MacBook Pro :: Hybrid Disk Drive And Trim
Dec 11, 2014
I have installed a Seagate 1 TB hybrid drive (8gb flash, 2.5", 5400 rpm) in my Mac 8.1 (early 2011 MBP, 16 gb memory), which runs the Yosemite OS. After reading about SSD's and Trim, and the negative effect of Trim disabling upon SSDs after several months, I am wondering if there is a need to enable/disable Trim upon a THD (traditional hd drv) which has 8gb flash for quick booting.?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Trim and Hybrid HD
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Jun 2, 2010
I purchased an Intel 34nm 160GB SSD 12 months ago to install in my MBP 13". It has been an excellent drive, however, started to significantly slow down over the last few months. The only way I was able to recover to original speeds was by formatting the entire drive as a windows drive and running the Intel SSD Toolbox app in Win 7 (manual trim command).Finally I reinstalled OSX and voila drive was as fast as when I initially purchased it.Either Intel needs to release a OSX compatible toolbox app or Apple needs to build the functionality into OSX.I know this has been a topic before but thought I'd share my experience.
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Nov 25, 2010
Newegg has a deal for the Seagate Momentus XT 500GB 7200 Hybrid SSD drive for $99.00 The reviews on their site are kind of mix on this drive, but all other sources I have found are positive I did order it, and wanted to pass it along to the group
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Apr 5, 2012
I'm going to update my Macbook pro running 10.6.8 to as SSD, which drive will trim support? macbookpro1.2 (A1151)
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Dec 4, 2009
Just bought an eyetv hybrid. I ran it through my dual G5 and sent it back to my tv and wasn't impressed with the video quality. It ran a little better on my new mac mini (I love the mini!!!) but was wondering what kind of performance I would get from the 250 when viewing HD Channels. Can I expect better performance from the 250 on HD channels or are the two models comparable? I noticed that the Hybrid seemed to lag somewhat when there was movement onscreen. Also, will I be able to get Comcast HD channels? I plan on upgrading to HD service soon.[My apologies if this has been addressed: I've searched through some of the threads and I didn't see anything make mention of the HD capability that is now available to 250.]
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Oct 21, 2010
Could someone check in their System Profiler -> Serial-ATATRIM would be really useful during the lifetime of the flash drive.
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Jul 1, 2014
I recently bought a new SSHD/Hybrid Drive for my mid-2012 MBP and I plan on installing it. The drive matches all physical requirements to fit inside my laptop, however the issue is on getting OS X to boot on the drive. I was looking into booting from a USB drive as it was the most convenient option for me that I saw while surfing Apple's website. However, in the system's requirement anecdote, it stated that it [the recovery disk file] was incompatible with all Fusion drives, which worried me. I've seen some people state that the Fusion and Hybrid are the same thing, and some say it's not, but in the case they are the same, how will I be able to boot the OS onto it? I am trying to avoid bringing it to the Genius Bar to have it installed, but if I have to, I guess.
I am also increasing my RAM from 4 GB to 16 GB.
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Apr 18, 2012
I have change the hard drive in my macbook aluminium 2009, the new drive is Seagate (Momentus XT ST750LX003) hybrid drive.Each time osx turn off the drive all the applications are killed except osx. I have tested 2 different drives and i have the same problem with both. Seagate do not have anything about this problem.
I even turn off the power saving of the computer and the hard drive... but after an hour of inactivity all the apps are killed ( except osx).
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3), HDD seagate Momentus XT ST750LX003
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Nov 12, 2010
This is in regards to the 2010 mini. I have been reading up on SSD, Hybrids and FW800 with a 7200. What is the easiest AND most effective/cost effective solution? If I went he FW800 route, can I use the same drive as my data storage drive? Will there be enough headroom to run the OS over FW and use the drive to stream movies playing in another room on Apple TV2 simultaneously? Will this give me a performance increase over the internal 5400 if I use the external 7200 for everything over FW800?
That is where my thoughts about the hybrid come into play. I know I can stream the iTunes content over USB2, which I have at the moment for the big drive. I would need to go buy an enclosure with FW800 to run it as a boot drive. I could use that same money and go get a 500GB Hybrid drive and install myself and leave the USB2 as data only. If the install is painless but tedious, I might just do that. If the FW800 route would be robust enough to run the OS and stream data to other devices simultaneously (ie use it as I would the regular internal drive), I might just do that and wait for SSD prices to come tumbling down and do a bigger internal SSD in the future.
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Apr 25, 2012
As title. Heard a lot about the temp sensor that might cause this an issue? If its a problem, would it work if i installed it as a 2nd drive?
