MacBook Pro :: 15 Versus 17 Inch Hidden Differences?
Jun 30, 2010
list the differences between the 15" and 17" MBP's, with focus on the high res matte options.
The obvious difference is the larger&higher resolution display on the 17" and the extra 1.0 pound of weight and about $100 extra. The 17" also has no USB reader slot, but eSATA. The 17" is also 0.1" thicker.
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Oct 21, 2010
To those contemplating on picking up the 11-inch MacBook Air or the 13-inch MacBook Air, I thought it would be helpful to list the differences between the two.
Below is what I've compiled so far (in no particular order):
1) SD Card Slot is on the 13" MacBook Air, not present on the 11"
2) Higher clock speed configurations on the 13" (1.4 GHz/1.6 GHz vs. 1.86 GHz/2.13 GHz)
3) 6MB of shared L2 Cache on the 13" vs. the 3MB on the 11"
4) 1066 MHz frontside bus on the 13" vs. the 800 MHz on the 11"
5) Larger capacity battery and an extra 2 hours of battery life on the 13" (7 hour 50-watt-hour battery on the 13" vs. 5 hour 35-watt-hour battery on the 11")
6) Slightly larger trackpad and more room for your palms while typing (hey, it's true!)
7) 16:10 1440 x 900 13.3" Display vs. 16:9 1366 x 768 11.6" Display
8) The 13" model weighs in at 2.9 pounds while the 11" weighs in at 2.3 pounds. .5 pound weight difference
If you have anymore differences between the two models, post below and I will add them to the list!
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May 27, 2009
I've heard that there have been some differences between the older and newer Macbook screens - I'm thinking about buying a reburb unibody macbook and want to know how significant the difference is. If it's big enough I'll use my student discount to get a new mac with an iPod and then sell the iPod for the price difference, but that is a lot more work and initial money spent vs just getting a refurb. Does anyone have any experience with both?
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Jul 5, 2012
I have a MBP, bought in '06, that is dying a slow death (crashing constantly). I'm not up on what the latest spec's mean in terms of USER EXPERIENCE. Apple doesn't seem to know how to market to me--no product comparisons (in direct user experience vs. tech spec's), no analogies, no examples of how new MBPs and Airs differ or what their targeted user profile really is.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.4.8)
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Nov 18, 2010
I got a MacBook Pro back in April, my first Mac.
I love it so much. I'm really into video editing and HD video, but the problem is that my MBP is running out of harddrive space, and I'm longing for a bigger display and a better processor. (I have the 13" C2D). I'm going to pick up an iMac this Spring. But I wanted to know if I should stick to the Core i3 21.5, or spend more and go for the 27 inch.
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Jan 16, 2010
I am looking at the macbook pro's 13 or 15"
The 13 inch is 1552 Euros and the 15 is 1759 Is the extra 2 inch worth the money? I am wanting it to surf the net, graqphic/web design and matbe some video work.
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Jul 4, 2010
Has there been a professional comparison of the two screens (gamut, contrast, etc), or have any of you done the comparison and formed an opinion?
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Oct 20, 2009
The new 27-inch iMac uses up to 365W vs 280W for the old 24-inch! (going by Apple's published max. power consumption numbers. I doubt they would lie because it isn't exactly favourable for them to put in falsely high numbers in an environmental report).
That means there's some extra beef behind the extra components. Perhaps the ATI 4670 is a bit overclocked and the 4850 runs a bit faster than the old iMacs? Admittedly that 2.8 GHz i7 is going to suck a fair bit of power - the recent 2.8 GHz i7 860 model runs at a 95W TDP, however, the quad core iMac isn't available until November. So it won't be using the i7 860, and my guess it is using another custom processor, something a bit more power efficient, somewhere in between the 55W TDP of the old iMacs and the 95W TDP of the i7 860.
The difference between the power consumption of the two computers is 85W. The old iMac had a 24-watt digital amplifier, this new one has two 17-watt amplifiers. That brings the delta down to 75W. Say the iMac's i7 processor has an 80W TDP. That now brings the delta down to 50W. The new display likely wouldn't increase power consumption because of the LED backlight.
