MacBook :: Energy Saver Icon - Change The Settings
Feb 7, 2009
I just noticed a small but very annoying change. I have the energy saver pane appear in the menu bar on my iBook. It used to be when I clicked the battery icon I could select Better Battery Life, Better Performance, or Normal from the drop down menu. I don't when this change happened, but I am now no longer able to select those from the icon, I have to open System Preference to change it. [URL]
I am unable to change "Energy Saver" settings in System Settings using Yosemite 10.10.1. In particular, I want to uncheck the "Put Hard Disks to Sleep" option.
I can click on the option and then click close. But when I go back into "Energy Saver" the checkbox is ticked again.
I have tried both an SMC and PRAM reset and the problem persists.
I know this has been mentioned before, but I read previously that only the new unibody Macbooks have the energy saver icon as a flourescent bulb. i am on a 1/2008 black macbook and noticed in system prefs that the energy saver icon is now the eco-friendly flourescent bulb. anyone else notice this?
If I replace my mid-2007 iMac's internal HDD with an SSD, will Snow Leopard still present me with the "Put the hard disk(s) to sleep when possible" checkbox on the Energy Saver power settings screen? If so, do I tick it or not? I will still have an HDD for Time Machine connected via FW800.
For the first time I am using my 24 inch iMac to download some files over night while I sleep , using a download manager, ( Speed Download ) and wondered what would be the best settings to use would be on the Energy Saver settings panel
I have a new issue with my Mac Pro (3,1 - 2008), it just popped up (and I don't think it was caused by 10.6.3, I remember this working correctly after it was installed)I have two monitors connected via DVI to a flashed XFX 4870. The 4870 has never given me any trouble.the Energy Saver settings, I usually set the machine to never sleep, and the displays to sleep after 5 minutes. This used to work great, never had any trouble with it, ever. Now, the displays don't go to sleep after 5 minutes, they just stay on with a screensaver.
I am new to Mac - having wished I had converted years ago - my new MacBook Pro is great. Mac makes Windows seem like living in the stone age, but I am rambling. I have found that it's possible to manually change graphic power settings within energy saver, but is there just that one setting? I would have hoped for an automatic change of settings depending if you are working on mains or battery. Unrelated, does a Mac have a delete key?
I change my Energy Saver settings (Mavericks), but the changes do not remain. Once the display goes to sleep, the settings change back to other values (which aren't the same as the default settings). This happens even though I have the settings locked. Could some other utility be changing the settings? My Macbook Pro was imaged through my work - might they have set something up that can revert settings?
I've already tried trashing the file and restarting - that didn't solve the problem.
Well 10.5.6 has been so much fun and full of surprises - like a box of chocolates Gump would say. For some reason, the sleep function settings won't reset. I had my iMac set to sleep the HD after about an hour. I changed the setting to never, but it still wants to sleep. Never had any trouble like this before the update. My install is almost virgin as I had to reinstall because of the update. I don't have any add-ons running or anything like that. Can I delete the .plist file for these settings to start over?
I am sure someone has made a macro (using either applescript or automator) to turn energy saver on or off (ie, to switch between graphics cards). If I understood automator or applescript, i would do it myself, but sadly i don't. Is there anyone out there that might be able to but such a macro together for me, or share theirs?
My computer doesn't go to sleep even if i manually do it or press the power off button and press sleep. My energy saver is on 1 min and it just doesn't go to sleep.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Sleeps just fine if i close the lid or if i go to apple --> sleep, but it will not go to sleep by itself according to the preferences in energy saver. Never happened on my old Macbook pro. I've looked through the sleep page on apple's site, but still cant figure it out. [URL].
Whenever I try and open up my energy saver preferences a pop up appears "Could not install (null) preferences pane". The energy saver preferences is not in my system preferences anymore I have to spotlight search to try and open it. I have the highest update on all of my settings for my macbook pro (one of the original 13" pros from when they changed the macbook unibody to the macbook pro). I've tried googling and nothing really substantial comes up or I just cannot understand it. I've tried repairing disk permissions etc.
so this has happened twice now in the past month, my mb is in screen saver mode and i wake it up to find that the color is off in the screen. meaning that the color settings changed and the screen has a swashed out blue tint to it. first time i restarted and all was good, second time i clicked on the preferences icon and then the screen went back to its normal setting. my normal setting is not the factory one but one of the ones that people said makes the screen look better.
so what gives, is the integrated chip dieing on me?
oh its a unibody that i got when they first came out, 2.0 processor one all factory
I'd like to set my mpb (early 2009) to "higher performance" for the power adaptor and "better battery life" while on the battery. Can someone confirm if this is possible? I can't seem to do this because when I change it on one power source it automatically changes it on the other power source. Is there something obvious I am missing - I have searched the forums in vain. (I have checked that I don't need any software updates).
In all the screenshots I see of Energy Save.prefpane, I notice that people have a "Better Battery Life" setting or something similar. However, my Energy Saver looks like this (screenshot below). Why is this? Anyway to change it if it is actually different and incorrect?
Recently, I have noticed that my Macbook Pro running lion will not ever go to sleep, regardless of what values I choose on the sliders for "Computer sleep" and "Display sleep." The value to the right of the bar says "Never" no matter what. I'm wondering on how to make these values actually represent the values I choose on the slider, rather than always "Never."
i just bought an external speaker set- Phillips Smart Sound Solution.. Followed the directions for set up properly, except for the part about plugging a green plug into the green audio slot. I know that there is a green plug in on PC's, but on my macbook pro, the only slot I think would make sense to plug into would be the one in front of my headphone slot. After plugging this in, I go to my preferences or whatever, and then go to audio, and the only thing listed is internal speakers...
The "energy" issue... I have my energy saving issues set to never put hard disks to sleep, to not put the computer to sleep etc.... And when listening to iTunes, or just letting the computer set, it logs me out... I have the settings to never shut off when plugged in, and when on battery....
I am unable to put my G5 Power Mac to Sleep. I have attempted to make adjustments through Energy Saver but any changes freezes System Preferences. The spinning wheel begins and I need to Force Quit System Preferences.
Information: PowerMac G5 2.1 GHz Mac OS X (10.4.10)
can someone using 10.5.6 on a Mac released before the new MacBooks please do me a favour and go to /System/Library/PreferancePanes and check if EnergySaver.prefpane is version number 4.0?
im using the Energy Saver preference pane which came with the new MacBook's Leopard install and i want to put back the old one back which came with Leopard installed on my Core Duo MacBook Pro but i lost my back up! so i want to know if the version from 10.5.0 is the same as 10.5.6. i hope i made sense .
p.s. i dont backup the system with Time Machine so i cant go back in Time and get it .
There used to be an option for a UPS configuration under System Preferences - Engery Saver for previous versions of OS X. Can this feature still be accessed for OS X 10.9, and if so, how and where?
Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9), 2.8 GHz i5; 8 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
1 "Put the computer to sleep when it is inactive for.." 2 "Put display to sleep after..." 3 "Put Hard Disks to sleep when possible..."
I'm guessing that #1 won't spin down the Hard Disks unless #3 is checked? Is that right? I'm also guessing that if I'm downloading a file or securely deleting the trash my iMac won't go to sleep? The reason I ask is because it seems like if I'm deleting the trash and my display goes to sleep, when I come back to the computer i really don't see any progress. What options do you guys typically use? I keep my iMac on 24/7, but didn't know about the first sleep option.
Running MacBook ProMacBookPro4,1Intel Core 2 Duo2.4 GHzW882458RYJZos x 10.6.8 Im running differnt language My battery is pretty much dead is that the problem?