MacBook Air :: Have Lines On Display?

Jun 13, 2012

When I turned the laptop on, it has 3 lines in the display.

MacBook Air

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MacBook Air :: Display Some Lines When Going To Google Web Page?

Dec 13, 2008

I checked the Rev B at Willow Bend store in Plano, Texas and it was:Mfr: 610Model 9C89I was really surprised since I checked the MB and it had the same Mfr and model!
o me the MB has a generally worse screen from a viewing angle. However the screen on Rev B was clearly not as good as the Rev A next to it. It did display the lines when going to Google web page.Oh way cant we get a Rev B but with the screen from Rev A???That would have been the ideal computer!What manufacturer and model do you have in Rev B?

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Intermittently Breaks - Display Lines

Aug 30, 2010

I have a macbook pro (identifier MacBookPro 5,1) which I have been happily using for about 18 months, however recently the screen has been acting up. It will occasionally display lines one pixel wide, but over the whole screen (it's quite difficult to describe so I've attached a photo). This happens seemingly out of the blue, probably once every few hours of normal use, and the only way I've been able to get it to go away is to close the laptop, then open it again - Sometimes it only takes a few goes for this fix to work, sometimes a a lot.

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MacBook :: Vertical Lines Covering Half Of My Display?

Dec 27, 2010

My 2008 Penryn White Macbook siplays vertical lines and or vertical grey/black bars on 60% of the display. This happens from when it is powered on until and including when you arrive at desktop. The space the lines occupy does not increase or shrink, they have covered the area from the moment the problem arose.

it is not the common line issue that a Tiger update solved since this Macbook came with Leopard pre-installed. The lines are still there with the hard drive removed and they are still there when I booted a live Ubuntu CD, so I have ruled out software being the cause. Also I have ruled out inverter because I would not be getting any backlighting.


To me that leaves:

-The LCD display panel itself (although there is no physical damage and it has never been dropped)

-The display data cable that connects LCD to the logic board


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MacBook Pro :: Black Lines/spots/dashes On Display?

Feb 9, 2012

Over the last few months I've started to notice my Macbook Pro (13" Mid 2010) developing display issues.. every now and then the screen will freeze and black spots/dashes/lines will appear on the screen. 

My mac is fully up to date and I can't seem to work out why this keeps happening? 

I've included some screen shots so you can all see what I'm talking about. Thoughts?

Macbook Pro 13" (2010), Mac OS X (10.6.6)

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MacBook :: Its Display Has Vertical Lines On Bottom Of Screen

Jun 27, 2012

It started out as one line and has increased to 6. Its display has vertical lines on bottom of screen


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MacBook Pro :: Display Has Colored Vertical Lines And Can't Get Computer To Do Anything

Jun 30, 2014

My display has colored vertical lines on it and I can't get the computer to do anything. Powering it off and then on again the lines just come up again. This computer is about 2 months old so this shouldn't be happening.

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MacBook Pro :: Brand New 17" Display Lines / Flickering / FAIL

Jun 30, 2009

I have a new 17" uMBP that I've owned for just a few days. I noticed yesterday that while I watching a video that i had strange green/red lines (horizontal) appear across the screen and flash/flicker. I freaked out and closed the lid, putting the unit into sleep, and opened it again and it all stopped. Today, I was using it again as usual, on firefox/etc. when it started happening again. Horizontal lines across the screen, the entire display flickering and screwing up and finally going black. I don't know what's going on, but I know this definitely isn't supposed to happen. I took a screenshot during the flickering/lines/etc but the screenshot came out perfectly fine unfortunately. I'll try and get it on camera next time.

I have all software updates installed. I tried resetting PRAM. The flickering I'm talking about isn't minor, it's actually absolutely horrendous and the computer is completely unusable when it's going on. It ultimately leads to a black screen. Anyway, this is all on the 9400, and I have no idea what's going on but I definitely know this isn't supposed to happen. UPDATE: I booted into Windows via bootcamp and it STILL happens. I also connected it to an external display(which works perfect), which leads me to believe that it's 100% a hardware issue. I'm taking it back to the apple store, enough said. This is my first Mac and I can say I'm definitely not happy to be having such issues with a $2500 machine.

