adobe Acrobat X Pro (I was using Acrobat 7.0 with Snow Leopard). The only way to access these types of pages is by trying to download linked file (which sometimes doesn't work).
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have a:
Macbook Pro running Mac OSX 10.5.8
(Office 2008) Word, Exel, PowerPoint, (Iwork 2009) Numbers, Pages will not save:.
I tossed the Word Plist file and that did not work.
I have run Virus Barrier X5 and found a about 10 files with Virus 'W97M/Pinky.B' "Quarantened" them and still have the problem.
The problem started -- I think -- when I was doing heavy editing between Numbers and Word. But I don't think it is related (though who knows at this point). Without these programs I'm rendered pretty useless.
When I try to open Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, etc.) or Apple's Suite (Pages, Numbers) I get a dialog box saying "The application ______ cannot be launched. -10810" When I try to open a document, I get one saying "The operation could not be completed. An unexpected error occurred (error code -10810)."
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