MacBook Pro :: Blue Screen Display When Trying To Start System

Jun 19, 2012

I have trouble starting macbook pro. Just see a blue screen.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011)

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OS X :: MacBook Won't Start Beyond Blue Screen

Oct 4, 2008

I've had a MacBook for about four months, completely standard version, no modifications, no nothing. It's been working perfectly. I've the latest version of Leopard and any other software update that comes with. Today I've been working on setting up a new user account entitled "Work" - for obvious purposes. I've copied my regular account's home folder as well as applications and such to make "Work" as much of a copy of my regular account as possible - let's call that account "Me".

And so I've mostly been browsing around "Work" trying to give it the same access to files as "Me" has - "Me" is an administrator, "Work" is standard - by changing access and privileges. I had some problems getting "Work" to save - when I would log out and then log in again, "Work" would have lost the preferences, e.g. Stacks and Dock settings. I also couldn't change the desktop picture for whatever reason.

So then I was going to log out "Work" to see if it still had the saving problem, and it lagged behind a lot, so I did the emergency-turn-off-by-holding-down-power-button-that-you're-not-supposed-to-do thing. And then when I tried to restart, it wouldn't............

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MacBook Air :: Has A Blue Screen On Start Up

Apr 24, 2012

My macbook air freezes on a blue screen on startup. I can see the cursor, but nothing else happens. Before this occured, the colourful "spinning wheel" used to come up with almost every application that I ran (for instance when writing documents). 

MacBook Air

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MacBook Pro :: Keep Getting Blue Start Up Screen

Jun 6, 2012

I keep getting the blue start up screen. Am I low on ram?

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: Won't Start - Screen Is Blue?

Dec 1, 2014

MMy computer won't turn on. Screen is blue. Plugged in

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Software :: MacBook Pro 10.4.5 / Blue Screen On Start Up

Dec 17, 2009

I have a 3 yr. Old mbp running tiger 10.4.5 and suddenly I had problems. I had leopard on her and she started having strange distortions while in safari which didn't extend to the desktop. So I did a clean install with orginal tiger disks and then I got the blue screen on start up. All hardware utilties and did fsck and all say HD is okay. Reset pram, checked battery and reinstalled ram and only able to safe boot and get into Hd but now it says no airport card installed. It's not running right to say the least. I read somewhere to check log in items in pref. Under Accout and it doesn't show any. Any ideas greatly appreciated. Also since this problem the cursor appears within a horizontally striped rectangular box like a half inch in size.

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MacBook Pro :: Its Unable To Start - Blue Screen

Jun 8, 2012

I have been running low on memory space for a while and just recently I turned my laptop on and all I saw was a blue screen. Fortunately there was still a bar on the top of my screen and I was able to access Safari by selecting the apple icon->Recent Items->Safari. I still cannot see the time or any of the other features. Safari seems to be the only application I can open, my itunes won't open and neither will just about any other application.


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MacBook Pro :: Just Getting Light Blue Screen On Start Up

Jun 2, 2014

Just geting a light blue screen after Apple logo has loading on start up!! And fans go in high speed and nothing more happens...

MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011)

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MacBook Pro :: Blue Screen On Start Up - Hard Drive Corruption?

Dec 17, 2009

I am having problem with starting up my new MBP, would really appreciate if you could help me out.

1. Current rev of MBP 15' 2.53 Ghz
2. HITACHI Travelstar HD20500 IDK/7K 500GB 7200 RPM

What happened is that I had this Hitachi drive in my PC laptop running Windows 7. Last night I got my MBP and decided to put that Hitachi drive in macbook, then format it and install OS X. Once i put the hard drive in and tried to start MBP i kept getting Windows Recovery Screen because MBP was trying to boot from hard drive directly. Since this is my first ever Mac I didn't know what key to press to be able to choose from DVD. On one of the attempts I actually hit "Proceed Windows normally" and it gave me blue fatal screen saying it was not possible...........

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MacBook :: A1181 Blue Screen On Start, Slow Boot

Mar 22, 2012

My macboock 3,1 (A1181) is very slow on boot.

At first i get the white apple logo en the round indicator and then the screen turns blue/turcuse and it takes aprox 10min before i see the desktop. Its fast but not very fast to boot into safemode. When the computer is all booted up everything work great! 

Ive tried to reinstall Snow Lion after i formated the drive but without any luck. Ive resetted SMC and PRAM. The superdrive has stopped work to, when i insert a disk i spinnsup for a min or a half then it ejects the disc.

