MacBook Pro :: Momentus XT 500 Gig Hybrid HD
Jun 1, 2010
Does anyone know what the deal is this this drive? Amazon shows "not yet released"; Newegg keeps pushing their ETA date out day by day, and others don't even list it. Newegg has 5 reviews for the drive, though.Has anyone got the inside scoop on when these things will truly become available? I'm trying to hold off bootcamping my new MBP until I can upgrade the HD; the process of cloning a drive with OS X and Win 7 on it looks to be a 2 step process I was hoping to avoid.
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Dec 2, 2010
I just purchased a new MBA. I thought that the 256GB SSD would work for me, but, it doesn't. Now I'm attempting to find the least expensive way in which to upgrade the internal drive.
As I was about to purchase a new 512GB SSD, the reseller informed me that I should try the Seagate drive referenced above. He said that it would work in the MBA with no problem. The price difference is huge. Axiom SSD = $1500, Momentus Hybrid SSD = $120. I'm not concerned about speed. I'm just tired of carrying my itunes library on an external USB drive.
I love the new MBA. I just need more disk space in the unit. Here's a link to the drive in question: [URL]
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Jun 1, 2010
Long time lurker, first time poster.
I received my 500GB Seagate Momentus XT yesterday and ran some quick and crude benchmarks that I thought I'd share with you guys in case anyone else was thinking of upgrading. Here are my observations.
With Factory Seagate 7200rpm 500GB Drive:
Time to boot measured from hitting the power button to when the finder toolbar appeared at the top averaged approximately 40s to 45s.
Running Photoshop CS5 immedately after reboot took approximately 10s.
The above two tests were repeated about 4 or 5 times and were fairly consistent.
With new Seagate Momentus XT Hybrid Drive:
Time to boot measured from hitting the power button to when the finder toolbar appeared at the top averaged approximately 30s.
Running Photoshop CS5 immedately after reboot took approximately 3s to 5s.
The above two tests were repeated 4 times (sorry I ran out of time to run more) and as expected the first attempt was a little slower than subsequent tests. The times listed above represent the times I was getting after the first reboot.
All in all i'm happy with the improvement, especially when i consider the fact that I still get my 500GB capacity. I wanted an SSD but couldn't bring myself to fork out the money to get a drive with enough capacity to meet my needs.
If you have any questions or want me to run specific tests let me know. Not sure about running battery life tests since my battery-o-meter is all over the place telling me i have anywhere between 2 hours and 8 hours of battery life depending on what i'm doing at any given moment
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Apr 18, 2012
I have change the hard drive in my macbook aluminium 2009, the new drive is Seagate (Momentus XT ST750LX003) hybrid drive.Each time osx turn off the drive all the applications are killed except osx. I have tested 2 different drives and i have the same problem with both. Seagate do not have anything about this problem.
I even turn off the power saving of the computer and the hard drive... but after an hour of inactivity all the apps are killed ( except osx).
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3), HDD seagate Momentus XT ST750LX003
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Dec 7, 2010
Does anyone use one of these? I thinking of replacing my Bootcamp HD with a 500gb one of these. An SSD is too pricey for me in larger sizes, so I'm thinking this would be a nice stop-gap until prices are sub �1=1gb. What's it like for noise/speed?
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Apr 25, 2012
As title. Heard a lot about the temp sensor that might cause this an issue? If its a problem, would it work if i installed it as a 2nd drive?
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Dec 20, 2010
After I got my MBP, I upgraded to the Seagate Momentus XT, and everything was fantastic.I know this may sound crazy, but today I upgraded my RAM to 8GB, and ever since, the XT is SO much louder and I can really feel the vibration. Do you think I may have shifted it while replacing the RAM? Is there something I can do to make it quieter again?
