Mac Pro :: USB Keyboard Occasionally Not Working

Mar 5, 2008

Has anybody else been having a problem with the keyboard that comes with the new MacPros? I got the standard USB keyboard, as I need the number pad (although I'm finding that the cable really is a pain in the @#$@ and may go back to my old white plastic Apple Bluetooth keyboard) and every now and then it simply doesn't work.

Or rather, I will type and nothing will appear on the screen/be inputed into the document or text space.

I thought it was that it didn't like being hooked up via the USB Hub in my HP LP3065, but I'm finding it still happens now that I rerouted it to be hooked up directly into the front USB port on the computer. But the past few days it has resumed happening.

The odd thing is that if I change fields by clicking on a new area with the mouse I'm able to type. but until I do, nothing I type appears on the screen.

I'm not sure if it's a Microsoft issue (since I'm noticing it when I work on Excell and Entourage) or if it's merely that 90% or more of all typing I do is on a Microsoft product (Word Documents, Excell spreadsheets, Entourage e-mails...). I honestly can't remember if I've noticed this in Quicken (but I think it has).

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MacBook Pro :: Charger Not Working - Occasionally It Will Light Up Orange?

Apr 12, 2012

My macbook pro's charger is not working - occassionly it will light up orange and charge but most of the time it will not The charger is a 60w magsafe power adapter I have had this charger for approx 3 years One of thee adaptors ends for some reasons has slightly deviated towards the right and its silver plating has been scratched to show the gold core would this effect the chargers ability What is the chargers problem? Also would it be safe to use my macbook charger on the macbook pro? Also the battery icon occassionally says service battery , is this due to overcharging the laptop

60w magsafe charger

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MacBook Pro :: Monitor Display Not Working Fine / Horizontal Scan Lines And Black Out Occasionally

Jul 9, 2009

So I had a recently purchased 17" BTO with the 7200RPM drive that worked great, but with one issue - the display would have horizontal scan lines and black out occasionally. So I called up Apple and eventually managed to get a cross-ship set up(they let me hold on to my current unit, charge my credit card and send me a second brand new 17" unit as a replacement,and then refund me for the second 17" after I send back the defective unit).

Anyway, the replacement unit looks great, but with one issue - there's a very small light dent on the bottom panel(maybe about the size of a dime). I was annoyed but don't think this is worth having to exchange, since I could probably just unscrew the panel and pop it back into place.

However, what really got to me was the fact that my replacement unit was slightly louder than my original - my original is so silent that I can't even tell it's on. However, with my replacement unit, I can hear the hard drive spinning, which is slightly annoying.

Anyway, I proceeded to restore from a time machine backup and test my replacement unit when I noticed that it would occasionally get the hard drive click + beep + freeze issue that many others who have the 7200 RPM drive seem to be facing. It's extremely annoying, and more importantly I miss the complete silence of my older unit.

My question is, while I'm still in possession of both units(which both have the exact same specs, same 7200 RPM drive, etc.), should I simply just open both up and take the silent(good) hard drive from my old unit and put it into my new one?

The click+beep freeze issue is really pissing me off, and my old unit didn't suffer from it - it's just this replacement one(doesn't make any sense).Anyway, would notice if I switched the hard drive? Would I get screwed somehow? Do they keep track of the hard drive serials or something?

I really don't want to go through the pain of sending this back, especially considering that a LOT of people are suffering from this issue, and I don't want to end up with another defective drive. I'm sick and tired of games and just want a computer that WORKS.

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OS X :: Keyboard Stopped Working / Restore Back To Earlier Version Of Keyboard Firmware?

Feb 28, 2008

Yesterday I had a Leopard software update which included new keyboard firmware. I did the update and the keyboard continued to function normally. This AM I booted my MacBook Pro and discovered the keyboard no longer responds to inputs. However, the MB does responds to an external USB keyboard.

Now I don't know if I have a sudden hardware problem or the MB keyboard is not working as a result of the firmware update. Has anyone else experienced a similar problem? Can I go back to the earlier revision of the keyboard firmware?

Hmmm - while writing this I just realized I have a bootable image of my system made a few week back on an external drive - I'll have to try it.

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MacBook :: 2.4 Keyboard/Trackpad, - External Keyboard/Mouse Not Working

Nov 13, 2009

So my friend was using his MacBook and went to do something else. He came back and the screen was black, he hit space and nothing, tried the trackpad and nothing. He restarted by holding the Power button, and it go to the log-in screen, but he can't type anything, or use the trackpad. He has tired restarting several times and no luck. He also tried an external Keyboard/Mouse and that didn't work.

He did plug in a Flash drive and the light turned on, so the USB ports are at least getting power, but nothing is working.

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MacBook Pro :: Keyboard Stops Working Randomnly / Caps And Num Lock Not Working

Jul 26, 2009

I'm yet to figure out a pattern, but my Macbook Pro's keyboard will just stop working for several minutes at a time at random points in time...Even if I hit caps or num lock, they don't turn green. Sometimes it'll just happen once every few hours, but I was in class the other day and it would work for a minute, then not work for a few, than work for another minute, etc.