I'm not sure if I'm missing much (OK, two extra RAM chips may use another few watts), but there is still a fairly massive 50W unaccounted for.
Just a bit of fat to chew on
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Jul 29, 2010
I am trying to decide which of these two 27 inch imacs I should buy:
27 inch 3.06 core 2 duo model
27 inch 3.2 I3 model
Is the 27 inch 3.2 ghz I3 model a better value in terms of increased computer and graphics performance and is it better to get the 2nd generation model because of prior issues (i.e. yellow tinge)?
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Jan 21, 2010
I am about to buy my first mac and am going with the new 27 inch iMac but I can't decide on the i5 or i7. Is the i7 worth the extra $200? As far as I know they both have the same components except for the processor. Also, from my research online, speeds don't look to be all that much faster with the i7.
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Jul 27, 2010
Is the new 27 inch cinema display any different the the displays on the 27 inch iMac??
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Nov 16, 2010
I had a 11 inch air 1.4GHz/4GB/128GB for two weeks. I usually set the brightness to 75% and for consistent web browsing (no heavy flash) I can get about 5h15min battery life. I noticed someone here claiming 8+ hours battery on 13 inch so I decided to give it a shot.
I got a new 13 air with 1.86GHz/4GB/128GB yesterday and start to run on battery immediately. I was disappointed. The brightness was also set to 75% and I start to count the time from 25% while browsing And it only took 1h38m for battery descending from 25% to 0%. Again, pure web browsing and no heavy flash.
So here is my conclusion: On 75% brightness, 11 inch air's battery performs beyond advertised 5 hours and 13 inch's battery performs fair and normally should give you around 6h30m~7h.
I don't have equipments for measuring the noise, but while copying the same 10GB files from external drive to the machine, the fan noise from 13 inch is much louder than 11 inch.
Now I like my 11 inch more in general, although I really hate the 1366 x 768 screen. I don't know if I should sell the 13 inch or 11inch...
On my 11 inch air: battery capacity 4664
On my 13 inch air: battery capacity 6634
I will do another test to see how long exactly my 13 inch can last after a full charge
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Oct 7, 2009
I am trying to use my HD Sansui 32 inch LCD TV as a monitor for my Macbook. I can't work out how to set it up properly. My macbook is running OS X 10.5.8. My TV supports 1920 * 1080 HDMI 60Htz NTSC and various other resolutions. I am using a mini DVI to DVI adapter and then a HDMI lead to the tv. Problem one is that when I switch the Macbook on and close the lid nothing comes up on the TV screen (meaning it is supposed to only driving one screen, the TV). If I do this with the VGA connection it will. Momentarily the apple symbol will come up and the little circle below it but then my TV says signal not supported.
If I have the Macbook lid open when I switch the computer on both screens will work and I can select 1080P, however it is very grainy and not pleasant to read text. I think it looks better using the VGA. I have heard of people getting nice crisp display with HDMI so I am wondering if I am missing something? Is there any other software that can be used to get better results? Which text smoothing settings should I use? Are there other settings? I am using it on my desk so I guess it is about 2 foot from me. I will post my display details in a minute but my computer details are the following:
2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
1 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SdRam
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Oct 25, 2007
So I have a 1.8ghz dual G5 with 3gb of ram for work. I mainly work in Adobe CS and do a far amount of Photoshop work. At any given time I may have all of Adobe CS plus Office and a few other apps running -- and a gazillion fonts. Went to the store and saw the new 24" iMac. How would a new iMac compare to my late '04 1.8DP G5? On that same note, how would a new MacBook Pro compare to the above?
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Apr 20, 2008
In real world usage, is there really any difference in the Processor Speed on the MBAir. Throughout the years, the speed differences being apart .2 GHz were negligable. Anyone here have a 1.6 with the SSD notice any crippling/adverse effects to there everyday computing. I am looking at ordering the MB Air this week, but purchasing the MB Air with the 1.6 GHz and SSD make it easier to justify by saving costs on the processor upgrade.