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MacBook Pro :: Display Is Frequently Horizontal Gray Lines Going Across Screen

Jul 1, 2014

my MacBook pro display that there are frequently horizontal grey lines going across my screen. I've noticed it mostly when the display color should be grey or white, but that's not always the case. It occurs mostly in my Google search bar using Firefox, and also occurs heavily on Facebook in the comments/reply section of a post. Outside of the browser I've also seen it when looking through some personal photos, especially of the sky, the lines will seem to sort of outline different contrasts in white or light tones, kind of like the Magic Wand tool would do in Photoshop. The lines do flicker and change when scrolling.I attempted to snap a photo with my iPhone the best I could. 

My specs:

-13" Macbook Pro (2009)
-Intel Core 2 Duo 2.26 GHz
-NVIDIA GeForce 9400M
-Resolution: 1280x800, 32-bit Color 

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MacBook Pro :: Small Thin Horizontal Lines On Screen Display

Sep 10, 2014

After 1 month there are small thin horizontal lines appear on my macbook pro screen. i never drop or bang or what so ever.

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MacBook Pro :: Monitor Display Not Working Fine / Horizontal Scan Lines And Black Out Occasionally

Jul 9, 2009

So I had a recently purchased 17" BTO with the 7200RPM drive that worked great, but with one issue - the display would have horizontal scan lines and black out occasionally. So I called up Apple and eventually managed to get a cross-ship set up(they let me hold on to my current unit, charge my credit card and send me a second brand new 17" unit as a replacement,and then refund me for the second 17" after I send back the defective unit).

Anyway, the replacement unit looks great, but with one issue - there's a very small light dent on the bottom panel(maybe about the size of a dime). I was annoyed but don't think this is worth having to exchange, since I could probably just unscrew the panel and pop it back into place.

However, what really got to me was the fact that my replacement unit was slightly louder than my original - my original is so silent that I can't even tell it's on. However, with my replacement unit, I can hear the hard drive spinning, which is slightly annoying.

Anyway, I proceeded to restore from a time machine backup and test my replacement unit when I noticed that it would occasionally get the hard drive click + beep + freeze issue that many others who have the 7200 RPM drive seem to be facing. It's extremely annoying, and more importantly I miss the complete silence of my older unit.

My question is, while I'm still in possession of both units(which both have the exact same specs, same 7200 RPM drive, etc.), should I simply just open both up and take the silent(good) hard drive from my old unit and put it into my new one?

The click+beep freeze issue is really pissing me off, and my old unit didn't suffer from it - it's just this replacement one(doesn't make any sense).Anyway, would notice if I switched the hard drive? Would I get screwed somehow? Do they keep track of the hard drive serials or something?

I really don't want to go through the pain of sending this back, especially considering that a LOT of people are suffering from this issue, and I don't want to end up with another defective drive. I'm sick and tired of games and just want a computer that WORKS.

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OS X :: Vertical Lines On Imac Display?

Nov 10, 2010

I have a bad problem. I have these vertical lines on my Imac display. Its a Mac OSX 10.4.11. Anyone know if theres a way to fix this?

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IMac :: Horizontal Lines On Display In Safari

Jul 30, 2010

There are a bunch of horizontal lines that're plaguing my iMac. What's causing this?

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Intel Mac :: Two Vertical Lines Have Appeared On Display?

Jun 23, 2012

I have recently noticed two vertical lines (seem to be a lighter shade of display screen color) running top to bottom on my desktop. They stay on my display screen all of the time.  This lovely old guy was purchased May 2006  but has every upgrade (except Lion....running Snow Leopard) and full component of memory...serves me well but I need to know if this is a sign I am losing my hardware.

Imac with Intel Core Duo, Mac OS X (10.4.11), 512 MB memory 160GB

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Mac Pro :: Green Horizontal Lines On Display And Crashing

Aug 31, 2014

I have a 2007 Mac Pro 1,1 with attached 24" apple display and utilizing 5 GB Ram and maxed out on internal hard drives. It's been a flawless workhorse and I mostly tax it with Photoshop which it does well. Well, yesterday, I was viewing a small video on my Mac when this issue occurred. Suddenly I saw these squiggly looking horizontal lines on my display. Then I saw a spinning beach ball. I had to shut down.

