Last night I could not read any DVD on my MBP. It would make noise like it was reading them and then it would spit them out. On the other hand it still reads CDs fine. I have since noticed that this is a very common problem among slot drive users. What are my options? Is there a simple and inexpensive fix (like cleaning it with compressed air) or should I look for a replacement drive? If I get a replacement drive and I attempt to do it by myself, would any slot drive work, or do I have to look for an specific model? How have you guys coped with this issue? My MBP is out of warranty. I have contacted a local authorized service shop and I am waiting on their response.
When I connect my external hard disk (Maxtor) to my Mac Book Pro, I am not able to copy/transfer files to it, though I can copy from it to my Mac. How do I change the permissions from Read Only to Read and Write?
I can not get the read out loud to read the whole document , all is activated and I have checked the 'whole document' is clicked in the view menu The reader , reads only the section within a thin lined box, which i have to continue to manually move onto the next group of words My documents are PDF files and windows for mac?
This is a rather bizarre issue and I will try to explain the best I can. First off, I did a search, and found nothing recent that could help me with this issue.
Here are my specs: Uni-body Macbook Pro (late 2008) 15"-Snow Leopard I have checked for all updates, and am up to date on all things.
The drive in my G5 tower will read/write commercial or blank CDs and will read/write blank DVDs, however, it will not read most commercial DVDs. When I insert them it tries to read it then after a few seconds it just spits them back out. Occasionally commercial DVDs will read and mount fine, but this seems to be rare.
I just switched from Snow leopard to Lion and i don't like the way that Lion has the mail preview set up as a 3 column vertical format. I thought in Snow Leopard you could change the set-up so it's either horizontal or vertical, but I can't seem to find that option in Lion. I want to have the list of my email messages in the top, horizontal window and the preview of the selected message in a horizontal window below. Am I missing this option to change the view format from vertical to horizontal somewhere?
My mac mini cant read DVD movies but can read Burned CD and Installers. I tried the DVD's with my macbook but works just fine. tried burning some files and it works as well. what do i need to do to fix my problem? do i need to update something or download some programs?
I know this is lame, but I searched and can't find a solution. When I click on a day in ical it says it is a Read-only calendar. I repaired permissions, but it still says read only. The strange part is, in the Get Info screen, it says Read-Write for all the users.
I'm buying an external hard drive to use as a backup for my MacBook but also as a network drive that all the computers connected to my router (Airport Extreme) can use. There are two MacBooks and two PCs that connect to the network. I only need my MacBook to be able to write to the hard drive but I need the two PCs to be able to access and use the files on the hard drive. I was going to get a 1TB external and give it two partitions. The first partition is going to be the Time Machine backup for my MacBook and the other will be accessed by all computers on the network. What format will the second partition need to be so that both MacBooks and both PCs can view and use the files? Also what external hard drive would you recommend?
there my mac for some time has not been able to play dvds. It will attempt to read them, but then just spit it out after some time, if I try a bunch of times 6-8, I can sometimes get it to work, however, this rarely does.
As the title says, I have a card reader that works great with a CF card, but the MBP won't recognize an SD card. This is a new problem for me. I also have an express card adapter for SD that won't read the card, either. I have tried 4 different SD cards, and these exact cards have worked for me in the recent past (within the past 2 months). They work fine in the camera. I also tried connecting the camera via usb, which was unsuccessful. I tried blowing air on the cards and the reader. I cannot get the cards to be read on my wife's macbook. This makes no sense to me, as it worked fine the last time I tried. I find it hard to believe that all cards are corrupt, or the cable is the problem because it reads the CF card.
I have an external Transcend HD, which has been working perfectly fine for around 5 months now. It is NTFS, and I use NTFS-3g and Macfuse. Been running fine. Was able to read and write. Suddenly I am only able to read though. I go into the "Get Info" pane and the option to choose whether I want to read and write, or read only is gone, and all that it says is "You can read only". getting this back to read and write is really appreciated. I really need this disk.
