MacBook :: Backlight On Monitor Occasionally Shuts Off / Fix It?

Jun 9, 2010

There's a macbook I'm considering purchasing on ebay right now. The seller says:

Also, the backlight on the monitor occasionally shuts off. I don't know why but if you close the machine, then open it up, it usually comes back on. This is a known issue with some MacBooks.

I know that sometime Apple will fix known problems for free (like the palm-rest chipping problem). Does Apple fix this for free?

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MacBook Pro :: Backlight Shuts Off At Login Screen

Feb 19, 2012

I have just replaced the display panel in my MacBook Pro (A1260) and now it is behaving oddly at startup. The backlight lights up normally until the boot process gets to the Login screen, at that point the LEDs shut off. I can see the images on the display, (the LCD seems OK,) the only issue is that the LEDs are turning off.

Here's what I've tried:
1) If I boot in Target mode, the screen stays lit. (As expected.)
2) If I reset PRAM, the lamp behaves normally, staying on through that session. If I restart, the lamp-off- condition returns.
3) I have reset the SMC per instructions here, [URL]. No change, LEDs shut off.

MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.4/2.2 GHz), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Monitor Display Not Working Fine / Horizontal Scan Lines And Black Out Occasionally

Jul 9, 2009

So I had a recently purchased 17" BTO with the 7200RPM drive that worked great, but with one issue - the display would have horizontal scan lines and black out occasionally. So I called up Apple and eventually managed to get a cross-ship set up(they let me hold on to my current unit, charge my credit card and send me a second brand new 17" unit as a replacement,and then refund me for the second 17" after I send back the defective unit).

Anyway, the replacement unit looks great, but with one issue - there's a very small light dent on the bottom panel(maybe about the size of a dime). I was annoyed but don't think this is worth having to exchange, since I could probably just unscrew the panel and pop it back into place.

However, what really got to me was the fact that my replacement unit was slightly louder than my original - my original is so silent that I can't even tell it's on. However, with my replacement unit, I can hear the hard drive spinning, which is slightly annoying.

Anyway, I proceeded to restore from a time machine backup and test my replacement unit when I noticed that it would occasionally get the hard drive click + beep + freeze issue that many others who have the 7200 RPM drive seem to be facing. It's extremely annoying, and more importantly I miss the complete silence of my older unit.

My question is, while I'm still in possession of both units(which both have the exact same specs, same 7200 RPM drive, etc.), should I simply just open both up and take the silent(good) hard drive from my old unit and put it into my new one?

The click+beep freeze issue is really pissing me off, and my old unit didn't suffer from it - it's just this replacement one(doesn't make any sense).Anyway, would notice if I switched the hard drive? Would I get screwed somehow? Do they keep track of the hard drive serials or something?

I really don't want to go through the pain of sending this back, especially considering that a LOT of people are suffering from this issue, and I don't want to end up with another defective drive. I'm sick and tired of games and just want a computer that WORKS.

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OS X :: Cursor Occasionally Jumps To Monitor Corner?

Feb 20, 2009

While I'm moving my cursor (seemingly on the desktop or some software) it will occasionally jump to one of the corners of my monitor. Otherwise it seemingly is unaffected. I just have to drag it back.

I'm guessing it's something in my preferences but I don't know what.

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IMac (Intel) :: Change Display Settings Such As Color Temperature And Backlight Brightness On Monitor?

Nov 30, 2014

My wife has an iMac (I don't know any other way to identify it e.g. model number), and she has this 3rd party calibration software that I'm trying to use. I am not used to a Mac, and I cannot find the display settings for the monitor. There are no buttons on the monitor, and when I go to preferences, I can only find the brightness control. I've googled this and cannot find a clear, simple answer. I have used every version of Windows (currently on 8.1 on my PC) and it's easy for me on that platform. I suppose it's just that I don't really know how to navigate Mac OS.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Monitor Shuts Down Doesn't Use Screen Server

Jan 31, 2012

i am using my monitor from old Leopard computer. It works fine on the Mac mini running Lion. When not in use, instead of using the screen settings it shuts down. I have to click the mouse and sign in.

AppleTV 2, Mac OS X (10.7.2), Mac mini 2011 iPad 2 iPhone 3Gs

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MacBook Air :: Screen Occasionally Flickering

Dec 8, 2010

I have a Macbook Air that is about 2 years old. Recently, the backlight started to go off randomly, it always lasts for less than a second and then is back to normal.

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MacBook :: Its Screen Occasionally Going Black?

Apr 25, 2009

I have a black macbook that I got in Dec 2007. While I am using it, the screen will randomly going completely black and I have to move towards being closed until the screen works again. I think it is a short in the screen but I am not sure.

