OS X :: All Applications Quit Unexpectedly When Printing
Apr 29, 2007
All applications quit suddenly when I click on print or press command+P. I tried everything to solve the problem including:
1) Uninstalled and reinstalled printer driver software.
2) Removed and readded the printer in printer setup utility
3) Reinstalled the whole operating system (Tiger) and installed all the updates.
4) Then it occured to me to test the printer using other user accounts in my computer and it works fine on other accounts! So the problem is just in my user account!
I have the new MBP. I'm running OS 10.5.6 2.53 ghz intro core 2 duo 4 gigs of ram. I have enough to run it. I had issues installing it. It told me I needed 1 mb to run it. so I drug the folder into the mac HD. When the base game works perfectly. I have all the expansion games. Which works on my IMac running the same thing & my old MBP. When I install the first expansion pack & launch it the error reads. The application the sims 2 quit unexpectedly & it says the same thing when I want to relaunch.
one day i open adium, pass 10 seconds and quit's now happend all the time i download adium again and the same thing happendseems when i connect my facebook account to adium, Crash, here it's the report of the crash
My itunes randomly, even after several restarts and re-installations, won't open and always says that itunes has "unexpectedly quit". I don't know what to do. This is what the error reads:
I just got the screen that says you need to hold down the power key and restart your computer. Anyone know why? I'm running tiger. I had about 12% battery left and I am "borrowing" my neighbors internet because mine is down right now (I'm a broke college student). I had about 1-3 bars of internet but those go in and out and fluctuate often. I've noticed my computer seems to lag because of that, I've had a lot more applications crashing.
I recently got a powerbook g4, and it was running on Mac OS X 10.4. I knew that wasn't the latest version, so I bought a mac box set. My applications were fine they all open and were fine. I installed mac os x 10.5 the next day and it took a few tries to install. When it was done I installed ilife. I have had so many problems with my computer ever since I installed those programs. My ichat, iphoto, mail, address book, and ical won't open. I get the message " the application.... unexpectedly quit." This is my first mac computer and I'm not sure what to do. I also get that message when I'm in the middle of the software updates. I have to find them on the apple website to download them.
Sometimes random applications quit unexpectedly, and sometimes the Finder keeps quitting and restarting repeatedly. Last time this happened after waking the machine from hibernation, and Skype and Chrome quit. Before other applications has quit as well, such as MATLAB and Spotify. Anyone got any idea what might be amiss? I've got the newest version of everything that I'm running.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Lately I have been noticing some applications, most memorably Safari and Pages, quitting unexpectedly. I'm just in there and boom, out of nowhere, it quits. Has anyone else had this problem or know what may be causing it? I am on a brand new 15" i5 MBP running Snow Leopard 10.6.4. I was going to switch back to Chrome from Safari, but since other apps are doing it too. I'm thinking it's not just the web browser's fault but the fault of something else on my computer.
I am running on OSX version 10.9.4?I have the latest software updates, including quicktime, java, adobe,For some reason my Skype and also my Pages applications are" unexpectedly quitting" This has been happening for a few days now. Initially i thought my skype was the problem So I had a look here and did all these steps URL>...
So clearly it isn't the application though if it's also happening with Pages. I have ran through my disk utility and tried to repair disks and files My memory and my Ram should all be fine, says there is plenty.
Have Word 2004. Don't laugh; it's been working. When got new MBP, Office worked. (Well, can't recall if PPT ever worked with it.)Excel and Word definitely did work. Two weeks ago, Excel started working sporadically, then not at all.Right now(!!), Word suddenly stopped working. "Word quit unexpectedly" and "Excel quit unexpectedly." Â
On Safari, it keeps giving me error messages saying "Safari Webpage Preview Fetcher has quit unexpectedly" and "QTKit has quit unexpectedly". Sometimes every few seconds. I tried using a "MultiSafari" v.4.0.5 and it does the same thing. I suspect it is because of deleting the contents of the Caches folder (which I do regularly, but never had problems with).
I was wondering if you guys could help me out. I installed that freaking Google Notifier and I have been getting this message "The application GoogleUpdateChecker quit unexpectedly" every 30 minutes.I already uninstalled it and this message is still popping up.How can I delete this file so this message won't pop up again?
PowerMac G5 OS 10.5 Leopard - I am getting this error message. If I start up from Install Disk and try to Reinstall the OS, it throws an error message stating "Cannot verify Disk." If I start up from Install Disk, it goes directly to OS Installation without utility options. If I DO NOT Start up from Install Disk, little is recognized, including Main Menu Bar at top. If I insert Install Disk, it does not recognize a disk was inserted to work off. This all happened when: I chose to do a clean restore on the HD to sell the PowerMac. During the process, I had to stop it and I followed directions. Quit Install and select disk to restart from. I chose my HD and proceeded.