I was trying to write xmp data to my photo's, when I got errors on photo's in certain folders. ?Writing XMP Metadata? did not complete successfully. It seems all jpegs in a few particular folders have generate this error. I then noticed all those files were lacking a creation date. When trying to copy the "image taken on" date to the "creation date", using A Better Attributes, I didn't appear to have the right permissions.
Now this is, to me at least, the weirdest part: when I open Get Info on any of the images, it says "You can only read", even though all privileges are set to Read & Write (screenshot attached). The folder itself says "You can read and write". So far I've only seen this on files/folders on an external hard drive, formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled). It's a WD My Book, connected via USB through a hub. Anyone ever seen this before? Is there anything I could try to fix this?
I just burned a cd with my macbook and it won't read it. Btw I tested it on my PC and it works fine. It's so wierd, it just reads a random CD and not the other one.
My mac book Pro won't read Audio CDs. This is not an OSX specific issue as it was a problem when I had Leopard and continues to be a problem no that I've upgraded to Lion. It's not a hardware issue; I have no trouble installing software from DVDs.
Info:MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Yeah. I bought a couple of CD's and I wanted to import the music into my iTunes library. Â
So, I put a CD in and it didn't make the normal CD spinning sound and my Macbook spat out the CD. At first I thought it was a problem with the CD. Then I tried another CD and had the same problem. Then I put in another CD and another CD and realized it's probably my mac that's having a problem.Â
I've had my MacBook since August of last year and it's never previously had this problem.
I have this ridiculous problem with my MacBook (unibody). I've inserted a DVD that the drive cannot read. Because it cannot read it, it tries to eject it. Now my MacBook has always been a bit dodgy at ejecting disks - sometimes I have to slant it slightly so the disc comes out. However, this DVD just won't come out regardless of what I do. It's stuck in this loop of trying to read it, failing, trying to eject it, failing, trying to read, failing, etc.
I tought that the problem was with my specific usb device, but i'v already tried with the 2 USB ports and with several usb devices. Everytime I insert a USB device into my computer, a screen appears saying that i need to turn off my computer and that i need to click on the power button for several seconds to do so. This has become pretty annoying since i can not transfer files nor make any backup on my computer because everytime i insert a usb (external hard drive or simple usb device) the screen appears and i don't know what to do. Does anybody know the reason why this is happening or a solution for this problem?
I've never had this happen, but I have this DVD of a tv-show in a series of 10 DVD's, it's the same region and everything as the others and I put it in, the computer makes some noises like it's working harder to get it to play then spits it out after 30 seconds.
I put back in an previous volume DVD from this series and it plays fine. Is it simply the DVD? It's brand new I just took it out of the wrapping.
I have a late 2008 macbook pro 15 in.. my cd drive stopped working.. where can I find a new replacement one.Also, one of my usb drives (the one closest to me) gets power but it never picks up my iphone any more.. is there a way to reformat it?
My MacBook will not read some of my cd's. They work in other computers so I know it is not the discs. It makes noise as though it is trying to read them then just ejects them. I ran the Apple hardware test but it shows no problem.Â
I just burned a disk image to a Verbatim DVD-DL, using Disk Utility. My MBP 2.3 GHz, 2Gb Ram will NOT read this disk and ejects it, but another newer MBP will indeed read and mount this disk.I restarted the problematic MBP, repaired permissions, and said PLEASE.Still no luck.Before I burn it again with a fresh DVD-DL blank, what could cause this? The DVD drive in this unit works perfectly fine, under normal circumstances.
My MacBook Pro will not read digital audio cds. It has in the past, but now it seems to have stopped reading them.
I have several purchased cds I would like to get on itunes, but I can't get it to recognize the discs. I can hear it spinning several times, like it is trying to access the disc, then it ejects it without mounting.
It does not appear in iTunes, or anywhere on the desktop. It will read and burn blank cds and dvds. I havde a 17" MacBook Pro, 2009, with a MATSHITA DVD-RÂ Â UJ-868 drive.