MacBook Pro :: OCZ Vertex 2E 240GB Main Drive Can Use For OS And Back Up
Nov 25, 2010
Vertex as main drive, so for OS and backup?Will using it this way slow it down significantly?I want to keep my late 2008 2.66/8Gb 15" Unibody, until Sandybridge models are released
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Aug 1, 2010
Which drive is better for OSX considering the lack of trim support?
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Sep 29, 2010
I need a drive that makes zero noise. Doesn't need to be the best of the best at speeds.
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Jan 14, 2010
I was just watching a video on Youtube and then all of a sudden my entire machine freezes, and it logged out me out completely to the main login screen? There was that tiny loading rotate logo in the screen also. What could have caused this?
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Aug 2, 2009
Do i need to buy the mac edition for use in my mini or will the standard vertex drive be compatible?
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Sep 7, 2010
I bought a new internal hard drive for my late 2009 MBP and have completely cloned my existing hard drive to the new one. When I use the new hard drive through an enclosure I am able to boot from this hard drive perfectly, but when I install it into my MBP it won't read properly or something. It loads to my home screen with my dock, but when I try to click something, it just freezes up and I have to restart to the same thing every time. Anyone have any ideas on how this can be fixed?
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Apr 8, 2010
got a real basic question to ask and you're gonna think im an idiot for asking...I just bought a 320gb western digital elements hard drive and want to reformat it so that its compatible for both mac and pc's. i intend to format it as NTFS-3G as it would allow me to use it on the 2 platforms without having the 4GB file size restriction that fat32 has, anyway.....
when I go to reformat my external hard drive in disk utility, I see my external hard drive to the left, and there's a "sub" hard drive as a child of the external hd listed uppermost. just wandering which one of the two do i select before going to Erase>Windows NT filesystem (NTFS-3G)>erase? Do I select the uppermost drive and erase that or the lower one? or both
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Jun 6, 2010
Lately I've been using my external hard drive as the main drive of my imac I5 and every day it freezes when I open 3 or 4 apps or more or while doing several stuff at the same time. This, obviously, doesnt happen when using the internal hard drive of the imac, so I suppose is due to using firewire 800 or usb 2.0. Is it normal for every external hard drive to freeze when using it as the main drive or maybe is it that my external hard drive is bad?
I'm planning on buying a more quieter external hard drive to use as the main drive of my imac, but I wont do so if it also keeps freezing every day. Any suggestions? Is it normal even when using firewire 800? When using the external hard drive I umount the internal drive of the imac. Maybe this is the reason? Its a Lacie Big Disk 500GB. Would an external SSD make a difference or would it still freeze?
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Feb 14, 2010
I would like to partition my main hard drive so I can install another operating system on the other one and then use either, whenever I wish.
I would prefer to do this from my external drive (Time Capsule) but I dont think the Time Capsule allows for partitions.
In Disk Utility, it shows that I have a 931.5 GB Hitachi Main Disk. Underneath that, indented, it reads Macintosh HD.
When I click on the Hitachi Disk line, it shows me the partition tab.
I can figure out how to partition it - which is to simply add and name a partition and click apply. But I would like to know if this process will erase any data from my hard drive. If it does, then it may not be worth partitioning.
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Dec 6, 2008
I just got an external LaCie hard drive with FireWire 400 to use when the HD in my iBook G4 dies (any moment now...). But now I'm wondering if I can use the LaCie as the main drive (boot from it, install Leopard on it) or was it built to handle just occasional back ups?
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May 17, 2012
My main drive is full and I want to replace it with a larger drive. How do you go about upgrading the hard drive as a start up disk?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 2, 2012
I recently bought a new hard drive for my 2006 MacPro, intending to use it as a new startup disk. Trouble is, the drive it replaced, a 2TB drive has too much info I want to keep to move it out and reformat. So I figured if I deleted all of the old system files I'd be ok. Since then I've been plagued with problems, mostly permissions changing in the core services folders. There are other minor issues as well, like my apple keyboard function keys not doing what they're supposed to, and if I accidentally hit the eject button in the menu bar I get the beachball of death, with no way to force quit.
I have done everything I could, and a lot of research, and I stumbled upon the answer. In the startup disk utility "Reset password' I noted that the admin account, and user account from the old drive were still being recognized as existing. So basically it's like my computer is having an identity crisis!