I double checked my display cables in case any were loose - no issues. Restarted without issue. Went back to work on my computer - no issues doing ordinary tasks such as opening windows, moving files and surfing the internet. Went back into Photoshop and resized several dozen images without issue. Then, this happened again... restarted. Zapped PRAM just in case. Fired up Tech Tool Deluxe (older version 3.1.3) and it found NO problems, I passed all tests. 

Then... out of nowhere it crashed again, third time... I don't recall what I was doing to be honest. I shut down my Mac last night and this morning have spent an hour on and so far, so good. However, I'm not taxing it by doing anything intense. I need to use Photoshop for a project I'm working on so I will do that soon and see if this issue repeats. 

I've tried searching the forums but can't find anything conclusive to my specific issue. What else should I do? What else should I check? Is this hardware or a software issue? I have temperature monitor installed - should I be looking at specific temperature increases and if so, where? 

GPU going bad on logic board? This is a really close up image taken with my iphone, obviously the lines aren't this large.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Software :: Video Display Is All Blue With Horizontal Lines?

Jan 1, 2010

My iMac boots up (OSX 10.4) and when the desktop is about to appear the little spinning wheel start to get "fuzzy" (yes only the wheel), then when it's time for the desktop to appear the entire screen goes blue with horizontal lines across it. I can see nothing on the screen at all except that mess.

Weird thing is, if I boot using the install disc, everything is fine. he display never screws up. So I am guessing some file or something is corrupted in OSX?

I was going to do a restore, but since there have been some updates since I got it, I am worried about that whole process and not being able to get to my pictures and what not on the HD. The procedure where I can archive the current OS and reinstall the original seems like my next step.

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IMac PPC :: Bright Vertical Lines Developed On Display?

Feb 9, 2012

I've got a 2006 17" iMac (serial # starts with QP) and it's developed several bright, vertical lines on the display. Been reading around and it appears that this is not an uncommon problem. Whether this is something that can be repaired.

iMac, 17" - Manufactured August 2006

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Intel Mac :: Occasionally There Are Random Horizontal Lines On Display?

Jun 14, 2012

Occasionally there are random horizontal lines on my display. Computer sometimes freezes or screen turns black requiring a hard restart.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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IMac :: Horizontal Lines Showing Constantly On 24" Display

Jan 27, 2009

I have a 2.8GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 24 inch iMac in may-june 2008. I bought it because I wanted to avoid the 20 inch display problems. Somehow I feel I ended up with the wrong side of the deal. Check the snapshot please:
The picture was taken using my iPhone so it's not exacty Cannon quality, but still, it describes my problem in 1000 words

What would you do in my place. Would you risk getting another one, maybe a crappier one? It is ludicrous that you take part in a russian lottery when buying a fairly expensive product like a Mac.

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IMac :: Display Got Black And White Lines / On Starting Screen Goes Blank

Jul 22, 2008

So for the first time in over a year since I purchased it, my iMac crashed twice.The first time was this morning, i went to do something and the screen went black, and my secondary display got black and white lines. I had to restart. And the boot screen with the apple logo hung around for a while.

Then, later on the screen went whacky after trying to wake it from sleep (not full sleep just display sleep) and had a bunch of moving lines and then I couldn't see anything. So luckily I got a picture. After restart, it seems fine.I'll call apple care in the morning, but thought i'd try my luck here.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Green Flickering Lines Appearing Randomly On MBP Display

Jun 17, 2012

My Macbook pro's display has started playing up. Having green flickering lines which come and go randomly, especially on images with a lot of black. Right now, the lines just disappeared as soon as I connected to mains, to start recharging the laptop. I'm using OS X 10.7.4 with NVIDIA GeForce 9400M.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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PowerPC :: Display Has Bunch Of Parallel Vertical Lines Running Down / Wifi Card Pooped Out

Oct 8, 2008

So tomorrow I'm going to be getting a Powerbook G4 from a friend. He says there are two problems with it.

