MacBook Pro :: Desktop Freezing - Interact With Desktop - Nothing Works
Oct 18, 2010
So over the last month or 2, I have been having this issue where my MBP (early 2008) will act as though the desktop doesnt exist. I can see it, everything functions normally, all programs operate fine, I can use spaces, expose, etc, but when I try to interact with my desktop, nothing works. I cant highlight folders, I can click on anything. Anyone know what might be causing this?
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Aug 30, 2014
When I use software like Pages, Excel, Numento or other, when those software opens a window to either save a file or to open a file located in the desktop, it freeze every time. I don't the choice to use force quit to close the software.
But when I use other directories like as Documents, All my file, Movie, Download, there's no problem at all, I can save or open file.
This problem appear recently and I think when I install a software but I really don't which one since I install a couples in the past 2 months.
I use MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 8 GB GB memory processor 2.g GHz Core i5.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
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Nov 5, 2009
The other day I went to restart my Macbook. It wouldn't so I had to force it via the off button. Now it boots but is stuck at desktop. I can't do ANYTHING but just look at the desktop background (which loads) and the spinning cursor. I reset PRAM and booted in Safe Mode but the same thing happens, it's just stuck on the desktop with no dock, no nothing but the spinning cursor. My disc drive is broken so can't do a reinstall right now and not sure if I could use an external disc drive. What I have tried: Resetting PRAM Going into single user and running a check- returns saying the volume is okay. When I typed reboot it didn't reboot. Exit brings me to the same desktop with spinning wheel.
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Nov 6, 2009
I'm not new to Macs, I've owned a 20" iMac which I sold after 6 months, a 24" iMac which I sold after 9 months, and a 13.3" MBP which I returned after 7 days (I didn't like Mac OS X on the small screen; I'm not really sure why). I have been considering selling my PC and buying a Mac Mini, since I cannot really afford an iMac at this point in time. My concern is that the majority of Mini users I've seen on forums use it as a home theater solution, rather than as a desktop. I'm worried that I might find it to be slow compared to my current PC and the previous Macs I've owned (though the current specs seem to match the specs of the MBP I just returned). I don't do much on my computer besides web surfing, E-mail, browsing YouTube, and writing papers for my college classes. Does the mini work well as a desktop? Given the light nature of my use, would a Mini work well for me as a desktop, or should I hold off until I can afford an iMac?
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Dec 6, 2010
I have a studio with a nice desktop with 3 screens. Trouble is, through the winter I'd rather be working near my fireplace. I could move the desktop, and have this huge monster in my pretty room, or I could hook up one monitor to my laptop and use remote desktop. So my question is... how is remote desktop for serious work? Mostly graphic stuff, layout, etc. Would I need an upgraded router for it to work well (currently have only an a/g airport express, maybe need a/g/n?).
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Feb 21, 2012
I want to keep my school files on desktop two so they are all in the same place, and use desktop one as a place to perhaps save photos or other files not school related. When I swipe between desktops, the school files move between the desktops as I swipe but I want to keep them on one desktop all the time.
Mac Pro, iOS 5.0.1
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Dec 28, 2007
I am having a problem with System Preferences freezing up when selecting Desktop & Screen Saver. Everything else on the system works fine. I loaded a picture on the Macintosh HD Device (all other pictures are under a specific user account) to access it as a desktop background. The correct picture appears as the desktop background, but I want to change the picture. As soon as I select Desktop & Screen Saver under System Preferences the window freezes. The only way to unfreeze is to select something else on the Dock (which doesn't magnify as it normally does), then close that and go to back to System Preference and then close it. Or select something else from the dock and then Force Quit the Systems Preferences.
I will get an error message and the problem details (which I know VERY little about) show an Exception Type:
If that helps.
I tried sending the picture to the trash and then reloading it, but that didn't help either.
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Jun 6, 2012
They're still accessible through finder, but now I can't drag-and-drop anything (at all) to the desktop. It was fine a minute ago before I shut down and rebooted my laptop. Restarts and switching users does nothing. I'm using Mac OSX Lion 10.7.4.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 15, 2009
Want to use extended desktop and have the backround image be the same on both. Want to set it on My MacBook and have it be the same on my LCD projected image. Currently I have to set the computer AND then set the projector separately looking a the projected image,
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Jun 22, 2009
I'm getting my Mac in a week and I would like to know it I can drag files from my Leopard desktop to my Parallels desktop. All input is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
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Jul 5, 2006
what is the .DS_Store file that is on my desktop and in many of my folders? can i move it, i have tried dragging it to a different folder, but it just pops up again, and it makes my desktop look all untidy!
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Jul 23, 2007
Anyone come across a problem where all the desktop icons disappear? I also cannot right click on my desktop to bring up a contextual menu, my machine appears to be running faultlessly apart from that. I have run Onyx to reset permissions and have checked the disk but cannot seem to find anything wrong.
Running OSX 10.10 on a quad core 2.66 Mac Pro.
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Jun 24, 2012
The download desktop icon went up in smoke and I can't get it back...before when I downloaded a file from email I could go on my tool bar and access the I can only get them in finder. How can I get the download file icon back?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 5, 2012
My 2008 Macbook restarts and shows the desktop, then goes blue. It then shows the desktop again before going blue again. Cannot open Finder or anything.
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Mar 9, 2009
This doesn't happen all the time, but frequently enough to create a thread about it to find out what's going on.
I usually keep my desktop empty and use it to store stuff I'm going to process in the next hour anyway.
Sometimes my desktop is absolutely empty, but when I navigate to the following path: UserDesktop, the files do show up.