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Jan 17, 2010
I recently stopped at the store to see what the problem was with my disk drive and i was told that my disk drive is failing i bought my white macbook in 11/2008 and didnt purchase the extended warranty badtimes but the guy from said it would cost $250 for a new disk drive. Is it possible to buy the disk drive from somewhere else and install it my self??? Im just curious if its cheaper to do it myself or have apple do it
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Jun 27, 2014
I have a Seagate 1 TB Backup Plus Drive which was working perfectly fine until I plugged it into a USB hub. It detected it while in the hub and I was able to get files off of it, but when I ejected it from the hub and put it back into the USB slot on the computer it was not detected by finder. It shows up in the disk utility and I clicked verify and repair and it says:
Verify and Repair volume “Seagate Backup Plus Drive”
Checking file system
Volume repair complete.
Updating boot support partitions for the volume as required.
Disk Utility can’t repair this disk. Back up as many of your files as possible, reformat the disk, and restore your backed-up files.
Is there any way to get this to work properly again? Or if not is there a way for me to recover my files on the external hard drive?
I have a Macbook PRO late 2011 running OS X Mavericks.
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Sep 6, 2010
first of all I would like to say that I am new to macrumors but not new to macs. I'm currently using a 15" MacBook Pro i7 with HR-AG. I have owned a 15" uMBP 2.8ghz (mid-2009), a 13" uMB 2.0ghz (late-2008) and a 13" Blackbook (late 2006).
i know it's alot of macs in a small timeframe but i love macs and always want to upgrade...which brings me to my next question..
Has anyone tried the Seagate Hybrid XT SSD, 7200RPM?
I want the performance of an ssd but not the high price tag. If someone is running this drive, I would like to hear about your experience with it.
I don't use my computer for editing, just browsing, notes and e-mail. However i am very curious about boot times. I love how fast an ssd boots up, and since i don't run any data intensive apps at all, i think a hybrid drive may be all that I need.
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Jun 1, 2010
Does anyone know what the deal is this this drive? Amazon shows "not yet released"; Newegg keeps pushing their ETA date out day by day, and others don't even list it. Newegg has 5 reviews for the drive, though.Has anyone got the inside scoop on when these things will truly become available? I'm trying to hold off bootcamping my new MBP until I can upgrade the HD; the process of cloning a drive with OS X and Win 7 on it looks to be a 2 step process I was hoping to avoid.
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Jul 6, 2010
Some of you may remember my original post about the Seagate momentus XT and how it was a Hybrid SSHDD (hybrid solid state/hard disk drive) - it had 4GB of onboard flash memory and a 500GB hard drive platter - this allowed you to combine the advantages of both (while loosing a bit of the reliability and resistance to vibration) and have a fast drive with lots of storage. What was stored on the flash memory would be managed by the drive controller to give you best possible performance.
At the time several people (myself included) wondered how much of a performance gain there was.
This video proves a lot: [URL]
So, is anyone reconsidering getting one of these. I tried to with the first batch but they were gone within about 4 hours. (edit: on newegg)
As things are going, I'm definetly planning to put this baby in my macbook pro once i order one (later this year or sometime next year)
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Aug 21, 2010
How long/soon do you guys think we have to wait till OS X gets TRIM support? Do you think we will get it in 10.6.5 or do you think we will have to wait till 10.7?
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Aug 25, 2014
I recently updated to a Macbook pro 15" with 1TB SSD, should I use TRIM enabler? I have read conflicting information online, and am unsure if I should do this. What are the advantages? What are the dis-advantages? What is the process?
MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 1TB SSD
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Jun 4, 2014
I have an old Macbook via 2007 and I'm trying to update my operating system (currently OS 10.5.8) to Snow Leopard, but the disk is not reading in the disk drive. And unfortunately, Snow Leopard is only on a DVD, it can't be downloaded.I figure I have 2 choices:
1) take it in and spend $49 to have them do diagnostics and then tell me they probably need to replace the superdrive
2) I could buy an external optical drive. But I would need to know which one would be compatable with my old *** Macbook.
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Oct 4, 2010
Any advice on the below ExpressCard 34 SSD card for an OSX boot drive on a unibody 2010 MBP? [URL]
I'll be running Snow Leopard and would plan to create a partition on my internal to clone the OS and apps on the card just in case something goes wrong.
I've heard (and seen) really good things when people have successfully used these FileMates for boot drives. On the other hand, I've also read about people having issues with sleep/wake functions when booting from ExpressCard SSDs. If it's likely to perfect aside from sleep / wake, considering the speedy load times, I may be willing to take the leap and give the sleep function a miss.
Too good to be true?
If so, my plan b is the SeaGate Momentus XT Hybrid Drive, 320-500gb with a 4gb flash:[URL]
Both options look good, just not sure if one would turn out better in reality than the other.
I have a 2010 unibody 15" 2.4ghz core i5 with 4gb ram and a 320gb hdd at present. I use it predominantly for video editing, using FCP, Motion, Nuke and Shake mainly.
As such, I'm interested to improve the setup of my machine by adding an SSD (in express 34 form) or increasing the rpm of the internal to a 7200 (as per the SeaGate). Any ideas which would benefit more?