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Dec 4, 2009
Just bought an eyetv hybrid. I ran it through my dual G5 and sent it back to my tv and wasn't impressed with the video quality. It ran a little better on my new mac mini (I love the mini!!!) but was wondering what kind of performance I would get from the 250 when viewing HD Channels. Can I expect better performance from the 250 on HD channels or are the two models comparable? I noticed that the Hybrid seemed to lag somewhat when there was movement onscreen. Also, will I be able to get Comcast HD channels? I plan on upgrading to HD service soon.[My apologies if this has been addressed: I've searched through some of the threads and I didn't see anything make mention of the HD capability that is now available to 250.]
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Sep 6, 2010
first of all I would like to say that I am new to macrumors but not new to macs. I'm currently using a 15" MacBook Pro i7 with HR-AG. I have owned a 15" uMBP 2.8ghz (mid-2009), a 13" uMB 2.0ghz (late-2008) and a 13" Blackbook (late 2006).
i know it's alot of macs in a small timeframe but i love macs and always want to upgrade...which brings me to my next question..
Has anyone tried the Seagate Hybrid XT SSD, 7200RPM?
I want the performance of an ssd but not the high price tag. If someone is running this drive, I would like to hear about your experience with it.
I don't use my computer for editing, just browsing, notes and e-mail. However i am very curious about boot times. I love how fast an ssd boots up, and since i don't run any data intensive apps at all, i think a hybrid drive may be all that I need.
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Jul 6, 2010
Some of you may remember my original post about the Seagate momentus XT and how it was a Hybrid SSHDD (hybrid solid state/hard disk drive) - it had 4GB of onboard flash memory and a 500GB hard drive platter - this allowed you to combine the advantages of both (while loosing a bit of the reliability and resistance to vibration) and have a fast drive with lots of storage. What was stored on the flash memory would be managed by the drive controller to give you best possible performance.
At the time several people (myself included) wondered how much of a performance gain there was.
This video proves a lot: [URL]
So, is anyone reconsidering getting one of these. I tried to with the first batch but they were gone within about 4 hours. (edit: on newegg)
As things are going, I'm definetly planning to put this baby in my macbook pro once i order one (later this year or sometime next year)
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Oct 4, 2010
Any advice on the below ExpressCard 34 SSD card for an OSX boot drive on a unibody 2010 MBP? [URL]
I'll be running Snow Leopard and would plan to create a partition on my internal to clone the OS and apps on the card just in case something goes wrong.
I've heard (and seen) really good things when people have successfully used these FileMates for boot drives. On the other hand, I've also read about people having issues with sleep/wake functions when booting from ExpressCard SSDs. If it's likely to perfect aside from sleep / wake, considering the speedy load times, I may be willing to take the leap and give the sleep function a miss.
Too good to be true?
If so, my plan b is the SeaGate Momentus XT Hybrid Drive, 320-500gb with a 4gb flash:[URL]
Both options look good, just not sure if one would turn out better in reality than the other.
I have a 2010 unibody 15" 2.4ghz core i5 with 4gb ram and a 320gb hdd at present. I use it predominantly for video editing, using FCP, Motion, Nuke and Shake mainly.
As such, I'm interested to improve the setup of my machine by adding an SSD (in express 34 form) or increasing the rpm of the internal to a 7200 (as per the SeaGate). Any ideas which would benefit more?
In my head it makes more sense to go for the SSD as it will relieve the internal hdd from having to deal with running the OS and apps, it can just be used for footage, audio and other media. Not sure if that'll work out in reality though
Quite confused, sorry for the ramblings, if you're still reading - "well done, and thank you!".
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Oct 9, 2010
I was just wondering if this SSD [URL] will work with my late 2007 Macbook(3,1).
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Aug 4, 2010
For those unaware of what Hybrid SLI is, it allows you to use the integrated and discrete video cards that the higher-end MacBook Pro's come with together simultaneously to get you better performance in graphic-intensive programs and games. I saw an option under the "High Performance" power plan settings that enables Hybrid SLI, but that disappeared after installing the Boot Camp drivers. I found out through a quick Google search that it would be easy to bring the option back, but does the MacBook Pro really support Hybrid SLI now and do you think it would be safe to use it on the MacBook Pro? Hybrid SLI could definitely add a few frames per second when playing games, so it would be a nice addition considering how every MacBook Pro has a mid-range video card.
