MacBook Air :: Config Is A 1.8 GHZ Core 2 Duo Base - 4GB Ram Upgrade ?
Jan 4, 2011
Figured I would come right to you guys (even though I'm a Macbook PRO owner I know this is the place to ask questions)My current config is a 1.8 GHZ Core 2 duo (base)13" model, 128GB SSD, 4GB ram upgrade (is this smart?)Warranty 1 year...will upgrade later this year.Free printer..100 cost, 100 rebate..worth it?Anything else I should add? How will this perform with imovie, iphoto, windows dual boot if I choose to?also adding pre install of iWork...41 bucks to add with student discount and promo price.
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Oct 3, 2010
I'm just going to order a new Mac Pro and noticed that it was slightly cheaper to order the base dual processor model and buy the 2.93GHz hex cores myself. A couple of questions arise:
Will my AppleCare still be valid or will I have to keep the 2.4GHz Xeons if I need to return it to Apple for any reason?
Is there market for the 2.4GHz processors?
Can I upgrade to the 3.33GHz processors or will this not work?
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Jul 28, 2010
I know other threads exist, but they don't have responses specific to me so what's the harm in one more?
So, I am going to be selling my late 2008 15" MacBook Pro this week to get a new 27" iMac and I just need some legitimate advice from those "in the know" on processors.
I plan on having this iMac for about 3 years to do the following tasks:
1.) Record and edit HD cable (1080i) from an Elgato EyeTV HD - will include some encoding of 2+ hour sports game recordings
2.) Some light editing of 720p iPhone 4 clips in iMovie
3.) Surf the web, iTunes, iPhoto, Mail, and all the other standard stuff
Assuming budget is an issue, would you recommend me spending the extra money for a Quad Core i5 iMac or would I be ok based on the info above just going with the base Dual Core i3 model?
Like, will there be a considerable difference in the two machines (factoring in processor and graphics card) that will really be worth the extra $300 - $400 for 3 years of use?
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Apr 1, 2008
is it even possible to upgrade an old dual core powermac g5 to a quad core or even an 8 core.
I have a dual core one and i really need to upgrade to a quad or even 8 but it is so expensive to buy a whole brand new one and i was wondering if there was a way to just get a new processor and more ram or what not.
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Feb 13, 2007
If you have the guts and a few thousand dollars, why wait for Apple to release it?
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Dec 5, 2007
I scanned the posts and didn't see this question, but honestly I didn't read all 20K + messages.I bought in late 2005 a dual 2.3 G5, about 6 months before the Mac/Windows combination came out. Does anyone know if I can upgrade or is it too costly to do so compared to buying a new machine.
PowerPC G5 Dual 2.3
Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Jun 27, 2012
I have a 2-3 year old powerbook pro 2.53 intel core 2 duo. It is currently running 10.5.8. Is it possible to upgrade to a later operating system? I am finding that I need newer to run some of the modern softwwre.
PowerBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 15"
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Jul 29, 2010
Hello everyone, I'm currently looking to buy a 27 inch imac and can't decide whether to get a base i3 27 inch or a refurbished i5 quad core 27 inch. With the i3 I can get the student discount and qualify for the ipod, but the i5 is 23% off right now. Which should I get? Also is there a benefit of getting a 5 series graphics card over a 4 series graphics card?
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May 14, 2010
I'm on a 4-core currently, and will be buying an 8-core next week. Is the transition as easy as just taking out my hard drives and dropping them into the new Mac Pro? Or do I actually have to start with a fresh install of Snow Leopard?
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Nov 5, 2009
I just realized something. Isn't it weird how Apple is offering a larger hard drive for the base MacBook and a smaller hard drive for the base MacBook Pro? The MacBook comes with a 250GB HDD and the Pro comes with a 160GB HDD.
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Mar 5, 2009
The HD2600XT is, well, old..I want to get a new graphics card for my mac pro, but I don't want to pay the premium for mac only cards, I've read that you can flash a 8800GT to a mac card, but they're nowhere to be found anymore, which of the currently available cards can be flashed to be a mac compatible cards? I want to be able to use just that card only...