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Hardware :: Wireless Keyboard Not Working / Stopped Working During Sw Upgrade

Mar 7, 2009

during SW to my mini-mac wireless key board the keyboard stop responding. now i have left without an ability to work with my wireless keyboard. is there any why to reset the keyboard to default setting so it will come to live again..

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MacBook Pro :: Illuminated Keyboard Not Working / Only Few Random Keys Are Working

Sep 18, 2009

I recently spilled a protein shake over my mb pro. It spilled on the right side, but I quickly cleaned it with a wet tissue and dried it up. The problem, now, is that the illuminated keyboard isn't working..only a few random keys are working and the rest aren't..

What should I do? I have a 1 year warranty left, but I'm not sure it'll be covered.

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OS X :: Keyboard Not Working / Keyboard Becomes Invisible On Wake Up

Jun 26, 2009

I just got a generic usb keyboard to use with my mbp as schoolwork is taking its toll on the keys and I wouldn't mind preserving it a little better. This keyboard is the dynex from bbuy that's labeled in windows crap but was cheap and works fine on the mac. Unfortunately, everytime the mbp comes out of sleep, the keyboard is unresponsive and i have to set it up again in settings.

Just hoping there's a simple fix and that it's not terminal

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Software :: Apple Bluetooth Keyboard Stopped Working / Itunes Stopped Working

May 13, 2009

I installed 10.5.7 yesterday. Immediately after the installation was complete, my Apple bluetooth keyboard stopped working. Went into Bluetooth system settings, and it said that there was no bluetooth hardware found... (it's built into the machine!!)...

Also, every time I start iTunes, it gives some weird error about Adobe Flash player. I'm not at home now so I don't have the exact wording of the error with me, sorry...

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OS X :: Keyboard Stop Working?

Jun 11, 2010

I never know when my keyboard on my iMac wil just stop. I have to unplug if from the USB and re-plug it to start working again. I've had the same setup for a couple of years. Started doing this about 1 month ago.

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OS X :: F8 Keyboard Light Not Working?

Mar 17, 2009

When I press the F8 button, the level indicator comes up, but there's a "not allowed" symbol as well (the circle with the diagonal line through it). This is the same when I press the F9 and F10 buttons - it comes up, but also the "not allowed" symbol

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Mac Pro :: Keyboard Key (specific Key) Not Working?

Apr 7, 2009

i've been having a problem since 2 days ago. i've got a japanese keyboard connected to a mac pro (leopard) and ever since 2 days ago, the "kana" button that toggles between english and japanese has been defective. the other button which toggles from japanese to english works. it's very strange! i've tried resetting PRAM and repairing permissions, to no avail. i must also mention that prior to this happening, i've had instances where i wouldn't touch the keyboard and the "J" would be mysteriously pressed...

i've moved to toronto and i'm wondering it might not be possible for the applestore to give me another keyboard in japanese. they may give me another one in english but i prefer the japanese for convenience.

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OS X :: Keyboard Not Working On MacBook Pro

Jul 26, 2009

I just bought the new 13 inch Macbook Pro. However, at the time the keyboard worked, until I used Migration Assistant and transferred all my data from my old 13 inch plastic Macbook over the network. Now, my mouse works on my macbook, but not my keyboard, so I need to plug an external keyboard to make it work. It also freezes my whole mac if I try typing something into the URL bar on Safari using the internal keyboard.

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MacBook Pro :: How To Get Keyboard Working Again

Mar 19, 2012

About ten minutes ago, I noticed that whenever I'd type something, the "y" key would start randomly inputting in the middle of the text.  I walked away from the computer to put something away and I saw that the "y" key was pressed multiple times.  It looked like this: "So today I went to the yyyyyyyyyy" Soon after, the "m" key started to fail, then the "u", the "j" and now the "7".  Sometimes if I press them repeatedly, symbols will come up, or if I press the "m" key, it will type " cxkv." This is a MacBook Pro, the smallest one, bought December of 2011 as a Christmas gift.

MacBook Pro, iOS 5.0.1

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Intel Mac :: Keyboard Is Not Working?

Mar 24, 2012

I have Mac bought 15 days before. Now my key board is not working. Its acting wierd, type numbers and than just dont type. Even USB key board is not working correctly. However the same key board works on other mac

iMac, In Dubai

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Intel Mac :: Occasionally Switches Itself Off?

Jun 3, 2012

My Imac(Intel) occasionally switches itself off. To bring it back to life I have to unplug it from the mains for a couple of hours. On plugging it back in the fan immediately starts up very noisily but nothing else happens. By holding down the on/off switch I turn the machine off. By pressing the on/off switch in the normal start up manner everything is OK.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Hardware :: Keyboard Backlight Not Working?

Feb 19, 2009

I own a MacBook Pro 5.1 (late 2008) and since a couple of hours my keyboard backlight suddenly turned off and I can't reactivate it anymore. When pressing the corresponding buttons which regulate the intensity of the backlight I get only the backlight icon on screen with a not available button attached to the lower corner. Is anyone familiar with this problem by chance? This happens under both OS X as well as Windows XP.

