MacBook Pro :: Document On Desktop That Cannot Be Moved Or Deleted
Jun 9, 2012
I just found something on my looks like an excel spreadsheet. It's labeled Dead9000. I know it isn't mine! I can't move it, can't open it, and can't delete it or send it to trash. Is this some kind of virus or something? What do I do?
I accidentally moved "My Pictures" folder from the My Favorites sidebar in Finder, and I can no longer find the folder. I've searched "all my files" for a My Pictures folder and nothing has come up, not even in the trash (that I haven't yet emptied). I am wondering if there is anyway of getting this folder back, as I had several pictures and folders organized within that My Pictures folder. All of my pictures are somewhere still on my computer but even they are hard to locate now without them being in any folder. Would be difficult to have to re-organize every single thing that was in that folder.
I bought me a brand new iMac. I freaking love this thing, don't know why I didn't make the jump (back) sooner. Anywho, I have two external hard drives in which I used to transfer data, including some pictures and audio from my Windows Vista computer to the new Mac. I go ahead and finish transferring over the files. When I go to delete the files off my external hard drive, I am met with a "the item (insert file name here) can't be moved to the trash because it can't be deleted". Now, I notice that this happens with ANY file or folder that I attempt to move to the trash can from either of my external hard drives. I can't seem to find a solutions anywhere either via a Google search or on this forum.
When I select a message and press delete I get a warning saying:
The message ... could not be moved to the mailbox Deleted Messages POP Account
The destination mailbox Deleted Messages POP Account does not allow messages to be moved to it. I can drag a message to the 'On My Mac' folder and select delete and this removes the email - but seems wrong.
This is my first mac (first day), im used to a deleted message going to a bin which you choose to empty as and when.
My phone calls and it's my (pc-centric) friend Kasper. He's on msn with his girlfriend in Switzerland and she's panicking. She's just accidentally moved her desktop (including everything on it off course) to the trash. She's also trashed Skype (might have been on desktop?!?). And now she can't move it back out again!Unfortunately I'm not the master of Macs that Kasper hopes and I've no idea what to do about this except try to restart. To calm his girlfriend down I've told him to tell her that I'll be back in 30 min. with expert advice from Macrumors... So, what advice should I pass on to him to her?
I moved my documents folder to my desktop and it disappeared and then i found another folder for my documents and moved it to my dock. And then a icon for my documents ended up on my desktop. When I delete the documents folder on my desktop the format for all my .rar files change to .vlc format. And if I keep the documents on my desktop the files are alright and I'm still able to use it. I tried changing the type of format but it still doesn't work. Does anyone know what I can do to delete the documents folder off of my desktop and keep the format the same??
I somehow managed to do something really silly, I don't know how exactly I did it, but I had moved my desktop to the trash. So now it's sitting there in the trash. I don't dare do anything until I get some proper advice. Can I just drag it back to my home folder and clear the trash?
My safari icon was moved from my dock to my desktop. I am trying to move it back and not have the icon on my desktop. But everytime I drag it to the dock it leaves the icon on my desktop and puts one in the dock. I tried command drag but it didn't work and if I erase the icon on my desktop I loose the whole program. And my kids have an account for themselves and the safari icon is missing completely and they cant get on the internet at all using there account. Can I put the icon back in there account without deleting there account and starting a new one.
In foolishly thinking I could save all my documents by dragging the "Documents" portion of the Hard Drive menu on my eMac, the Documents box went "poof." How do I restore this back to the menu?
I was trying to open an existing Numbers document saved to my desktop. It took me to the App Store, but I didn't have access to a Wireless network. If it needed an update, why does it require the update to open an existing/previously saved document?
I recently changed the iTunes Media Folder default location to a different area on my drive. I waited a couple minutes and the files did not move. I was unaware you had to go into your settings and also select to consolodate files. Since the files didn't move I reselected my default location and kept trying to go back and forth a couple times. After letting it sit for a couple more minutes I noticed over 200 GB's of files were missing. I looked in each folder I tried to change the default Media Folder location to but they were not in either of them. I have also ran multiple system file recover programs and been unable to find them.
A folder appeared on my desktop called "Skype 2" and I cannot delete it. When I try to drag it to trash, it just shows an eject symbol and the folder remains there. I am thinking it may be a virus... is there any way to delete it?
I was using Terminal to install a 'Minecraft Mod' and soon as the code was typed in, my desktop flashed and all the files from there was deleted. I went to Application Support to check something straight after and the whole directory of there had been deleted also. None of my music or pictures were deleted, I'm confused. How to retrieve all my files back again, I had some really important work on the Desktop.
I'm not sure what I should be doing, even when I look in the finder folder the desktop section is cleared out, so there shouldn't be anything on my desktop. The icons are still there though, I can't even click on them or anything!
I have only had my iamc about a month and i was busy emptying trash, but when i looked my desk top stack of documents had gone, i can still get to them other ways but id like the stack back on the desk top where is it ?