I was hoping someone else has had a similar problem and figured out how to fix it. I was also thinking about taking it into Apple or an Apple reseller to get it looked at but I am not sure how expensive it would be.

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MacBook Pro :: 13" Occasionally Takes Too Long To Shutdown

Sep 17, 2010

I was a Windows user up until a few months ago so this isn't that big a deal, but lately, my MBP takes longer than usual to shut down. Usually, it's no more than 2-3 seconds. Now, most of the time it's normal, but sometimes it takes like 20-30 seconds and there is a spiraling icon (hard to describe, think of something refreshing or loading) on the blue screen. I know it's not a big deal, but I'd like some kind of explanation as to why my MBP is doing this and if it's a sign of worse things to come.

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MacBook Air :: Occasionally Using Adobe CS5 Application For Light Work

Dec 14, 2010

I've currently got an early 2009 iMac, 2.8Ghz Core 2 Duo and 2GB of RAM. How would a base 11.6" MacBook Air compare to my iMac, occasionally using Adobe CS5 applications for light work on PhotoShop, Premier Pro and After Effects? Or would I be better off waiting for the MacBook refresh for something more powerful?

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MacBook Pro :: Occasionally Makes A Strange Clicking Noise?

Jul 2, 2009

My new Macbook Pro occasionally makes a strange clicking noise. Not too loud. I can't really tell what's causing it or what it's coming from, but I'm 99.9% sure it's not the speakers. Ideas?

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MacBook Pro :: Charger Not Working - Occasionally It Will Light Up Orange?

Apr 12, 2012

My macbook pro's charger is not working - occassionly it will light up orange and charge but most of the time it will not The charger is a 60w magsafe power adapter I have had this charger for approx 3 years One of thee adaptors ends for some reasons has slightly deviated towards the right and its silver plating has been scratched to show the gold core would this effect the chargers ability What is the chargers problem? Also would it be safe to use my macbook charger on the macbook pro? Also the battery icon occassionally says service battery , is this due to overcharging the laptop

60w magsafe charger

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MacBook Pro :: Magsafe Light Occasionally Turns Off While Plugged In

Aug 26, 2014

Every once in a while, the green light on my Magsafe adapter will turn off, but the computer will indicate that it's still running off of AC power. If I unplug the adapter from the computer and then plug it back in, it'll immediately light up again. or some times i tap on it and it start again!

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MacBook Pro :: Green Ring Around The Charger Port Occasionally Turns Red?

Jul 27, 2009

I am currently in possession of a powerbook G4 15" which is having difficulties when charging. The battery i feel is fairly old as it does not retain charge well when not plugged in. The charger has recently become temperamental, charging at a very slow rate, if at all and usually works if held at a certain angle. The last few days i have noticed that the green ring around the charger port occasionally turns red and have unplugged the charger and left it.

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MacBook Pro :: 2011 15" Occasionally Freezes And Beeps Loudly In Groups Of Three

Jun 9, 2012

This problem typically occured when I was doing something particularly strenuous, but I just recently had it happen while browsing the internet. The computer will suddenly freeze and start beeping loudly in groups of three with an LED on the front flashing in sync with the sound. I am running Snow leopar if that has any bearing on this problem. What exactly is causing this?

MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Retina (Mid 2012) Display Doesn't Work Occasionally / Random Restarts

Sep 4, 2014

I have some issue with my 2012 Macbook Pro Retina. The screen intermittently decides to just not work. Sometimes on startup i hear the start up noise but the screen doesn't turn on. I am able to remote into the computer when the screen doesn't work. I can't seem to find any rhyme or reason as to when it works and when it doesn't. I've reset the PRAM and SMC sometimes that will bring the screen back sometimes not.  

MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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MacBook :: Can't Keep Screen Backlight On

Dec 15, 2010

I kept my macbook (late 2008) turned on overnight on lowest brightness and when I tried turning the brightness back on this morning, the backlight flashed on for less than a second and then turned off again. Somehow I managed to get it to work, but whenever I move my macbook even slightly the problem reoccurs. I've done some research on my problem and I suspect that it's hardware related (maybe the inverter or the inverter cable?), but maybe the LCD itself is broken? Does anyone else have any experience with this?

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MacBook Pro :: LED Backlight On But No Picture?

Jan 22, 2009

I have a 2.2 Santa Rosa 15" MBP, and an odd thing happened last night. I wasn't running any unusual applications, and had a few things open and was browsing in Firefox. All of a sudden my screen went black, and wouldn't come back up.

The computer is still running just fine, and it didn't go to sleep. The LED backlight is fine, as the Apple logo is lit up and if I change the brightness I can see the backlight changing (the "black" screen gets less "black", if that makes sense), however the actual display panel isn't projecting any picture at all.