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Apr 16, 2012
I bought my imac with intel core i5 but i would like to upgrade to intel core i7. Does apple do it or do i have to do it privatley?
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Oct 12, 2008
I just ordered a Mac Pro with Two 2.8GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon, 2G of memory, 2 500G hard drives and I am wondering it is possible to upgrade it to 3.2GHz more cost effectively then buying it from apple directly during the purchase of a computer or even post purchase?
Also my unit came with 2 500G HD's, this comp is the lifeline for my webstore, web design and storage for all my personal stuff. So i am wondering if I should just buy 2 more 500G drives for roughly 80-90 a drive( and a Raid Card to back up the first 2 500G drives or just buy a Western Digital 1 or 2 TB external OR buy a 1TB Time capsule.
The sole reason for the external or extra internal drives is in case the first 2 500G drives fail I don't lose any data.
Lastly, I bought the basic ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT 256MB card to run two monitors(one for the webstore, one for web design, photoshop and Adium or anything else I would use on the daily). I plan on putting in as BR drive(i know Leopard does not support it) but I was looking to use it for burning BR movies, and if need be run MV(microsoft Vista) to view/copy and burn BR movies(the two screens I am getting are HDCP), i am afraid this card does not support 1080P BR data, does any one know which one will?
I have talked to a Mac Genius and got no real info do to me wanting to use non Apple components IE non apple supplied HD's, memory(buying a 8G memory kit from to reach 10G of memory) and BR drive and Dell Monitors(more cost effective and supports HDCP/BR)....
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Apr 14, 2010
I'm getting so bored of waiting for Apple to bring out a new Mac Pro. So I'm now thinking why it's not possible to upgrade the processors in my dual 2.66 quad core Intel Xeon Nehalem to the new Westmere 3.33 GHz 6 core Xeon processors.They run the same voltage range so the existing power supply should be fine, have the same 1366 socket and can use the same RAM specs. Cooling should be fine as wel However, will the motherboard in the dual Nehalem Mac's run Westmere processors? Does the BIOS need to be upgraded? Would a 3rd party motherboard run them instead?I'm gathering no one has done this yet.
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Apr 23, 2012
Can I get iCloud if I use a MacBookPro with Intel Core Duo (not Core 2)? I can't upgrade from 10.6.8 to 10.7 without a Core 2.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Sep 17, 2010
I have a set budget for my 2010 Mac Pro and am having a tough time deciding between upgrading or a display. I have narrowed it down to either upping it to a 6-core Westmere or getting the base 4-core 2.8 Nehalem model and using the upgrade money for a new 27" cinema display. The upgrade to a Westmere is pretty much the same price as the new display. I will mostly be using it for Final Cut and CS5. Is the Westmere going to make a huge difference? If I go for the Westmere I will still have to cobble together enough $ to get an LCD. I also plan to add at least 16GB to it once my finances recover .
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Jul 19, 2009
Usually pick up a new mac tower ~4yrs or so and now that im halfway through usually more or less max it to the hilt to last me. Lately havnt had the time focus on trends of who's putting out the most rock solid drives, ram, and what the best setups would appreciate some feedback on my simple upgrade project for the home office...My usage is primarily heavy photography in pshop, lightroom, etc and moderate HD video editing in FCP.
First off think its time finally replace my wrt54g linksys router with one that supports NAS via usb, firewire, or ethernet... Eyeballing the 610n. Goal is to backup my data via time machine over the network now.
So for this effort i'd like to pick up 2 external 1.5tb or 1tb drives here in order to support the time machine backups, suggestions? Currently have a couple seagate 500gb externals in raid 1 via usb directly into my tower for time machine backup purposes and they are low on space. I would most likely raid 1 these as well for redundancy. What's the deal on raid 5 & 10, do the basic osx disc utilities support that yet?