In my head it makes more sense to go for the SSD as it will relieve the internal hdd from having to deal with running the OS and apps, it can just be used for footage, audio and other media. Not sure if that'll work out in reality though
Quite confused, sorry for the ramblings, if you're still reading - "well done, and thank you!".
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Oct 9, 2010
I was just wondering if this SSD [URL] will work with my late 2007 Macbook(3,1).
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Jul 29, 2009
I've spent the best part of the day researching SSD drives, I'm wanting to pop one in my MBP.I've been looking at the OCZ Vertex and also the Intel X-25M Gen 2.I've set my heart on getting the OCZ but after spending a good hour on their forums, it seems that (like all other drives) there isn't a 'wiper' tool available for OSX.Should this affect my decision? No-one knows if Snow Leopard will support TRIM and I don't want to left with a drive that has lost most of it's umph after a few weeks.I don't claim to know all the details of TRIM (I'm a mere-mortal wanting faster performance), so please feel free to put my mind at ease
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Mar 3, 2010
First post so I apologize for any rules I may be breaking. A lot of discussion on this forum has centered around SSD's and their use. From what I have gathered, the price is quite high, but the speed is impressive. I am going to university next year and am looking for a new laptop. I have used Windows all my life and don't have anything that really requires OSX (graphics applications, etc). However, I like the design of the MBP and want something high quality that will last me 4 years. The SSD's are looking pretty appealing for the sheer speed, but OSX doesn't support TRIM, which could affect future speeds.
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Jun 21, 2010
So after knowing nothing about SSDs I finally ordered this one for my 2010 i5 MBP.
I have searched and I know Snow Leopard doesn't support TRIM yet but I was wondering if I use boot camp and install Windows 7 won't TRIM be available then? I can install all the software that came with the SSD under Windows. So my question is if I do that will the Trim feature only work on the Windows 7 partition or the entire drive?
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Aug 4, 2010
For those unaware of what Hybrid SLI is, it allows you to use the integrated and discrete video cards that the higher-end MacBook Pro's come with together simultaneously to get you better performance in graphic-intensive programs and games. I saw an option under the "High Performance" power plan settings that enables Hybrid SLI, but that disappeared after installing the Boot Camp drivers. I found out through a quick Google search that it would be easy to bring the option back, but does the MacBook Pro really support Hybrid SLI now and do you think it would be safe to use it on the MacBook Pro? Hybrid SLI could definitely add a few frames per second when playing games, so it would be a nice addition considering how every MacBook Pro has a mid-range video card.
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Apr 29, 2012
I own a MBP 13" early 2011 model I just recently Upgraded my 320GB hard drive to an intel 520 SSD (240gb). After setting up lion 10.7.3 i realized that TRIM was not enabled by default. after searching around I found a way to enable it. However, I've also read that alot of sandforce 2281 controllers have their own form of garbage collection. intel uses some custom firmware they written so would it be benificial if i enable trim or not?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Nov 26, 2010
It looks like OS X supports TRIM, but still says that my SSD doesn't support it. How stupid is that?
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Dec 2, 2010
Just curious as to whether or not there is a consensus on a recommended hard drive other than an SSD or the Seagate Momentus XT hybrid? I received my new 2010 13" MBP yesterday and installed a new 500GB Seagate Momentus XT into the unit. Off of a clean install of OS X, the system worked fine. I did the obligatory software update to 10.6.5 as well as four other updates and it never got past the grey boot up screen. Couldn't get past that no matter what I tried.
So unfortunately, this has soured by tastebuds on the Seagate. There have been numerous posts about issues with this HDD on and I knew that going in, so I'm not looking to particularly rehash it. I tried, it didn't work, time to move on. It will go back. I'm not interested in paying the steep price for performance that an SSD involves. I would prefer to have the additional capacity (320GB+). That said, are there any particular recommendations for a reliable, fast 500GB HDD for my new MBP? Or is it more of a situation where they're all with 1-2% of each other? The unit with most/best reviews seems to be the Seagate Momentus 7200.4. I'm still a little bit bitter about Seagate at the moment, but I'm willing to keep an open mind.
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Oct 26, 2009
only under Windows 7...At least OS X users will get the write speed bump [URL] /Deta...17485&lang=eng
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Jan 23, 2010
I�m not quite sure if this has been mentioned before, but I was wondering if the TRIM command would be functional if I was to run Windows 7 via VMware or bootcamp?
I know Snow Leopard does not support TRIM and Windows 7 does, so I was hoping as a workaround to this issue, I would run windows 7 on vmware and maybe reap the benefits of TRIM support in Windows 7? I do on occasion use Windows 7 via VMware, so I'm not only considering installing it for just the TRIM command function.
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Nov 14, 2010
Your answer might affect my decision about the purchase ofOCZ Deneva 50Gb SSD drive with SF-2500/SF-2600 controller when it comes out (early 2011).
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