1. The Graphics. I haven't seen it personally, but he says every time the laptop starts up, the display has a bunch of parallel vertical lines running down it. Is this a hardware issue, and is it easy to replace? Or can an update fix it? I wonder because isn't the integrated graphics mounted on the logic board?

2. The WiFi Card. I remember the day he got it, we both say the WiFi worked like a charm. One day, it pooped out on us. Now, the only way for internet is by ethernet. Did something possibly unhook from it, or is it a bad card? Once again, a possible update for it?

I won't know for certain until I get this laptop tomorrow. I will post updates when I can physically check it out.Also, this laptop is an older one, so no warranty or AppleCare on it. It is also running Leopard, but I doubt it is updated to the latest.

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Intel Mac :: Vertical "flicking" Lines On 27" Display?

Mar 20, 2012

These lines are 1cm apart one another, and are almost invisible, but their "flicking" it's really noticeable and quite annoying working as a graphic. It has less than 2 years but they say that the warranty it's over, even if by law it should be at least 2 years, it's obviously ah hardware problem, so I'm quite sure it's a display problem and probably should be replaced.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Less than two years of life

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MacBook :: Lines Across OS Windows?

May 1, 2012

No matter what I open, the screen of my MacBook looks like this

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 2.4GHz Core i7, SSD, Hi-Res Glossy

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MacBook Pro :: How To Get Rid Of Lines On Screen

May 3, 2012

I am having multipe lines showing up on my screen, about a inch thick.


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MacBook Pro :: Having Coloured Vertical Lines?

Nov 11, 2010

I've been having this problem for the last few weeks intermittently, and occurs whenever I bring my Macbook Pro (17 � 5,2 � 10.6.4) awake from sleep, or sometimes just when I switch it on.

It is a bit difficult to describe, so here is a picture:


I have to hard-reset the laptop to fix this each time...

Do I need to send it away for repairs or is this something that I could fix myself?

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MacBook Air :: 10.5.6 - Horizontal Lines Would Be Corrected?

Dec 15, 2008

I was excited to see if the horizontal lines would be corrected but to my dismay they are still there. Looks like it's going back to Apple.

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MacBook Pro :: Removing Lines On Screen?

Jan 20, 2009

I have a Late 2007 MacBook Pro 15". There are faint lines going up on the screen. It appears to be some sort of video defect.

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MacBook Air :: IPhone 3.0 Has Screen Lines Like MBA?

Jun 19, 2009

Did anyone notice that the iPhone 3.0 has "screen lines" just like the MBA on the Messages, Phone, and iPod icons

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MacBook Pro :: Vertical Lines On LCD Screen?

Nov 9, 2009

For the past few days, my screen has been going in and out of being entirely covered by 1px white lines that occasionally flicker blue or something. Like, when I'm typing (as I am now) if the window is positioned one pixel off, the blinking cursor won't appear (and on my black screensaver, it looks more like it's white/light grey because literally every other 1px line is white). Well, this morning it got weird again, but it hasn't gone back to normal!

I have a Mid-2007 Santa Rosa Macbook Pro, 2.4 Ghz Core 2 Duo- LED Screen, backlight works fine and if I turn it completely down ('off') the problem persists. I have Boot Camp installed, and the problem persists when booting into Windows as well.

I looked around and tried a few fixes to no avail (slept the screen, reset the PRAM, messed with the resolution a bit).

I took a screenshot and everything shows up normal. I had to finish a paper I was working on, and the screen was getting unbearable, so I tried plugging it into a mate's external lcd and the image came up completely fine, no vertical lines!

So, what could this be, and what could I do to fix it? Could this be the infamous problem with the Nvidia 8600GT M graphics card- so would I have to get the logic board repaired!? (UGH I hope not) Could it just be a connection issue? I did install a new hard drive, a new stick of memory, and Leopard, but that was months ago! Anything else I might be missing? and I hope this problem isn't too serious!

P.S.-on a side-note, has anybody done the upgrade to the latest firmware for the fans (SMC something)? Should I give that a try (or should I do it anyway, regardless of whether it could help)? When it was released, I heard of some bad experiences, so I stayed away.

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