I've restarted a dozen times, reset PRAM, and did the unplug battery and hold power button trick, all to no avail. There's no flicker of a picture or anything... it's as if the monitor is completely dead (aside from the backlight being fine).

If I plug in an external monitor, I can use the computer just fine. So it's not like the video card is dead all the way.

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MacBook :: Backlight On Keyboards

Feb 8, 2009

I know that the base 2.0GHz MacBooks do not feature the backlit keyboards of the higher-end models, but I was wondering if the actual backlight is physically in these lower-end models and just disabled in firmware or software? Or is it missing entirely?

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MacBook Pro :: Backlight On It Seems To Be Fading?

Mar 17, 2012

the light on my 15" display has grown dimmer; is that something that is correctable?

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook Pro :: Backlight On It Not Shutting Down?

May 12, 2012

After the system update why won't my keyboard backlight wont shut down.

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Mac Pro :: USB Keyboard Occasionally Not Working

Mar 5, 2008

Has anybody else been having a problem with the keyboard that comes with the new MacPros? I got the standard USB keyboard, as I need the number pad (although I'm finding that the cable really is a pain in the @#$@ and may go back to my old white plastic Apple Bluetooth keyboard) and every now and then it simply doesn't work.

Or rather, I will type and nothing will appear on the screen/be inputed into the document or text space.

I thought it was that it didn't like being hooked up via the USB Hub in my HP LP3065, but I'm finding it still happens now that I rerouted it to be hooked up directly into the front USB port on the computer. But the past few days it has resumed happening.

The odd thing is that if I change fields by clicking on a new area with the mouse I'm able to type. but until I do, nothing I type appears on the screen.

I'm not sure if it's a Microsoft issue (since I'm noticing it when I work on Excell and Entourage) or if it's merely that 90% or more of all typing I do is on a Microsoft product (Word Documents, Excell spreadsheets, Entourage e-mails...). I honestly can't remember if I've noticed this in Quicken (but I think it has).

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Intel Mac :: Occasionally Switches Itself Off?

Jun 3, 2012

My Imac(Intel) occasionally switches itself off. To bring it back to life I have to unplug it from the mains for a couple of hours. On plugging it back in the fan immediately starts up very noisily but nothing else happens. By holding down the on/off switch I turn the machine off. By pressing the on/off switch in the normal start up manner everything is OK.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Won't Turn On Keyboard Backlight

Dec 1, 2010

I have a Macbook Pro (Newest gen.) and sometimes the keyboard backlight wont turn on. I suspect it to happen when I have had the Macbook on standby, but I don't know for sure if that is what does it.

Then i press the backlight-adjust buttons on the keyboard, this OSD-symbol turns up:

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MacBook :: Aluminum Backlight Went Out - Replace?

Dec 8, 2010

The backlight on my MacBook went out suddenly today, no idea why. Is there some way to replace it without having to replace the entire display assembly? It is very difficult to get the assembly apart, but I will be on break from school and will have plenty of free time to fix it if it will save me a few hundred bucks. So is it possible to replace the backlight only, or is it a part of the lcd panel?

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MacBook Air :: 1gen Screen Backlight?

Dec 11, 2010

I read on the internet that this is probably caused by lightbult or inverter board, but that information was on macbook or macbook pro, i couldn't find any information if its the same issue with macbook airs.. Has somebody had similar situation? How have you solved this issue?

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MacBook :: Screen Won't Turn On / Backlight

Dec 26, 2010

I have a 2008 White body model Macbook with 2 gigs of ram and 2.1 core duo processor. My problem is that the screen won't turn on...when I start up my computer it lights up for a second, but turns off before the apple sign shows up. If I look really close I can see everything. Oddly enough, if I press the brightness button so to decrease the brightness to the very last bar and then hit the f2 button to turn up the brightness by one, the light will turn on for a few seconds, if i continually go back and forth, I can sort of use it enough to do something with it (thank god because I had all my work for school on it). I have included a link with this thread so you can see what I mean.

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MacBook Air :: Unable To Fix Keyboard Backlight

Apr 4, 2008

Is there any fix to the keyboard backlight problem? My keyboard work only setting manually on. It won`t set keyboard lights on when it`s at the darkroom etc. Is there any fix for this problem?

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MacBook :: LED Backlight Flickering On Unibody?

Feb 21, 2009

At full brightness the flickering is barely noticeable unless you really tried to look hard for it but you can also see it on website backgrounds with lots of lines, such as the left sidebar on [URL] Also, when the backlight dims after being left alone, the backlight flickers for a couple of minutes and then disappears. I have had this macbook for a bit more than 2 weeks. Should I send it in for a repair/replacement?

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To With Keyboard Backlight

Feb 18, 2010

I have a macbook pro and the keyboard backlight turns on and off when i press the f,g,and v keys when I am in a dark room.

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