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Nov 25, 2010
Newegg has a deal for the Seagate Momentus XT 500GB 7200 Hybrid SSD drive for $99.00 The reviews on their site are kind of mix on this drive, but all other sources I have found are positive I did order it, and wanted to pass it along to the group
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Dec 2, 2010
Just curious as to whether or not there is a consensus on a recommended hard drive other than an SSD or the Seagate Momentus XT hybrid? I received my new 2010 13" MBP yesterday and installed a new 500GB Seagate Momentus XT into the unit. Off of a clean install of OS X, the system worked fine. I did the obligatory software update to 10.6.5 as well as four other updates and it never got past the grey boot up screen. Couldn't get past that no matter what I tried.
So unfortunately, this has soured by tastebuds on the Seagate. There have been numerous posts about issues with this HDD on and I knew that going in, so I'm not looking to particularly rehash it. I tried, it didn't work, time to move on. It will go back. I'm not interested in paying the steep price for performance that an SSD involves. I would prefer to have the additional capacity (320GB+). That said, are there any particular recommendations for a reliable, fast 500GB HDD for my new MBP? Or is it more of a situation where they're all with 1-2% of each other? The unit with most/best reviews seems to be the Seagate Momentus 7200.4. I'm still a little bit bitter about Seagate at the moment, but I'm willing to keep an open mind.
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Dec 11, 2014
I have installed a Seagate 1 TB hybrid drive (8gb flash, 2.5", 5400 rpm) in my Mac 8.1 (early 2011 MBP, 16 gb memory), which runs the Yosemite OS. After reading about SSD's and Trim, and the negative effect of Trim disabling upon SSDs after several months, I am wondering if there is a need to enable/disable Trim upon a THD (traditional hd drv) which has 8gb flash for quick booting.?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Trim and Hybrid HD
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Jul 1, 2014
I recently bought a new SSHD/Hybrid Drive for my mid-2012 MBP and I plan on installing it. The drive matches all physical requirements to fit inside my laptop, however the issue is on getting OS X to boot on the drive. I was looking into booting from a USB drive as it was the most convenient option for me that I saw while surfing Apple's website. However, in the system's requirement anecdote, it stated that it [the recovery disk file] was incompatible with all Fusion drives, which worried me. I've seen some people state that the Fusion and Hybrid are the same thing, and some say it's not, but in the case they are the same, how will I be able to boot the OS onto it? I am trying to avoid bringing it to the Genius Bar to have it installed, but if I have to, I guess.
I am also increasing my RAM from 4 GB to 16 GB.
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Dec 24, 2010
does anyone have any experience with this drive?i have the momentus xt which i love . but i just got as a gift , the intel x25-v and i would like to put it on my macbook pro and also throw another hard drive only for storage .is the momentus lp a good hdd ? or what do you guys think is the best ? buying a new hard drive (5400rpm ) or keep the momentus xt (7200rpm) just for storage ?
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May 27, 2010
I had an X25-M in my hands yesterday but RMA'd it to newegg and got the Momentus XT (see my thread). Yes, performance is very good but it only remembers your most used apps. I want consistent speed across the board no matter which app it is. Also, the main reason I am returning is I did not think the vibration was too much until I threw my 5400 Hitachi stock drive back into the machine.It's night and day difference. So I'm going to Optibay+X25-M it. Sucks I have to deal with returns and bite the 15% restocking fee on the Momentus XT (and about $12 for cancelling the order for the optibay alternative+ SATA SuperDrive enclosure) in addition to returning the item, but now I know.
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Jun 15, 2010
Forgive me if this is a stupid question. I'm ordering my 13" MBP tonight and ordering the 500gb Momentus XT as well; I've never had a mac before/used bootcamp I was wondering if when you partition the hard drive for whatever other OS you are going to install (7 64b for me) do you also have to partition some of the flash memory or is the flash memory for all partitions?