I am used to XP's shortcuts where I can put a link to anything on the desktop. I have not been able to find this for OSX. Here are some examples of shortcuts I would like to create:
1. A shortcut to a document 2. A shortcut to an Xcode project 3. A shortcut to a folder 4. A shortcut to a web page
how to embed an image with a link, or embed a Microsoft Word document with a hyperlink built within the document -- not as an attachment into my email -- but where it shows as the email content when opened! Does ANYONE know the secret? Can it be done, or not? My PC clients do it all the time easily. Then I want to be able to send the embedded image/document (not as an attachment, but visable within the email when opened) to many email contacts at once, BUT the individuals receiving them DO NOT SEE the other email contacts.
I didn't put the my documents folder in the trash can and empty the trash. I accidentally took it off the dock, so I went into Macintosh HD in order to put it back on the dock. I went under the "my places" tab and clicked and dragged the my documents tab, but I accidentally let go of the icon before it got to the dock and it disappeared. It was showing the little crumbled up piece of paper icon before it disappeared. So I don't know how to get the my documents folder back. It isn't anywhere on my desktop and it isn't in the Macintosh HD under the "my places" tab. I also don't know how to access the documents that were in there.
I created a new project in Garageband called on my desktop, I imported a midi file into the project, made some changes and saved it.This created two Icons on my desktop. Both with the same exact name of One had the standard document looking icon with the Guitar, and the second which looked like a minni screenshot of my GB tracks.I later moved the one with the "Tracks" icon to my music folder in the "Grarge Band" sub folder. I can still access this project just fine. But the Icon with the document looking Icon with the Guitar still appears on my desktop.If I double click on this desktop Icon, is is highligted with the selection rectangle, but does nothing.If I attempt to drag this Icon to the Trash in the Dock I get the message box saying "The item "" can't be moved to the trash because it can't be deleted."If I RIGHT CLICK (CONTROL-CLICK) on this icon and select "Move to Trash", I get the same dialog box as above.If I open a Finder window in my desktop directory, the file does not appear.If I open up the "Terminal" app and cd to my desktop folder and execute the ls -la command, I do not see this file I include the ls switches to how hidden (beginning with a ".") and including the -i to show the files id/inode number, including a null file spec, an "*" file spec or the actual file name "" as the file spec, it still responds with file not found:ix:Desktop jeff$ pwd/Volumes/IX User/Users/jeff/Desktopix:Desktop jeff$ ls -la QE2.bandls: No such file or directory [code]
How do I delete these files. I can't do anything with them...can't put in folder, can't move to another area of the desktop. They're taking up room. Also, since I installed Lion, I've had other issues with Illustrator...crashing on opening, difficulty opening files. Is Illustrator CS3 not compatible with Lion? I also have Illustrator CS5, but haven't gotten used to it yet. I have no problem never using CS3 again, but the big question right now is how to get rid of the Illustrator temp files on my desktop.
just wondering if anyone knows how to stop attachments in the email i am sending from appearing in the body of my email as the full sized document.i am hoping to find an option that will allow me to only have a document icon with the name of the document.
I have both my gmail accounts set up with teh Mail app on my Macbook Pro , I went ahead and deletd a bunch of files, some that contain attachements and I emptied the trash, they appear to be gone, not really, if i restart the computer and start up Mail again and click the ALL MAIL box all the emails show up again!! and if i search a phrase or name via Spotlight all the emails show up again! I want the emails gone for good, I went into Mail Prefrerence and checked/unchecled all the necessary tabs, I also checked that I dont want messages saved offline, FYI when I check the email inbox via browser / gmail teh emails arent there but they seem to be stored on my mac.
Hopefully this goes here and not the "help" forum. I'm coming to you guys for help because I'm not use to solving Mac-related issues. I'm more of a PC guy usually.
My girlfriend's Macbook (older white one. Bought in 2008, but I believe it was refurbished. I think it's a 13" but I'm not positive) fell a few feet yesterday (it was closed, but hibernating), and I thought it was fine until later that night stuff kept crashing on her and it reset a couple of times. Then it refused to boot up. Finally it started beeping at her 3 times instead of starting up, so I knew it had to be a RAM issue. I figured maybe it got knocked loose.
So I took out the RAM and put it back in. No dice, so I tried it again. This time the Mac booted up like normal. I thought that was it.
Except now, every time she moves the Mac much at all (which is somewhat important, being a laptop and all) something apparently gets jostled and the computer resets. One of these times, it beeped at her three times again, but I was able to boot it back up without having to touch the RAM again.
Any ideas of what the issue or possible fix could be? She's running OS X. It's up and running fine now but I'm afraid to move it too much.
i noticed it happens especially when is taken form down to up or up to down lik for instance form my lap to the desk, which is about 10cm change of hights. the screen goes black, and when I touch the track pad it goes on again and ask me for the login pasword. once in all the programs are on as they were before stand by..
I have checked the system report and i dont have any SAS device installed in the computer, so how does this happen?