Current spec on the quad core mac pro tower is the stock 250gb drive used only for the OS and apps, plus a couple 500gb seagate drives.Like to pull the 2 internal seagate drives and replace with 4 of the most reliable 1tb or 1.5tb internal drives on the market, seagate & wd have usually treated me right. Like to run raid 0 on each of the 2 pairs internally for speed so id essentially have about ~2 tb of daily workable space. Are the 2tb drives there yet in terms of reliability & value?
Lastly as for ram, risers a & b both are paired with 512 in each slot for 2gb total. Thinking 8gb would probably be sufficient for my purposes. Where are the best ram deals currently for the quality stuff.Budget isnt too much of an issue, prefer to pay few bux more quality instead of crap though im a frugal spender. Figure ~100-200ea for the internal drives, bit more for the externals, ~300 for couple 4gb ram modules,~200 for the router...
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Feb 2, 2012
I have a MBP 1,1 Core Duo which will not support Lion. I also have an iPad. I cannot upgrade to get iOS 5 features. I also am having problems seeing my mail on my MBP in Mail and don't want to have to use Safari to get mail. What are my options short of buying a new Mac
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 11, 2012
I have 20" iMac core duo 216GMZ w/ 1GB and want to upgrade memory, how much can I install? Have 2 512MB DIMM. Does the new RAM have to be same memory capacity for both DIMM? I wanted to upgrade from 10.6.8 to Lion and don't have enough memory which prompted the inquiriy. The Lion installer said I need to have min 4GB. How much memory in excess of 4GB is advisable for Lion to be a smooth running OS.
iPhone/iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.2), iOS 4
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Nov 1, 2010
I cracked open my base 13 (2GB, 128, 1.83) and must say I'm pretty impressed. But I'm getting the feeling that I'm not going to use it that much. I've already got a 27" iMac and a 32GB iPad. But I'd still like a MBA because they are fantastic machines. I'm thinking I want to swap out my 13 for a base 11 and save the $300.
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Jan 4, 2011
Buying a new iMac next month and was wondering if I can just order it with 4gb ram and add two 8gb sticks from OWC to obtain 12gb total?
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Oct 7, 2008
I would like to upgrade the memory on my mac pro to 8gb (4 x 2gb) plus the original 2gb (2 x 1gb) that comes standard for a total of 10gb. I have looked on [URL] and the prices range from $198.99 to $799.99 for 8gb (4 x 2gb) kits. The Omni Technologies Optival is mighty tempting at $198.99 and I see that OWC has 8gb for $269. What do you recommend? Is Optival any good? The reason I an adding 8gb is for multi-tasking video/audio etc.
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May 4, 2010
I recently purchased a Mac Pro and it's awesome. BUT I wanted to know is it possible to swap out the processors for maybe 2 quad cores or even 2 3.0 GHz processors and if so, how would you do it? Is this possible? (pictures of the motherboard are attached)
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May 18, 2012
Anyone know if I can upgrade my Nvidia GeforceGT120 with the NVIDIA Quadro 4000 per Mac on my MacPro 3,1????? I have a 30inch cinema display and a Wacon Cintiq 21". Could I connect both of them on this card?
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Feb 27, 2012
Am I able to up grade to Lion with a Dual-Core Intel Xeon Processor installed in my Mac Pro
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Dec 4, 2010
I see the numbers of everything from Core 2 Duo, to the slightly faster and cooler Core i3, to the supposedly faster core i5s and i7s. The benchmarks go up accordingly, but I found this does not always equate in a faster experience on most tasks.
Here's my experience so far on processor upgrade:
In one computer trade school re-certification class I am in, we are working with Windows Server 2003 on a Quad Xeon platform and it's incredibly slow.
But in a previous class we had the previous generation server edition on older Xeons, and while not fast, it was much better. On paper the newer multi-core Xeons should have made a difference, but could 2003 server software be that much more bloated than the previous Windows server edition that it would stall like that and make us wish we had the older setup?