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Dec 27, 2009
Somehow my desktop has become locked every time I try to move an app. onto it or delete or rename an icon it tells me the desktop cannot be modified.Sometimes it asks me for an administrative name and password but when I enter it nothing happens.This is my kids account so it is not an administrative account.I dont know if that makes a diifference.
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Aug 10, 2010
I have a 20 gig folder that I access quite often. I want the folder visually on my desktop, but I want the files themselves on my external drive nis there a way to do this, similar to shortcuts with window?
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Dec 1, 2014
I have an Apple MBP 2014.
Wondering if I could use a projector and display what is running on "Desktop 1" to an audience while I take notes using an application running on "Desktop 2" without disturbing the audience with my note-taking.
OS X Yosemite (10.10)
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May 22, 2012
the desktop, from which all icons and folders have disappeared, when I press command shift n, which should create a BLESSEDLY VIEWABLE folder on the desktop, nothing happens. I am a MAC convert, but have built up my hate muscle on this one.
Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Feb 20, 2008
Okay, I'm having some problems with my Powerbook. Yesterday, I upgraded Firefox. When re-opening after the upgrade, I had a kernel panic. I restarted my computer and figured I would be good to go. Well, after logging back in, I found that Finder was acting up and I no longer had any desktop icons. Now, clicking the Finder icon in the dock will open a new Finder window just fine. If I go to the Desktop from there, all my icons are still there. So, I decided to restart my computer and see if that made a difference.
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May 14, 2009
i ran into quite a problem. My macbook keyboard needs to be replaced, so i figured i'd use my dell for now. Well, my dell hard drive died after about 10 years of use lol, so now i have a desktop with no hard drive, and a macbook with no keyboard lol. I hooked up my macbook to my monitor, got my keyboard and mouse hooked up, and speakers too. It's pretty cool, no difference from a desktop. My only question now is I'm wondering if there is any way that I can keep my macbook running with it closed. I want to do this if its possible so i can just use it like a desktop for now, and keep it closed so the monitor for it isnt on 24/7, and so i can fit it on top of my computer tower. I think I'm going to get a cooler to sit it on since i'm going to use it like this too. But is there anyway to shut it and use it?
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Jan 12, 2010
I use a Hub with both of my computers. A MacBook Pro with OS 10.5.8 and a GH desktop 1.6. When I first start up my computers after they have been sitting overnight and turned off I generally have to pull out my printer USB cord from the hub and plug it back in for the printer to work. It can also happen with other devices such as a keyboard. Is this normal or a hub problem. Both of my hubs are D-Link 2.0 hubs and are powered off of my computer USB port.
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Sep 3, 2010
So, i bought a used macbook pro (2,2) 15inch 4gb ram, 320gb hd, and it is in GREAT condition, looks brand new. when i saw the laptop, i made sure everything worked, even the usb ports and all is fine.
when i came home, i formatted, and installed Snow Leopard, did ALL the updates before i did anything else. and i just noticed now when i plugged in my 1tb WD Passport it dosnt show up on the desktop, nor the disk utility, however the hard drive light turns on but when i put my hand on the laptop, it dosnt appear to be 'spinning' up.
i tried plugging in USB stick in both USB ports and it works, shows up just fine.
so i dont think it could be the usb ports..
BUT when i plug the same external hard drive on my new i7 imac it shows up.yesterday, i plugged in the same drive into a friends Mac Pro, and had no problems. but i cant seem to figure this out.
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Sep 6, 2010
So I wanted to convert my macbook into a desktop. I dont mean taht I want to run in a clamshell mode but literally remove it from its casing and make it run. SO my first step was to remove the lcd from it. Which I did. Now I hooked it up to a TV that I have with a component cable but the picture on the tv is VERY bad. I dont know if its the cable or its just the computer itself. Is s-video better? The display properties only give me a choice to go upto 1024x768.
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Sep 12, 2010
Earlier I was going to a website and I accidentally spelled it wrong so it took me to the ad page like usual, well this time my screen turned blue for like a second and then went back but my desktop remained blue and now every time I use my isight my desktop turns blue. I have a Macbook pro with snow leopard.
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Jan 20, 2010
I have a bunch of ICONS on my desktop, just recently when I plug external monitor in, they no longer how up on external monitor, however if I open up MBP they show on both monitors. I have a Dell 2407 external monitor. Also every so often I get a lot of squiggle lines showing up on my external monitor.
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Apr 26, 2010
I have an ITouch and like the icon look displayed. I understand that the MacBook does not have the touch screen but is there an app that offers a similar look on the desktop screen of my MacBook to my Itouch?
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May 5, 2010
I have just bought a MDP to HDMI adapter and it works fine and carry's sound etc but my desktop is extended.
How do I get the desktop to show up on the TV?
I have looked in the Display settings but can't see anything.
Sorry if its easy to find but I just got my first MAC the other week so I'm still learning
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Jun 8, 2010
Alright, I have an old Macbook Pro that is unused, and I thought the other day it might be worth investigating using it as a second monitor, getting extra computing power, etc.
So, is it possible to use a second macbook pro as a second display for my current macbook pro?
Or, is there something else I could do with it that might make use of it asides from selling it? (It wouldn't fetch much)
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Oct 15, 2008
I currently have a G4 Dual 867 MDD that is getting painfully slow. I need a new machine but cant decide against a used G5 2.3 PowerPC for around $600 and a regular macbook...or bit the bullet and get a new MBP at $2k... My G4 is my current production machine that I use for freelance photography and design. I have a server so space isnt a huge concern, but cant decide if mobility is... I have never owned a laptop before so I kind of like the idea but If I get one, it would have to serve as a production machine as well. So, will a MBP be a lot more powerful than my current system? or, with my other option, getting a used G5 and a regular macbook for about the same price point.
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