I have had a Macbook for about 2 months, and the 1st 2 months all the applications (including system preferences) has worked without a problem. Just about a week ago, iwent to open system preferences. That worked fine. But, when i went to click on "Desktop & Screen Saver" the application froze for a minute, then automatically quit! A screen poped up saying "The application system preferences quit unexpectedly", and gave the the option of closing it, reporting it, or reopening it. I tried to reopen it, but that didn't do anything (the same thing happened). So, i tried to restart my laptop, and when it had finished restarting, i went to do the same thing as before (open desktop and screen saver) and it "quit unexpectedly" again, and the same screen poped up. I still cant get it to open, and it has already been a week.
Since downloading 10.5.1, I have had the message below pop up about every half hour. Almost every time, I click "Report...." to send to failure to Apple. I have also tried clicking "Relaunch," but that done nothing to fix the problem. Half an hour later, the popup comes back again. It has happened now more times than I can count. I have tried to research what this application is, but to no avail. Does anyone have any idea what I can do to fix this or to at least get rid of the pop up?
I've been having some issues with my itunes AND adium...for some reason they won't launch, they load for a second and then immediately go to the "....quit unexpectedly" message, when I try to send an error report, it fails as well...I feel like I'm being hacked or something... Has anyone experienced this, more importantly does anyone know how to fix it?
I have used Gimp for about one year with no issues. I updated gimp to newer version 2.6 and now I can not get past errors.
Here is the scenario, then the supporting information;
- I updated gimp, then have 'The application gimp-2.6 quit unexpectedly' error
- X11 was up to date from the MAC side, so I updated to the latest version of X11 from Xquartz, then have same gimp error AND 'The application dbus-launch quit unexpectedly'.
- I removed both with AppZapper and loaded X11 from my Apple software disc with no improvement, I still have both errors.
- I tried an older version of Gimp and it did not work (no menu bar) and I think it was 2.4.7(?)
So with apple standard X11 and fresh install of gimp 2.6 I still am unable to start gimp. Nor will X11 open when I click the icon in apps folder.
I'm running OS X 10.6.8 Safari version 5.1.4.I updated my macbook today per the update suggestions and now safari gives me this error every time I try to open it: [code] Info: MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have installed Adobe CS5 Master Collection on my MacBook Alu (late 2008) and it's works fine on 10.5.8 then I updated to 10.6 -- still works fine, until I updated to 10.7, it quit unexpectedly. I searched on the internet and I found that I must clean-install the OS X, so I do it. Then I install Adobe CS5 again and everything works fine until I updated to 10.7.3Â After I updated my MacBook to 10.7.3 I have set the system language to Thai, and didn't do anything other. I searched on the internet and found that I must Repair Disk Permission so I do it, and nothing happen, problem still occurs.Â
I recently updated my iMac and now none of my applications will open.Checking for a software update that will cure this, but I get the same message that software update has quit unexpectedly.Using Disk Utility I clicked on Verify Disk and I get an error message stating: "Disk Utility stopped verifying 'HD' This disc needs to be repaired.Start up your computer with another disk (such as your Mac OS X instalation disc), and then use Disk Utility to repair this disk."Running Disk Utility from my start up disk that originally came with the computer.I get an error message when clicking on Verify Disk or Repair Disk stating "First Aid Failed.Disk utility stopped repairing 'HD' because the following error was encountered: The underlying task reported failure on exit."
I just bought an iMac G4. This machine has been great, until a few hours ago. I was surfing Camino, when I went to go to IE for Mac (to check my Gmail, because Camino crashes when I go to Gmail) and then the same website I typed in on IE [URL] showed up in Camino. Of course, Camino crashed. Then, Camino started itself back up again, automatically surfed to [URL], and crashed again. Then Camino started up again...(and so on)
So I chose to force shut down the computer via the power button (which was probably a bad choice). When I got back on, I tried starting Camino. It crashed almost as soon as I clicked on it. I tried again...same thing. I soon came to realize that everything to do with the internet (Camino, Safari, IE, AIM) crashes the same way (almost as soon as you click on it). You ask how it crashed? Just the normal "This application unexpectedly quit" type.
Entourage stopped opening on my system a few days ago. When I attempt to launch I receive the message in the subject line. This happens from both the alias and the program icon. I am on OS X 10.5.6 and this is the first time I've had any trouble w/Entourage.
It only bounces once in the dock and says "App Quit Unexpectedly.."
I tried to reinstall it with a .pkg but it's the same result...I can restore the application with the restore disk if I have to...But all the other iLife apps work...