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MacBook Pro :: Lights On Keyboard Not Working

Sep 21, 2010

My roommate spilled wd 40 on my keyboard and now some of the lights don't work. If I want to fix this issue, what do I have to replace. I searched threads and some people say just the keyboard and some people say keyboard and upper case. So what exactly do I need to replace?

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MacBook :: How To Login If Keyboard Not Working

Oct 19, 2010

About a month ago, I accidentally spilled water all over my MacBook's keyboard, the mac was turned on, and I notices the keyboard wasn't working correctly; one time before that, I was taking a bath and I had my macbook in the bathroom for music, when I went out and tried to use it, the letter "p" on the keyboard wasn't working correctly, I just turned it off and a couple hours after it was working perfectly!

So I did the same thing this time, let it dry for some hours, and it didn't worked, then let it dry for several days and it still doesn't work! So I removed some keys and try to clean the keyboard with comp air and it didn't worked still. I want to know if there's a way i could log in to my macbook without having to type in the password, like using a remote keyboard or something, please, i love my macbook and i really need to use it for homework! (I study high school and need to record edit, etc music,videos and pics!)

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IMac :: BT Keyboard Not Working In Win7?

Dec 12, 2010

I used bootcamp and loaded Win7 on my month old 27". Can't get the keyboard to work in Win7.

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OS X :: Keyboard Stops Working But Only In Finder?

Mar 4, 2008

My macbook pro keyboard and my silver Apple bluetooth keyboard (primary keyboard) randomly stop working in Finder can anyone explain? Heres the details:

I usually use my wireless keyboard, and when this happens the keyboard keeps working with everything else, and only stops working in Finder i.e. I can't edit the names of files or even click through files with the arrow keys. (the Macbook Pro keyboard also stops working-only in Finder-during these times too as I just tested..)

Also, Finder keeps working its not frozen or anything, I can click around in it with the mouse and open files/apps, etc.

This has only happened approximately 3 or 4 times (I've had the keyboard since the new ones were released and the computer for 1.5 yrs)

Lastly, when I restart the OS (10.4.11) the problem disappears for a week or more..

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Hardware :: Some Keyboard Keys Are Not Working?

Mar 7, 2009

my backspace key and my down arrow are not working, and i was wondering how can I fix it

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Windows On Mac :: Numbers On Keyboard Not Working?

May 14, 2009

I have an 8 Core Mac Pro and I am running Vista Business 64bit. I have an extended keyboard, the one that came with the computer, and non of the number keys on the right hand side worke?

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OS X :: Trackpad And Keyboard Stops Working In 10.5.7?

May 14, 2009

I have some strange problem after updating my MacBookPro4,1 to 10.5.7. After a while (can be a few hours) the trackpad and keyboard stop working. When I then put the MBP to sleep and wake it up, both work again but only for about maybe 5-10 minutes. This can be reproduced (put to sleep, works for 5min, put to sleep, works for 5min, etc.) When I reboot it works again for some hours.

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PowerPC :: Keyboard Backlight On G4 Not Working

Aug 18, 2009

The backlight for the keyboard on my powerbook G4 isn't working. It worked perfectly a few weeks ago. Now when it is completely dark in the room and I turn the backlight all the way up the keys dont light up. Do the backlights on these keyboards really break?

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OS X :: Keyboard/Trackpad Stop Working - How To Fix It

Sep 6, 2009

It happens randomly. After awhile the keyboard and trackpad stop working entirely. I have to use my might mouse to reset my MBP then it they work fine again.

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MacBook Air :: Rev.A Keyboard And Touchpad Not Working

Nov 9, 2009

My wife's macbook air (rev. A) just developed this weird problem. She is putting MBA into sleep mode on battery, and the next time when MBA wakes up from sleep mode, the trackpad and keyboard does not work at all. She restarted the MBA and nothing has changed. Luckily the logitech bluetooth mouse and the usb port is still working. We are running OSX leopard dual boot with Vista ultimate 32 bits using bootcamp. But because the "option" key is not working, we don't know how to boot into windows. It is only 8 month old and we have bought the three year apple care. However, she is in China now, I am not sure if the warranty service there is as good.

What do your guys think the problem might be and what should I do about it? She don't have a superdrive with her and if we want to re-install OS, we don't want to lose the windows partition.

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OS X :: Top Sites Keyboard Shortcut Not Working?

Nov 16, 2009

Did the recent Safari update get rid of or replace the keyboard shortcut to Top Sites?

It used to be SHIFT + CMD + 1, but that isn't working for me anymore..

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OS X :: Keyboard Randomly Stops Working?

Dec 24, 2009

I have noticed that my keyboard will randomly stop working after switching Spaces or using other shortcut keys. When I hit the CMD-arrow key to switch spaces, the Spaces box that shows which space you just moved to stays on the screen and the keyboard completely stops working. A logout of required.

Running 10.6.2 with all updates applied.

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