I've been searching for a way to get rid of those phantom accounts, and my best lead turned up some apparent glitch in Leopard regarding old accounts. But how to get rid of them? It would be very difficult for me to safely backup the sheer amount of data on that drive in order to reformat, but I can't seem to find how to rid myself of these accounts. I tried logging in as the root user, but didn't see any tell-tale files on that drive.
MacPro, Mac OS X (10.5)
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Apr 27, 2012
I was trying to do some tasks in Windows 7 in VMWare fusion and it was a little laggy, so I shut down the VM and restarted my mac. It took a little longer to restart than I'm used to, but when it came back on 99% of my main hard drive is now gone. All my bookmarks in safari, user accounts, most preferences are still here but all files are gone. How could this have happened and is there any way it can be reverted without a time machine back up? It's a mid 2010 21" iMac i3 8GB ram with Lion installed all newest updates have been done prior to this happening. I don't even know what to do, so much has been lost.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Oct 7, 2009
Uhh hard to fit the title, but in System Profiler - Sata device tree, normally you see <hard drive name> and underneath it <partition 1 (IE Macintosh HD)>, however since installing my SSD, everything shows <SSD NAME> and then the SSD partition but also shows hard drive partitions there?
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Apr 16, 2010
After I purchased my 2.66GHz Core i7 yesterday, the first order of business was to open it up and remove the 500GB factory drive and replace it with my OCZ Vertex 128GB SSD drive. I was hoping I could simply drop in the Vertex (which had been in use in my previous MacBook) and boot away. But, as I suspected might happen, the OS X already on the Vertex didn't have the necessary support for the new model/CPU. I had to format the Vertex, install a fresh copy of OS X from the DVD supplied with the Core i7, and then use Migration Assistant to move over my data from a backup drive. No biggie.
Anyway, this baby SMOKES with that SSD drive in there! Check out these boot times:
From the moment I press the power button to a fully loaded Finder/Desktop: 19 seconds
From the moment I hear the startup bong to a fully loaded Finder/Desktop: 13 seconds
From the moment the spinning wheel first appears below the Apple logo (the beginning of drive access) to a fully loaded Finder/Desktop: 7 seconds
Shutdown time is awesome as well:
From the moment I confirm shutdown by clicking "OK" (pressing Enter) to a fully shut down computer: Less than 3 seconds!
The 19 second figure is roughly equivalent to what I was getting with my previous MacBook Pro. However, on that older model, the time between pressing the power button and hearing the startup bong was about 3 seconds. The new MacBook Pro takes 6 seconds for that part of the boot process. So, the boot process from the startup bong is actually 3 seconds faster with the Core i7 model.
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Sep 19, 2010
SSD bandwagon, and have a question. I bought a 2.5" Vertex 2 60GB, which seems to be doing very well in all the benchmarks. I know OSX has no TRIMM support yet, and there is a lot of rumbling about using the right firmware in order to increase the SSD's lifespan. I read I'll probably have to use Windows in order to update the firmware in OCZ SSD's. Can anyone tell me, how I can check the firmware version of the SSD using OSX ? Can it be done, or do you need Windows for this as well ?? I have no idea what firmware it runs, so there is no way to know if it needs updating.
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Nov 18, 2010
ust installed my OCZ vertex 2E 240GB drive
Installation was pretty easy to be honest and I'm a novice with laptops.
did a clean install had to partition drive first then install OSX after doing all that I did a migration from time machine.
Something odd it booted up and my facetime app wouldnt work, got the error message that OSX was to old a version for it to work..
found it had 10.6.3 on it, thought it was odd as I did an install from the disc and my system came with 10.6.4.
so I did all the updates from software update up to 10.6.5 and now everything seems perfectly fine and lightening fast
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Nov 24, 2010
Just curious. I want to know if my base MPB will be faster than a maxed out MBA with this SSD
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Nov 29, 2010
Which would you guys tell me to get in the 120 GB variant and why?
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Apr 6, 2009
I am waiting on delivery of a Vertex drive for my Macbook Pro. While waiting on delivery I have been following some posts on OCZ's support forums
Now I am curious. Does this product have major issues in the Macbook, or do the problems described in the OCZ forum represent a small percentage of Mac users? Let's see what the numbers are for users in this forum.
