MacBook Pro :: Cannot Copy Pictures On External Drive
Aug 21, 2010
I was one vacation for 6 weeks and I was the only one that had a computer so we put all pictures on it. Long story short. When my dad tried attaching his external drive IPhoto wouldn't let him copy the pictures and Os X didn't read the flash drive he gave me to try. Another piece of information that might help is, that my laptop is the only Mac in my family, everything else is windows.
I've tried to copy pictures from iPhoto to a flash drive by drag and drop, but the cursor showed, that it simply can't be dropped. What am I supposed to do now?
I'm trying to copy photos from my Pictures folder to my external HDD connected to my Time Capsule and received the following error. The operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8058). If I connect it direct to my Mac it copies fine.
I am trying to copy 1446 pictures from a flash drive to a folder. I am new to Mac and am trying to learn basics on Mac os-x lion. What is the process for copying and pasting pictures from a flash drive to a folder
I have a macbook and I'm having trouble backing up my pictures on an external hard drive. The Macbook won't install the backup drive soft ware? It is a new Seagate hard drive from costco.
How do I export pictures from Mac Book Air to a Hitachi external hard drive. I have used the export function from i-photo but it will not transfer. However, when I use the export function to put the pictures onto a 4g usb stick it works?
I want to copy all my i photo pictures for the last 12 months i have saved and save them on to an external hard drive, i have tries to copy and paste all at once but it only will let me do one picture at a time!!
I have had both my MacBook and external hard drive for over three years now, and have never had a problem. In the last week, my external hard drive stopped letting me copy files onto it. When you try to drag and drop it just comes up with the blocked symbol. I have tested this with other hard drives as well and keep getting the same error. I've read other forums where it seems the answer is just to reformat the hard drive to the correct format, but I've never had a problem before so it seems strange that the format would just suddenly change.Â
i have been trying to copy files on macbook air to my external hard disk which i used for my windows pc, n=but im unable to do so. and i even cannot delete the files on the hard disk. but i can copy the files on hard disk to my air.
I've recently got a new MacBook Pro, and for at least 6 years or more, I've been using Windows to handle my iTunes library. At one point, when trying to transfer my library, somehow I lost ALL my music. As a result, I learned to back it all up...And I learned to be patient when doing so. Any way, I want to make sure that when I transfer my files THIS time, I do it right. I just need to consolidate my iTunes library that I have backed up to an external hard drive to another folder on the same drive.
Then when I move it to iTunes on my Mac, I only have to put the files into the "Automatically Add to iTunes" folder. That said, I'm fairly decent with using the terminal; I've used Ubuntu for a while, and right now I'm using Fedora. I would use the terminal on my Mac, but I really don't want to use it there; I'll stay safe and let my Fedora computer do the work. That said, I know that both Mac and Fedora have "rsync" and "find" as part of the UNIX kernel both are built off of. With all that out of the way.
My question is simply which commands I ought to use to manually consolidate the files in the iTunes folder to a separate folder on the same external hard drive. I also happen to have a number of duplicate files, for some reason, except the duplicates are sometimes .mp3 files, while others are .m4a files. While the majority of my music has been restored because of "Purchased" section of the iTunes Store, I'm unsure of which files I'm looking to preserve; Do I just copy the mp3 files, or both? I hate doing music database repair.
How to copy files to external hard disk and use it for both mac and windows. there is the fat32 formatting bt i dont wanna use formatting because i already have a lot of content on the exteral hard disk.
Info: MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)
I've got an external drive that was a Time Machine backup drive. It's at the police station as evidence for something and they will not let me take it back. However, they will let me come down and make a copy of it. I might only have one shot at this so I'm trying to think of the best way to do it successfully and quickly.
Can I just bring another external with me, my Macbook, and then copy the files from the Time Machine backup external drive to the other external drive? If so, what is the facility for doing this quickly? I'm kind of new at Macs and am unsure. I do not have an extra Mac that I can simply use Time Machine to restore to to replace it's contents.
I want to copy my iPhoto library to an external drive but I cannot find the folder on my Mac Air. When I open Finder there is no Picture folder showing so I cannot find the iPhoto library.
Info: MacBook Air (11-inch Mid 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
Is there a way to get pictures that are part of the library on my iphone on to my macbook. I find it completely unbelievable that Apple has purposely made it impossible to be able to get 4 YEARS OF PICTURES off my Iphone and back onto my computer.Â
I want to partition my external hard drive for my g4 power based mac running Leopard.I will have one partition for Time Machine and the other for Carbon Copy Cloner.Here are my questions:1. Which partition scheme should I choose for Time machine?2. Does Carbon Copy Cloner work the same way for non-intel macs as it does for intel? Do I need to click on the OS 9 check box to make my version of CCC bootable (I want a bootable clone)? Which partition scheme should I choose for Time machine?
I am trying to back up all my pictures that are in iphoto to an external hard drive. I just want to copy everything that I have, put them on the external hard drive and move on. How can I do this where I can use these pictures on another computer though if needed? I know that I can move the entire iPhoto library but that wouldn't be compatible on a non-Mac correct?
I am a PC user crossing over to the iMac. I want to move my pic on an external hard drive to the iMac. Tried clicking and dragging, but didn't take....what gives?
How do I move my iphoto picture library to an external drive and delete from my HD and then access through iphoto? I lost my iphoto library so I have everything in Masters on my HD. When I import to iphoto, it groups all the photos and sates into various events. Is there a way to get my organization back or is it another manual process? Also, I can't import all my photos because there is not enough space?
I recently got an imac, and I am new to the the mac world but decided I loved my iphone how bad could a mac be? My husband and I each have our computer he has a PC & I have a mac and a PC laptop.We bought an external hardrive to dump all my many many pictures on it.The idea is we will not save anything on our computers but instead work off of the hard drive that is automatically backed up.Ok now that you know the back ground.How can I view pictures from the external hardrive in iphoto with out haveing to make an iphoto library on my external hardrive.I would not mind putting all my pictures in the iphoto library as long as I could view or manipulate the pictures from a PC, does anyone know if this is a possibility? I have asked at the one to one sessions that I paid for but they can't help. I guess it also hard for them to help when I can't very well be lugging my desk top in and out of the mac store for help.
Any ideas I really like the iphoto tools and it could be very helpfull, but only if it doesn't limit me to always working from my computer.I have great photo editing software on my laptop and want to be able to access the pictures from my laptp edit save and later view from my mac.I found out how to make iphoto open the iphoto library on my external harddrive but I am asking for more.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), iPhoto external HD PC sharing
I got a Seagate 500GB external hard drive recently. I'm looking to delete files from my Mac after I back them up on the external hard drive. I tested this with one picture and after I deleted the picture then backed up the hard drive, the hard drive 'erased' the picture. I did talk to Seagate and the guy said it wasn't actually erased, it just went into history. (Although I can't find history and forgot to ask :/)
So, my question is - How can I put files on the external hard drive then delete them from my Mac and when I later back up my computer, keep the files on my external hard drive that were previously deleted from my computer. I know the files will be in history but I'd like for all of them to be in one place instead of searching through history for maybe one file here and there. I hope this makes sense!!! (I have Leopard OS)
I have hundreds of short videos consuming most of 2 TB drive. I am about to launch into super backup mode. Do I just hookup the HD's to my Macbook Pro and drag and drop? Or, do I clone/create a disk image?
I have a new Mac Mini with 2 external drives inuse. One I have no problem writing to or copying files to, the other (TUMI Data Vault - 00 GB) won't allow it....any ideas why? Do I have to format it?