I installed snow leopard now thru a external dvd via usb. AND! I almost forgot, the computer doesent get out of sleepmode after i closed the lid,  

MacBook (13-inch Late 2007), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook :: Start Skype While In Windows, The Computer Crashes / Blue Screen?

Feb 19, 2009

Everytime I start skype while in windows, the computer crashes and I get the blue screen... I think it has to do with the sound drivers, because when I'm using msn messenger also in windows suddenly the microphone mutes itself.

I tryed updating the realtek drivers with no help, updated skype, no help, I uninstalled the realtek drivers and the laptop did not crash anymore but I had no sound, any advice like for example how to get the microsoft drivers to work on the laptop without using realtek??

For whatever reason with the microsoft drivers,I think the sound is trying to come out of the digital outlet, I can see the ligth inside the jack, but nothing comes out of the laptop's speakers...

By the way, the vista version is Home basic.

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OS X :: When Start The System, Gets Two Differently Sized Blue Screens?

Aug 18, 2010

When attempting to turn my MacBook Pro on, I get the normal gray startup screen, two differently sized blue screens, then static. I've tried booting into safe mode and removing all login items, but that hasn't worked.

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MacBook Pro :: Won't Boot Up Instead Display Gray Or Blue Screen

Jun 24, 2014

Last week my macbook pro started have gray or blue screen problem, it won't boot all the time I turn on,  instead I will turn into gray or blue screen and won't do anything else, the OS is to the latest version, and if it start normally it goes blue or gray screen everytime I use final cut pro, I mainly use this mac for editing videos, I try everything like safe mode, I even format the hard drive but the problem still there...

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OS X :: Start Up Hang - Blue Screen

Mar 26, 2010

I don't know what's happened, I restarted my mac and it started doing this: [URL] It's really odd and it happens repetedly and never stops.

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OS X :: Blue Screen / Failure To Start

Apr 23, 2010

Every time I restart my macbook it will take me to a blue screen and the mouse pointer will be in the top left hand corner of the screen. It will not start in safe mode. I've done the "fsck -f" I don't have a the snow leopard disk any longer, but I can of course obtain another if it is the only way to fix this problem. I'm at college, the disk is at home 8 hours away..and I want on my computer now. Sorry for my lack of intelligence concerning this issue as well as the OSX as a whole, this is my first Mac and I love it!

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Software :: Mac Won't Start/Blue Screen Appear?

Jun 9, 2008

I'm runing a Mac 10.4 Intel lap top. Its been running fine, but today when i shut it down it stayed on this blue screen. With out thinking I held down the start button and it shut off. I figured something was wrong, so I tried to start it up. It makes the start up noise and goes to the gray load up screen... then just shuts off.

Does anyone know whats going on?

And is it possible for me to get files off my hard drive? I've been in europe for 4 months and haven't backed up my photos yet, so I'm really nervous I just lost it all

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Intel Mac :: Blue Screen At Start Up

Apr 27, 2012

I'm getting a blue screen every time I turn my iMac on and it takes a while for it to display my desktop.

Info:iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: Won't Start Up Blue Screen

May 30, 2012

Imac hard drive may have error because i get a blue screen on start up. I have started up using osx leapard disk but it looks like the only way to get hard drive going is to erase thecontest of the hard drive

iMac, iOS 5.0.1

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MacBook Pro :: In Mbp When Boot Up The System It Shows Blue Screen On Startup?

Nov 9, 2010

just using my new MBP today and twice when turning it on it started to boot up and got as far as the blue screen (just before the desktop pic and stayed there.Is this normal sometimes?

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PowerPC :: IBook Blue Start Up Screen?

Oct 3, 2008

I just started my iBook g4 up and after the initial grey screen with the spinning thing and apple logo, it just stays at the blue screen straight after that. I have left it for ages and it is still there and I have tried several times now. Does anyone know what the problem is and how I could fix it?

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PowerPC :: Unable To Start - Went To Blue Screen?

Jun 24, 2009

I load the OS, get to my desktop and i don't see any clock, wireless or battery. it soon went to blue screen, then back. now it is changing between 2 shades of blue.

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OS X Mavericks :: Blue Screen Flash Upon Start Up

Jun 6, 2014

I have been getting blue screen which flashes about a second (once) at the start-up apple screen, but it is not stucked, it jumped to log-in screen immedaitely or rather normally. However I do understand that it should not be a normal start-up because when I just bring this mac home I do not have this problem before.

MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Early 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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MacBook :: Boot In Safe Mode - System Stuck At Blue Screen

Nov 30, 2010

I tried fsck -f fsck -y multiple times, booting in safe mode, zaping the pram and all that stuff, nothing as worked. I don't really care about how to fix it but I care more about, Is there any possible way I can get files off of the macbook even though it wont boot. Like is there a way for another computer (windows or mac) to pick it up so I can transfer files? What accessories will I need?

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IMac :: OSX Start Up - Blue Screen Takes Forever

Dec 16, 2010

-Got the iMac refurbished in mid-2010 (2009 iMac i5)
-Originally planned on mainly using Windows, so I partitioned the drive to 750gb for Windows and the rest for OSX

I eventually got fed-up with certain things about both Windows and certain limitations/glitches within Bootcamp itself and decided it was time to go OSX, and use the machine properly in all it's Apple glory.

I removed the 750gb of the Windows 7 partition, restoring the whole thing back to OSX. At this point, my computer seemed to be working fine still- OSX would boot up in about a minute or so, nothing that seemed out of the ordinary. After that, I still wanted a small partition with Windows 7; so I partitioned 100gb of my drive and proceeded to install Windows 7. During the Windows 7 installation, as had happened the first time I installed Windows 7 with Boot Camp, I got the "Black Screen" issue. If you are unfamiliar with the issue, see here:.......................

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PowerPC :: EMac Won't Start Up - Stuck On Blue Screen

Sep 1, 2007

When I press the power button on my eMac, it takes extra long on the gray screen with the Apple logo and the spinning gif, then takes about two minutes on the blue screen with just the spinning gif, then goes to a solid blue background, with a functional cursor, but no OSX. I've tried trying to eject the CD tray at all points in the startup process to put in the Mac OSX re-install discs, but it doesn't respond. What should I try before sending it in to an Apple store or Cupertino?

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OS X :: Freeze On Blue Screen / Can Only Start Up In Safe Mode

Sep 21, 2008

I woke up this morning and my iMac G5 (w/ Leopard) was frozen. I restarted it manually, but it would freeze on a blue screen without loading the OS. It can start up fine in safe mode, but that's it! I've tried repairing permissions and zapping the PRAM - any other ideas?

What can I do in Safe Mode that might fix my comp? I haven't recently installed any applications, and I have all "open at login" items turned off.

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Hardware :: Blue Screen On Start Up After Memory Upgrade

Jul 31, 2009

I have a Macbook pro, 15.4 inch 1.86 core duo. I tried to upgrade the memory from 1gb to 2 gb. When I turned it back on, all I got was a solid blue screen after start up.

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Software :: IBook G3 Not Start Up - Hangs Up At Blue Screen

Feb 10, 2006

My IBook G3 will not start up. I can get the gray apple screen with pinwheel and then after a really long time it will go to a blank blue screen. A couple times it went to the login screen instead but in the user id it says "other" and when I try to enter my username and password it won't recognize me. I am a college student and one of the Apple geniuses here did a check of my hard drive and it checked out okay. We were not able to get it to start up in safe mode; it seemed like it was starting in safe mode but then it came to the login screen and would not allow me to login with my usual information. I was able to start up in single user mode and run fsck which found a couple things and after another fsck it said everthing was fine. But, it still gets hung up at startup. When I try to boot from the OS X installation CD it doesn't seem to be booting up with it, it only goes to the screen to install OS X. According to the directions on the Apple support site when I insert the CD and start up holding down the "c" key it should start up and then I should be able to repair permissions but I can't get that far.

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Software :: Blue Screen Start Up - Can't Login From Darw

Dec 26, 2008

I created a new user the previous evening and shut the computer down as normal, now when i start up I get nothing but a blue screen no login in screen nothing. I tried going into the command as root, have done fix disk errors no problems there, then tried lunchctl load/Users/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ plist cant rember the bit in between. I did this from the apple website, but all i get is no file to load, so anyway continued to do ls users/ get the names and tried reseting the password for the login's and i get a odd error. I have no idea where to go from here, as i cant find the original discs, can i use mybrothers os x 10.5 discs to re-install and save the files i want to keep and do a clean install?

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IMac :: Blue Screen On Start Up / External Hard Drive?

Jan 19, 2010

I bought a Guardian MAXimus hard drive and it seemed to be working fine for the past few weeks. Now all of sudden when starting my Imac 27 I7 the grey screen takes a long time then it get stuck on the blue screen and stays like that. Some times after being on the blue screen it will goto the main page but it takes 3-5 min if it does. When it gets stuck, if I unplug the firewire from the back of the computer from the hard drive it boots up. Any thoughts, their tech support wants me to send the unit back with out doing any testing at home to see what the problem is, seems like a pain in the butt.

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