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May 22, 2009
Curious as to everyone's thoughts on the New Vertex EX vs. the Intel X25-E
Access Time?
IOPS? - not sure what this is, but it sounds like people care about it.
The new OCZ Vertex EX or the Intel X25-E
I may have to put one in a MBP?
Necessary - not at all, but still tempting
I've looked on google already and didn't find much, so please don't use that card Mikes70Mustang
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Jul 17, 2009
From what I have seen the Vertex 120 gb ( for less than 400 USD ) and the intel x-25 80 gb are my options.80 too small for my taste , I have read a lot about this drives, but is the difference between them that high ?Btw, are there other options that I should look at ?
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Jan 4, 2011
I am thinking of buy a 60GB OCZ Vertex 2 (E) SSD for my 13" MBP, when I was doing research, I found in OCZ's technology forum that people complaining its lifespan drops a percent for every 3-4 days, so I am worried that if this is true, then it can last only a little bit more than a year, although I can get replacement under 3-years warranty, the time spend for re-installing system and migrate all my files is another problem. Also, I do programming, VM and Photoshop, plus web surfing and music, so there is lots of "writes" involved, I'm afraid it won't last a year.
Furthermore, keep watching its health status while using it is a painful experience as you see it dying slowly, similar to checking Load_Cycle_Count of HDD which is the reason I want to switch to SSD.
Anyone using OCZ SSD or other brands, can you share your experience and advice?
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Jan 15, 2010
Alright guys, so I got a 2.53 ghz 13' mbp. I'm wondering which one of these drives is faster? I've tried googling this info and can't find anything.
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Mar 28, 2010
I'm going to install either a 160GB Intel X25-M or 120GB OCZ Vertex in my 17'' 2.8Ghz MBP that I use for digital audio production and live performances. Any thoughts on which to choose?
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May 18, 2012
Just bought a new 15" 2.5 A/G and want to install a Vertex 3 SSD to replace the HDD. Despite reading & watching the "how to's", I'm not exactly clear if I simply insert the included restore disc after I do the upgrade or do I need a data transfer kit? I plan to migrate data from my old MBP w/SL(10.6.8), after the upgrade?
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Dec 13, 2010
It seems that going by the OCZ site the drive can only be reflashed with the latest firmware from a windows based machine. Is that correct?Haven't plugged it in yet but I hope mine comes with v1.24.
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Mar 8, 2009
Added latest scores for Firmware 1199. Check out the xbench scores Woo hoo ! Just got my Vertex 120GB yesterday. Inside is a plain black box. Looks like OCZ is learning from Apple. Kinda reminds me of the iPhone packaging. The drive itself: This replaces the current WD Scorpio Blue 320GB in my Macbook 2.0 GHz Installing the Vertex couldn't be easier, but one has to use the 4 Torx screws so that the drive fits into the bay And that's what it looks like ... fitting snugly inside. I think I like the sleek black Anyways, enough of pics. Onto install notes, benchmarks and impressions. I partitioned the drive in Apple's DiskUtility. And installed OS X 10.5.5 and then updated with the 10.5.6 combo update. I then installed Office 2008 and VMWare Fusion. If you are concerned with alignment, don't be ... at least under OS X. That is because Apple's utilities do alignment on 4K (4096) byte boundaries. It's not perfect but it is better than nothing. If you figure out how to do the alignment yourself and still keep the GUID partition table with the protective MBR and 200MB EFI partition - please post it so that we can experiment with it. In the meantime let's look at the partition table. Running " sudo fdisk /dev/rdisk0 " in Terminal gives us the following output:...............
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Jun 23, 2009
I was planning on getting the Intel X25M SSD but then thought the OCZ Vertex 128GB would be more practical. However, reading some posts here and a lot over at the OCZ forum it looks like the Vertex is problematic in the 2009 MPBs in regard to install and sleeping.
So I'm wondering if these issues are pervasive or if the people w/ these problems are random, maybe having to do w/ something specific to their machine.
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Aug 3, 2009
I'm planning to order + install a OCZ Vertex TURBO (128 Gb) in my new MBP. Unfortunately, as these SSDs are still fairly new, I could not find any information from people who have experience working with them, let alone working with them on a MBP.
Does anyone have one of these, and have you encountered any problems? Or would you not recommend buying one of them, and go for the OCZ Vertex instead (which seems to have a larger user-base).
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