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Sep 1, 2010
currently i try to move all my files from old hitachi 250gb to new momentus via time machine , yet it fail after 6 percent. so i decide to do a fresh install of mac Os 10.6 but then it no responding at 27 minutes remaining . i try to use both DVD and external Hdd to install but still the same result . i tried to update the momentus Firmware via [URL] yet still same result?
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Sep 1, 2010
I have two 500GB Momentus XT drives in my i7 MBP. each filled to 60-80% capacity. But when I'm doing anything from typing to playing back HD video in FCP, it lags and stutters, then catch up to itself. I did the firmware upgrades to the hard drives, and I have 6GB of RAM. What on EARTH would be causing this? It's driving me crazy! I ordered a Hitachi standard 7200RPM drive to swap into this to see if it's a hard drive issue or a RAM issues, but I'm guessing it's the Momentus.
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Oct 30, 2010
I've got a limited budget - say $200 tops and want to eke out some performance gains from my late 08 MBP 2.53ghz 4GB ram. I'm by no means a power user but am guilty of running too much stuff (read - too lazy to close *****). I typically will have the following open
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Nov 8, 2010
I have had a seagate hybrid for a semester of school. I recently open disk utility to realize there's a big chunk of the hard drive allocated as "free space." I never partitioned the drive yet in utility it show's the drive as 2 partitions. Is this normal?
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May 24, 2010
Been on these forums browsing around snooping info for a while now. I'm in the market for a 2010 MBP and i am really looking into the SSD's. The downside is there price and the relative small storage space.But now i read some post on a tech website about the seagate momentus XTWhich is a 500Gb HDD @ 7200 RPM with a 4GB flash memory. Now i'm intrested to see what you guys think of this concept would it be a good deal to get this into a MBP or just stick with the 500Gb apple HDD till the price on SSD's drop.
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May 24, 2010
The new hybrid went on sale today, I ordered a 500GB. Figured I would let you guys know how it works out.Here's some numbers with my traditional Seagate 500GB 5400RPM in my 13" Macbook ProLaunch Photoshop CS4 (following reboot): 18 Seconds Transfering a 1.4GB file from a Sandisk Cruzer (Flash Drive): 58 Seconds* I will update as soon as the XT arrives. The reviews make it seem like a great alternative to an SSD.
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Jun 5, 2010
I ordered one of these early last week from Tiger Direct, and since the whole world has ordered one as well, it's severely back ordered.But I have been getting concerned with all these reviews I am seeing, that it vibrates enough to be a sex toy. the 13" MBP apparently is nuts.. but maybe that was just his drive? I used a friends 13" Sony Vaio last night, and it felt like a jack hammer, and i was like "Please please please don't be like this"my MBP is 15" (see sig), the momentus is juts 7200 RPM right? not any more than another drive? what are your guys experience with 7200 RPM in MBP's (make sure you state your size)
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Jun 21, 2012
As above i need to know if this hard drive the seagate momentus xt 750 gb will work with my macbook pro the mac is a 2010 model 2.66 i7,8gb ram,500 gb 7200 drive someone told me that it wont as my mac is sata 2 and the momentus drive is sata 3 just need to find out before i go a buy one of these drives.
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Sep 21, 2010
Just ordered a Momentus XT 500 GB to install in my current model 17 inch MBP. I was wondering if anyone had any experience with this drive, and if there were any special tips along the way as far as installation/data migration goes?I generally format my drives as Mac OS Extended (Journaled), is this drive OK with that as well? Do I need to do anything special in partitioning for the 4GB SSD portion?
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Nov 8, 2010
I have had a seagate hybrid for a semester of school. I recently open disk utility to realize there's a big chunk of the hard drive allocated as "free space."I never partitioned the drive yet in utility it show's the drive as 2 partitions. is this normal?.
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