MacBook Pro :: External Display Not Being Detected At All
May 12, 2010
I have a Hanns-G 22in monitor that I'm trying to connect to my new Macbook Pro. There's a DVI cable connected from the monitor to the macbook pro with a little converter cable. I've tried what seems like every iteration of sleeping, turning off, and turning on both the laptop and the monitor to no avail. The monitor always remains black as if it's connected to nothing. I know the monitor is good, too, as I use it for my PC on a daily basis.
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Jun 9, 2012
I have a MacBook Air and am trying via DVI cable to connect another display? The Mac will not detect the other screen. Any suggestions would be terrific. Do I need to "install" the old screen?
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.0.1
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Jun 7, 2010
i m using LG22inch monitor, it is a vga cable connected to a dvi adapter connected to a dvi miniport.
initially i tried to plug it in without AC power, but ext monitor screen is black. I surfed the net for some solutions, it says tat the AC power must be plugged in for the external monitor to work.
However, when i plug in AC power, the ext monitor is still sleeping, even though i can detect it in my profile settings.. what can i do to wake it up?
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Apr 14, 2012
I'm running Mac OS X Lion (latest version) on a MacBook Pro mid-2010 model. OS X Lion was installed via recovery tools a few days ago. Today I plugged in a brand new Crucial M4 SSD via USB and it got detected. I restarted the laptop in recovery mode using cmd + R and chose to install Lion on the external SSD. For this I first had to partition the SSD before it showed up as a valid drive where Lion could be installed. The installation went almost to the end, but then stopped rather strangely for a very long time. So I decided to cancel the installation and restarted the laptop normally. Since then the Crucial M4 SSD is not being detected at all (doesn't even show up in Disk Utility).
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Apr 11, 2010
I recently purchased an LG Flatron monitor to use as my second display for my MacBook Pro (unibody). I had it working with great results for about a week, but today when I plugged it in, the monitor is not detected. I have been looking through other's problems trying many of the same things, to no avail. [URL]
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Jan 7, 2011
I have a 2009 model of Mac Mini and I have a 32" Samsung TV as the primary display hooked up though MiniDVI converted to VGA and it works properly. But my second Sony 19" monitor hooked up though DisplayPort Converted to VGA does not receive signal. It is detected by Display but no signal is being sent to it. When I have only the monitor though the DisplayPort hooked up it doesn't receive signal but when I have one only though the MiniDVI it displays fine so I know its not the Monitors.
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Sep 25, 2010
I have a western digital hard drive which I am using as backup it's setup with time machine but now when I connect that hard drive to other PC OR MAC it do not detect or sync and I want it to work on other computers how would I change that.
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Dec 30, 2009
I have a Macbook Air somehow has lost/ damaged the user DB as none of the none of the user accounts are available. In single user mode, I have checked the users in the password file and my username is not listed. I tried changing the root password but I was unable to logon. I tried deleting the .AppleSetupDone file, but it always hangs on trying to configure computer. I tried adding a user but im getting errors using dscl. My last resort is to just copy the user files using SUM and then reinstall. My problem is that I am unable to detect my usb drive in SUM. It does not show up when I do ls /dev/disk* but I do get a message when I disconnect the usb drive. I do not have an OS disk, nor do I have a superdrive with me. I just want to mount the USB drive and copy the files in SUM.
Additional info:
Macbook Air 10.5.8
External drive: Maxtor One Touch II 250GB
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Sep 4, 2014
My external display (HP w2207) seems to conflict with my MacBook Pro (15 inch Retina display, early 2013) since I upgraded MacBook OS to 10.9.4.The external display works at initial boot of Mac but does not work after OS sleeps and I attempt to awaken, and while the external display is not waking, the Retina display flashes through different screen views, which only partially reflect my normal screen, or do not reflect my normal screen at all.
OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jun 19, 2012
While using Google Sketchup and several other prgrams concurrently my macbook air cpu heats up substantiall. I like keeping the air "open" to allow for maximum heat disipation but of course this keeps the air screen on while I only want to use my external monitor. Is the only way to turn of the air screen turning down the brightness and using the "Mirror Display" option or is there another setting which alows my to utilize only the external display while the screen is open on the air?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Mar 2, 2009
As the title states. I am looking for an external display that matches the display on my black MacBook. I want one with the same gloss finish as my MacBook, this way I can calibrate both screens to look the same. That way when I switch screens it doesn't look different.