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May 3, 2010
First the Obvious;
1. New AC Plugin (on both ends, wallplug is completely smooth now)
2. Different Internal Hardware
3. Better Battery Life
4. Optional Higher Resolution Screens
5. Optimus like Hybrid GPU switching
Kinda Obvious, but some may have missed;
1. Inertial Scrolling
2. Little bit heavier
3. Activity Monitor shows 4 Cores not 2
You'd really have to look;
1. This may just be me, but I feel as if the hinge is different, in terms of pressure right before you close it. Picture below shows a 2.8 duo left and an i5 right. I have been playing with them for a while now, and some of the other 2.8's and it seems right before you close the lid, the new i5's have more of a push required, so as to slow the force in close. That way you don't slam it closed.
2. Wifi seems to get an active working connection quicker
3. Microphone and Headphone input jacks have much more "snap" to them. Devices really snap in there so you know you're connected.
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Jun 11, 2012
I'm eyeing today's new Airs, and wondered about the processor options. I believe that both have Hyper Threading, enabling four simultaneous threads. Is that right? So what makes the i7 an i7, and the i5 an i5? The only difference listed is clock speed / Turbo Boost speed, but I'm guessing there's something else too?
MacBook (13-inch Late 2006), Mac OS X (10.6.8), Core2Duo, 3gb
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Dec 14, 2008
Are there any positive or/and negative differences between old & new efi & smc for the MBA?
- Is the grafic improved (thin stripes on the display)?
- Does the fan run more often (changed temperature-behavior)?
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May 9, 2012
I'm getting one for school and i'm going to have to carrying it aroound quite a bit, so the 11-inch seemed appeling at first, but then i noticed that there is a few pros to the 13-inch than the 11 inch: There's an SD card slot on the 13 inch, which i could care less about, the screen has higher resoulotion, which i don't really care about eiether, but the one difference was that the 13 inch has two hours more battery life, which kinda got me thinking towards the 13-inch. So what do you guys think, is it impossible to work on the 11.6 inch and should i go for the 13 inch, or should i go with the ultra-portability of the 11-inch?
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Apr 21, 2010
Does anyone know of any web sites that compare temperature differences between the i5 and i7 cpu's used in Macbook Pros?I am still on the fence on if I should get the i5 or i7. I don't own a Mac laptop now and have heard that they get quite hot. I am wondering if the i5 at the lower clock speed would run cooler.I have poked around on google with no luck. Anyone have any insight?
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Nov 2, 2009
I'm looking for a new monitor to go with my MBP, and I'm stuck trying to choose between the ones listed above.
The 2407WFP is a couple of years old now I guess, but it's the rev A04 version, which supposedly fixed the (few) problems with what was otherwise meant to be a great screen. It's an sPVA screen.
I've heard good reviews of the G2410, with its LED backlighting. It's still a TN panel and I hear so much bad stuff about them.
The 2209WA is an eIPS panel which I like the sound of, but it's smaller and lower resolution.
The F2380 is a cPVA panel, the image quality looks better but I've heard bad things about blacks on this panel.
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Mar 23, 2010
Under average useage (browsing the web, typing a letter, writing an email, editing photos in iPhoto, using Photoshop Elements etc.) what difference would the user see by switching to the 9600M GT card over the 9400M?
I ask cos, in the nine months I've owned this MBP, I had never bothered switching to my 9600. I've now done it and notice no difference whatsoever.
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May 23, 2012
What is the speed differences between the SATA & SSID?
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1.1
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Sep 1, 2009
I want to get the apple wired keyboard (not the wireless), but I'm undecided on which version. Is the shorter wired version a lot more cramped than the longer one, in respect to the majorily used keys, or is the spacing the same between the characters for both keyboards. I never use a num pad normally and would like to free up a little space on my desk, but I'm worried that the rest of the keys will be more cramped and uncomfortable to type on.
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Sep 12, 2009
Does anyone know if the panel used in Apples 24 inch Cinema display is the same as the 24 inch iMac?
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Jul 29, 2010
Hello everyone, I'm currently looking to buy a 27 inch imac and can't decide whether to get a base i3 27 inch or a refurbished i5 quad core 27 inch. With the i3 I can get the student discount and qualify for the ipod, but the i5 is 23% off right now. Which should I get? Also is there a benefit of getting a 5 series graphics card over a 4 series graphics card?