I am going to try out the Adobe CS lab and put the new high end Dells to the test there and see if they work better than when we had an older CS version on older Xeon equipped Dells.
I don't know if this is something to do with Dell, or if Apple's increasing processor bumps/generations are going to similarly not make a difference in the speed things appear to go at, whether it's Adobe stuff, server stuff, or anything else that needs power.
I know somebody who plans on a Core 2 Duo, i5 or i7 MBP and I was wondering if the higher end processor is worth it in that case (iMovie being the main program of use).
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Sep 4, 2010
I seem to have trouble connecting my mpb with certain hdtv's - sony, toshiba. the screen resolution seems to always be bigger than the actual tv size, so the ends are cut off, such as menubar and dock can't be seen.
i can't change the settings on my tv, and the display settings on the mbp are limited. is there any app which can adjust the screen size manually? such as a zoom out tool?
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Apr 18, 2010
There's a lot of people wondering if the 13" MBPs would have been a lot better with a Core i3 processor, but everything has been just hangups over perceived old vs. new technology, and really the only thing the Core i3 adds is Hyper-Threading, but it doesn't have Turbo Boost, which helps the Core i5/i7s tremendously. Let's compare using Geekbench since it is cross-platform and one of the few available sources of info...
Core 2 Duo P8600 2.4GHz (~3362)
Core i3 330m 2.13GHz (~3472)
Core 2 Duo P8800 2.66GHz (~3700)
Core i3 350m 2.26GHz (~3680)
As you can see in both cases, the difference is pretty minimal indeed, and in single threaded applications, the C2D will easily outdo the Core i3 which lacks Turbo Boost and runs at lower clock rates.
And you get a 320M instead of Intel HD graphics with the new 13".
The Geekbench results from the old 15/17" to the new 15/17" are quite an order of magnitude better.
So unless people are expecting Core i5 processors in the 13", sticking to the C2D was actually a good decision, and given the differences between 2.4 and 2.53 isn't so large, one is far better buying the base 13" and then putting the money saved towards a good 7.2k HDD or SSD.
Note - I took averages of the 32-bit numbers and added them.
Note 2 - The C2D Pxxxx are 25W TDP processors, which are more efficient than the Core i3 which are 35W TDP processors. Less heat, better battery life from C2Ds.
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Apr 29, 2010
I've been debating whether or not to upgrade my 3 year old 15" Macbook Pro that has a 2.2Ghz Core 2 Duo (Santa Rosa) to the new 13" 2.4Ghz Macbook Pro. FYI... My current system also has 4GB of RAM. Since both systems are Core 2 Duo, what kind of speed bump am I going to see? Would this be a substantial upgrade?
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May 28, 2012
I'm buying a new MacBookPro but can't decide, due to lack of knowledge, wich one to choose and if there's a noticeble difference between, 15.4" MacBook Pro Notebook Computer 2.2GHz Intel Core i7 Quad-Core4GB of DDR3 RAM500GB 5400rpm Hard DriveAMD Radeon HD 6750M 512MB Graphics15.4" LED-Backlit Glossy Display1400 x 900 Native ResolutionSlot-Loading SuperDrive802.11a/b/g/n Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 2.1+EDRFaceTime HD Camera, Built-in MicrophoneMac OS X 10.7 Lion (64-bit)
and the 13.3" MacBook Pro Notebook Computer 2.8GHz Intel Core i7 Dual-Core8GB of DDR3 RAM (2x4GB)750GB 5400rpm Hard DriveIntel HD 3000 Graphics13.3" Glossy Widescreen Display1280 x 800 Native ResolutionSuperDrive, Secure Digital Card SlotFaceTime HD Camera, Omnidirectional Mic802.11n Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 2.1+EDRMac OS X 10.7 Lion
Besides the screen size, one would be considerable faster?
I use Photoshop and beeing a photographer I deal with large files.
MacBookPro 2.66GHz 4GB 1067MHz DDR3, Mac OS X (10.6.2)
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