Anyone know of a screen that looks identical to the (previous generation) MacBook? I was thinking of getting a Samsung T240 but it has a different finish. How are ASUS screens? Any screens out there that have the same gloss finish?
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Apr 5, 2010
i'm hoping someone can help me out on this little problemmy usual set up is a pair of speakers connected with jacks via an m-audio usb audio interface, with an external monitor connected via mini-dvi to for some reason my audio interface has randomly broken (on a side note, could a power cut have somehow broken a usb peripheral connected to my macbook whilst it was asleep?) so i've hooked up my speakers to the line out to rca. Now for some reason, when i plug the mini dvi connector into my macbook i get an incredible amount of hum. not just a little, alot!
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Jun 4, 2012
I have an 13" MBP that I ordered new in April, 2012. It is running Lion. I have an external monitor that is capable of 1440x900 resolution. I have an external keyboard and trackpad hooked up, and I like to close my MBP up and stick it in a BookArc. I want to be able to have the internal display disabled and to have the MBP only allow me to put windows on the external display, so long as the lid is closed. I also want to be sure that I am taking advantage of the resolutions available on my external monitor, which are higher than those supported by the internal display (specifically 1440x900).
This doesn't seem to work because I either have to allow the MBP to continue to draw my desktop across both screens (internal and external), OR use the "mirror displays" mode, which restricts my resolution of my external monitor. This means I either forgoe the additional resolution benefits of my external monitor, or I end up with windows that fall off-the-cliff, so to speak, because they are drawn in the portion of the desktop that would be shown on my internal display (which is closed).
I've read the community support pages on using the MBP with an external monitor, most relevantly, this page. It simply recommends using the "mirror displays" option. However, this option, as I mentioned above, doesn't allow me to make use of the additional resolution, and my external display looks bad. how to keep the 13" MBP in closed clamshell position, with the internal display disabled, and use my external monitor at resolutions higher than those allowed by the 13" MBP but which are available to my external monitor when not in "mirror displays" mode?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3), External display (1440x900)
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Jun 24, 2012
I am wondering that is it essential to connect power adaptor all the time while operating in closed calmshell mode? When I unpluged the cable it didn't work. Is there some way?
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1.1
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Dec 1, 2014
I have a new 27" iMac retina display. Is there any way to use it as an external display (since it does not support Target Display Mode)?
iMac with Retina 5K display, OS X Yosemite 10.10.1
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May 22, 2007
For the past few months i have been using an external display hooked up to my 12" powerbook g4. I have had it on a dual display mode so no mirroring. Recently i would open the laptop lid waking it from being in sleep mode and my internal display will not turn on. The apply system profiler does not even recognize that the internal display exists. My external display works fine and has always been set as the main display. If i go to detect displays nothign happens. I have tried restarting the computer, instering system disks, unplugging the external and nothing has worked. I simply cannot get my internal screen to fire back up. When i used to unplug my external display the internal display would switch back to being the main display and everything would be fine. Now i cannot get the internal display to function whatsoever. Please try and help me as a need this laptop working and i will be ordering a mac pro soon for use with my external display.
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Jan 23, 2008
Just wondering if anyone could help me figure this out.
I have my 40" flat screen plugged into my imac via VGA cable to mirror the image.
I'm just trying to have the imac display sleep while I play a movie full screen through the external TV.
I've tried two different ways but both have failed.
1-I set up a hot corner in the imac to sleep display but this results in both the display and the TV sleeping.
2-I just set the power settings to sleep after 1 minute. This works but then If a movie is playing the computer won't go to sleep.
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Dec 12, 2008
I have a Macbook Air, and i just picked up the new LED ACD from my local apple store. Since im new to mac, is there a way to either close my Air and not have it go to sleep? I want to use the external display as the primary display with my laptop closed, any ideas?
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Apr 25, 2009
I am about to buy a new 24" iMac. I currently have a Dell 2408WFP 1920*1200 display which I would like to use as a second display for the iMac.
Which Mini Dislpayport to DVI adapter do I need? Single-Link or Dual-Link?
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Oct 26, 2008
I have a question about using dual displays with my new macbook. The basic issue is this:
1: plug in second display and setup dual monitor support to use the external hi-res display and the macbook's display (no problem here).