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Jan 5, 2011
I'm pretty satisfied with the Marware cover, although it can be a little frustrating when typing quickly..I'm wondering if I should go back, return the Marware cover and pick up the iSkin.
So, for those of you that have any of these in comparing..which do you think is the best?
And yes, I did search and am aware threads like this exist..but I couldn't find any comparing all three, only iSkin vs. Moshi.
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Apr 30, 2008
I'm trying to decide which product to buy and I was hoping for some advice.
First and foremost I want a device so that I may transfer my VHS tapes to DVD.
Live TV recording is secondary but for the price, I'd like to find the device that suits me best so I can continue to use it after i've transferred all my VHS.
Here are my concerns:
1) I'm going to be moving from the US to Ireland in a couple of months (not sure for how long, could be years+) Obviously there's the whole NTSC vs. PAL, ATSC vs. DVB.
I know with EyeTV 250 it's either or, any ideas if buying some sort of converter is an option (prices, quality)? If I bought just a PAL one, would I still be able to convert VHS or would it be completely unusable in the US?
2) I'd like some sort of HD/Digital abilities. From what I can tell TVMax is analog only and Blackmagic may also be but I can't find more specs on that.
Does this mean they'll be useless once the US undergoes the conversion?
So as of now I'm leaning towards EyeTV 250 but the question are there any forseeable problems with using a PAL to NTSC converter or using a PAL EyeTV in the US just to convert VHS.
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Oct 25, 2009
I am planning on purchasing a new display for use (currently) with my imac. I am completely torn between these two models, and cannot make a decision. Any thoughts? I like the Dell because it is LED backlit, thus good blacks and little to no backlight bleed. But I like the Samsung because of the (supposedly better panel and (supposedly) better color reproduction. I like the simplistic look of both of them (though they could look a little better ) so I'm not sure which one to buy.
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Jun 30, 2009
I ran some tests on my 2009 Quad Nehalem to try and determine what was up with the triple Vs dual memory "brouhaha".
I posted the results as a new thread because I think it will be useful information for a lot of quad owners, but it was originally going to be a reply to this thread:
Here we go. Tesselator suggested 3 tests that could show the differences in speed between triple and dual channel bandwidth.
As one idea I would maybe try creating a few very large images (16-bit, blank white, blank black, gradient fill) and then duplicating and deleting that layer repeatedly a few hundred times.
So I did them, 10 times each. I could have gone on, but the results were very very stable after the first 2 attempts.
Set-up: a 40Mpx, 16bit image (8000*5000). First test it was simply filled white; second test: black; and third test a black to white gradient. I added a fourth test, using a real (photo) 12Mpx RAW image from my Nikon D300.
I created (took a while!) an action with 350 repetitions of "duplicate layer" and "delete layer", followed by a red fill to let me know the action was done. The same action was used in all four tests.
The computer was restarted before each of the four tests, which may explain the irregularities on the first 1-2 attempts. Nothing else but PS4 was launched.
The results are interesting:
We can clearly see that the simple white and black fills show a speed difference of around 10%.
We can also clearly see that this difference disappears when a more complex image is used. The use of more complex images represents a much more realistical use of PS.
To make things even more realistic, I also tested RetouchActions's speed test on my own 12Mpx image. I use nearly all of the operations of that action on a daily basis, so it's a lot more representative of the work I do on PS.
Here are the results:
The results are clear: 11% increase in performance using 8GB of ram (Vs 6GB) when working on a 12Mpx image.
Added info: number of page-outs after running the 10 test series (after about 45 minutes of intense PS work):
-17K when using 6GB (1.7K page-out avg).
-10K when using 8GB (1K page-out avg).
For me the results are definitive: unless I plan on working only with full black or full white images (not even black and white!), having 8GB is better, even when working on smallish 12Mpx files. I imagine the differences would have been even greater using bigger file sizes of actual complex images.
What would now be interesting: someone with a 2009MP Octo doing the same tests at 12GB and 16GB.
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