2: drag windows to the external display and resize to use (no problems here either).
3. Power down and disconnect the external display.
4. Start up the macbook without the external display and try and open up a program that I was using previously on the external display. The problem is that it is resized and positioned for the external display and is now off the screen of my macbook display and I can't directly get to the title bar to move it or the resize corner to resize it.
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Jan 13, 2010
I just purchased a 23" monitor to replace my iMacs 17" display (since it has a nasty crack in one of the corners). I hooked it up fine and all, but the displays are linked, allowing me to hover the mouse to the iMac's display which I find annoying most of the time.
Is there a way to make the iMac display zone out and just use the external by itself?
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Nov 10, 2009
I'm interested in the new iMac but could not work with a glossy display. Can anyone share their experiences of using the iMac with an external display? In one respect it seems like a waste to have two monitors but the base model costs little more than the maxed out Mini and seems like the better option.
I would be interested in seeing photos of any setups featuring the iMac and an external display.
Also, is there a way to turn off the iMac display when using an external display?
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Feb 27, 2009
I have a Macbook Pro 2.16 Core Duo, and I'm wanting to install 10.6, but about a year ago, I cracked my screen to the point that I cannot make anything out on it, and haven't replaced it. Instead, I have just been using it in clamshell mode, which has worked out fine so far. My problem is that I cannot get the 10.6 install to show up on my external monitor.
I searched around, and could only find one other similar thread that just ended with the author putting it in clamshell and having it work fine. When I boot to the install and close the screen, I just get a grey box on my external display with a black bar on either side of it. I can't seem to find any other resources, so I'm not entirely sure what to do at this point. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Feb 14, 2012
For the last couple of month or two, my MacBook Pro hasn't always been recognising all of my 4Gb of RAM and only detecting one of the two 2Gb RAM installed.
I thought it might have been a hardware problem but I have been able to restart OS X when it only detects 2Gb and after it has rebooted it would see all 4Gb of RAM but recently (last week or so) when I restart this no longer happens and it still only detects 2Gb not matter how many times I restart.
The 4Gb of RAM installed is the factory shipped RAM and I haven't opened my MBP to make any modifications.
For some reason when I boot into Windows 7 through BootCamp it detects all 4Gb of RAM.
I am having real trouble running some applications that I need due to the fact that I only have half the installed RAM available.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Intel Core 2 Duo 2.66GHz, 4GB RAM
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Mar 24, 2012
I bought a 4-port USB hub (Gear Head if it matters) and it's supposed to just plug in and work. I normally use a USB mouse & keyboard, thus taking up 2 out of 2 of my MacBook Pro's USB slots. I bought the Hub so I could add in a light or speaker for late night gaming sessions and quiet videos respectively. The light on the USB Hub turns on, but it isn't detected by my MacBook Pro. Anything I plug in to it recieves enough power to turn on (Speaker's Power light turns on, Mouse's laser will turn on, etc...) but they aren't detected by the MacBook Pro. IE; Mouse won't move on screen, keyboard will not type, speaker isn't shown as an option for outgoing sound device, etc...
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 24, 2012
Installed a new Seagate Momentus XT 750gb into my mid 2009 mbp. When I tried to install my leopard the HDD was not detected.
So I put in the original HDD and installed leopard into the Seagate via USB with success. Prior installation I formatted the Seagate already.
Then I install the Seagate into the mbp again but still it cannot be detected.
MBP 2.8G Intel Core 2 Duo, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 4Gb RAM
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Jul 6, 2009
My boss is purchasing a 15" MacBook Pro. She wants to use an external desktop display. Our financial officer won't pay $899 for the Apple 24" LED display, and asks me to find something compatible for under $300. Since I don't know anything about Mac (I'm a PC), please tell me what monitors are compatible with a MacBook Pro.
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Mar 26, 2012
How do you turn off the macbook pro display when using an external VGA monitor?
MacBook Pro
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Feb 4, 2010
Using both smcFanControl and istat, I cannot get a reading on my fan speeds. I can hear my exhaust fan spinning, but these programs tell me it is always at 000 rpm. Also, I don't think the fan control is working, as I don't hear an increase in fan speed when I make adjustments.
Does anyone know how I can get these apps to recognize my exhaust fan?
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Mar 2, 2012
my 3g dongle is not detected in both usb ports on my new mac book pro?
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